from the
A:lmightyWWP note:
The “A:” also represents Alpha.
O:mnipotent.WWP note:
The “O:” also represents Omega.
—wife of Sir John
Davies. Poet
late married
Sir Arch. Douglas} end of handwritten addition
“I have an Errand to thee O: Captain.”
2 Kings 9.5.Printed in the Year, 16511651.
For the Armies General,
His Excellency.
My Lord
,Your Interest in the Nations unparaleld
Troublesom Times:
The Flaming Sword for expelling the
Man in your hand, which Crowns with
no Inferior Honor that Name of
Yours: Hereof by her Hand a touch
presented. Derived from his own,
namely, A. & O. Letters of no mean
Latitude: Armed beside with his Sword:
Sun and Moon when as stood in Admiration,
witness ☉ ☾WWP note:
These characters symbolize several things. The first is the Sun and the Moon. They also represent the
eye and the horn of the lamb. The characters are also supposed to evoke
O C for Oliver Cromwell.
their Golden Characters,
stiled Eyes and Horns of the
Lamb, &c. “Their voice gone out into
all Lands”, Psal. (Rev. 5.) Like theirs
here, every one when the fifty days at an
end, “heard in his proper Language”, &c.
(Acts 2.)
( Acts 2.) The Prophet Joel as foresaw
and others: By whom Decypher’d that
Generals Thundring Donative his the
Crown and Bended Bowe ( Rev. 6.)
That Seal or Box of Nard opened;
as much to say, O:Oliver Cromwel, Renowned
be Victorious so long as Sun
Moon continues or livever.
Anagram, Howl Rome: And thus
with one voice, “come and see, O:Oliver C:Cromwell”
“Conquering and to Conquer went
My Lord,
Your Humble Servant,
1651-10-28O C tob. 28.
Ao 1651.