17th c.::1680s::1688
in date
Results: 9 texts
- 1Barker, JanePoetical Recreations16882008-08-22verse.lyric | verse.other
- 2Behn, AphraA Discovery of New Worlds, Translator's Preface16882001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.other
- 3Behn, AphraThe Emperor of the Moon16882010-12-28drama | drama.prose
- 4Behn, Aphra (Johnson)Oroonoko16882021-06-15fiction | fiction.novel
- 5Cellier, Elizabeth (Dormer)To Dr.---- An Answer to his Queries, Concerning the College of Midwives16882001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.other
- 6Elizabeth IThe Marriage Speech (extemporaneous version)16882001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.other
- 7Elizabeth IA Speech Made by Queen Elizabeth16882001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.other
- 8Holden, MaryThe Womens Almanack for the Year of our Lord 168816882023-12-11non-fiction | non-fiction.other
- 9Waite, Mary, et al.Epistle from the Womens Yearly Meeting at York, and an Epistle from Mary Waite16882001-04-23non-fiction | non-fiction.letter