Of the Lord Sounded forth unto
Three Nations,
As a Warning from the Spirit of Truth;
unto Thee, Oh England, who art looked
upon as the Seat of Justice, from whence
righteous Laws should proceed.
Likewise, unto Thee, thou great and famous City
of London,
doth the Lord God of Vengeance sound
Warning more into thine
Ear, that (if possible)
haply thou mayest hearken unto him, and amend thy
life before it be too late.
With a
Word of wholsome Counsel and Advice
unto thy
King, Rulers, Judges,
Bishops and
Priests, that they may
prize the Day of their Visitation, before it pass away:
As also, a Word of Prophesie of the sore
Destruction that
is coming upon them if they Repent not.
Together with a few Words unto the
Royal Seed, which
is chosen of God, and separated from the World, to
do his Will for ever.
By one who
is a Sufferer for the Testimony of Jesus, in Newgate,
London, Printed in the Year, 16621662.
Warning more from the Lord God of
sounded forth unto Thee, Oh City of
Oh London, London! The dreadful Lord God of
Everlasting strength, which faileth not, his notable,
terrible, and dreadful Day is coming upon thee as
at noon day, and from it thou canst not escape, neither
canst thou quench God’s Fire which burns as an Oven,
which is overtaking thee: Oh the burden of the Lord
this Treacherous and Backsliding City! Oh! Calamity, upon
Calamity, Misery upon Missery, Plagues upon Plagues,
Sickness upon Sickness, and one Disease upon another
the Lord God of Power bring upon thee, and the Lord will
thee from being inhabited, unlesse thou dost
repent from
the bottom of thine heart, and lead a new Life, and abhor thy
self in dust and ashes; The Everlasting Counsellour
Prince of Peace is come, and coming to take Peace from thee,
and to hide comfort from thine Eyes.
Oh! wo is me for thee, my heart is even broken within me, and
mine Eyes as a Fountain Floweth forth before the Lord in thy
behalf, that the bitter Cup which thou and thy joining Sister
hath to drink, may be taken away, if it be his will. Oh! that
thou wouldst return unto the Lord as Nineveh did,
who received
the Message of CGod; And the King came
from his Stately
Throne, and humbled himself before the Lord, and his Soul
was obedient unto the higher Power, which is God, and all that
had a being in that City, both Man and Beast, was covered
Sackcloth and ashes; Three dayes and three nights they
themselves before the higher Power, who is King of Kings
and Lord of Lords, who is Governour amongst the Gods, even
he repented himself of the Evil which he thought to bring
them, and accepted of their Humiliation.
Oh London! it would
be well for thee to consider thy wayes,
and Worship, and Religion, and search with the Light, and
the Light shew thee whether thy wayes and Worship, and
Law is pure, which is given forth in thee; if it be not so, I
pray thee as in Christ stead, let his Light lead thee into
his way
and Judgements, and Worship, and Religion, which are holy,
that thy Soul may be saved in the Terrible Day of the Lord;
there are hundreds in thee, that do not know their right hand
from their left, neither can they discern the Power of the
from the Power of the Beast. Therefore hath the Lord stayed
his fury from breaking forth upon thee; yet a little while and
the Mighty hand, and out-stretched Arm of the Lord, which is
stretched forth from Sea to Sea, will come upon thee
Oh thou City! saith the Lord, who formed thee in the womb,
and gave thee Life and Breath, and hath been as a tender
and loving Nurse even from thy Cradle; have not I made
the Earth to bring forth her Corn, and Oyl, and Wine for thee?
have I not cloathed the Earth and Grasse, and the dew to
upon it, and the softly Showers of Rain? have not I
caused to distill upon thy Flowers and Vines that they
give a Fragrant Smell unto thee? how have thy Streets and
houses been dressed with the glory of them? and have not
eyes beheld the Glorious Collours of the Flowers and Workmanship
of my hands, the which many of you shall see no
because of my destroying Angel.
Oh London! have not I
who am the God of the whole World,
placed a glorious burning Fire in thee, which all the water in
the Sea cannot quench, which gives light in thee, and unto
and all Nations; which is my witness in every man, which
stands up for me against all manner of Sin? hath not the
broken up the Seals of the great deep, and opened the Fountain
of Everlasting Life in the midst of thee, to wash thee from thy
Leprosie, and to heal thy putrifying sores: Oh! thou art
full of
running sores, from the crown of thine head, to the sole of
thy foot, there is not a free place; have not I opened a well
of pure water to bathe and make thee white? I the Lord of
hath caused my Sons, and Daughters, and Handmaids to leave
both Father, and Mother, House and Land, Wife and Children;
and indeed all outward things, to come unto thee,
up early in sore Travels and labours, to warn thee, and call
to Repentance, that thou mightst be saved before my
stroke be struck at thee, which will not fail: have not
shewed thee many things which hath come to passe? I have
shewn and am shewing Signes in Heaven and Earth, in thee,
which shall make the keepers of the house to tremble; have
not the dead been raised, the blind made to see, the Lame
walk, the dumb to speak, the Leopards been cleansed in
have not I made the Elements to melt with fervent heat, the
Powers of Heaven have been shook by me, the Sun have I
turned into darkness, and the Moon hath lost her Light: The
old Heaven, and the old Earth hath the Lord made to passe
away at the Brightness of his coming; and as I have worked
and suffered in you, so I will do until I have made up my
Jewels, which I am perfecting through sufferings in thee;
until I have gathered my Seed from the four winds in thee, into
my Bosom, from whence it came, until then will I work, and
bear the burden of iniquity, even until the Seed suffering
is come to an end; and then shall not my eye pitty,
hands spare thee, but I will bathe my Sword in thy blood, and
will give thee blood to drink, even as thou hast done by my
Lambs, even so will I do by thee; and as they have
seen their blood lie in thy Streets, so shalt thou see
thine, and
the day will be hot and terrible that is coming upon thee,
unlesse thou dost repent; I the Everlasting God have
down out of my Holy Habitation, and have beheld the Sufferings
of my People, notwithstanding the noble and worthy Acts
that have been done by my People in thee, how hast thou
Bruised, Beaten, and Knocked down, Killed and Spilt the
blood of my innocent Lambs, and haled them into thy nasty
Prisons until they die; Oh! the blood of the innocent is
in thee, which cryeth aloud for Vengeance unto my Throne,
Drunkenness, Whoredom, and Gluttony, and all manner of
Ungodliness, Tyranny and Oppression, is found in thee;
Priests Preach for hire, and thy
People love to have it so; Rioting
and ungodly meetings, Stage-Playes, Ballad Singing, Cards,
Dice, and all manner of Folly (not in corners only, but
in the
high places of thy streets) wicked works & actions are
not punished
by thee, and hundreds may meet together to commit
and take the name of the pure God in vain, and cause his
to mourn, and abuse themselves with his Creatures, until
can neither go, nor hardly speak; Taverns and Ale-houses
are frequented day and night, and are seldom disturbed by
Magistrates, or sent to Prison, or Bruised, or Knocked
but they that are Innocent and cannot lift up a hand, or bear
Arms for or against any man, and have no evil or hard thought
their Hearts against any one, neither do they speak evil of
they know not, or contemn Magistracy, but reprove Sin in the
Gate, and ungodliness
in the Streets, and so have made themselves
a Prey; these are they that are Punished by thee, and
whose Sufferings
are deeper than any People upon the Earth besides.
Oh London! the sins
of the old world is found in thee; art
thou guilty or not guilty? for thy time draweth near, wherein
thou must give an account unto me, who am a dreadful and
terrible Judge, unto that Spirit which leadeth thee into
Oh! thou art grown numerous, and very great, thy beam
reacheth unto Heaven, and thy Glory unto the end of the
Earth, and thou hast Crowned thy self with Dignity, and
built thy Nest among the Stars, and sitteth as a Queen, thou
hast made thy self strong, and hast said in thy
Heart, “Thou shalt
not see Sorrow”; thou seest no Scarcity within thy Gates, but
Fulness within thy Pallaces: But know this as from the Lord,
thou bloody City, thou shall know his terrible stroak, who
God Almighty; He will plead with thee as in the Valley of
Jehosaphat, even with the Fire
of his Wrath, and the glittering
Sword of his Spirit.
Oh! thou famous and beautiful Harlot, who art beautified with
the Glory of Egypt,
thou hast played the Whore with many
Lovers; Oh! thy Bed is defiled, and thou hast forgotten thy
which maketh my Soul to mourn; thy strength shall
weakness, and thy Glory shall perish, thy beauty
shall be
turned into ashes, and thy honour shall become
because thou art covered with a dark Cloud of Sin and
and so cannot behold the Lord; Envy hath
misled thy
mind, which hath caused thee to Imprison his
Messengers, not
only them of thy own City, but Strangers, who hath forsaken
all to visit thee in Bowels of Everlasting Love; and thus
hast thou rewarded them, which is contrary to Christ’s
which is to love Strangers.
In the Dayes of Old, they received Strangers and washed
their Feet, and gave them to eat and to drink; but thou briuuisest
and knockest them down, and keepest them in Prison from
Families; and hast said, The Parish will look after them:
thou merciless City! dost thou think to obtain Mercy from
Lord? How many Families hast thou seperated, the Wife from
the Husband, and the Husband from the Wife, and the Mother
from her Children, and the Servant from the Master, not
suffering them to see each other for a time; The Lord hath
said, “Cursed is He that
separateth a man from his Wife”; and dust
not thou bring that Curse and many more upon thy head? we
have been found in no Plots nor Risings, but have seeked the
good of all Souls, and the Prosperity of all Nations; in
Dayes, and ever since we have been gathered out of the
and Vanities of this City, and could not Bow unto
we have been a suffering People, and
nothing could be
found against us but concerning the Worship of our God, which
must disanul all unjust Laws made by Man: The Medes and
Persians had nothing
against Daniel, but concerning his Faith;
and I know Daniels Spirit liveth amongst us.
Therefore consider what thou art doing, for in vain dost thou
set up Briers and Thornes in Battle against the terrible
God, for by the brightness of his Coming shall they be
up; for assuredly the Lord will arise mightily for his
Seeds sake,
for as a Lyon roused up, is he come, who is the munition of
Rocks, and as a she Bear bereaved of her young Ones, will
he roar and disquiet all thy Inhabitants.
Oh London! God hath a
remnant in thee, which he hath
marked for his own, which shall escape the Wrath that is to
come; Glory, Glory, Songs of Everlasting Praises be
unto the living God, who hath not left himself without a
witness in thee; Oh London! If thou wouldst return saith the Lord
Almighty, I will heal thy Back-slidings, and forgive thee
all thy
Sins; I will withdraw my bitter Cup which I have filled
full of
my Indignation, and I will cover thee with my Garment of
Everlasting Love, and I will be married unto thee, even as
a young Man marrieth a Virgin, never to be
seperated; I looked
down from the Throne
of my Glory, and I saw thy distressed
Condition, thou art all
Sheep without a Shepherd, as upon
the Mountains of Prey, and art scattered hither and thither,
amongst the Clouds of Religions; thou knowest not which way
to turn, thou art like the Dove, thou canst find no rest
footing for the soal of thy foot; thou art liable to be torn
the Woolfs, and devoured by the Lyons; thy Teachers are removed
into corners, and thou art disposessed of thy
Houses and Service: Therefore saith the Lord, do I pitty thy
Condition; and if thou wilt hearken unto me, who am near
thee in thy Heart, and in thy mouth; at thy down lying I am
thee, and in the night season I visit thee, and at thy
uprising I call
thee to repentance: how many years have I born with
thee, as I
did with the old World? but my Patience came to an end, and
my Wrath waxed hot, and so it will against thee, if thou
not hear my beloved Son, which I have sent a Light into the
World; and if thou wilt learn of the Light which shines in
thy Heart, then thou wilt be on heaps no more, neither will
thy Teachers, and Worships, and Church, by any more removed
into Corners, but thou wilt be built upon Christ, the
and Ground of Truth, who is the Church of the Firstborn;
then wilt thou have Fellowship with the Lord, and
thy Glory, and Crown, and Beauty shall never have an end,
but thou shalt be the Glory of the whole Earth, and the
of all Nations, and Kings, shall come to thy rising, and
to the brightness of thy Glory; there is no City upon the
Earth can say as thou canst
in this latter day, for the Power of
the Lord hath been shed abroad in thee, and thou hast been
visited more than any; therefore prize the Son of the Lord,
least thou art cast into utter Darkness; for it is I the
Lord that
chaineth Leviathan, which no man can tame,
who am God, and
there is none besides me; by my Wisdom the World was made,
and the Heavens framed; I created the Sea, and caused the
to run into it, and have set the Sands, as swadling
that it cannot over-pass; and this is my decree which I will
sealed unto my people, I am the
Quakers God, and will be with
them unto the end of this World, and in the end they shall
be with me in my Glorious Kingdome, where they shall be
kept from their Persecutors, and lye down in joy, peace and
tranquility, with the rest of my holy Martyrs, and Prophets,
and Apostles, in years past: and I am utterly against all
do oppose them, who am a terrible God, and will bring the
wickedness of the wicked to an end, but the righteousness
the righteous doth live with me.
This is my Decree, and it shall live for ever, and remain
World without end; and if thou canst cause the rain from
or the Stars from shining, or the Sun from going her
Course, or giving light to the Nations, then mayest thou
my Decree with my People, whose seed shall be for number
as the sand upon the Sea shore, and for Multitude as the
of Heaven, and they shall shine in Glory more brighter than
Sun at noon day, in the Firmament of my Power, when the
generation of the wicked, shall be cast into the Lake,
is prepared of God, for the King of darkness and his Subjects.
The Trumpet of the Lord sounded forth
unto England,
Scotland, and
Ireland; with a Word
of wholsome
Advice and Counsel to the King, Rulers, and Judges
Oh King! this is my Counsel unto
thee, and thy Rulers and
Judges; Oh! hearken unto the Light of Christ in your
Consciences, that it may bear rule in your hearts, that you
Judge for the Lord, and oppression may be expel’d in your
Oh! that you would do Justice, and love Mercy, and walk
humbly with the God of heaven, then would the Lord
give you
length of dayes, and a long life, Peace and Plenty shall be
your Dominions, every one shall sit under his own Vine and
Fig-tree, and none shall make them afraid, joy and
shall be in your Palaces; this shall you see and
know to be
accomplished, if you will leave off oppressing the
Righteous, and
set the Captive free.
Oh ye Rulers, Judges, and Justices, and all People high and
low! be it known unto you from the mighty Judge of Powerful
Majesty, that he is risen, who will scatter Rulers in
his anger,
and will pluck down Kings in his wroth. Oh! the anger of the
Lord waxeth hot against all workers of iniquity, and he
will set
his oppressed seed free, which cryeth unto him for
and know this, what cruelty soever be in your hearts
against us,
the Lord will confound it and bring it to nothing; for the
is on our sides, and we fear not Imprisonment, Banishment, Fire
or Tortures, or whatever the
wrath of man can inflict upon us;
for our hearts are firmly fixed upon the Lord, and we are
given up in Body, Soul, and Spirit to suffer for God’s
Oh you Rulers! if the Lord suffereth you to Banish us, I
that the Lord will go along with us, as he did with Abraham
in a strange Land, but know this, we shall leave a seed
us, which shall be your tormentor, and shall witness
for us
when we are gone.
Oh Lord! I commit our case unto thee, who art faithful, and
keepeth Covenant for ever, and I know thou wilt fight our
and plead our cause with the mighty on earth, who
destroy us from being a People if thy Power did not
us; Glory and Honour be given unto thee, who hath
us about with songs of everlasting praises; and we may
the hour and time that thou raised up a People in the
even a dreadful and terrible Army, who Marched swiftly in
Power through the Nations, and by them we were convinced,
and turned towards the Lord, and they shall be the dread of all
Nations, and God hath crowned them with an everlasting
Crown, which neither Men nor Devils shall be able to take
from them.
Oh you Rulers and Judges of these Nations! do you
think to
overcome us or make us yeeld by keeping them in Prison,
you think are our Teachers, and Ring-leaders? nay, Christ
our Teacher, and he cannot be removed into a corner, who is
the Antient of Dayes, and will cause us to increase
dayly, and
to grow as Calves in the stall; we are not like the World,
must have a Priest to Interpret the Scriptures to them,
when he is removed, they are scattered and knows not what to
do; but my friends, we witness the Scriptures fulfil’d, who
said in the latter dayes, “He would pour out his Spirit upon Sons
and Daughters”, and “they
should Prophesie”; “and
they shall all be
taught of me”, and “great shall be their peace”, and
“in righteousness
shall they be established”: So the Lord doth not
speak unto us in
an unknown Tongue, but in our own Language do we hear
him perfectly, whose voice is better than life; and for
cause doth the unlearned hate us, and uncircumcised
us, because we cannot own the Teaching that is of this
but that which cometh immediately from God, and that is pure
and refresheth the Soul, and holdeth up the head in the day
Battel, and it causeth us to meet together, to worship
Lord as we ought to do; and Oh you Rulers, and People! it is
vain for you to strive against us, for the God of heaven
is with us.
Oh England,
Scotland and
Ireland! but more
especially thou
O England, that
art the most fruitful and famous Land, in which
the Lord hath been pleased to make manifest his Life and
Power, Beauty and Glory, more than in any Nation under
the Heavens; in so much, that he hath raised his sons
and daughters
from death to life, and hath made them bold and valiant
Souldiers for his Testimony, which he hath given them to
forth unto all Nations; and by the Glorious and Powerful Word
of Life, which hath proceeded out of their mouthes, hath thy
Judges and Rulers been convinced of the evil of
their way, and
have been made to confesse to the Truth, both Priests
and People,
both High and Low, Rich and Poor, hath the Lord
in this day of great Salvation, and everlasting love; so
none could plead ignorance, but many like Demas hath
the Truth, and Imbraced this present evil World: And now
Oh England! will
the Lord try and prove all thy Inhabitants,
from the King that sitteth upon his Throne, unto the Beggar
that sitteth upon the dunghill, even all sorts of
professors and
prophane; Oh! the Fire is kindled, and the Furnace is
hot, in the which your works and worships, Faith and
must be tryed, and that which will not remain in the
must be consumed by the Fire of the Lord; for the most
and Glorious King is a trying and purifying his Children in
Furnace, as Jerusalem, that they may
come forth as pollished
Silver, and well refined Gold; and he hath brought many
through the Furnace, and hath set them as Pillars in his
to bear forth a Valiant and Noble Testimony of what they
seen, tasted and handled of the Word of Life, unto thy
and unto the whole World, that they may fear that
dreadful God, who made Heaven and Earth, in whose sight
whole World is but as the drop of a Bucket, and at whose
the heavens shall wax old as a garment that moths
eat, and the Element shall passe away with a great
noise, the
Earth shall be dissolved, and all things therein
shall mourn, and
the souls shall fail before him which he hath made.
Oh! let your King and Queen, Dukes and Earls, Lords and
Ladies, Judges and Rulers, and all Bishops,
Deacons, Priests and
People in these three
Nations, and all the World, consider their
wayes, worships, and religions, and fear and tremble before
the mighty God, who hath the hearts of Kings and Rulers in
his hand; times, and seasons are with him, the Dominions
of the
World are at his disposing, who is the high and lofty
One, and
doth Inhabit Eternity; what is the Pope or the Kings of the
Earth, will he not bring them to judgement, and turn them to
dust again from whence they came?
Oh you high and lofty ones! who spendeth God’s Creation
upon your lusts, and doth not feed the hungry, not cloath
naked, but they are ready to perish in the streets; both
old and
young, lame and blind lyeth in your streets, and at your
doors, crying for bread, which even melteth my heart,
maketh the soul of the righteous to mourn: did not the Lord
make all men and women upon the earth of one mould, why
then should there be so much honour and respect unto
men and women, and not unto others, but they are almost
for want of Cloathing, and almost starved for want of
and are you not all brethren, and all under the Government of
one King? Oh repent! least the Lord consume you, and be
ashamed, and cloath the naked, and feed the hungry, and
the oppressed free.
Oh King! thou art as head under
God over these three Nations,
& the Lord hath set thee as overseer, to see
Justice and true
Judgement Executed in thy Dominions; Oh! let all unjust
Lawes and unrighteous Decrees made in thy dayes, and before
thy dayes, all disanul’d and made of none effect, and
henceforth let there be good and wholsom Lawes
that all the honest hearted in thy Dominions may worship
God of their Life, without any molestation; and if thou
decreest any thing, let it not grieve the Lord, for the
God of Israel
looketh for better fruit at thy hands than he did
of all that are gone before thee; for in the time of Ignorance God
winked, but now is the glorious Light of the Morning
risen, and God
calleth all men everywhere to Repentance.
Oh you Rulers, Priests, and People of these three Lands! I
most humbly intreat you to learn Wisdom before it be too
and prudence before it be hid from your eyes. Oh! leave off
old wayes and Worships, and
observing Dayes, Times and Seasons,
and learn the new and living way, which is the way in the
though a wafering man or
a fool shall not err therein; this
calls for Holiness and Purity,
without which you cannot see the
Lord; therefore consider you are but Men, and made of
dust of the Earth, and you know not how soon you may
to your long homes, and shall be seen no more; have you
length of your life, or the number of your dayes in your own
hands? have you the command of Death, or can you stay its
stroke? nay, you are but as potsheards broken by the hand
of the
Potter, you are here to day and gone to morrow, your Beauty is
as the grass, and your glory as the Flower
thereof, cut down by the
hand of the Mower; your Crown is mortal, and will fade away;
Ah, poor dust and ashes, why do you persecute us even
to Death,
for no other cause but for worshiping the God of Heaven?
do you think that the Lord is such a one as your selves?
or are
you so vain to believe, that he winks or joyns with you in
Knocking down, and spilling our blood in your
Streets, and Murdering of us in your Prisons? nay, nay
he hath suffered such things to be done, for the Tryal of
Faith, and the filling up of the measure of your Iniquity,
is near full; Now will I arise, saith the
dreadful and terrible
God, who am cloathed with Vengeance as with a
Robe, and
with Zeal as with a Garment, and I will
tear and devour,
and for Sions
sake I will not be quiet, and for my beloved
I will not be silent, but I will roar
and thunder forth
my voice out of my Holy Mountain, and the Beasts shall
the Earth shall be as a smoke, the tall Cedars
shall fall,
and the stirdy Oakes shall be plucked up by the Roots,
and all
things of this World shall be afraid; the Bats shall go
their Holes, and the Lyons into their Dens, when the Lord
appeareth in his Beauty, to make Inquisition for blood,
shall your hearts fail you for fear of those things that
are coming
upon you; in that Terrible Day, all your lovers will do you
no good, and your familiars will stand afar off; then
must you
be left to the Judge of Judges, where you shall see the
Book of
Conscience opened, where your Indictments will be read at
large, and he will Judge you according as your deeds shall
Oh then! if you have not done Justice, nor loved mercy, or
the thing that was Just in the sight of the Lord, then
shall you
be Banished from the presence of the King of Heanven for evermore,
into utter darkness, where is weeping,
wailing, and gnashing
of Teeth, and you shall be a stink to Ages to come.
Oh! blessed and happy will it be for those
Judges, and Rulers,
and People, who hath clean hands, and pure hearts,
and have not
joyned with the wicked in persecuting the Innocent;
there reward will be great in Heaven.
My Friends, I was once of this Religion which is now in
Power, I was signed with the sign of the Cross, &
baptized into
the Faith; my Godfathers and Godmothers Promised and
Vowed, that
I should forsake the Devil and all his works, the
Pomps and Vanities
of this wicked World, and all the sinful lusts of the
Flesh, and that
I should keep Gods Holy Will and Commandments all the
dayes of my
life; and when I was young, my Father had me
Bishop’d, thinking
thereby to gain a blessing for me: I spent many years
in Oxford,
where the carriages of the Schollars, did trouble me in that
day, they were so wilde; after the best sort of
Religion and
custom of the Nation, was I brought up; then the Lord drew
me to this City, where I applyed my heart both Evening and
Morning, and at noon day, unto reading and hearing the
when there was but one place of Worship
left in
this City, I went to it, and when there Books were burned, I
stood for them, for my heart was wholly joyned unto them;
when the King’s head was taken off, my heart and Soul was
that I was even weary of my Life, and the Enemy waited
to devour me; then did the Lord take away my hearing that I
was deaf as to all Teachings of Men for a year; then that
which I was baptized in, did no good, for all that the Man
Women had promised, and vowed, I should do, I could not
forsake the Pomps and Vanities, and sinful lusts of the
I run into; and they stood alwayes before my eyes, my cry
continually unto the Lord, that I might put off that body of
death, which hindred me from his presence; then did the
carry me to a Meeting of the People called Quakers, where
I was filled with the dread and Power of the Lord, and it
raised my Soul to bear Testimony to the Truth, and after
a little
season the Lord set my sins in order before me,
and every
idle word which I had spoken was brought to my remembrance,
where I received a just reward from the Lord, and so came
have Peace of Conscience with my Saviour, which I never
obtain whilst I walked with those People.
Oh my Friends! I can truly say, ever since I was a Child,
the witness of God pursued me, and what ever I did, I had
Peace in this worship, or Service, which is now in being;
tired and vexed my tender Soul, to see what a sad
estate I was
in; but now Glory be to the Lord, I am set at Liberty from
this vain Religion, which never profited me at all; and would
you have me to conform to this Religion, which keepeth the
Soul in the grave? nay I shall never conform unto this
whilst I have breath, but shall bear my Testimony
against it, for
I know the powerful CGod is risen to
throw it down, and wo be to
all that uphold it.
Oh your Rulers! be it known unto you, if you will not do
Justice and ease the oppressed, and set the Captives
free, the
Lord will overturn you, and destroy you from being a People,
as he hath done in years past; for his sword is in his
hand, and
it will cut you down, unless you do repent, ye shall
Warning more to the Bishops, Priests, Deacons,
Friers, and Jesuites.
Oh! Woe be
unto you Bishops, Priests,
Deacons, Friers, and
Jesuites, and all other Officers under you, for the Lord is
risen in Power, yea, he is risen in dreadful and terrible Wrath;
Oh! I have seen, I have seen this Night, the dreadful Flames
which the Lord God will cast you into; Oh! your Communion-
Tables which you sacrifice upon unto Devils, and not unto the
living God, your Altars which you bow down unto, and make
an Image of, will the dreadful Lord of Vengeance overthrow
in his fiery Indignation; your Surplices and
Tippets, and all
your loathsome Robes, which you dress your selves withall,
which are like unto a menstrous Cloth before the Eye of the
pure Jehovah,
he will rent them all off, who is the Bishop of
our Souls: Oh you Bishops, Priests,
Deacons, Friers and Jesuits!
once more will the Judge of Heaven and Earth plead with you,
because you are a blood-thirsty Generation, you are building
of Zion with
blood, and Jerusalem
with Iniquity, as your Forefathers
did in the dayes of old: Therefore will the Lord of
Harvest cast you heaps upon heaps, as stones in the street, and
as mire in the high-way; the Lord of Heaven and Earth loaths
your Worships, your Singing, and the
Noise of your Organs doth
the Lord abhor; and instead of your Instruments of Musick, will
the Lord make you howl and lament bitterly, in so much that
the Earth shall be astonished, and your Downfal shall be so
great, that Nations shall fear and tremble before our God; your
Communion and Union is with Devils and
unclean Spirits, and
not with the powerful God, which creats a new Heaven, and a
new Earth; and this shall you see fulfilled in its time and season;
for the Lord hath determined your utter Destruction, both
Pope and Bishops, both root and
branch, from off the face of the
Earth: Oh it hastens, it hastens, and Wrath will not stay.
In this glorious day, in which
Zion is rayed in beauty bright, To stand in her strength against this dark Night; Whose Clouds are so many, and Skie so dim, That Zions Beauty
can hardly be seen; But the Lord is risen in this his glorious Day, To sweep Bishops, Prelates, and
Clouds away.
for evermore.
A few Words unto
the Royal Seed, which is
of God, and seperated from the World, to do his
Will for ever.
Oh Friends!
blessed are you of the immortal God, who are
centred in the City of refuge, which is made without
hands, which indeed is the lot and inheritance of the
Lambs, whose Hearts are after nothing but the Glory of
God, which is the Crown and Cause of rejoycing of his Sons
Daughters, who do inhabit in and about this City, who
are come to the Church of the First-born, and to the
company of Angels, and to the Spirits of just men made
perfect; Oh! my beloved Ones, your Life is above this City,
and denies the Vanity of it, and it loaths the Worship that
abounds in it; Oh! it is well with you, for the Lord hath
you up as his Jewels and Pillars in his House for ever: Oh!
Friends, who do inhabit in and about this City, who are
of the Abominations and Uncleanness that is
in her; I am moved of the dreadful and terrible God to
you, that you do not joyn with her Spirit neither in word nor
thought, for assuredly the day of her pain and sorrow
is at hand,
in the which she shall weep bitterly and shall make all
who are from the Power and Life of God; Oh my Friends!
keep to the Power and to the Judgements of the just Judge,
that that eye and thought that
would look out at her Glory,
and that would think to sit at ease in her Borders, let
that be
judged and accursed for ever, that would have any Life
the Son of God: Oh my Friends! call to mind the years past,
how pretious and fresh was the Love of the Lord in your
when he first visited you in this City? Oh! did you think
thing to dear for him? could you not have laid down your
for his Truth? were you not glad when you were robbed of
Glory, and bereaved of your choicest Jewels even for the
sake? Oh my Friends! I can bear you record in the sight
God, who was a fellow feeler of your Integrity and Faithfulness
unto the Lamb.
Oh! you tender Ones, with whom my Soul hath Union, keep
to that pure and undefiled Love, even to the measure of
Grace, that it may teach you continually to deny all things
is of this World, and unclean in this City, that you may
every one in your measures, as Lights in this dark City;
the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, hath placed you in and
about this City, as he hath done the Sun,
Moon, and Stars and
there you in the Firmament are to stand fixed in him, who
the glorious morning Star, you must not wander least you
to give Light in the place, where you are set; for remember
they that wandered were reserved in Chaines of Darkness
the Judgement of the great Day, which is near at hand, to
give unto every one a just reward.
Oh! you beloved Friends of God, this I have to say unto
you from the mighty God, although you are set as marks for
the mighty men to shoot at, and as a by-word in the mouth
the Beggars, and are reckoned the worst of all People, not
to live upon the Earth; yet know this, that the Covenant
of the Lord is made with you, and his Power and Life shall
not depart from you, nor from your Seed for evermore; Glory,
Praises, and Power eternally be rendered unto the Lord, who
reigneth in the Heavens, who never altereth, but liveth a God
for ever. Oh my Friends! this is the earnest desire of my
that we may keep close unto our Maker, even to bear a pure,
holy and faithful Testimony in our Generation, against
all that
do oppose the Lamb in this City, as the
Prophets, and Apostles,
and holy Martyrs, have done in
their day, against all false
Gods, Worships, and
Worshippers; we have the same Spirit to
fight against in this City, as they had in the World
Therefore my Companions, and fellow Sufferers, have we not
need to stand up for God’s Cause, for the which we have,
are called to bear forth our Testimony, in so deep
Sufferings as
we have come through? and if we are to drink of a deeper Cup,
yet let us be thankful unto the Lord of the Harvest, for it
is for
the gathering of the Exiles into
Abraham’s bosome, and the
poor thirsty Soules unto the place of broad Rivers: Oh!
and give Praises unto God on high, who hath begun
Work, and will finish it in his time: Oh my Friends! let us
keep clear of this City, let us not tast nor handle any of
Works, for her works are Vanity and falshood, the Poyson
of Aspes is under her tongue, and Deceit is in her hands;
therefore it is good that we bear a faithful Testimony for
most high against this Generation, and if our lot be to
and we appointed to be Slain for the same, it will be well
us, our Souls shall be received into the bosome of the
where we shall glorifie God day and night, and shall be
from Oppression: Oh dear Hearts! be not afraid of the
or proud looks of vain Man, which is but like a
he can but kill the Body, but cannot kill the Soul; Oh! be
prepared to die, that none may be afraid of Death
when it comes, for it may come suddenly, when ye are
or in the twinckling of an Eye; Oh! that then the rest
God hath prepared for his People, may be entred into, or
Misery and Pain will be found, which is the Reward of the
Slothful and Disobedient; the Way of the Righteous: in Life
Eternal, and the Path of the Just is a burning and a
Light, which our Eyes have seen, and our hands have handled
of the Word of Life, by which we have been preserved unto
this day; and I am certain if thousands of thousands
rise up against us, they shall not prevail, for the
Lord the
mighty Jehovah is with us, and will fight
our Battel, and plead
our Cause with the mighty Ones of the Earth; we need do
but stand still in Gods Salvation, which is the
saving health
of all Nations; and will plead with all Tongues and Kindreds
of the Earth, who do oppose Him; And his Lambs and
who walketh in his holy Path, which is Life to the upright in
Oh! the Wisdom, Power and Glory of the unlimitted God,
what tongue is able to declare it, or what heart can conceal
infiniteness of the Riches of the Judge of Heaven and
it even fills the Heart with Love and Life, and
the Soul and Mind with the Glory and Beauty of the
Lamb, which taketh away the Sins of the World; Oh!
weight of his Glory, I am even swallowed up with the
of it, Oh! the height and the depth of it
is past finding out, by the Wisdom of this World; Oh my
Friends! is not that God amongst us, who created Adam in
Innocency, and Eve of the Dust of the Earth? did
not he
cause Abraham to leave the Land of his
Nativity, and go into
a strange Land? and did he not compass him about with
Strength and Power, and gave him Favour in the sight of the
People? and is he not the same God still? Yes, although
Earth may wax old, and Heavens vanish away as smoak,
and the
Elements with fervent heat, yet he remains
unchangeable, who
is our head; Oh! What is all the World before him, who is
Judge of Judges, and King of
Kings? it’s but as the drop of
a bucket in his fight; and a thousand Years is but as one
with our God: Therefore it is expedient for all
Friends to
watch and wait, and Pray least they enter into Temptations:
And this have I seen my beloved Friends this night as from
Lord, that there must be a watching and waiting for the
Power of the Lamb to arise, to move, to pray, to
speak, and
then it will be a pure and a holy Sacrifice which the Lord
accept: Oh my Friends! let us whilst we have
breath sacrifice
our Sighs, Tears and Groans, Prayers, and Fastings, upon
holy Altar, that a sweet Savour may ascend into the
Nostrels of
the Most High God, that so we may receive a Blessing
Heaven for evermore: And this the Lord hath put into my
Heart, and I cannot forbear but Write, that if any prayeth or
speaketh unless in the holy Power of the dreadful God
us, it is as water spilt upon the ground, and it will bring
Curse rather than a Blessing; the Lord looketh for a
holy and
clean Sacrifice from us, above all the People in the World,
because he hath raised up his own Life in us, and
chosen us to
be his People, and the Lot of his Inheritance, and the Place
where his Honour dwelleth, is with us; and I know Sacrifices
have been offered by us, and is to this day, which the Lord’s
Soul loves, and He doth delight to make us his choice; He is
our God, and we have none in Heaven nor in Earth to plead
our Cause but He, that Suffered, and layd down his Life on
Earth, but now sits in Majesty and Glory in the highest
who is our chief leader and guide, and doth lead us
his Power to meet together, and to stand in awe and
Sin not;
and if (Friends) we should not meet together, we should
Sin against God, and should miss of his Presence, who
said, “where two or three are
met together in my Name, there will I
be” (saith the Lord) and this is my Testimony as
a Witness to
this thing, I never went to any Meeting since I knew the
Truth, even from the first Meeting to this day, but I was
with the Living Power of the Lord; Oh! the sweet showers
that doth descend from the presence of the Lord, and the
pleasant rains that falleth from his Throne like silver
drops, it
doth distil upon our Hearts, whilst we are in our
Meetings in
the Name and Power of Jesus, who is amongst us, and
raised us; and is raising us from the Dead; and hath, and
quickning our mortal Bodies, that they may be like unto his
Body; he hath and doth turn us from Darkness to
from Satans Power to his own: Oh! can we forget or refuse
such glorious Benefits, which we have received from the God
our Life, in our Meetings together? I know my Friends, you
are not unsensible of this great gain, by losing the
Love of the
World, to meet together with the King of Heaven and Earth,
whose presence is better than Life: Oh! how hath he
the Sluce of Everlasting Mercies and Love, that it hath
down from the crown of our head, to the soal of our foot,
that we have been washed throughout by the endless
of the Lord in our Meetings: And this is my mind, and I
hope you are and will be of the same with me, and I do
the Lord will carry me on to the end; I had rather
die the cruellest Death that ever was, or can be devised
by man,
than to neglect or abstain from Meeting together in his
for I know who ever doth it, neglects their own Salvation,
the day of their Visitation. Oh my beloved Friends! if we
Suffer Imprisonment, or loss of Life upon the account of
together, let us rejoyce, for it is for Christ sake
that we are
Persecuted, for great is our reward in Heaven;
Oh! Christ is
our meat and drink, he is become our Table in the midst of
Persecutors, our Cup doth overflow, when we are in close
Christ is with us, who cannot
be exposed from us by the
Wrath of Wicked men; when we are brought out of Prison,
and had before the Rulers, then Christ goeth along with
us, and teacheth us what to say; He is a Mouth, and
and Utterance, we take no care what to do; when we are sent
back again to Prison from the Rulers, if it be into a
nasty Hole
or Dungeon, our Saviour goeth with us, and he teacheth us
Patience, and Meekness, and poureth upon our Head and
his holy Oyle, which maketh us sing for joy of heart, that
hath counted us worthy to Suffer for his name: So my Friends,
if they fight against us, they fight against God, for God
is with
us, and it is his Cause we stand for, and Suffer in
Goods, Body
and Spirit: And therefore seeing it is so weighty a thing
we lye at stake for, we value not what Men, or Devils,
or Angels can do unto us, for our Hearts and Spirits are
fixed upon the Lord and his Cause: and for Meeting together
as long as we have breath; Oh all you my Friends! who are
young and tender, and all you are looking abroad to see
what will become of us, and cannot joyn with us, because of
Persecution, have a care, I warn you in the Presence of
dreadful God, stand not in that slippery place, least
the day
of Mercy pass over whilst you stand gazing, and
be hid from your Eyes, then would you give the whole World
if you had it, for one hour to repent it, but then it will be
[Gap in transcription—1 wordobscured]late: Therefore I
beseech you not to look at us, but to mind
your own Salvation, and what the Lord saith unto you by his
witness in you; for every one in the day of God’s account
answer for himself, and receive a reward according to
Works; the Lord is no respecter of Persons, the King as
as the Beggar shall know the stroak of God’s hand, when
Book of Conscience is opened, wherein their Sins are
as with the point of a Diamond, and I know that there is
can blot them out but the blood of the Lamb; and
therefore do we utterly deny and abhor any Pardons from the
Bishops, for I know they cannot pardon
themselves, nor keep
their own Soul alive; our confidence is in God, who hath
our Reins and searched our Hearts by his living Power;
everlastingly be given unto the higher Power, to whom our
Souls are subject, and in whom we live, and shall do
without end.
Oh Zions King! thy Beauty bright,
Hath fill’d our Hearts with great delight;
Thy City pure our Eye doth see,
In which alone dwells Purity:
Oh! rejoyce ye Saints of Zion all,
For God hath sav’d you from the Fall:
It’s no matter if our Bodies dye,
Our Souls shall live Eternally,
With God who ruleth in the Heavens High:
A City pure God hath prepar’d for us,
When our Enemies hath laid us in the Dust:
Thy Day and Beauty doth declare,
An open war with Sin and Sinner;
Who doth thy Name, defame.
O Lord unto thy Glorious name all knees shall bow,
Of things in Heaven, and things below;
The Seed Royal, that Glorious plant,
Which thou into the World hath sent,
A Light, is content with Punishment.
From Sinners Hands, who like Iron Bands
Against thy own Seed stands,
Their Hearts is bent, with full consent, thy seed to rent.
O Lord thy Seed to Heaven doth cry for Delivery,
In this Day of Perplexity;
Thou righteous Judge, thy suffering Lambs in Prisons lie,
Until C4v 24Until they die for thy Testimony,
Which shall remain when all is slain,
Which doth increase, our Joy and Peace.
Oh! blessed be the day our Sins were washt away,
And we set free, to follow thee,
From the Gulf of Misery, who art a God of Purity:
O Lord we will serve thee, whilst we have breath,
For thou art Judge of Heaven and Earth;
Honour and Glory is thine alone,
And be it rendered to thee for evermore.