in genre
18th c.
in date
Results: 7 texts
- 1Deverell, MaryMary, Queen of Scots; An Historical Tragedy17922008-08-22drama.verse
- 2Finch, Anne (Kingsmill), Countess of WinchilseaAristomenes: or, the Royal Shepherd17132001-04-23drama | drama.verse
- 3Francis, Anne (Gittins)A Poetical Translation of the Song of Solomon17812008-08-22drama.verse
- 4Leapor, MaryPoems Upon Several Occasions (vol. 2)17512015-05-18verse | verse.lyric | verse.narrative | drama.verse | non-fiction.letter
- 5Warren, Mercy (Otis)The Adulateur17732010-12-28drama | drama.verse
- 6West, Jane (Iliffe)Miscellaneous Poems, and a Tragedy17912002-02-11verse | verse.lyric | drama.verse
- 7Wiseman, JaneAntiochus the Great: or, the Fatal Relapse17022019-11-18drama | drama.verse