18th c.::1790s::1791
in date
Results: 9 texts
- 1Benger, Elizabeth OgilvyThe Female Geniad17912001-10-11verse | verse.narrative
- 2Brooke, CharlotteThe School for Christians17912024-06-17fiction | drama | fiction.other
- 3De Fleury, MariaDivine Poems and Essays17912007-06-30verse | verse.lyric | verse.other
- 4Robinson, Mary (Darby)Impartial Reflections on the Present Situation of the Queen of France17912002-05-07non-fiction | non-fiction.essay
- 5Sheridan, Frances (Chamberlaine)Eugenia and Adelaide, a Novel (vol. 1)17912016-07-07fiction | fiction.novel
- 6Sheridan, Frances (Chamberlaine)Eugenia and Adelaide, a Novel (vol. 2)17912016-12-29fiction | fiction.novel
- 7West, Jane (Iliffe)Miscellaneous Poems, and a Tragedy17912002-02-11verse | verse.lyric | drama.verse
- 8Williams, Helen MariaA Farewell, for Two Years, to England17912001-04-23verse | verse.lyric
- 9Yearsley, Ann (Cromartie)Earl Goodwin, an Historical Play17912007-07-31drama.prose | verse.other