19th c.
in date
in genre
Results: 11 texts
- 1Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin)The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld (vol. 2)18262001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.letter | non-fiction.essay | non-fiction.other
- 2Callcott, Lady Maria (Dundas)Letters on India18142020-06-17non-fiction | non-fiction.letter | non-fiction.other
- 3Cushing, Caroline Elizabeth (Wilde)Letters, Descriptive of Public Monuments, Scenery, and Manners in France and Spain (vol. 1, France)18322005-08-15non-fiction | non-fiction.letter
- 4Cushing, Caroline Elizabeth (Wilde)Letters, Descriptive of Public Monuments, Scenery, and Manners in France and Spain (vol. 2, Spain)18322017-06-19non-fiction | non-fiction.letter
- 5Fay, Eliza (Clement)Original Letters from India18172019-11-18non-fiction | non-fiction.letter
- 6Holley, Mary AustinTexas18332005-06-02non-fiction | non-fiction.letter
- 7Judson, Ann H.Account of the American Baptist Mission to the Burman Empire18272009-12-12non-fiction.letter | non-fiction.other
- 8Kilham, HannahThe Claims of West Africa to Christian Instruction, Through the Native Languages18302007-07-31non-fiction | non-fiction.letter
- 9Kilham, HannahMemoir of the Late Hannah Kilham18372010-12-28non-fiction | non-fiction.other | non-fiction.letter
- 10Osborn, Sarah (Haggar)Familiar Letters18072017-06-19non-fiction | non-fiction.letter
- 11Royall, Anne NewportLetters from Alabama18302001-11-29non-fiction | non-fiction.letter | non-fiction.other