

When {Handwritten addition: was} end of handwritten addition
Presented the likeness of {Handwritten addition: a} end of handwritten addition Hand, &c. {Handwritten addition: for a present} end of handwritten addition
( Kings 18.) {Handwritten addition: as Likewise this Hand or monster Foot} end of handwritten addition

Mark 13.

“But when ye shall see the Abomination
of Desolation”
(or “maketh desolate” {Handwritten addition: )} end of handwritten addition
spoken of by Daniel the Prophet,
standing where it ought not; Let him
that readeth understand”
, &c. {Handwritten addition: ( Dan: 9 [Gap in transcription—1 letterobscured])
(or [Gap in transcription—approximately 3 lettersflawed-reproduction]
in ye original)} end of handwritten addition

Printed in the Year 16501650.

A1r 3

Elias Intercession preferr’d.

O Lord of Hosts our God, How
long thou Lord of Sabbaths
, thus
shall silence be in Heaven? How long
whilest they suppose like their sitting
thou likewise faln asleep, slumbrest,
or hearest not at all; as theirs
“pursuing the Enemy, or on a march”; thy
thundring Voyce refrain no longer:
O this day be it known That {Handwritten addition: Thou} end of handwritten addition art God,
I beseech thee, I thy Servant also, hear
me for thy Words sake, above all
hasten to Answer, hear me, bidden in
thy Name but ask “Fire, fire, from the
Wheels of thy Seraphin Throne,”Handwritten addition in margin: Wittnes B[Gap in transcription—approximately 2 lettersflawed-reproduction]
so many B[Gap in transcription—approximately 2 lettersflawed-reproduction]
1651-08-23August 23:
Thunder &c.
the light of thy presence, a spark
thence to lick up at once or Reconcile
(a Deluge of such Divisions)
threatning no less then quenching
Celestial flames; Thy Incense smoke to A A1v 4
to extinguish thus arm’d to re-edifie
Babel-Rout these Gyants then as fared
with those false ProphetsHandwritten addition in margin: 16511651 as
Mr. Love &c.
both of one
Spirit, Lo crying from morning to
night too, “Let none escape either”, despising
not the Birthright onely (sure
Promises) But where thou blessest,
filling up with inveterate hatred the
measure of such Long-suffering,
the World, made believe thy Spirit
confined in the Hemisphere of their
Studies; That the Jews how much
blest, uncalled in such revolted times,
where beside Confusions Mark set
on the Age present, confounded alike
as that first Generation after the flood,
their aspiring Towers Erecting when
scattered, whether then turned Turks
and Saracens, that mother of Abomination,
bear witness, Mahomets
Blasphemous Alcoran also, at Pauls, A2r 5
Pauls, “Cum Privilegio” the Great
Whore stilled well Babylon, never
more Bruitish after once inlightened,
the Night past, that “whoso runs may
, “not a tittle failing”, whose presence
likened to “Lightning out of the East,
ever shining unto the West”
, coming
not short of the Jews Visitation,
notwithstanding in as much want (if
not more) to be reingrafted standing
themselves, to Babylon lo returned.

As moreover witness to this day
in the first place, without Baptism; supperless
both; Nuld by them such a
Deed of Gift bestowed on those Masters
of Art our Rabbies, whereas in
the Ark its first figure all at full Age,
till after the Flood none born unto
them; imposed nevertheless by these
Gog and Magog AdmintstratorsAdministrators on
such, knowing “not the right hand from the A2v 6
the left”
, retaining other Character,
none but hearsay; together with the
other left off, or taken as some morning
potion, and other like Tradition:
armd with thy Brimston Bow, appeal
to thee, O righteous Judge, thus
where “turned into Wormwood”,
the “Waters of Life” “no few perishing
that way”
the Springs of Justice answerable,
if weighs not Naboths Case
down Ahabs sword, instead of Solomons
season’d in the strife of that now despised
Sex, of Turkish slavery more then
a taste partaking, Widows Estates
put into the Ballance, in the Worlds
state of Infancy, that if repentest
at the heart, thou madest him not a
Beast. Rather, leave it to the world
{Handwritten deletion: also} end of handwritten deletion of such an Expression the extent
how much since concerned in it,
that in Expectation of New Jerusalemslems A3r 7
Nuptials were it not, better a
Thousand times the Gentiles Church
since the Apostles Age, to have perished
in that foreshewed Siege and Destruction,
not a stone left on a stone”, also
they as obdurate.

Which Petition wherein without
farther Process, not like Attorneys
Bills, supposing to be Heard
for their much Repetition.

Where lastly to be short with the
time like that “little dark Cloud a Hand
, to the waiting Prophet no small
welcom token, as gathered therefrom
these of Palmistries Science, extending
to the present Jubile or Number
of Fifty; so points to a Blow when as
much attention lends to their Note, as
they of such took notice sent from
him, those Baals Sons the Image of
God both alike, as the Baboon or such like A3v 8
like theirs carried with the current of
the Cormorant Times. And so far for
them drinking at the Brooks side their
farewel, Four hundred and fifty, for
Fish and Fowl such an unexpected
evening Banquent.Handwritten addition in margin: 16511651
Banishd & thus
sold att
Chelsye &c
And for the “peoples
hearts turned back, trusting in
heartless Leaders,”
attended with that
blessed shower expected as little, so long
after the Heavens restrained; and in
“Israel no few Widows too, but unto none of
them, save to Sareptas Widow of Sidon”
&c. As thereby that line behold measured
the present Abominable Age its
coming to it self again, cleansed the
unparalleld Leprous Time.

By Eleanor Tichet.
