19th c.::1820s
in date
in genre
Results: 9 texts
- 1Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin)A Legacy for Young Ladies18262001-10-11fiction | fiction.story | fiction.letter | verse.lyric | non-fiction.essay | non-fiction.other
- 2Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin)The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld18262001-10-11verse | verse.lyric | verse.narrative | non-fiction.other
- 3Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin)The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld (vol. 2)18262001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.letter | non-fiction.essay | non-fiction.other
- 4Heyrick, Elizabeth (Coltman)Immediate, Not Gradual Abolition18242018-12-11non-fiction | non-fiction.essay
- 5Hofland, Barbara (Wreakes)Africa Described18282022-06-09non-fiction | non-fiction.other
- 6Judson, Ann H.Account of the American Baptist Mission to the Burman Empire18272009-12-12non-fiction.letter | non-fiction.other
- 7Sanders, Elizabeth ElkinsConversations Principally on the Aborigines of North America18292005-06-02non-fiction
- 8Sigourney, Lydia HowardSketch of Connecticut, Forty Years Since18242016-12-29non-fiction | non-fiction.other
- 9Stockton, BetseyBetsey Stockton’s Journal1824–18252021-12-17non-fiction | non-fiction.other