in genre
17th c.
in date
Results: 5 texts
- 1AriadneShe Ventures, and He Wins16962001-04-23drama | drama.verse
- 2Cary, Elizabeth (Tanfield), Viscountess FalklandThe Tragedie of Mariam16132001-04-23drama | drama.verse
- 3Philips, Katherine (Fowler)Poems by the Most Deservedly Admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda, to which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey and Horace, Tragedies16672001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.other | drama.verse
- 4Philips, Katherine (Fowler), trans. (from Pierre Corneille)Pompey16632001-04-23drama | drama.verse
- 5Pix, Mary (Griffith)The False Friend16992017-06-19drama | drama.verse