in genre
17th c.
in date
Results: 18 texts
- 1[unknown]Eliza's Babes16522001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.other
- 2Barker, JanePoetical Recreations16882008-08-22verse.lyric | verse.other
- 3Behn, AphraA Pindaric Poem16852002-02-06verse | verse.other
- 4Bradstreet, Anne (Dudley)Several Poems16782001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.narrative | verse.other
- 5Bradstreet, Anne (Dudley)The Tenth Muse16502001-04-23verse | verse.other | verse.lyric
- 6Cary, MaryThe Little Horns Doom and Downfall, and A New and More Exact Map16512001-10-12non-fiction | non-fiction.other | verse.other
- 7Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of NewcastlePlays (prefatory and concluding matter)16622001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.other | verse.other | drama.prose
- 8Cavendish, Margaret (Lucas), Duchess of NewcastlePoems and Fancies16532001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.other | non-fiction.other
- 9Egerton, Sarah (Fyge)The Female Advocate16862001-04-23verse | verse.other
- 10Evelyn, MaryMundus Foppensis: or the Fop Displayed16912013-03-05verse | verse.other | non-fiction
- 11Evelyn, MaryMundus Muliebris: or, the Ladies Dressing-Room16902013-03-05verse | verse.other | non-fiction
- 12Killigrew, AnnePoems by Mrs. Anne Killigrew16862001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.other
- 13Munda, ConstantiaThe Worming of a Mad Dog16172001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse.other
- 14Philips, JoanFemale Poems on Several Occasions16792001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.other
- 15Philips, Katherine (Fowler)Poems16642001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.other
- 16Philips, Katherine (Fowler)Poems by the Most Deservedly Admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda, to which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey and Horace, Tragedies16672001-04-23verse | verse.lyric | verse.other | drama.verse
- 17Sidney, Mary, Countess of PembrokeDialogue Between Two Shepherds In Praise of Astrea16022001-04-23verse | verse.other
- 18Sutcliffe, Alice (Woodhouse)Meditations of Man's Mortality16342002-04-04non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse.other