Chap. 11.
Its accomplishment shewed from the
Lady Eleanor.
Thus Reader in a word to thee,
what the unsealed words of this
Prophesie imports; We even in the
same Estate with them, called well
Spiritually hardned Egypt, and sinful
Sodoms great City (pointing expresly
to the Spiritual calling the last days
what incurable Blindeness Arrogancy
begets: Here impeached of the sin
against the Holy Ghost, guilty of the
blood of these his sacred Ambassadors
slain by them: the Prophet Daniel
and John, no inferior prophets,
their Books being interpreted by the
same Spirit they wrote, and these ImprintedA
at Holland, Anno 16331633. immediately
seized on, shrowded in a loose
sheet of paper: their embalmd bodies
about Doctors Commons, the good
hour waiting for of their resurrection
wounded in that barbarous manner,
assaulted by merciless, desperate men,
unto a senceless, saltless age sent; bidden,
Remember her looking back, Lots
faithless Wife, who neither discern the
time, know not the voyce of the prophets,
enemies to the Churches deliverance
( Micah 4.) promised, at last,
the downfal of her foes, come upon
themselves have fulfilled it: By filling
the measure up, reaching to Heaven:
an account but current heretofore,
never compleat till now the holy
Ghost in such manner blasphemed:
The invincible truth tearm’d madness,ness,
the Prophets Testimony as extant
on Record, and published, sentenced
detestable, as if any thing were
too hard for the Lord in his appointed
time: whose dead bodies trodden underfoot
daily, or swept out like weekly
Occurrences, those truths; and proceeding
with the bruitish fact committed
on these sacred Witnesses, or
Ambassadors arived what their entertainment;
though not ignorant what
power extraordinary indued with:
wonders of the highest kinde at their
word, “waters turn’d into blood”, War
foreshewed, “Heaven shut”, and the
like, “smite the Earth with plagues as
often as they speak the word”, yet
these rash wretches such a vexation
their presence, “clad in Sackcloth”, &c.
“gratifie with presents making merry”,
as the maner by stoping one anothers
mouths, to make up the Breach; “triumphing
over their corps” slain by “the
Beast coming out of the smoking pit
or Abyss, as appears, making War
with them”, with his furious Train,
armed at all points this British beast.
Not a little wilde concerned in it,
because shewed in this manner: “He
must be killed (verse) which harms
them”, touches a leaf of the Tree of
Life, a violent death, whose doom be
he whatsoever, vers. 5. cap. 11.
And though since see it true, visible
as their unexpected Resurrection and
Ascension, “beheld by their very Enemies,”
eye witness of it: Gentlemen
no less slighted, then by those impious
persons insenced at their Testimony,
supposed such an impossibility
in those profane feasting days, adored
by his riotous Lords, Courted by his
Concubines, with Belshazzar, born
under a like malevolent Planet: And
though needless any farther shewing,
concerning in the last time, the last
days approach to be revealed out of
the Prophet Daniel and the Apocalyps,
one a Phenix of great Babylon, the
other an Eagle, his flight from Patmos
Isle, of times tyranical Reign cut
off, and his cashiered Generation;
suffering for which glad tidings murthered
by wretched caytiffs (vers.)
confirmed both by their Resurrection
and Ascending: & whose “sealed writs
reserved for the end”, not opened to
be till then or served. Notwithstanding
of Times mystery thus, his being
bidden, “Arise and measure the Temple”;
“after the seven thunders voyces uttered,”
proclaiming of a certain in what
century, sworn in his wrath, Times
being no longer; He forbidden to
measure the Court, “leave it out, given
to the Gentiles; of whose treading under
foot 42 moneths the City”, as follows,
signified by the Temple of God,
the year of God how about 16421642. from
his leaving the High Court, &c. unto
Nazebies blow given him, just
three years and a half, even from 1641-01Jan.
1641 unto 1644Anno Dom.. 1644. compleat,
that Ascensions feast and cities solemn
thanksgiving. And thus as the heavens
one contained in another, under
that great victory obtained, shadowed
out the general day of Judgement
not far off, whereat the holy prophets
and Elders not more rejoycing, then
the ireful Nations inraged; like those
so many thousand prisoners brought
up, &c. filling every place like Hell,
likened to that great Earthquake 16451645.
after the aforesaid feast, when a List returned
with Names, &c. ver. “a remnant
onely escaping, giving glory to God”,
or took their flight, as shewed ( v. 13.)
all pointing to the present century; as
moreover “7000 slain by the cities fall,
the tenth part of it in the same hour”,
&c. confirm’d by the divided number
of Seven, “a time and times and half” (or
part.) And so much for measuring out
of these times of division never such;
and “the third wo said to come quickly,
shewing the other two are past”: what
signs and woful tokens visited with (to
wit) monstrous levied Taxes devouring
yong and old, and Engines of war
those pieces in a moment destroying,
men by Sea and Land innumerable,
as though Hell let loose, the Devils
short, &c. And for these in special, let
so much suffice of Heaven opened, or
the Temple of God, &c.) with the
two “Candlesticks, and two Olive-Trees
anointed” ones, passing over the General,
what war hath bin waged against
the Old and New Testament, and two
Sacraments, the sum of it, “oyl in their
lamps”, or watchful; &c. including your
Holland Ambassadors welcom, & that
“the Cedar if not spared, or the root, let
the Firtree beware”, the branches must
not be too bold, between whom (the
King & Bishops in hot blood) to judge
referd to those two divided brethren,
one returning a cross answer, the yonger
as free of his fair language, prohibits
deferring to give God the glory, or
going about to deceive him, with “I, I”,