Results: 10 texts
- 1Behn, AphraThe Amorous Prince, or, the Curious Husband16712007-06-30drama.prose
- 2Behn, AphraSir Patient Fancy16782010-12-28drama | drama.prose
- 3Boothby, FrancesMarcelia: or the Treacherous Friend16702001-04-23drama | drama.mixed
- 4Bradstreet, Anne (Dudley)Several Poems16782001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.narrative | verse.other
- 5Elizabeth IThe Last Speech and Thanks of Queen Elizabeth16792001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.other
- 6Hutchinson, Lucy (Apsley)Order and Disorder16792019-11-18verse | non-fiction
- 7Makin, Bathsua (Reynolds)An Essay to Revive the Ancient Education of Gentlewomen16732008-08-22non-fiction.other
- 8Philips, JoanFemale Poems on Several Occasions16792001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.other
- 9Sharp, JaneThe Midwives Book16712001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.other
- 10Whitrow, JoanThe Work of God in a Dying Maid16772001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.other