Convent of Pleasure.
A Comedy.
Act I. Scene I.
[Enter Three Gentlemen.]First Gentleman
Tom, Where have you been, you
look so sadly of it?
2 Gent
I have been at the Funeral
of the
Lord Fortunate; who
has left his Daughter, the
Happy, very rich, having
no other
Daughter but her.
1 Gent
If she be so rich, it
will make us all Young
Men, spend all our Wealth in fine Clothes, Coaches,
and Lackies, to set out our Wooing hopes.
3 Gent
If all her Wooers be younger
Brothers, as
most of us Gallants are, we shall undo our selves upon
bare hopes, without Probability: But is she handsome,
2 Gent
Yes, she is
extream handsome, young, rich,
and virtuous.
1 Gent
Faith, that is too much for
one Woman
to possess.
2 Gent
Not, if you were to have her.
1 Gent
No, not for me; but in my Opinion too
much for any other Man.
Scene II.
[Enter the Lady Happy, and one of her Attendants.]Servant
Madam, you
being young, handsome, rich, and
virtuous, I hope you will not cast away those
gifts of Nature, Fortune, and Heaven, upon a Person
which cannot merit you?
L. Happy
Let me tell you, that
Riches ought to
be bestowed on such as are poor, and want means to
maintain themselves; and Youth, on those that are
Beauty, on those that are ill-favoured; and
Virtue, on those that are vicious: So that if I should
place my gifts rightly, I must Marry one that’s poor,
ill-favoured, and debauch’d.
Heaven forbid.
L. Happy
Nay, Heaven doth not only allow of it,
but commands it; for we are commanded to give to
those that want.
Surely, Madam, you do
but talk, and intend
not to go where you say.
L. Happy
Yes, truly, my Words and Intentions
go even together.
But surely you will not
incloyster your
self, as you say.
L. Happy
Why, what is there in
the publick World
that should invite me to live in it?
More then if you
should banish your self
from it.
L. Happy
Put the case I should Marry the best of
Men, if any best there be; yet would a Marry’d life
have more crosses and sorrows then pleasure, freedom,
or hapiness: nay Marriage to those that are virtuous is
a greater restraint then a Monastery. Or, should I take
delight in Admirers? they might gaze on my Beauty,
and praise my Wit, and I receive nothing from their
eyes, nor
lips; for Words vanish as soon as spoken, and
Sights are not substantial. Besides, I should lose more
of my Reputation by their Visits, then gain by their
Praises. Or, should I quit Reputation and turn Courtizan,
there would be more lost in my Health, then
gained by
my Lovers, I should find more pain then
besides, the troubles and frights I should be
put to, with the Quarrels and Brouilleries that Jealous
make, would be a torment to me; and ’tis only
for the sake of Men, when Women retire not: And
since there
is so much folly, vanity and falshood in Men,
why should Women trouble and vex themselves for
sake; for retiredness bars the life from nothing else
but Men.
O yes, for those that
incloister themselves,
bar themselves from all other worldly Pleasures.
L. Happy
The more Fools they.
Will you call
those Fools that do it for the
gods sake?
L. Happy
No Madam, it is not for the gods
but for opinion’s sake; for, Can any Rational Creature
think or believe, the gods take delight in the Creature’s
uneasie life? or, Did they command or give leave to
Nature to
make Senses for no use; or to cross, vex and
pain them? for, What profit or pleasure can it be to the
gods to have Men or Women wear coarse Linnen or
Woollen, or to flea their skin with Hair-cloth,
or to eat or sawe thorow their flesh with Cords? or,
What profit or pleasure can it be to the gods to have
Men eat
more Fish then Flesh, or to fast? unless the
gods did feed on such meat themselves; for then, for
the gods should want it, it were fit for Men to
abstein from
it: The like for Garments, for fear the
gods should want fine
Clothes to adorn themselves, it
were fit Men should not wear them: Or,
what profit
or pleasure can it be to the gods to have Men to lie
uneasily on the hard ground, unless the gods and Nature
were at variance, strife and wars; as if what is displeasing
unto Nature, were pleasing to the gods, and to
enemies to her, were to be friends to them.
But being done for
the gods sake, it makes
that which in Nature seems to be bad, in Divinity to
be good.
L. Happy
It cannot be good, if it be neither
nor profit to the gods; neither do Men any
thing for the gods but their own sake.
But when the Mind is not
imployed with
Vanities, nor the Senses with Luxury; the Mind is
more free, to offer its Adorations, Prayers and Praises
to the gods.
L. Happy
I believe, the gods are
better pleased with
Praises then Fasting; but when the Senses are dull’d
with abstinency, the Body weakned with fasting, the
Spirits tir’d with watching, the Life made uneasie with
pain, the Soul can have but little will to worship: only
Imagination doth frighten it into active zeal, which
devotion is
rather forced then voluntary; so that their
prayers rather flow
out of their mouth, then spring
from their heart, like rain-water
that runs thorow
Gutters, or like Water that’s forced up a Hill by
Pipes and Cisterns. But those that pray not
the gods, or praise them more in prosperity then
adversity, more in pleasures then
pains, more in
liberty then restraint, deserve neither the
happiness of
ease, peace, freedom, plenty and tranquillity in this
nor the glory and blessedness of the next.
And if the gods
should take pleasure in nothing but in
the torments of their Creatures, and would not prefer
those prayers that are offer’d with ease and delight,
I should believe, the gods were cruel: and, What Creature
that had reason or rational understanding, would
serve cruel Masters, when they might serve a kind Mistress,
or would forsake the service of their kind Mistress,
to serve cruel Masters? Wherefore, if the gods
be cruel, I will serve Nature; but the gods are bountiful,
and give all, that’s good, and bid us freely please
our selves in that which is best for us: and that is best,
what is most temperately used, and longest may be enjoyed,
for excess doth wast it self, and all it feeds
In my opinion your
Doctrine, and your
Intention do not agree together.
L. Happy
You intend to live
incloister’d and retired
from the World.
L. Happy
’Tis true, but not from pleasures; for, I
intend to incloister my self from the World, to enjoy
pleasure, and not to bury my self from it; but to
incloister my self from the incumbred cares and vexations,
troubles and perturbance of the World.
But if you incloister
your self, How will
you enjoy the company of Men, whose conversation
is thought the greatest Pleasure?
L. Happy
Men are the only troublers of Women;
for they only cross and oppose their sweet delights, and
peaceable life; they cause their pains, but not their
pleasures. Wherefore those Women that are poor,
and have not means to buy delights, and maintain
are only fit for Men; for having not means
to please themselves, they must serve only to please
others; but those Women, where Fortune, Nature,
and the gods are joined to make them happy, were mad
to live with Men, who make the Female sex their
slaves; but
I will not be so inslaved, but will live
retired from their
Company. Wherefore, in order
thereto, I will take so many Noble Persons of my
own Sex,
as my Estate will plentifully maintain, such
whose Births are greater then their Fortunes, and are
resolv’d to live a single life, and vow Virginity: with
these I mean to live incloister’d with all the delights
and pleasures that are allowable and lawful; My
shall not be a Cloister of restraint, but a
place for freedom, not to vex the Senses but to please
For every Sense shall pleasure take,
And all our Lives shall merry make:
Our Minds in full delight shall joy,
Not vex’d with every idle Toy:
Each Season shall our Caterers be,
To search the Land, and Fish the Sea;
To gather Fruit and reap the Corn,
That’s brought to us in Plenty’s Horn;
With which we’l feast and please our tast,
But not luxurious make a wast.
Wee’l Cloth our selves with softest Silk,
And Linnen fine as white as milk.
Wee’l please our Sight with Pictures rare;
Our Nostrils with perfumed Air.
Our Ears with sweet melodious Sound,
Whose Substance can be no where found;
Our Tast with sweet delicious Meat,
And savory Sauces we will eat:
Variety each Sense shall feed,
And Change in them new Appetites breed.
Thus will in Pleasure’s Convent I
Live with delight, and with it die.
Act II. Scene I.
[Enter Monsieur Take-pleasure, and his Man Dick.]Monsieur Take-pleasure
Dick, Am I fine to day?
Yes, Sir, as fine as
Feathers, Ribbons,
Gold, and Silver can make you.
Dost thou think I shall get the Lady Happy?
if it be her fortune to continue in that
Because if she Marry your Worship
she must
change her Name; for the Wife takes the Name of her
and quits her own.
Dick, if I had her wealth I should
be Happy.
It would be according as your Worship
would use it; but, on my conscience, you would be
more happy with the Ladie’s Wealth, then the Lady
would be with your Worship.
Why should you think so?
Because Women never think
happy in Marriage.
You are mistaken;
for Women never
think themselves happpy until they be
The truth is, Sir, that Women are always
unhappy in their thoughts, both before and after
Marriage; for, before Marriage they think
unhappy for want of a Husband; and after they are
Married, they think themselves unhappy for having a
Indeed Womens thoughts are restless.
Monsieur Take-pleasure; all in their Wooing
Gentlemen, I perceive
you are all prepared
to Woo.
Yes faith, we are all prepared to be Wooers.
whom shall we get to present us to the
We must fset on bold faces, and present
our selves.
Faith, I would not
give my hopes for an
indifferent portion.
Nor I.
The truth is, We are all stuft with Hopes,
as Cushions are with Feathers.
O Gentlemen, Gentlemen,
we are all utterly
Why, what’s the matter?
Why, the
Lady Happy hath
her self, with twenty Ladies more.
The Devil she hath?
The gods forbid.
Whether it was the devil or
the gods that
have perswaded her to it, I cannot tell; but gone
she is.
I hope it is but a
blast of Devotion, which
will soon flame out.
Madam Mediator, we are all undone,
Lady Happy
is incloister’d.
Yes, Gentlemen, the more is the pitty.
Is there no hopes?
Faith, little.
Let us fsee the Clergy
to perswade her out,
for the good of the Commonwealth.
Gentlemen! they can do no good,
for she is not a Votress to the
gods but to Nature.
If she be a Votress to
Nature, you are the
only Person fit to be Lady Prioress; and
so by your
power and authority you may give us leave to visit
your Nuns sometimes.
Not but at a Grate,
unless in time of Building,
or when they are sick; but
howsoever, the
Lady Happy is Lady-Prioress her self, and will
none of the Masculine Sex, not so much as to a
Grate, for she will suffer no grates about the Cloister;
she has also Women-Physicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries,
and she is the chief Confessor her self, and
gives what Indulgences or Absolutions
she pleaseth:
Also, her House, where she hath made her
is so big and convenient, and so strong, as it needs
addition or repair: Besides, she has so much compass of
ground within her walls, as there is not only room
and place
enough for Gardens, Orchards, Walks,
Groves, Bowers, Arbours,
Ponds, Fountains, Springs
and the like; but also conveniency for
much Provision,
and hath Women for every Office and
for though she hath not above twenty Ladies
with her,
yet she hath a numerous Company of Female
Servants, so as
there is no occasion for Men.
If there be so many
Women, there will
be the more use for Men: But pray
Madam Mediator,
give me leave, rightly to understand you, by being
clearly informed: you say, The
Lady Happy is
become a Votress to Nature;
and if she be a Votress
to Nature, she must be a
Mistress to Men.
By your favour, Sir, she
declares, That
she hath avoided the company of Men, by
meerly, because she would enjoy the variety of
which are in Nature; of which, she says, Men
are Obstructers; for, instead of increasing Pleasure,
they produce Pain, and, instead of giving Content,
increase Trouble; instead of making the Femal-
Sex Happy, they
make them Miserable; for which,
she hath banished the
Masculine Company for ever.
Her Heretical Opinions ought not to be
suffer’d, nor her Doctrine allow’d; and
she ought to
be examined by a Masculine Synod, and punish’d
with a severe Husband, or tortured with a deboist
The best way, Gentlemen,
is to make your
Complaints, and put up a Petition to the State,
your desires for a Redress.
Your Counsel is good.
We will follow it, and go
presently about
Scene II.
[Enter the Lady Happy, with her Ladies; as also MadamMediator.]
Lady Happy
Ladies, give
me leave to desire your Confession,
whether or no you repent
your Retirement.
excellent Lady, it were as probable a
repentance could be in Heaven
amongst Angels as
amongst us.
L. Happy
Madam Mediator, let me ask you,
Do you condemn
my act of Retirement?
I approve of it with
admiration and wonder,
that one that is so young should
be so wise.
L. Happy
Now give me leave to inform you, how
I have order’d this our Convent of
Pleasure; first, I
have such things as are for our Ease
and Conveniency;
next for Pleasure, and Delight; as I have change
Furniture, for my house; according to the four Seasons
of the year, especially our Chambers: As in the
Spring, our Chambers are hung with Silk-Damask,
and all other
things suitable to it; and a great Looking-
Glass in each
Chamber, that we may view our selves
and take pleasure in our
own Beauties, whilst they are
fresh and young; also, I have
in each Chamber a Cup-
board of such plate, as is useful, and whatsoever is to
be used is there ready to be imployed; also, I have all
Floor strew’d with sweet Flowers: In the Summer
I have all our
Chambers hung with Taffety, and all
other things suitable to it,
and a Cup-board of Purseline,
and of Plate, and all the
Floore strew’d every
day with green Rushes or Leaves, and
Cisterns placed
neer our Beds-heads, wherein Water may run
of small Pipes made for that purpose: To invite repose
in the Autumn, all our Chambers are hung with Gilt
Leather, or
Franchipane; also, Beds and all other
things suitable; and the
Rooms Matted with very
fine Mats: In the Winter our Chambers must
be hung
with Tapestry, and our Beds of Velvet, lined with
Sattin, and
all things suitable to it, and all the Floor
spread over with
Turkie Carpets, and a
Cup-board of
Gilt Plate; and all the Wood for Firing to be Cypress
and Juniper; and all the Lights to be Perfumed
also, the Bedding and Pillows are ordered accordingcording
to each Season; viz. to be stuft with Feathers
in the Spring and
Autumn, and with Down in
the Winter, but in the Summer to be only
either of Silk, or fine Holland; and our Sheets, Pillows,
Table-Clothes and Towels, to be of pure fine
Holland, and
every day clean; also, the Rooms we
eat in, and the Vessels
we feed withal, I have according
to each Season; and the
Linnen we use to our
Meat, to be pure fine Diaper, and Damask,
and to
change it fresh every course of Meat: As for our Galleries,
Stair-Cases, and Passages, they shall be hung
with various Pictures; and, all along the Wall of our
as long as the Summer lasts, do stand, upon
Flower-pots, with various Flowers; and in
the Winter Orange-Trees:
and my Gardens to be
kept curiously, and flourish, in every
Season of all
sorts of Flowers, sweet Herbs and Fruits, and
kept so
as not to have a Weed in it, and all the Groves, Wildernesses,
Bowers and Arbours pruned, and kept free
dead Boughs Branches or Leaves; and all the
Ponds, Rivolets,
Fountains, and Springs, kept clear,
pure and fresh: Also, we
will have the choisest Meats
every Season doth afford, and
that every day our Meat,
be drest several ways, and our drink
cooler or hotter
according to the several Seasons; and all our Drinks
fresh and pleasing: Change of Garments are also provided,
of the newest fashions for every Season, and
Trimming; so as we may be accoutred properly,
and according to
our several pastimes: and our Shifts
shall be of the finest
and purest Linnen that can be
bought or spun.
None in this World can be happier.
L. Happy
Now Ladies, let us go to our
Pastimes, if you please.
Scene III.
[Enter Two Ladies.]Lady Amorous
Madam, how do you, since you were Married?
L. Vertue
Very well, I thank you.
L. Amor
I am not so well as I wish I were.
M. Mediat
Ladies, do you hear the News?
L. Vertue
What News?
M. Mediat
Why there is a great
Foreign Princess
arrived, hearing of the famous Convent of Pleasure, to be
one of Nature’s
L. Amor
What manner of Lady is she?
M. Mediat
She is a
Princely brave Woman truly,
of a Masculine Presence.
L. Vertue
Madam Mediator, Do they live
in such
Pleasure as you say? for they’l admit you, a
Widow, although
not us, by reason we are Wives.
M. Mediat
In so much
Pleasure, as Nature never
knew, before this
Convent was: and for my part, I
had rather be one in the Convent of
Pleasure, then Emperess
of the whole World; for
every Lady there
enjoyeth as much Pleasure as any absolute
can do, without the Troubles and Cares, that wait
Royalty; besides, none can enjoy those Pleasures
They have,
unless they live such a retired or retreated
life free from the
Worlds vexations.
L. Vertue
Well, I wish I might see and know,
what Pleasures they enjoy.
M. Mediat
If you were there, you
could not
know all their Pleasure in a short time, for their
will require a long time to know their several Changes;
besides, their Pleasures and Delights vary with the Seasons;
so that what with the several Seasons, and the
Varieties of every Season, it will take up a whole
L. Vertue
But I could judg of their Changes by
their single Principles.
M. Mediat
But they have Variety
of one and the
same kind.
L. Vertue
But I should see the way
or manner of
M. Mediat
That you might.
Scene IV.
[Enter Monsieur Adviser, Courtly, Take-pleasure,and Facil.]
Monsieur Courtly
Is there no hopes to get those Ladies out of their
No faith, unless we could set the
on fire.
sake, let us do it, let’s every
one carry a Fire-brand to fire
Yes, and smoak them out, as they do a Swarm
of Bees.
Let’s go presently about it.
Stay, there is a great Princess there.
’Tis true, but when
that Princess is gone, we
will surely do it.
Yes, and be punish’d for our Villany.
It will not prove
Villany, for we shall do
Nature good service.
Why, so we do Nature good service,
we get a Wench with Child, but yet the Civil
Laws do punish us
for it.
They are not Civil Laws that
those are Civil Laws that punish
Those are Barbarous Laws
that make Love
No, Those are Barbarous that make Adultery
Well, leaving
Love and Adultery, They
are foolish Women that vex us with their
Well, Gentlemen, although we rail
at the
Lady Happy for Retiring, yet if I had such an
as she, and would follow her Example; I make no
doubt but you would all be content to encloister your
selves with me upon the same conditions, as those Ladies
incloister themselves with her.
unless you had Women in your
Nay, faith, since Women
can quit the
pleasure of Men, we Men may well quit the trouble
of Women.
But is there no place where
we may peak into
the Convent?
No, there are no Grates, but Brick and
Let us get out some of the Bricks or Stones.
Alas! the Walls are a Yard-thick.
But nothing is difficult to Willing-minds.
My Mind is willing; but my Reason
tells me, It is
impossible; wherefore, I’le never go
about it.
Faith, let us
resolve to put our selves in
Womens apparel, and so by that means get
into the
We shall be discover’d.
Who will discover Us?
We shall discover our Selves.
We are not such
fools as to betray our
We cannot avoid it, for,
our very Garb
and Behaviour; besides, our Voices will discover
us: for
we are as untoward to make Courtsies in Petticoats, as
Women are to make Legs in Breeches; and it
be as great a difficulty to raise our Voices to a Treble-
sound, as for Women to press down their
to a Base; besides, We shall
never frame our Eyes
and Mouths to such coy, dissembling
looks, and pritty
simpering Mopes and Smiles, as they
But we will go as strong lusty Country-
Wenches, that desire to serve them in Inferiour
and Offices, as Cook-maids, Landry-maids, Dairy-
and the like.
I do verily
believe, I could make an indifferent
Cook-maid, but not a
Laundry, nor a Dairy-
maid; for I cannot milk Cows, nor starch Gorgets,
but I think
I could make a pretty shift, to wash some
of the Ladies
But they imploy Women
in all Places in
their Gardens; and for Brewing, Baking and making
all sorts of things; besides, some keep their Swine, and
twenty such like Offices and
Employments there are
which we should be very proper
O yes, for keeping of Swine
belongs to Men;
remember the
Faith, for our
Prodigality we might be all
Also we shall be
proper for Gardens, for
we can dig, and set, and sow.
And we are proper for Brewing.
We are more proper for Drinking, for I
can drink good Beer, or
Ale, when ’tis Brew’d; but
I could not brew such Beer, or Ale, as any man could
Come, come, we shall
make a shift one way
or other: Besides, we shall be very
willing to learn,
and be very diligent in our Services, which will
good and great content; wherefore, let us go and put
these designes into execution.
Content, content.
Nay, faith, let us not trouble our Selves
for it, ’tis in vain.
Act III. Scene I.
[Enter the Princess, and the Lady Happy, with therest of the Ladies belonging to the Convent.]
Lady Happy
Madam, Your Highness has done me much Honour,
to come from a Splendid Court to a retired
Lady Happy, there are many, that have
quit their Crowns and Power, for a Cloister of Restraint;
then well may I quit a Court of troubles for
a Convent of Pleasure: but the greatest
pleasure I could
receive, were, To have your
L. Happy
I should
be ungrateful, should I not be
not only your Friend, but humble
I desire you would be my
Mistress, and I your
Servant; and upon this agreement of
Friendship I desire
you will grant me one
L. Happy
Any thing that is in my power to grant.
Why then, I observing in
your several Recreations,
some of your Ladies do
accoustre Themselves
in Masculine-Habits, and act
Lovers-parts; I desire
you will give me leave to be sometimes
so accoustred
and act the part of your loving Servant.
L. Happy
I shall never desire to have any other
loving Servant then
your Self.
Nor I any other loving
Mistress then Your-
L. Happy
More innocent Lovers never can there be,
Then my most Princely Lover, that’s a She.
Nor never Convent did such pleasures give,
Where Lovers with their Mistresses may live.
the Play.]
May it please your Highness, the Play is
to be Acted.
and the Play is Acted within the Scene; the Princess
and the L.LadyHappy being Spectators.] [Enter one drest like a Man that speaks the Prologue.]
Unidentified Lady[Speaker label not present in original source]
Noble Spectators, you shall see to night
A Play, which though’t be dull, yet’s short to sight;
For, since we cannot please your Ears with Wit,
We will not tyre your limbs, long here to sit.
Scene II.
[Enter Two mean Women.]First Woman
O Neighbour well met, where have you been?
2 Woman
I have been with my
the Cobler’s Wife to comfort her for the loss of her
Husband, who is run away with
Goody Mettle the
Tinker’s Wife.
1 Woman
I would to Heaven my Husband would
run away with
Goody Shred the Botcher’s Wife, for he
lies all
day drinking in an Ale-house, like a drunken
Rogue as he is, and
when he comes home, he beats me
all black and blew, when I and my
Children are almost
starved for want.
2 Woman
Truly Neighbour, so doth my Husband;
and spends not only what he gets, but what I earn with
sweat of my brows, the whilst my Children cry
for bread, and he
drinks that away, that should feed
my small Children, which are
too young to work for
1. Woman
But I will go, and pull my Husband out
of the
Ale-house, or I’le break their Lattice-windows
2 Woman
Come, I’le go and help; for my Husband
is there too: but we shall be both beaten by them.
1 Woman
I care not: for I will not suffer
him to be
drunk, and I and my
Children starve; I had better be
Scene III.
[Enter a Lady and her Maid.]Lady
Oh, I am sick!
You are breeding a Child, Madam.
I have not one minutes time of health.
Scene IV.
[Enter Two Ladies.]First Lady
Why weep you, Madam?
2 Lady
Have I not cause to weep when my
Husband hath
play’d all his Estate away at Dice and
Cards, even to the Clothes
on his back?
1 Lady
I have as
much cause to weep then as you;
for, though my Husband hath not
lost his Estate at play,
yet he hath spent it amongst his Whores; and is not
to keep Whores abroad, but in my house,
under my roof, and they
must rule as chief Mistresses.
2 Lady
But my Husband hath not only lost his
Estate, but also my Portion; and hath forced
me with threats,
to yield up my Jointure, so that I
must beg for my living, for any thing I
know as yet.
1 Lady
If all
Married Women were as unhappy as
I, Marriage were a
2 Lady
No doubt of it.
Scene V.
[Enter a Lady, as almost distracted, running about the Stage,and her Maid follows her.]
Oh! my Child is dead, my Child is
what shall I do, what shall I do?
You must have patience, Madam.
Who can have patience to lose their
Child? who can! Oh I shall run mad, for I have no
Scene VI.
[Enter a Citizen’s Wife, as into a Tavern, where a Bush ishung out, and meets some Gentlemen there.]
Citizen’s Wife
Gentlemen, is my Husband,
Mr. Negligent
1 Gent
He was, but he is gone
some quarter of an
hour since.
Cit. Wife
Could he go, Gentlemen?
2 Gent
Yes, with a Supporter.
Cit. Wife
Out upon him! must he be supported?
Upon my
credit Gentlemen, he will undo himself and
me too, with his
drinking and carelesness, leaving his
Shop and all his
Commodities at six’s and seven’s; and
his Prentices and
Journey-men are as careless and idle
as he; besides, they cozen
him of his Wares. But, was
it a He or She-Supporter, my Husband was supported
1 Gent
She-supporter; for it was one of the Maid-
servants, which
belong to this Tavern.
Cit. Wife
Out upon him Knave,
must he have a
She-supporter, in the Devil’s name? but I’le go
and seek
them both out with a Vengeance.
2. Gent
let us intreat your stay to drink a cup
of Wine with us.
Cit. Wife
I will take your kind
Offer; for Wine
may chance to abate Cholerick vapours, and pacifie
the Spleen.
1 Gent
That it will; for Wine and
good Company
are the only abaters of Vapours.
2. Gent
It doth not
abate Vapours so much as cure
Cit. Wife
In truth, I find
a cup of Wine doth comfort
me sometimes.
1 Gent
It will cheer the Heart.
2 Gent
Yes, and enlighten the Understanding.
Cit. Wife
Indeed, and my
understanding requires
Scene VII.
[Enter a Lady big with Child, groaning as in labour, and aCompany of Wommen with her.]
Pregnant Lady[Speaker label not present in original source]
Oh my back, my back will break, Oh! Oh! Oh!
1 Woman
Is the Midwife sent for?
2 Woman
Yes, but she is with another Lady.
Oh my back! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Juno, give me
some ease.
Scene VIII.
[Enter two Ancient Ladies.]1 Lady
I have brought my Son into the World
with great pains, bred him with tender care, much
pains and
great cost; and must he now be hang’d for killing
a Man in a
quarrel? when he should be a comfort and
staff of my age, is he
to be my ages affliction?
2 Lady
confess it is a great affliction; but I have
had as great; having
had but two Daughters, and
them fair ones, though I say it, and
might have matched
them well: but one of them was got with Child to
my great
disgrace; th’ other run away with my Butler,
not worth the
droppings of his Taps.
1 Lady
Who would
desire Children, since they
come to such
Scene IX.
[Enter one Woman meeting another.]1 Woman
Is the Midwife come, for my
is in a strong labour?
2 Woman
No, she cannot come, for she hath been
with a Lady that hath
been in strong labour these
three days of a dead child, and
’tis thought she cannot
be delivered.
3 Woman
Come away, the Midwife is come.
1 Woman
Is the Lady deliver’d, she was withall?
3 Woman
Yes, of life; for
she could not be delivered,
and so she died.
2 Woman
Pray tell not our Lady so: for, the
fright of not being able to bring forth a Child will
Scene X.
[Enter a Gentleman who meets a fair Young Lady.]Gent
Madam, my Lord desires you
to command
whatsoever you please, and it shall be
I dare not command, but I
humbly intreat,
I may live quiet and free from his
He says he cannot live, and not love you.
But he may live, and not lie with me.
He cannot be happy, unless he enjoy you.
And I must be unhappy, if he should.
He commanded me to tell you
that he will
part from his Lady for your sake.
Heaven forbid, I should part Man and Wife.
Lady, he will be divorced for your sake.
Heaven forbid I should be the cause of a
Divorce between a Noble Pair.
You had
best consent; for, otherwise he will
have you against your
I will send his Lordship
an answer to morrow;
pray him to give me so much
I shall, Lady.
I must prevent my own ruin,
and the sweet
virtuous Ladies, by going into a Nunnery;
I’le put my self into one to night:
There will I live, and serve the Gods on high,
And leave this wicked World and Vanity.
Unidentified Lady[Speaker label not present in original source]
Marriage is a Curse we find,
Especially to Women kind:
From the Cobler’s Wife we see,
To Ladies, they unhappie be.
L. Happy
[to the Prin.Princess]Pray Servant, how
do you
like this Play?
My sweet Mistress, I
cannot in conscience approve
of it; for though some few
be unhappy in Marriage,
yet there are many more that are so
happy as
they would not change their condition.
L. Happy
O Servant, I fear you will become an
Not to you sweet Mistress.
1 Gent
There is no hopes of
dissolving this Convent
2 Gent
Faith, not as I can perceive.
3 Gent
We may be sure, this Convent will never be
dissolved, by reason it is ennobled with the company of
great Princesses, and glorified with a great Fame; but
fear is, that all the rich Heirs will make Convents, and
all the Young Beauties associate
themselves in such
1 Gent
You speak reason;
wherefore, let us endeavour
to get Wives, before they are
Act IV. Scene I.
[Enter Lady Happy drest as a Shepherdess; She walks veryMelancholy, then speaks as to her self.]
Lady Happy[Speaker label not present in original source]
My Name is
Happy, and so was my Condition,
before I saw this
Princess; but now I am
like to
be the most unhappy Maid alive: But why may not
love a Woman with the same affection I could a
No, no, Nature is Nature, and still will be
The same she was from all Eternity.
My dearest Mistress, do
you shun my Company?
is your Servant become an offence to your
L. Happy
No, Servant! your Presence is more
to me then the Presence of our Goddess Nature,
for which she, I fear will punish me, for loving you
more then I ought to love you.
Can Lovers love too much?
L. Happy
Yes, if they love not well.
Can any
Love be more vertuous, innocent
and harmless then ours?
L. Happy
I hope not.
Then let us please our
selves, as harmless Lovers
use to do.
L. Happy
How can harmless Lovers please
Why very well, as, to
discourse, imbrace and
kiss, so mingle souls
L. Happy
But innocent Lovers do not use to kiss.
Not any act more frequent
amongst us Women-kind;
nay, it were a sin in
friendship, should not
we kiss: then let us not prove our
selves Reprobates.
These my Imbraces though of Femal kind,
May be as fervent as a Masculine mind.
are feeding, and a May-Pole in the middle.] [L.LadyHappy as a Shepherdess, and the Princess as a Shepherd
are sitting there.] [Enter another Shepherd, and Wooes the Lady Happy.]
Fair Shepherdess do not my Suit deny,
O grant my Suit, let me not for Love die:
Pity my Flocks, Oh save their Shepherd’s life;
Grant you my Suit, be you their Shepherd’s Wife.
L. Happy
How can I grant to every ones request?
Each Shepherd’s Suit lets me not be at rest;
For which I wish, the Winds might blow them far,
That no Love-Suit might enter to my Ear.
another Shepherd.]
Good Dame unto your Daughter speak for me.
Perswade her I your Son in Law may be:
I’le serve your Swine, your Cows bring home to Milk;
Attend your Sheep, whose Wool’s as soft as Silk;
I’le plow your Grounds, Corn I’le in Winter sow,
Then reap your Harvest, and your Grass I’le mow;
Gather your Fruits in Autumn from the Tree.
All this and more I’le do, if y’ speak for me.
My Daughter vows a single life,
And swears, she n’re will be a Wife;
But live a Maid, and Flocks will keep,
And her chief Company shall be Sheep.
My Shepherdess, your Wit flies high,
Up to the Skie,
And views the Gates of Heaven,
Which are the Planets Seven;
Sees how fixt Stars are plac’d,
And how the Meteors wast;
What K1r 35What makes the Snow so white,
And how the Sun makes light;
What makes the biting Cold
On every thing take hold;
And Hail a mixt degree,
’Twixt Snow and Ice you see
From whence the Winds do blow;
What Thunder is, you know,
And what makes Lightning flow
Like liquid streams, you show.
From Skie you come to th’ Earth,
And view each Creature’s birth;
Sink to the Center deep,
Where all dead bodies sleep;
And there observe to know,
What makes the Minerals grow;
How Vegetables sprout,
And how the Plants come out;
Take notice of all Seed,
And what the Earth doth breed;
Then view the Springs below,
And mark how Waters flow;
What makes the Tides to rise
Up proudly to the Skies,
And shrinking back descend,
As fearing to offend.
Also your Wit doth view
The Vapour and the Dew,
K In K1v 36In Summer’s heat, that Wet
Doth seem like the Earth’s Sweat;
In Winter-time, that Dew
Like paint’s white to the view,
Cold makes that thick, white, dry;
As Cerusse it doth lie
On th’ Earth’s black face, so fair
As painted Ladies are;
But, when a heat is felt,
That Frosty paint doth melt.
Thus Heav’n and Earth you view,
And see what’s Old, what’s New;
How Bodies Transmigrate,
Lives are Predestinate.
Thus doth your Wit reveal
What Nature would conceal.
L. Happy
My Shepherd,
All those that live do know it,
That you are born a Poet,
Your Wit doth search Mankind,
In Body and in Mind;
The Appetites you measure,
And weigh each several Pleasure;
Do figure every Passion,
And every Humor’s fashion;
See how the Fancie’s wrought,
And what makes every Thought;
Fadom Conceptions low,
From whence Opinions flow;
Ob- K2r 37Observe the Memorie’s length,
And Understanding’s strength
Your Wit doth Reason find,
The Centre of the Mind,
Wherein the Rational Soul
Doth govern and controul,
There doth she sit in State,
Predestinate by Fate,
And by the Gods Decree,
That Sovereign She should be.
And thus your Wit can tell,
How Souls in Bodies dwell;
As that the Mind dwells in the Brain,
And in the Mind the Soul doth raign,
And in the Soul the life doth last,
For with the Body it doth not wast;
Nor shall Wit like the Body die,
But live in the World’s Memory.
May I live in your
favour, and be possest
with your Love and Person, is the
height of my
L. Happy
I can neither deny you my
Love nor
In amorous Pastoral Verse we did not Woo.
As other Pastoral Lovers use to doo.
L. Ha
Which doth express, we shall more constant be,
And in a Married life better agree.
We shall agree, for we true Love inherit,
Join as one Body and Soul, or Heav’nly Spirit.
Mapy-Pole: that Pair which Dances best is Crowned
King and Queen of the Shepherds that year; which
happens to the Princess, and the Lady Happy.]
L. Happy
[to the Princ.Princess]Let me tell you,
Servant, that
our Custome is to dance about this May-Pole, and
Pair which Dances best is Crown’d King and Queen
of all the
Shepherds and Shepherdesses this year:
Which Sport if it please you we will begin.
Sweetest Mistress, that pleases you,
can displease
Happy are Crowned with a Garland of Flowers: a
Shepherd speaks.] Written by my Lord Duke
Shepherd 1[Speaker label not present in original source]
You’ve won the prize; and justly; so we all
Acknowledg it with joy, and offer here
Our Hatchments up, our Sheep-hooks as your due,
And Scrips of Corduant, and Oaten pipe;
So all our Pastoral Ornaments we lay
Here at your Feet, with Homage to obay
All your Commands, and all these things we bring
In honour of our dancing Queen and King;
For L1r 39For Dancing heretofore has got more Riches
Then we can find in all our Shepherds Breeches;
Witness rich Holmby: Long then may you live,
And for your Dancing what we have we give.
Shepherd 2[Speaker label not present in original source]
The Jolly Wassel now do bring,
With Apples drown’d in stronger Ale,
And fresher Syllibubs, and sing;
Then each to tell their Love-sick Tale:
So home by Couples, and thus draw
Our selves by holy Hymen’s Law.
Musing posture, then views her Self, and speaks.]
What have I on a Petticoat,
Mars! thou
God of War, pardon my sloth; but yet remember
thou art a
Lover, and so am I; but you will say, my
Kingdom wants me, not
only to rule, and govern it,
but to defend it: But what is a
Kingdom in comparison
of a Beautiful Mistress? Base
thoughts flie off,
for I will not go; did not only a Kingdom, but
World want me.
after a short Musing speaks.]
L. Happy
O Nature, O you gods above,
Suffer me not to fall in Love;
O strike me dead here in this place
Rather then fall into disgrace.
M. Mediat
Happy, solitary alone! and
Musing like a disconsolate Lover!
L. Happy
No, I was Meditating of Holy things.
M. Mediat
Holy things! what Holy things?
L. Happy
Why, such Holy things as the Gods are.
M. Mediat
By my truth, whether
your Contemplation
be of Gods or of Men, you are become lean
and pale since I was in the Convent last.
Come my sweet
Mistress, shall we go to our
Sports and Recreations?
M. Mediat
Beshrew me, your
Highness hath sported
too much I fear.
Why, Madam Mediator, say you so?
M. Mediat
Because the
Lady Happy looks
not well,
she is become pale and lean.
Madam Mediator, your eyes are become
dim with Time; for my sweet Mistress appears with
splendor then the God of Light.
M. Mediat
all you are a great Princess, give me
leave to tell you,
I am not so old, nor yet so blind,
But that I see you are too kind.
Madam Mediator, when we return
our Recreations, I will ask your pardon, for
saying, your eyes are dim, conditionally you will ask
for saying, my Mistress looks not well.
the Sea, whereupon sits the Princess and the Lady
Happy; the Princess as ’ the Sea-God Neptune, the
Lady Happy as a Sea-Goddess: the rest of the Ladies
sit somewhat lower, drest like Water-Nymphs; the
Princess begins to speak a Speech in Verse, and after
her the Lady Happy makes her Speech.]
The Princess[Speaker label not present in original source]
I Am the King of all the Seas,
All Watry Creatures do me please,
Obey my Power and Command,
And bring me Presents from the Land;
The Waters open their Flood-gates,
Where Ships do pass, sent by the Fates;
Which Fates do yearly, as May-Dew,
Send me a Tribute from Peru,
From L2v 42From other Nations besides,
Brought by their Servants, Winds and Tides,
Ships fraught and Men to me they bring;
My Watery Kingdom lays them in.
Thus from the Earth a Tribute I
Receive, which shews my power thereby:
Besides, my Kingdom’s richer far
Then all the Earth and every Star.
L. Happy
I feed the Sun, which gives them light,
And makes them shine in darkest night,
Moist vapour from my brest I give,
Which he sucks forth, and makes him live,
Or else his Fire would soon go out,
Grow dark, or burn the World throughout.
What Earthly Creature’s like to me,
That hath such Power and Majestie?
My Palaces are Rocks of Stone,
And built by Nature’s hand alone;
No base, dissembling, coz’ning Art
Do I imploy in any part,
In all my Kingdom large and wide,
Nature directs and doth provide
Me all Provisions which I need,
And Cooks my Meat on which I feed.
L. Happy
My Cabinets are Oyster-shells,
In which I keep my Orient-Pearls,
To open them I use the Tide,
As Keys to Locks, which opens wide,
The M1r 43The Oyster-shells then out I take;
Those, Orient-Pearls and Crowns do make;
And modest Coral I do wear,
Which blushes when it touches air.
On Silver-Waves I sit and sing,
And then the Fish lie listening:
Then sitting on a Rocky stone,
I comb my Hair with Fishes bone;
The whil’st Apollo, with his Beams,
Doth dry my Hair from wat’ry streams.
His Light doth glaze the Water’s face,
Make the large Sea my Looking-Glass;
So when I swim on Waters high,
I see my self as I glide by:
But when the Sun begins to burn,
I back into my Waters turn,
And dive unto the bottom low:
Then on my head the Waters flow,
In Curled waves and Circles round;
And thus with Waters am I Crown’d.
Besides, within the Waters deep,
In hollow Rocks my Court I keep;
Of Amber-greece my Bed is made,
Whereon my softer Limbs are laid,
There take I Rest; and whil’st I sleep,
The Sea doth guard, and safe me keep
From danger; and, when I awake,
A Present of a Ship doth make.
M No M1v 44No Prince on Earth hath more resort,
Nor keeps more Servants in his Court;
Of Mare-maids you’re waited on,
And Mare-men do attend upon
My Person; some are Councellors,
Which order all my great Affairs;
Within my wat’ry Kingdom wide,
They help to rule, and so to guide
The Common-wealth; and are by me
Prefer’d unto an high degree.
Some Judges are, and Magistrates,
Decide each Cause, and end Debates;
Others, Commanders in the War;
And some to Governments prefer;
Others are Neptun’s Priests which pray
And preach when is a Holy-day.
And thus with Method order I,
And govern all with Majesty;
I am sole Monarch of the Sea,
And all therein belongs to me.
Sea-Nymphs[Speaker label not present in original source]
We Watery Nymphs Rejoyce and Sing
About God Neptune our Sea’s King;
In Sea-green Habits, for to move
His God-head, for to fall in love.
That with his Trident he doth stay
Rough foaming Billows which obay:
And when in Triumph he doth stride
His manag’d Dolphin for to ride.
All his Sea-people to his wish,
From Whale to Herring subject Fish,
With Acclamations do attend him,
And pray’s more Riches still to send him.
Act V. Scene I.
[Enter the Princess and the Lady Happy; The Princessis in a Man’s Apparel as going to Dance; they Whisper
sometime; then the Lady Happy takes a Ribbon
from her arm, and gives it to the Princess, who gives
her another instead of that, and kisses her hand. They
go in and come presently out again with all the Company
to Dance, the Musick plays; And after they have
Danced a little while, in comes Madam Mediator
wringing her hands, and spreading her arms; and full of
Passion cries out.]
Madam Mediator[Speaker label not present in original source]
O Ladies, Ladies! you’re all
betrayed, undone, undone;
for there is a man disguised in the Convent,
search and you’l find it.
the Princess and the Lady Happy stand still together.]
You may make the search,
Madam Mediator;
but you will quit me, I am sure.
M. Mediat
By my faith but I will
not, for you
are most to be suspected.
But you say, the Man
is disguised like a Woman,
and I am accoustred like a
M. Mediat
Fidle, fadle,
that is nothing to the
kneels, the Prince bids him rise.]
What came you here for?
May it please your
Highness, The Lords
of your Council sent me to inform your
that your Subjects are so discontented at your
that if your Highness do not return into your
Kingdom soon, they’l enter this Kingdom by reason
they hear
you are here; and some report as if your
Highness were
restrained as Prisoner.
So I am, but not by the State,
but by this
Fair Lady, who must be your Soveraigness.
But since I am discover’d,
go from me to
the Councellors of this State, and inform them of my
being here, as also the reason, and that I ask their leave
I may marry this Lady; otherwise, tell them I will
have her
by force of Arms.
M. Mediat
O the Lord! I hope you
will not
bring an Army, to take away all the Women; will
Madam Mediator, we will leave you
behind us.
Scene II.
[Enter Madam Mediator lamenting and crying with aHandkerchief in her hand.] Written by my Lord Duke.
Madam Mediator[Speaker label not present in original source]
O Gentlemen, that I never
had been born, we’re
all undone and lost!
Why, what’s the matter?
M. Mediat
Matter? nay, I
doubt, there’s too
much Matter.
M. Mediat
How, never such a
Mistake; why we
have taken a Man for a Woman.
Why, a Man is for a Woman.
M. Mediat
fadle, I know that as well as you
can tell me; but there was a
young Man drest in
Woman’s Apparel, and enter’d our Convent, and the
Gods know what he
hath done: He is mighty handsome,
and that’s a great Temptation
to Virtue; but I hope
all is well: But this wicked World will lay
upon any thing or nothing; and therefore I doubt,
all my
sweet young Birds are undone, the Gods comfort
But could you never
discover it? nor have
no hint he was a Man?
M. Mediat
No truly, only once I
saw him kiss the
Lady Happy; and you know Womens Kisses are
and me-thought they kissed with more alacrity
then Women use, a kind of Titillation, and more
Why, did you not then examine it?
M. Mediat
Why, they would have
said, I was
but an old jealous fool, and laught at me; but
is a great matter; If the Gods had not been
merciful to me, he might have faln upon me.
Why, what if he had?
M. Mediat
Nay, if he had I care
not: for I defie
the Flesh as much as I renounce the Devil, and
the pomp
of this wicked World; but if I could but have sav’d
my young sweet Virgins, I would willingly have sacrificed
my body for them; for we are not born for
our selves
but for others.
’Tis piously said, truly, lovingly and kindly.
M. Mediat
Nay, I have read the
Practice of Piety;
but further they
say, He is a Foreign Prince; and they
say, They’re very
Why, you are
Madam Mediator, you
mediate and make a Friendship.
M. Mediat
Ods body what do you
talk of Mediation,
I doubt they are too good Friends; Well,
will be news for Court, Town and Country, in private
Letters, in the Gazette, and in abominable Ballets,
before it be long, and jeered to death by the pretending
Wits; but, good Gentlemen, keep this as a
Secret, and let not me be
the Author, for you will
hear abundantly of it before it be
Madam Mediator, this is no Secret, it
is known
all the Town over, and the State is preparing
to entertain the
M. Mediat
Lord! to see how ill
news will fly so
soon abroad?
Ill news indeed for us Wooers.
We only wooed in
Imagination but not in
M. Mediat
But you all had hopes.
We had so; but she only has the fruition:
for it is said,
Prince and she are agreed to Marry;
the State is so willing, as they account it an honour,
and hope
shall reap much advantage by the Match.
M. Mediat
Yes, yes; but there is
an old and true
“There’s much between the Cup and the
Scene III.
[Enter the Prince as Bridegroom, and the Lady Happyas Bride, hand in hand under a Canopy born over their
heads by Men; the Magistrates march before, then
the Hoboys; and then the Bridal-Guests, as coming
from the Church, where they were Married.] [All the Company bids them joy, they thank them.]
Madam Mediator
Although your
Highness will not stay to feast with
your Guests, pray Dance before you go.
We will both Dance and Feast
before we
go; come Madam let us Dance, to please
Now, Noble Friends,
Dance you; and
Princess, and I, will rest our
speaks to the Lady Vertue.]
L. Happy
[speaks to L.Lady Vertue.]Lady
Vertue, I perceive
L. Happy
[to the Princ.Prince]Sir, this is the
Mimick I told
L. Happy
[to Mimick.]Mimick, will you leave your
Lady and go with
I am a Married Man, and
have Married
my Ladies Maid
Nan, and she will keep me at home
do what I
can; but you’ve now a
of your
own, for the
Prince has imitated a Woman.
L. Happy
What you Rogue, do you call me a Fool?
Not I, please your Highness, unless all
Women be Fools.
Is your Wife a Fool?
Man and Wife, ’tis said, makes but
I have an humble Petition to your Highness.
Rise; What Petition is that?
That your Highness would
be pleased to
divide the Convent in two equal parts; one for Fools,
and th’
other for Married Men, as mad Men.
I’le divide it for Virgins and Widows.
That will prove a Convent of Pleasure indeed;
but they will never agree, especially if there be
disguised Prince amongst them; but you had
better bestow it
on old decrepit and bed-rid Matrons,
and then it may be call’d the Convent
of Charity, if it
cannot possibly be named the Convent of Chastity.
Well, to shew my Charity,
and to keep
your Wife’s Chastity, I’le bestow my bounty in a
Present, on the Condition you speak the Epilogue.
Come, Noble Friends, let us feast before
we part.
An Epilogue says he, the devil an Epilogue
have I: let me study.
I have it, I have it; No faith, I have
it not; I lie,
I have it, I say, I have it not; Fie
Mimick, will you
lie? Yes,
Mimick, I will lie, if it be
my pleasure:
But I say, it is gone; What is gone? The Epilogue;
When had you it? I never had
it; then you did not
lose it; that is all one, but I must
speak it, although
I never had it; How can you speak it, and
never had
it? I marry, that’s the question; but words are nothing,
then an Epilogue is nothing, and so I
may speak
nothing; Then nothing be my
Mimick[Speaker label not present in original source]
Noble Spectators by this Candle-light,
I know not what to say, but bid, Good Night:
I dare not beg Applause, our Poetess then
Will be enrag’d, and kill me with her Pen;
For she is careless, and is void of fear;
If you dislike her Play she doth not care.
But I shall weep, my inward Grief shall show
Through Floods of Tears, that [Gap in transcription—1 wordobscuredp:jrowley.bri] {Handwritten addition: Through} end of handwritten addition my Eyes will flow.
And so poor Mimick he for sorrow die.
And then through pity you may chance to cry:
But if you please, you may a Cordial give,
Made up with Praise, and so he long may live.
The Actors Names.
Three Gentlemen.
Lady Happy.
Madam Mediator.
Monsieur Take-pleasure, and Dick his Man.
Monsieur Facil.
Monsieur Adviser.
Monsieur Courtly.
Lady Amorous.
Lady Vertue.
The Princess.
Two mean Women.
A Lady, and her Maid.
Two Ladies.
A distracted Lady, and her Maid.
A Citizen’s Wife.
Two Ancient Ladies.
A Gentleman and a Young Lady.
A Shepherd.
An Ambassador.