in genre
in genre
- 1Anger, JaneJane Anger Her Protection for Women15892001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse.lyric
- 2Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (Aikin)A Legacy for Young Ladies18262001-10-11fiction | fiction.story | fiction.letter | verse.lyric | non-fiction.essay | non-fiction.other
- 3Biddle, HesterThe Trumpet of the Lord Sounded Forth Unto These Three Nations16622001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse.lyric
- 4Bowdler, JanePoems and Essays17862015-05-18non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse | verse.lyric
- 5Candler, Ann (More)Poetical Attempts18032008-08-22verse | verse.lyric | non-fiction.essay
- 6Chudleigh, Lady Mary (Lee)Essays Upon Several Subjects in Prose and Verse17102008-08-22non-fiction.essay | verse.other
- 7Lennox, Charlotte (Ramsay)The Lady's Museum1760–17612008-08-22non-fiction.essay | fiction.story | non-fiction.letter | non-fiction.other | verse.lyric
- 8Munda, ConstantiaThe Worming of a Mad Dog16172001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse.other
- 9Murray, Judith (Sargent)Desultory Thoughts1784-102008-08-22non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse.other
- 10Murray, Judith (Sargent)On the Equality of the Sexes17902008-08-22non-fiction.essay | verse.other
- 11Plato, AnnEssays18412001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse.lyric
- 12Rowson, Susanna (Haswell)A Present for Young Ladies18112013-03-05non-fiction.other | verse.lyric | verse.narrative | drama.verse | non-fiction.essay
- 13Sowernam, EsterEsther Hath Hang'd Haman16172002-04-04non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse.lyric
- 14Sutcliffe, Alice (Woodhouse)Meditations of Man's Mortality16342002-04-04non-fiction | non-fiction.essay | verse.other