Good Counsell, to the Petitioners for Presbyterian
Government, That they may
declare their Faith before they build their Church.
The Saints
of God being separated from Idolatry, and joyned togetheer in
the fellowship of the Gospel, have ever enjoyed
commission from Christ to practise
all the parts of Gods true Religion, and also to keep the
Ordinances of God from contempt or profanation amongst
themselves. And this power they have
from God though with persecution, now, in this time of
Parliament. Persecution, I say, not
from the Parliament, (further then they
neglect to preserve
their peace according the Law of God) but persecution, as it
arose from the Pope, and Bishops in former time primarily;
so would it do now from their
sons, who call themselves Divines, yea, even in the height of
it, if they might have their wils, as appeareth by their late
Petition, for which there was a publick
calling out for hands.
Well was it with the Kings of Israel
when they took the counsell of Gods true Prophets though few
in number, but such a Clergy which is naturally addicted to persecution
cannot be a blessing to any Parliament or Nation, as
appeareth by the Scripture. And therefore my desire is, that
the Parliament may submit to God for direction
and counsell, even to beware of men, especially of false
Prophets, or any evill workers what ever they be; And that all
persons fearing God, in the City of London, or elsewhere,
may blesse God, for fulfilling his promises unto
them, that their eyes enjoy their Teachers,
though in an upper roome, as
Christ and his Apostles
met. But for the City of Londons
Ministery (which is so much
commended in the Petition) I think their readinesse is, as
the rest of that generation in the countreys of the Land:
even to find out where their
maintenance lieth; And so far are they from
keeping Gods Ordinances from pollution and contempt, that [to
enjoy their pay] they will work contrary to a known rule,
expresse command; Cast not holy things unto
dogs: yet these men (I say) rather then they will
want their patrimony, they will constrain all men to partake
of the Ordinances
of God.
They bewail that the children should come so neer
to the birth, and that there is no strength to bring
forth: But I think the children are sufficiently
brought forth unto them. If their
means be established upon them, by the
Parliament (as I am informed it is for a
certain time:) for I know no other Children they mean, but
two: viz: Maintenance
and Power: The one they
have as Saul had the fat cattell,
contrary to Gods commandment. The other they shall
never have: for God will fight against such as fight
for them, as it appears
at this day: for they by usurped power ever shed the
blood of the Saints, and Martyrs of
Jesus, and now God is making
inquisition for the blood which hath been spilt,
and the more fiercely they go on to build up a
Babel with blood; the more speedily will God
come down to see their wickednes and to confound them.
And though they say it is in fervour of
spirit; for
the house of their
God, and although the Parliament
may bear with them, at their entreaty, yet God
will (in his own time)
deal with sinners.
They further complain,| that
| there are damnable errors broached amongst
them, (that is to say, amongst the
Presbyterians;) for amongst the people of God
none can
so soon deliver any point of false
doctrine but he shall be severly dealt with
according to the rule of Christ;) but
the Presbyters practise is to preach what they
list without controll,
therefore errors may be broached by them
But they say, divers are fallen off within these
few yeers. But me thinks they do not speak
pertinently, for men cannot be said to fall off which were
never on, or from a government
that was never setled, and they themselves say,
their Government is not yet established.
And these that fly out from amongst them, separating
themselves from them, and incorporate themselves into
separated Assemblies, are not (as they say they be)
such as
hold damnable heresies, but such abide
still amongst the Presbyterians themselves;
and therefore the Lords people are constrained (by the power
of the Word of truth) to separate
themselves from such persons, that are (retained in the
Church of England) godlesse
in their lives, and blasphemous in their
judgements, yet such persons notstwithstanding
are (in matters of worship) one with the whole body of the
Land; and these be the vessels that the houses of
their Gods are yet filled with all. But it is not so with those
that separate themselves from them: for they admit not in
their societies any that hold blasphemous
errors, neither do they set up
illeterate persons among them for their Pastors,
as the Presbyterians
unjustly accuse them. True it is, they manage their
meetings with boldnesse, because they have
some ground to beleeve that the Parliament will not suffer
them to be wronged, for performing the true
worship, to the true God, in a
peaceable manner, under their protection (as also correction
in case they should walk as the Presbyterians
in their Petition have falsly accused them,
saying they “manage their meetings with
insolencie”, which is an unjust accusation; And
“in contempt of all Authority”, which is also
untrue: “To the disturbance of the City”:
which is another falshood: “Every one doing that which
is right in his own eyes”: which is an unjnust affirmation as the rest) for they
order their
walkings according to the rule of Gods Word: But these
Petitioners accuse not onely the people, but also the
Parliament, for they say “every one
doth that which is right in his
own eyes, and there is no controll or course to reclaim
them”: whereby it is evident, they render the
Parliament very
infirm, or carelesse. And the people of God plead not any
such priviledge
to be without controll: but alwayes
submitted themselves in duty to the Magistrates power,
which is set up by God, as well for the punishment
of evill doers, as for the praise
of those that do well. Therefore all these Petitioners
inferences against the people of God be slanders. And the
Religion of God doth not breed division, either
in Kingdom, City, or
family in any civill respect: for Religion
teacheth men submission to their duty. (But this hath
been a false accusation of Mr. T.E. long ago,
which hath been disproved at
large.) Religion (I say) breeds no difference then what was from
the beginning, the wicked envying the godly, that their
sacrifices are accepted, and theirs rejected, and
thats the emnity which Christ hath put between
the two seeds, and it shall be as Christ saith, five in a house,
two against three, and three against two. But the cause
is envy,
and not Religion. And whereas these Presbyterians affirm in their
Petition that the “Separates set up illeterate men to
be their Pastors”, let that come to the triall, for
we desire not
to be led by blind guides; Therefore I could wish it might
please the Parliament to examine the
gifts of such whom these call illiterate
(that so it may appear how reasonable
we are) either by disputation between the Presbyters and them: or by
proving them, to give the sence of any Scripture which they
shall appoint; and by this it shall appear
whether these Presbyterians are true men: for
there is never a Minister of the Seperation that feareth to
set his food against any Presbyter whatsoever he be,
to dispute the
case concerning the matter,
ministery, worship, or
government of the Church, or any principle of
Faith which it shall please the Parliament to call upon them
for the managing of,
that so it may appear unto all men who are best informed in
the mind and will of God, and by this it will also appear
who are the Orthodoxall Preachers, and who are
the Preachers
of new Gospels, and consequently
who be the setters of division; and who they
be upon whom their scandalous conclusions fall.
And as for Tolerations of all Religions I cannot conceive to be proper; for there is but one true Religion, and that is it which hath Gods Word for their rule.
And for breaking Sabbaths, we know the
Christian Sabbath now under the Gospel is the first day
of the week (commonly called Sonday) or the Lords day, which
we judge
ourselves bound in conscience to set apart for the worship
and service of God by the Rules of Scripture both Law and
Gospel; and are also free to submit to the Magistrates
command to humble our selves before God in case of
eminent danger, and to give him publick thanks
for all the eminent deliverances, the Magistrates command
being grounded
upon the Word of God.
Therfore the Presbyterians slandring the people of God, will make their reformation the more difficult; for no man ever set himself up honestly, by accusing of others falsly.
And as touching our Brethren the
Scots, we honour them for their parts,
and shall remain thankfull unto God for them, or for any
help we have received from them; yet
we can never submit our consciences to be captivated, or made
subject to mens wils: for God onely hath power in that
case. Yet I speak freely (for my part) I shall not be
offended at whatever lawfull Government the
Parliament in their wisdom shall set
up in the Nation for the preaching of the Gospel, to bring
those thousands, and millions
of people, (who yet lie in ignorance) to the knowledge of God, and
obedience of the faith, that so they may become fit matter,
even living stones to be built to God a spirituall
house: for there can be no true
reformation in a State of generall Apostasie, but by seperating the precious from the vile;
and not to impose the worship of God on a people that are
not capable,
for that will bring a curse rather then a blessing;
Therefore the truly godly ought to arise and be doing, and
God hath promised to be with them, and they are not
to neglect to worship God for want of the command of Authority,
as is the manner of many.
Moreover, these take notice that God hath rewarded
the beginnings of the Parliaments
Reformation; And truly all Christians ought to observe the
same; for God useth to reward
all those that do his will. And I hope God will still be
mercifull to them if Justice be executed by them. And it is
to be desired that the wicked may be brought to condigne
punishment, and the innocent set free who have lain in
prison a long time for worshipping the true God after the
true manner, as Mr.
Turner hath, who is therefore in prison
at Westminster; and others who
also suffer in th e like case, such out-breakings of
envy (I am sure) procure no mercy but judgement.
Now that the Parliament may hasten
to set up Christs true discipline
which he hath left to his Church; that is and ought to
be the desire of all Christians. But that
the modell (specified
in the Petition) is it, stands the Presbyterians upon to
prove. And therefore (in my judgement) it were better for them
to make their confession of faith and catechise
first, according to the rule of Gods Word, and then shape
their Church according to that, rather then shape their
Church according to the modell, and their faith according
to their Church. “Prepare thy work without, and make
it fit for thy self in the field: and afterwards build thine
house”. Prov.24.27.
K. C. {Handwritten addition: hidley} end of handwritten addition
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