from the
Lord God of Life and Power,
unto thee
O City
and to
The Suburbs round about thee:
To call thee and them to repentance
& amendment
of life, without which you cannot see God.
Be ye separated from
your Priests,
and from your Idolatrous
Worship, and touch not the unclean thing, that
the Lord may receive you; Written by one who follows the
Lamb, and desires the welfare of all Souls, as I was moved
thereunto by the Eternal and true Spirit of God, being
quiet and still in my habitation.
And something also
to the scattered Seed of God, which hath
been held in bondage under Pharaoh the Task-master.
Who am hated by the unwise, and foolish in heart,
and am reproachfully call’d a Quaker.
Printed for Robert Wilson, at the
and Windmill in
Martins, neer
Aldersgate, 16601660.
A Warning unto the City of
London, and
the Suburbs round about, &c.
O The day and hour of thy Visitation is
now, O
City of London! with all thy
Suburbs, and
likewise the day, hour, and time of Gods righteous
Judgements is at hand, and will be executed
upon thee in flames of fire from heaven:
O my soul mourneth for thee, and my bowels
is troubled, and my heart is pained within me, to see thy desolation,
my eyes runneth down as a Fountain for the misery
that is overtaking thee: O the fury of the Lord: it is terrible,
and who may stand, when it waxeth hot, and burneth as a flaming
fire: O repent, repent, repent! for thy wickedness
the wickedness of Sodom
and Gomorrah, thy pride
and ambition far exceedeth
Jerusalems: Jerusalem had one
Temple to worship in, and it was commanded of the Lord to
be built, and the Lord commanded them to worship in it;
but according to your imaginations, so is your worship, and as
your streets are, so are your Idols Temples, and thy
Worship; the abomination of desolation, sitteth where it
not, and the Seed that belongeth to Immortal Life, is buried
in thee! O
London, London!
how art thou fallen? and from
whom art thou gone astray? even from the righteous Judge,
and pure God of heaven, and of earth, O! thou art dead, and
dying from the true worship and service of the Lord, which is
in Spirit & in truth; thou art groaping at noon-day, and thy
light is not risen out of obscurity, that should give thee
knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ,
although the measure of Gods grace hath called thee to repentance,
and doth strive with thee against thy pride,
hard-heartedness, and oppression, but thou wilt not lend
thine ear unto it, neither doth the grace of God teach thee;
but to the contrary art thou led unto persecution, by that
spirit which leadeth into transgression: O! how many of
Lords dear servants, Lambs and Babes, hath the Lord sent into
thy streets, high-wayes, and Idols Temples? to declare what
they have seen, tasted, and handled of the Word of Life, and
hath proclaimed this notable terrible day, which they see is
coming upon thee, & to declare unto thee thy sins &
and how great the indignation of the glorious God will
be executed upon thee by reason of them, and for clearing
their consciences, and being obedient unto the Commands of
the Lord, some of them hast thou stoned, and some
and cruelly beat, and unmercifully used them, of which doings
the Lord taketh notice, and heareth the groans of the innocent,
and the cries of the oppressed: O! its entered, its
into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath, who knoweth how
great our sufferings is in this City, and in all quarters of the
whole earth, where we have been sent, we have groaned under
cruel oppression and tyranny, by unjust Judges, and
Rulers, especially by our own Countrymen, and in the
Land of our Nativity, for which my spirit is troubled, because
we all profess the name of
Christians, and own Christ in
words, to be a Saviour, but in works and life you deny him;
and by this thing is the name of the Lord blasphemed amongst
all them, who doth not own Christ at all, whom you call
but truly their life condemns yours, they having no
Law, are a Law unto themselves, and they shall rise up in
Judgement with this Generation, “who draweth nigh unto the
Lord with their lips, and their mouths, but their hearts is far
God:” O the Lord God will be eased of such a vain Religion
this, he that seeth thee in secret is the munition of rocks,
& he
will reward thee openly, his Sickle shall pierce thy heart, and
his sword shall rip up thy bowels; pain, sorrow, and
shall overtake thee, as a woman in travel, and from it thou
shalt not escape: O friends! as a woman hath pain before she
bringeth forth, so certainly and surely must you feel the
pangs of death, before you know the Birth immortal; and if
that this be not witnessed, there is no seeing of God, nor
no inhabitinghabiting
of his holy Hill, where alone
dwelleth purity; holiness,
and righteousness for ever: O search and try, you who are
Citizens of this mortal City, which may truly be called
and Egypt, for in
thee is the Son of God crucified, and
put to open shame! Do you feel or know a part in another City
which is immutable, which fadeth not away? Do you eat
of the hidden Manna which
corrupteth not? or do you drink
of the Blood of the Lamb? Have you yet found peace
with the Lord? Are you reconciled unto the God of
Are you saved, or saving from your sins? Or have you seen
the Lord, and the place where the mighty God dwelleth? if
not, your Religion is all in vain, and if you do not speedily
repent, you shall die in your sins, and where he is, you
shall not
come; This will be his answer unto you, who is the
Alpha and
Omega, the
first and the last, “Depart ye
workers of iniquity, I
know you not”: O this will be sad tidings unto you, who have
got a fair covering, but its not of the Spirit of God, which
the Lord will rent off in the day when he shall take peace from
the earth! O ye Inhabitants of this bloody City! cast away
every man from him the Idols of
Egypt, with your gods of
gold and silver, of precious stones, and goodly houses, and
no longer your belly your gods, least God cut you off in this
day in which he is slaying the wicked with the First-born of
Egypt, the Lord will choak
Pharoah, with all
his Host, in the
Sea of confusion! O! a night of darkness is a coming upon
thee, and upon all thy neighbour Cityes, O! a thick cloud covereth
thee, mists and fogs is spread upon thee, thy glory is
staining, thy honor is laying in the dust, and thy mortal
shall be thrown into the pit, thy destruction is coming upon
thee at noon-day; “thou shalt look for light, but
have none, and
for the dawning of the day, but it shall not appear; glad
shall be hid from thee, sorrow, and trouble, and fear, shall
thee about; thou shalt wish for death rather then life, and
for the
grave, but shall not find it, then shalt thou seek to thy
Priests, thy
Rulers, and Judges, who have caused thee to erre, thinking
to get peace, but shalt find none; the earth shall not bring
unto thee her encrease, as in times past;” and as thy
vultrous eye
hath been delighted with vanity, and thy adulterated ear hath
been filled with curiosities of strange voices, and thy heart
hath been filled with lust, pride and vanity, thy tongue exercised
with cursing, swearing, and lying, cheating and
and taking the Name of the Lord in vain; and as thy feet
hath walked after pleasures, and thy hand hath handled deceitfulness,
guile, and fraud, and have been all servants unto
sin, and fulfilling the devils will, even so must the
and Plagues of the Lord be powred out upon the Man of Sin,
which hath captivated thy mind, and misled thy members,
which was created only and alone to serve the living God,
the Creator of Heaven and Earth. O! what rioting, swearing,
cursing and drunkenness, murder, whoredome, and theft,
is found in thee, which grieveth the soul of the righteous, cozening,
and cheating, & deceiving souls for dishonest
gain, buying
and selling the Words of God on the Market day, and in
the Idols Temple, all this is found in thee, which Words of
God, the holy men of God spoke them to the people freely; as
they had freely received; they coveted no mans gold, or silver,
but having food & rayment, they were therewith content; and
they who preached freely, were Co-heirs with Christ, who had
purchased a City for them, whose Builder and Maker is God,
they said to the Scribes and Pharisees which sate in
Chair, who had the Prophets words read
amongst them, that
they would not enter in themselves, nor let others to enter in:
They said also, that they might all prophesie one by one,
if any thing was revealed to one that stood by, he was to
speak, and the first was to hold his peace, for God is a God
Order; but in this our day, which is the Lords, and the time
wherein we are cast, if any in the Spirit of the Lord come amongst
you, and be moved to speak in his power, thou beatest,
and bruisest, and hallest before thy Magistrates,
and castest
into prisons, by this we see plainly and clearly, that
Religion is not the pure Religion, and that thy Church is the
Church of Rome, and thou art
governed by the Whores power,
which God is laying wast, and dashing to pieces, in this
gloriouus day: Thy clouds of Religion, be they never so
thick, they are seen thorough; in the light and power of God
we do measure the height, the length, depth, and breadth of
all thy Religion, thy Sun is eclipsed, and thy glory is fallen.
O thou Lucifer, Son
of the Morning! thy portion is in the
lowermost hell, thy part and lot is vanished away, and thy
beauty is driven away, as the dust in the Summers day before
the wind; woe from the Lord God of Power be unto thy lawyers,
for they have stollen away the key of knowledge: O the
oppressed groaneth under their cruel tyranny of
they lie in wait to ensnare the simple, and to beguile and
the honest-hearted; but the Lord loveth the pure in
heart, and preserveth them out of the Lions mouth, and out
of the paw of the Bear, glory be to God on high, Dominion
and strength be given to his Son for evermore: Howl ye Lawyers,
weep bitterly ye Rulers, and Judges, lament ye Priests,
for the day of Gods account is coming on, and it hasteneth,
wherein the Book of Conscience shall be opened, wherein
your sins are written, as with the point of a Diamond, and
out of the Book of Life you shall be judged, according as
your works shall be, so shall your reward be, for our God is
pure and immortal, he will torment the wicked, and plague
the ungodly, and cast into the pit for ever: O! I most humbly
beseech you, as in Christ stead, leave off
your covetousness,
with your hypocritical Religion, your fained prayers, and abhor
your selves in dust and ashes, that repentance and
of Life you may know with the Lord, before thy house
of clay be dissolved, for the Son of Life weepeth over thee,
as he did over Jerusalem. O that
thy eyes were open, and thy
heart unvailed, that thou mights see how good the Lord is unto
all the sons and daughters of men, and how long he hath tendered
his mercy and grace unto thee, and hath held forth his
hand with a cup of blessings for thee, but thou hast joyned
with the transgressor, and art rebellious and
against the Seed of God, the Lord God make thee sensible of
thy back-slidings, and heal thee, if he see it good: O! my
is truly powred forth unto the Lord for thee, that thou mayest
not inherit the Lake which is prepared, but peace and rest for
thy immortal soul thou mayest find; for the soul is
and there is no mortal thing can satisfie thy soul, but the
of the Lord, which is far beyond the gold of
Ophir, or
the Onick stone. O! what
wouldst thou give for peace with God,
when thy day shall be turned into darkness, & thy table shall be
made a snare unto thee, and thou shalt be like the hearth in
Wildernesse, which seeth not when good cometh, thy lovers
shall pass away, & trouble shall compass thee round
about; then
if thou hadst the whole world thou wouldst give it for peace
with God, but then will thy day be sealed up, and there
will be no place found for repentance; therefore I desire thee
in the dreadful power of God, put not the day of the Lord
afar off, but let the Sword of the Lord cut down, and the fire
burn up all that is contrary to God; and away with thy Idols,
down with thy Images, pluck down thy high places, for the
Lord will be avenged of thy Groves, thy strong Okes, and tall
Cedars, and he will ride upon thy high hills, and thy fenced
City will he lay waste; and he will ease the innocent, and
deliver the oppressed, thy prison doors shall be broke up,
the bonds of iniquity burst asunder, the agreement made
with hell and death will be disannulled; and though many
of us have been halled out of your Mass-houses, and have been
halled before Magistrates, both by
Papists and Protestants; yet
know this, that our God in whom we trust, he lives for ever,
and he sits as Judge amongst the Gods. O! the fury of the
Lord is gone forth against the wicked, and they shall not
prosper, and although they may reign for a while, and build
their nests in the stars for a short time, and joyn hand in
to punish the righteous, and to oppress the just, and to
Christ and his
Kingdome, yet he whose glorious reign is begun
in the earth, who is the King of Saints, and Governour of
heaven and earth, he will pluck them from their stately
thrones, and disinherit them of their mortal life, unless they
turn to the sword which will cut, and to the axe which will hew,
& to the fire which wil burn them; then wilt thou come to know
the Circumcision which is made without hands, and a baptizing
into Christs
death; and if a baptizing, then a death of
deaths unto all mortal, and visible, and dying things; then
wilt thou be a new creature, All old things will passe away,
old heavens and the old earth will be burned up, and a new heaven,
& a new earth will be created in righteousness,
wherein the
Lamb dwelleth, whose Name is called the Word of God; who
is the light of the world, and was given of the Father a light
to lighten the Gentiles,
and to be the glory of his people Israel:
This light checks thee in secret, when no mortal
seeth what thou art doing; this light beholds thee; and this
is Gods swift Witness, which he hath placed in man, which is
only and alone sufficient to lead into immortal life, although
the blind guides, who are of the cursed stock of
Ham, sayes,
that this light which is in man, is natural, and not sufficient
of it self to lead to God. This is my testimony friends; which
I must bear amongst you; for the true light, against all
doth oppose it, who hath been a Citizen with you in this
bloody City, and have been feeding with you upon the husks
with the Swine, and alienated from God, and a stranger to
his life, as you are at this day, whilest I was one with you
in your Religion and Worship, my soul was hungry, and was
even black with thirst, I had almost fallen in your streets
want of the Bread of Life; no peace nor true rest amongst
you could I find, yet mornings, and evenings, and at noon-
day, I sought the Lord, but could not find him, because I was
not in his way, neither did I hearken to his light, neither
could any of your chief Priests tell me where the Lord was to
be found, but told me in heaven, but what heaven was, and
where it was, they knew not; the light which is pure condemned
me, and no peace with the Lord could I find amongst
all your dead worships, and earthly performances; but at
length the Lord, who is rich in mercy, he looked down from
his holy habitation, and he saw there was no help amongst
men, nor no refreshments to be received from their Ministry,
but my soul was dying and fainting away, with a numberless
number besides me, by reason of our sins &
transgressions, then
the Lord sent in fulness of time his Servants into this City,
F H and E B, who spoke the Word of Eternal
Life, whereby
my weary soul was refreshed, and the dead heard, and lived,
and glorifies the Lord in the land of the living; Glory
and honor be given to God, who sent them furnished with
the treasure of knowledge and wisdome, and to speak comfort
unto the prisoner of hope; and I, amongst many in this
City, may blesse the hour and the time that they came in the
Power and Spirit of God to visit this City, for by their coming
was I turned from darknesse to light, and from
power to Gods; and they were Instruments in the hand of the
Lord to bring me to his Kingdome, the Lord God in his endlesse
love hath made me forsake this City, with all the
and pleasures of it, and I see another City, and do inhabit a
more durable habitation, which will never fade away, but will
stand me in stead for ever; and by the light of
Christ, which
is eternal, was I brought to this habitation; and if ever thou
comest to God, thou must own this light which thy Teachers
speak against: if thou wilt love the light, it will lead thee
a path which thou hast not yet trodden in; there is no Lyon,
or Lyons Whelp, hath trodden in this path, no vultrous eye
hath seen it; therefore thou must come forth of thy fallen estate,
thy whoredomes and ungodlinesse, before one step
canst tread in; therefore repent, and come and drink freely
of our Fountain, and eat of our Rock, who liveth for ever:
O! my hearts desire unto the Lord is, that you may be saved
from your sin, and purged from your iniquities, and be made
clean by the blood of the Lamb, before you return to the
dust from whence you came, and shall be seen no more: For
friends, there must be a laying down of the earthly, and as
that is laid down, there is a receiving of the heavenly; but
if you live in sin, and die in sin, then is there no
from sin, sin separates from God; “the wages
of sin is death,
and after death to Judgement:
Hell is prepared for the wicked,
and the worm which shall never die, and the fire that shall
be quenched,” is the sinners portion, who lives and dies
in sin;
“For there is no repentance in the grave, nor no
remissinon of sin after
death, but as the tree falleth, so it lieth, as Death
you, Judgement will find you; and as the lightening shineth in
the East unto the West, so is the coming of the Son of man
in his
day upon all sinners:” He will come as a thief in the
night upon
thee, then what secret corner hast thou to hide thee in? or
what remote place canst thou fly unto for shelter? seeing
God is potent over Sea and Land, and his eye is over the
whole world, and his hand is stretched over all living. O!
the Rocks and the Mountains shall not cover thee, nor dens,
nor holes, nor caves of the earth shall not shelter thee, but
Lord will be avenged of thee, and plead with thee himself,
who is a just God, and a Saviour, and will give unto every
man according as his works shall be, from whose presence the
wicked must depart. O! blessed and happy for ever are all
they who knows a redeeming from amongst men, and from a
vain and a light conversation, by the precious blood of the
Lamb. O! give thanks to God froor ever,
that he hath, and is
giving you a possession in the durable inheritance, that
fadeth away; you are built upon the Rock of Ages, never to
be removed. O! let us dwell together in the unity of the
Spirit, and in the bond of love for ever, that we may stand
for ever witnesses against this wicked and perverse
who have not the fear of God before their eyes, whom God
will destroy as he did the old world, and they shall be as
under the soals of the righteous feet. O
London! in the presence
of the Lord God I declare unto thee, thy peace is not
durable, neither will thy Faith remain, it is as the raging Sea,
whose waves are up and down, and thou art tossed in thy
mind, as a Ship upon the Sea, driven with a mighty wind;
thy hope is in man, and it faileth; thy joy is dying, and will
die away. O! therefore put thy trust in the living God, and
not in man, whose breath is in his nostrils, that thou
be saved from the day of wrath, which will suddenly come
upon the families of the earth: All Nations shall partake of
his wrath, and all Tongues of his fury; for all flesh hath corrupted
its way before the Lord, all flesh hath
sinned, and come
short of the glory of God, so all flesh must know the wrath
God execuuted upon the wicked, for the Lord hath determined
a Consumption to come upon the whole earth; therefore
O earth, earth! hear the Word of the Lord, and be thou separated
from your uncleanness, and live before the Lord,
all the dayes of thy appointed time, thou mayest wait till the
change comes”, for nothing but life will stand before the
who is immortal. And know this of a truth, that this is written
in pure love to thy soul: O
London! the righteous is oppressed
in thee, and the innocent cryeth in thy streets, by
of oppression: O! feed the hungry, and cloath the naked,
and hide not thy self from thy own flesh, for you are all
made of one blood, and one mould, upon the face of the
whole earth: He that saith he loves God, and doth not feed
the hungry, and cloath the naked, and judge the cause of the
poor and needy, he is a lyar, and doth not the truth. And
know this ye Judges, and Rulers, and Magistrates, that there
is a Judge above you which will call you to an account, and
will judge you out of the book of Conscience, and give you
a full reward; and you shall all know in the day when the
Lord rips off all coverings, and takes peace from the earth,
that there is a Deliverer in Sion,
which will deliver his righteous
seed, and none shall hinder; and although we are
in thee, and hated by thee, yet the Lord who is the
Councellor and Prince of Peace, he is our Redeemer,
who is the portion of our cup, and the lot of our inheritance,
we have none in heaven but him, nor upon earth that can deliver
but he, & he wil plead our cause with them that hate us,
our innocency shall appear as the Sun in her ful strength,
& we
shall be as a morning without clouds, when the Lord shall arise,
and take the honor to himself, and exalt his Kingdome
the heavens, and his Dominion above the stars, then
shall Jerusalem be the praise
of the whole earth, and they
shall rejoyce in her who now mourneth, and say one to another,
“Come let us stand upon Mount
Sion, and sit down upon the
holy hill, for our God and his
Christ reigneth
over all the whole
earth.” O! this a a blessed estate which the
righteous doth inherit;
but as for the wicked, they are as stubble throughly
and the Word of the Lord is as a fire, and they must be
burned up, and be shut without the gates of the City, where
the Lamb treads the Wine-press of Gods wrath. So in the
fear of the Lord repent, and amend thy life, least God sweep
thee away into the pit of utter destruction, out of which
there is no redemption.
Oh London! the Lord God of Heaven and
of Earth, he is
burdened with thy vain Religion; who maketh a profession of
God, and of Christ, and yet liveth in lust and
vanity, pride
and vain-glory, in swearing and cursing, and yet is covered
with a covering which the Lord will take away: O how doth
gluttony abound in thee, rioting and
sporting in the day
time! thou knowst not how almost to go along the streets,
art so proud and haughty, and the poor in thee are ready to
famish, for whose estate and condition my heart is pained
within me, old and young, blind and lame, lieth in thy
streets, and at thy Masse-houses doors crying for bread,
are almost naked for want of cloathing, and fainting for
want of bread, and yet thou canst passe by them in thy gaudy
apparrel, and out-stretched neck, with thy face decked with
black spots, which are the marks of the Whore, the Beast, and
the False Prophet, which is not the attire of Sarah, Abrahams
wife: Thow knowest not what to eat, nor what to drink, nor
wherewith to be cloathed, thy mind is so vain, and thy Religion
is so aiery; and if any of these that are blind, or lame,
or destitute of a being, asketh of thee a penny, or farthing,
thou sayest thou hast it not for them. O! remember the Lord
will call thee to an account; and truly a sad day it will be
for thee, when he shall take thy peace away, who hath lavishly
spent Gods Creation upon thy lusts, and hath not distributed
thy morsel to the poor, and to the needy, the light of
Christ in thy
Conscience condemns thee for thy not so doing,
and from that thou canst not fly, that shall be thy condemnation
for ever if thou hatest it, and thy salvation for
if thou lovest it. O! tremble and quake before the
Lord, ye sons of Sodom, and
Daughters of Gomorrah, who
doth inhabit this mortal City which doth corrupt, and will
die away, your glory the Lord will bring to nothing; therefore
keep to the light which condemns you, that an entrance
into the immortal Kingdome you may find: Woe be unto all
thy Usurers, who hoardeth up the unrighteous mammonn, and
doth not lend to the poor and distressed, and saith, they
have it not for them, the rust of their money in the Day of
Judgement shall rise up against them, and Gods swift
in their own hearts shall condemn them which lives for ever;
therefore all ye Usurers, Soothsayers, and Star-gazers, that
inhabiteth this place, and elsewhere, repent, for Gods
plagues and Judgements is to be executed upon you, and
upon all that lendeth an ear unto you, you Star-gazers and Astrologers,strologers,
who can discern the face of the Sky, but doth not
know the signs of the coming of the Son of Man, whose glorious
appearance will discover your dark works that you act
in the dark night, and the night shall passe away, and you
shall know a day of Judgement, and see him whom you have
pierced, of whom the Sun, Moon, and Stars, bears testimony,
and keepeth their station with God; therefore its good
for you to know the Rod of God, to instruct you in his
path, and to lead you to his Kingdome, and this is the desire
of my soul, that you may all inhabit peace, annd rest with the
King of Heaven and Earth: So know, that your day of visitation
is now, the Lord doth hold forth unto you mercy
and peace, therefore imbrace it whilst it is tendred unto you,
least you be shut out, and your day be sealed up.
The Lord is risen in Sion, and is
shining forth in the
perfection of beauty and holinesse for ever: O! how glorious
and beautiful are his garments? and how lovely is his
countenance unto all his sons and daughters, who have forsaken
all to follow him, “who is a man of sorrows,
and well acquainted
with grief”; who trampled upon all the glory of
world, the Onick stones,
and the gold of Ophir was nothing
unto him, neither are they any thing in comparison of him,
for all who doth enjoy him, enjoyeth fulness, both of wisdome,
and knowledge, prudence, and understanding; he doth
endow them with all those treasures which this empty world
cannot afford; he is not of this world, who is the seed,
the light, the power of God, but he is Heir of Eternal Peace,
and in him are the families of the earth blessed, who doth
themselves, and take up their daily crosse, and follow
Seed, the Angel of the New Covenant, wheresoever he goeth;
it is they that are saved, who walketh in the light of
and doth rejoyce in sufferings, tryals, and tribulations, knowing
that thorough these things they must enter into the Lambs
Kingdome, and hereby may they know that they are in the
way of God, for this is a remarkable token whereby they may
know that they are in their spiritual journey: if they are hated
and persecuted of all men for righteousnesse sake,
are ye blessed of the most high God? Art thou halled out of
the Synagogues, and plucked before Rulers, for the Kingdom
of Heavens sake? Art thou made a prey of in the gate, for
reproving sin and iniquity in the gate, and suffereth the enemy
to plough long furrows upon thy back, for the testimony
of truths sake? Know this, thy reward is great in the Kingdome
of heaven; and these are marks and tokens whereby
thou mayest certainly know that thy Journey is holy, and thy
path is pure wherein thou treadest, where thy persecutors can
by no means walk in, but they must own thee and thy
life, which will slay the first nature, birth, and glory, and
bring into the fools estate, that ye may truly be made wise,
and endued with the treasure of wisdome, which liveth and
abideth for ever. O! all ye my dear friends, that knoweth a
bathing and washing, and a making white in the blood of the
Lamb, unto you doth my Royal love flow forth from the
fountain of life: O! ye are near and dear unto me, as in the
fountain of love ye dwell, which knitteth our hearts together
in one, which is Christ, “the Way, the
Truth, and the Life,”
unto whom none can come, but they who doth deny their own
wills, their pleasures and delights, and bow to his Scepter
which is swayed in righteousness: O! they must lay down
their Crowns at the feet of the Immortal Birth, the Seed Royal,
which is a Noble Priesthood, which remaineth for ever,
before they can have peace with him. Therefore all ye Lambs,
and Babes, and Plants of God, in the Lords power dwell, that
you may be preserved in the day of tryal, which is coming
to try all them that dwelleth upon the earth; and in the hour
of temptation, you may find bread in your own house, and
water in your own Well, which will satisfie your soul in the
time of draught, that glory and honor you may render unto
the Lord, whose Name is, “I am,” and there
is none like him
amongst all the gods, who saveth his people from their sins,
and blotteth out their transgressions, who filleth both
and earth with his glory: Glory, and eternal honor, and everlasting
dominion, be ascribed unto the God of my life, who
is eternally pure, and as he is, so is his City, which is a habitation
for all the followers of the Lamb, the situation is
righteous indeed, and is of Gods own Nature, which Nature
hath fallen, man received a measure from the beautiful God
to bring him out of sin, and transgression, and to redeem
him wholly from the fallen estate; it is placed in man only
and alone to redeem him from death to life, and to be his
salvation, and satisfaction, or condemnation for ever; and
this is my witness in every man, and to this do I speak, and
shall arise and answer for me in the day of the Lord; and
is the seed that the Lord hath left in the earth, in which
the families of the earth is blessed, and in the seeds light
shall all the Nations that are saved walk in, and triumph in
his name, which is called the Word of God, by which the
world was made, and the heavens was framed, who was in his
Fathers bosome before man was, or had a being upon the
earth, and shall live and abide for ever, glory and thanks be
given unto the Lord, whose Royal Standard is set up in the
earth, and whose Reign is begun upon the earth, and whose
Tabernacle is with men, whose dwelling and abiding is with
the sons and daughters of men: Glory over all Sea and Land
be given to the pure God, who searcheth, and tryeth, and
seeth the way of all flesh, and its he that justifieth the
and who is he that doth condemn, or lay any thing to the
charge of Gods Elect? It is the Lamb of God that taketh away
all sin, and in him is no sin, and if he condemneth, who
can justifie? Therefore let all that are justified, and set
free by
the Lamb, abide in their freedome, and live in the power and
life of the Birth Immortal, that they may not be intangled
again with the yoke of bondage, which is truly a yoke indeed,
and heavier to be borne then it was at the first: for there remaineth
no more sacrifice for sin unto such who have
of the Word of God, and of the powers of the world to
come, and afterwards looketh back to
Egypt, and to the
goodlinesse of Pharaohs house, such
falleth short of a resting
place, and dieth in the wildernesse, and leaveth an ill favour
unto Generations to come: But blessed and happy are all by
Sea and Land, who abideth low in their measures of life given
them, by the husband-man, who is Lord over Sea and
Land, and entereth into the good land, and seeth all to be
turned out before them, and inherit the promise, and the
Kingdome without end, with
Caleb and Joshua, who have
a good fight, and lay down their heads in peace, and entred
into rest with their Fathers, who gained a good report, and
are a good favour unto this day unto all that doth believe in
the same Gospel which was preached unto Abraham, who saw
the Gospel, and believed in it: “So all that are
of faith, are of Abraham,
for his Seed shall be multiplied as the
stars of heaven, or
the sand upon the Sea shore for number,” which is the
Seed of the
Kingdome of God, there is a numberlesse number that is redeemed
and redeeming out of Nations, Tongues, and people, by
the seed up to God; and many there is, whose faces are turned
towards Sion, the City of our
solemnity, there to praise the Lord
in that City; the morning stars meet together, and the Sons of
God shoot for joy, and singeth Halelujah to the
Highest; the
Bridegroom is come, & he hath betrothed them to himself, who
cannot but rejoyce; his Table is prepared, where the Lambs
and Babes eateth, and is satisfied; there is a river as clear as
Christal, which runneth softly, of which all drinketh freely,
and is satisfied. O! here is fulness of joy to be reaped in
this City, honor, glory, and dignity inhabiteth here: O!
come hither all ye ignorant, unwise, and simple ones, who
knows not a stay to your minds, nor a resting place for the
soal of your feet, neither satisfaction for your souls: O!
come and drink, and eat freely with us, without money and
without price, for we have found him whom our souls loveth,
“who is the choicest of ten thousand,”
and the chiefest in the whole
earth, he hath been exposed from amongst us for many years,
but now is he come, contrary to the whole earths expectation,
to visit and redeem his people, and to get himself a name
in the earth: Glory be to him who hath been as a stranger upon
the earth for ages, and as a wayfaring man; to tarry for a
night for Generations, but glory for ever, he is well known in
Sion, for he hath comforted the
mourners therein, and he
hath revived the fainting spirit, and hath bound up the broken-hearted,
the feeble knees hath he strengthened, the blind
he causeth to see, and the lame to go upright, the Leopard is
cleansed, the dead is raised, the deaf heareth, the dumb
speaketh, all this is done by
Sions King, in this the latter
day, and our eyes hath seen it. O! what tongue is able to expresse
the Noble acts of our God: O! its unutterable and undeclarable,
words are too short, Declarations must end, but
the life by which they are written, liveth in it self for ever
and ever. O! all ye dear and tender ones, who doth abide
either by Sea or Land, dwell in the pure life, in the single
in the lovely estate, let not your minds be captivated by
any created object, or visible thing, but feel the birth immortal
to be brought forth, and reign over the world; and you
espoused to Christ, Children of the Lamb, Heirs of
the world
which is without end, let him be your beloved alone, who is
light and life, beauty and strength, wisdome and prudence,
altogether lovely and glorious, whose day is glorious and
perfect, and all must be perfect that walks in it;
“therefore be ye
holy as he is holy, without which none shall see God,”
who is immutable,
and dwelleth in everlasting burnings, no flesh can
see him and live: O! the notable terrible day of the Lord
will suddenly come upon all slothful and disobedient ones,
who idly spendeth away their present time, and hideth Gods
money in the earth, but an account one day must you all give,
when the last Trumpet shall sound, then shall you come to
Judgement, the Just to the Resurrection of Life, and the unjust
to everlasting torments; therefore be awakened all ye
that have been long convinced of the truth of God; arise and
shake off the dust of the earth, plough up the fallow ground
of your hearts with the power of God, let judgement be
brought forth unto victory, let the Sickle reap the earth, that
the righteous branch may come forth, which you hold in bondage
thorough your negligence and unbelief: O! dishonor
the Lord no longer with your out-side profession, which is
a shell without a kernel, which God will rent off, it will not
cover you no longer, for it is deceit, and a hypocritical Religion,
which is covered over with fair words, and a fair gloss
on the out-side, and within side is rottennesse and
sores: O! this is loathsome in the sight of the Lord; woe be
unto all from the Lord God of heaven and earth, who holdeth
the truth of God in unrighteousnesse: O! your coverings
will be too narrow to cover you, and your beds will be too
short to stretch your selves on, for the Lord is come to
you: O! the Lake is prepared for you, that burneth
for ever: O! what will you do, when the Lord shall appear to
strip you, and to uncrown you, and bereave you of all your
mortal glory, and lay your honor in the dust, then without
repentance there will be no enjoying of Gods presence, which
giveth life to the weary soul: O repent, repent! ye Aliens and
strangers, who are yet without the knowledge of the pure
God, and knows not an entrance into an undefiled being,
which is made without hands: O! come and sit down where
we have sate, abhorring our selves in dust and ashes, we
lain as they that have been dead of old, and our sorrow has
been our sin, and our beauty hath been turned into ashes, and
our glory as stubble, and our hour as the morning dew, and
our wisdome as a shadow which hath been, and now is not:
O consider! all ye Kings and Princes, Dukes and Earls, Lords
and Ladies, Governours and Magistrates, Priests and
this will the Lord do by you, as he hath done by us, he will
lay your habitations wast, who respects not the person of
but you shall sit as a Widdow, that is, rebuked of husband
and children, bemoaning her self; even so shall you be: But
if you are willing to endure this straight way, and narrow
gate, wherein nothing that is of this world shall enter, but
must be laid down; and if you will deny your selves, and
take up your daily crosse, and follow the light, whom you
have grieved and wounded with your whoredomes and idolatry
whithersoever he goeth, then shall you be with us, where
are, and eat and drink with us of the living Bread and Water
of Life, and see him who is invisible, who cannot be seen
but by Faith, and this Faith purifies the heart,
“and maketh
pure, as God is pure.” O! Come unto the Fountain of Life,
and drink freely with us: O! Christ hath invited all upon
the whole face of the earth, poor and rich, to come into his
banqueting house, and to eat freely of the Bread of Life, and
to drink of the still waters of
Shilo, which satisfieth the hungry
soul. O! come to our Shepherd, who hath laid down
his life for his sheep: O come! and see how good he is, and
where he feedeth his flock at noon-day; O! come into his
Fold, who is all love, and life, and gaineth unto God the hungry
and reconcileth every tyred spirit which panteth after him, and
are all they who feeleth satisfaction with the Lord, it is
better then wine
or oyl; and all who joyneth issue with the Seed of God, they
know a
more durable encrease, for they encrease in wisdome, purity,
and holiness,
and so dwelleth with the Lord in their measures. O!
all ye that
have followed Christ, the Heir of Life and
Salvation, and doth follow him
in the straight way, and narrow gate, your portion is eternal,
if you
dwell therein, and look not out at the over-turnings of men, and
power, and what they may inflict upon you, or cause you to
suffer hardships
for your Religion, which you profess in truth and
righteousness, but
look to the Lord, who hath the hearts of all the Sons and
Daughters of
Adam in his hand, and as a
river of water he can turn them whither soever
he will: therefore my dear beloved friends, who are friends
of God,
let us dwell together in the life immortal, and let us be
compassed about
with Gods righteousness and strength for ever, that if the
Lord suffereth
that we should suffer death for our Religion which is pure, let
us choose it
rather then life, and joyfully, and heartily, and patiently
imbrace it, and
bear it, for our God is good, and in the midst of flames (he
hath) and will
be with us, and from the waters he will deliver us; in the sixth
he hath been with us, and from the seventh he hath delivered us,
be to him who is as a wall of brass round about us, and as a
flame of fire
he compasseth us about; he was with the Patriarchs in the
deepest of
their calamities; the Prophets in times
past he upheld, and was their
meat and drink, and in him they rejoyced, and with him they
and finished their testimony in faithfulness; he was unto
the Disciples,
a stay, and a staff, salvation and righteousness, even
their exceeding great
reward; their houses was filled with his life and power, he was
mouth of utterance unto them, he carried them thorough great
he was their meat and drink, and they fed upon him in a weary
even so can we truly say, that he hath been with us in a
vast howling wilderness,
in a strange Land, and amongst strange people,
who have not
truly worshipped the God of heaven and earth, he hath been our
and the upholder of our head in the day of battel: Glory be to him
who is our Rock, who never leaved nor forsaked any that fears
but he watereth them with the dew from heaven, and maketh them
green as the grass, or tender plants; he cloatheth them far
beyond the
Lillies in the field, he giveth breath, and life, and length of
dayes for
ever in his sight; therefore all who have known this cloathing,
let it
dwell with you for ever, and let your hearts be upright in his
sight, your
consciences exercised continually in the sight of God and men;
and the
Lord God of heaven and of earth preserve us all in all, and over
all, and
thorough all, up to himself: “The grace of our
Lord Jesus
Christ, which is
perfect, and the peace which standeth for ever, keep your hearts
and minds staid
upon him for ever, out of all mortal and dying things.”
London the 1659-12-1616th of the
12th Moneth, 1659.
E. B.Ester Biddle
Something after.
O London! who shouldst
be as a nursing Mother unto thy Nation,
and a Pattern and Example unto all Nations, for in
thee and from thee doth the Law proceed, and Councel is given
which should be pure, and thy Law direct, whereby the Just and
Innocent might be Judged in Righteousness; thy Judges and Rulers
should Judge for God, and be guided by the just
Law of God in
them, but for want of true Judgement and Equity the Just is oppressed,
and the Innocent and Harmless groaneth for want of
Rulers and Godly Judges, and wholesom Lawes. O
thou hast sacrificed upon the Mountains unto strange gods,
and that’s
Cains sacrifice which the
Lord accepteth not, neither doth he regard
your Joy and Mirth, for your joy is but for a moment saith the
but your sorrow is for ever and for ever, and your torment world
without end, O! my Soul lamenteth for thee, to see what an
thou art in, all above the witness of the pure God, in
ungodliness, lust,
pride and wantonness, you spend Gods Creation upon your
lusts, pride
and vain glory; O! let the Seed of the Lord arise in you, and
you and bear witness for me and the rest of us who are
and calling out of you, and are redeeming from amongst you up to
God, and our Souls is sorrowful for to see how you neglect the
way of God. And likewise the day of your visitation, my heart
even bleed within me to see your sacrifices, knowing from
whence it
came, and whether it went, and to whom it was offered; And I
could have wept day and night to have seen the path of
trodden down, and all trampling upon the Seed of God, which lyeth
low in you, some in drunkenness, others in swearing and
taking the
Name of God in vain, some in pushing and haling and beating
Lambs of God, and all in disorder dishonouring of God, on the
1659-12-2121th of
the 12th Month, 1659. your evil works and words did exceed
in that
day and night, and it shall rise up in Judgement against
you, that
day and night shall you remember with all the rest of your
time ill
spent, to your torment and utter overthrowing; and know this,
God will call you to Judgement, and give you your portion with the
hypocrites, unless you repent and amend your lives; therefore
one who hath any true desires after the Lord, be ye
from the wickedness that is acted in this City, and from the
actors of
it, that you may find your desires to be satisfied, & your
souls raised up
out of the pit, & saveth from the condemnation which is
coming upon
all workers of iniquity; the Lord spareth and suffereth but
for a time,
until he hath gathered his remnant from amongst you, and made up
his Jewels which shall live in his house for ever,
“Then desolation
and misery and a woful cry shall be heard in your streets,
your houses shall be left unto youu desolate, and your Idols
shall be a habitation for Owls and Birds, the
Satyrs shall
dance there, they shall be a habitation for every unclean spirit,
your Priests shall preach no more, & your Diviners shal
go mad,
God wil dry up the tongue of the Egyptian
Sea,” who hath opened
a door of mercy in this City in due season, and hath given you
yet a
Day to repent in, but remember thy Day will be over, as thy
Sodoms and
their time was spent, and the Day of
their visitation is passed, the Lord spared the Righteous,
even Just
“Lot, whose Soul was grieved
with the ungodly conversation of
the wicked;” even so is ours, “this day with the unjust and impure
conversation of thee O
London:” but Just is our God
Righteous for evermore, who is able to deliver us, and hath
us out of the flames which shall come upon you, our God
all you unjust proceedings with his Seed, for which he will give
your reward, who is a Just God, and a Saviour; and wo from the
Lord God be unto all the Magistrates and Rulers of this City, who
doth not Rule yet in Righteousness; and wo from the Lord be
all Masters and Mistresses that doth inhabit this
place before-mentioned,
who doth not order their Families in the fear of God,
nor are not
in the fear nor power themselves, who one day shall know
another Master
who will give you a just reward according as your
works shall be, who
is Gods Righteousness, and to whom all power in Heaven and
is given, and it is he alone that will Judge this bloudy City with
the Families and Kindreds of the whole Earth, and they shall not
escape his Righteous Judgements, although thou maist cry for
Rocks and the Mountains to cover thee, and thy Religion to hide
thee from the wrath of God, but it cannot be, for his eye, whom we
serve, is over the whole world, and his Arm of Power is
stretched over
thee with a sword which is fourbished in his hand, which will
cut down
and utterly destroy “thy
Priests in thee, who divineth for money,
and preacheth for filthy lucre,” and love give
ye, “which feedeth
of the fat and cloatheth with the wool and makes Merchandize
of Souls with fair words;” Gods vengeance, wo and
wrath is their portion, and they shall fall by the sword of
the living
God, thy Judges and
Rulers shall be slain
in the day that the Lord
visiteth thee in the fierceness of his wrath, for his Soul is
with thee, and his Spirit is grieved every moment of time with thy
filthy conversation; therefore repent, for the day is coming,
thy time of torment and misery hasteneth apace, thy
slumbereth not, thou hast forgotten good dayes without
number; and
thou art yet in the land of forgetfulness, thy
testifieth against
thee, and thy iniquities is gone over thy head, and thy
is without number, even as the stars in the firmament,
thy ungodliness before the Lord is for multitude as the sands
of the
Sea shore, thou hast corrupted thy way before the
Lord, and art
fallen short of the glory of the Lord; therefore return to the
of Gods Spirit, that thou maist know amendment of life and an
inheritance in another City before thou art
dispossessed of this City:
and peace and rest, purity and joy may possess
thy house, and the
New Heaven and the
New Earth thou maist
witness, and a feeding
upon the bread of life that maketh truly wise, and a
drinking of
the water of life which truly satisfieth the immortal Soul; this
must thou witness if ever thou wilt enjoy the pure habitation
of God,
or sit down upon his holy Hill which is beautiful indeed before
returns to the dust from whence thou camest, there is the
of the earthly; the center of the heavenly is immortal and dwelleth
in immortality, and as thou servest and
obeyest, and
issue with this, it will lead thee up to God the Saviour
and Redeemer
of thy Soul, where the earthly center and the first birth
nature cannot enter, there is a great gulf and separation
the two seeds and the two natures, the one delighteth to serve
Lord, and it is its nature to work Righteousness and
Holiness for
ever, and it cannot join with the cursed; the other is
prone to do wickedness, and it leadeth in drunkenness, lying,
and dissembling, cheating and cozening, and it cannot do
neither shall it have a habitation with Abels nature, who
upon Gods Altar a Sacrifice of Praise, and the Lord had regard
it: So if thou joyneth with Hagars
Seed, the Bond-Woman, thou
shalt not
inherit the durable possession; therefore as thou lovest
the good of thy soul, and
thy immortal life, return to that which yet condemns thee, which
is the light
of Christ, and it is pure and
immortal, and know it to justifie thee, for
the Spirit of the pure God will not alwayes strive with thee, no
more then it
did with the Old World:
O thou City of London! remember how
the Lord overtook
the old world
in their evil deeds, he came upon them as a thief in the
night, when they little thought of him, he took them eating and
Marrying, and giving in Marriage, and he repented that ever he
made man
upon the Earth, and he overturned them in his fiery wrath, and in
his fiery
indignation, he spared not Jerusalem, wherein his
Temple was built; and
dost thou think that the Lord will spare thee? I am afraid the
Lord will overturn
thee in flames of fire, as he did them in their
gain-sayings: Therefore amend
thy life while it is to day, and prize the short moment of
time which
thou hast yet to spend, least God cast thee into
which is prepared for the
wicked and abominable. And this is my councel unto thee, whether
thou wilt
receive it, yea or nay: It is good, and the same which
the Apostles gave to the
ungodly in that day, and to the Scribes and Pharisees, who were learned
men, whose zeal did far exceed thine in this thy day; and this
is it, that thou return
to the Spirit of God which is in thee, and be guided by it,
and led with it,
into righteousness, meekness, and long-suffering, and walk
in the light whilst
you have the light, for the night will come, wherein no man can
work; but in
this glorious day the Son worketh, and the Father worketh,
therefore let him
not work in vain, but let the Spirit of the pure God work down,
and lead out of
all thats contrary to God, that so life over death may reign in
thee. O! that
thou wert like the Noble Bereans, that searched the
Scripture in their day, and if
thou wouldst do so with the same Spirit that gave them
forth, then wouldst thou
see clearly that we are in the way of God, and live the life of
the Scriptures,
and then wouldst thou joyn issue with us, and
leave “thy dumb idle Shepherds,
which indeed are greedy dumb dogs, and can never have
enough,” and
come to Christ,
whom God hath given for a Leader and a Commander to his
people, and to be Salvation to the ends of the earth,
who is the Physitian and
the Bishop of the
soul, who leadeth into the Fold immortal, where he feedeth
his Flock at noon-day, in the heat of persecution, and in the day
of fiery tryals,
he is a sure hiding place, “his Name is a strong Tower, the
fly thereinto, and are saved;” but as for the wicked,
they must inherit the Lake
that burn, for ever, for thats their habitation, which is
never-dying torments,
which God hath prepared since the Foundation of the earth for them.
E. B.Ester Biddle