Hells Destruction.
The .
“Behold, the Devil shall cast some of
you into Prison, that you may be
tryed; and you shall have tribulation
ten days, &c.”
Printed in the year 16511651.
Hells Destruction.
into Prison, that ye may be tryed;
and ye shall have Tribulation Ten
days, &c.” Apoc.
Most Learned and Honored
Judges, with whom so precious
restles Time, of which as
who can be over frugal, shunning
therefore Multiplicity; long process
but wearisom to the wise: Seeing
then our Laws how ballanced with
Gods Law its profound Precepts, said
to be founded thereon, and Reason in
its purity consonant thereto, otherwise
hath with it no affinity.
Emboldens to present this Paradice
Posey, durable presidents which too
circumspect wherein ye cannot be,
hereof as ensues.
Adam that first Lord Chief Justice
or Judge, before whom “the Lord God
brought every Creature formed of the
Earth, to see what he would call them;
and whatsoever he called every living
Creature, that was the name thereof:” of
a certain admits of no wrong or contrary
Names whatsoever in any
Courts of Record to be legal or answered
unto. As these inform, accords
with the former, the Judge of
Consisting of
about 6000 Foot
and 700 Horse,
the length of
Times Foot, the
distracted Time
Aged near 6000
years, he Legion
also, &c. The
Dutch stiled
Gravs and Boors
their late loss put
into the Reckoning,
Mat. 8.
Mark 5. Luk. &c.
quick and dead; where demanded
first, “What his Name was?” before
obtain’d a pass for that Baptized Herd
the Gentiles Prototype doubtless, the
Devil his Godfather; who made answer,
saying, “Legion, for they were many”;
he resident (as it were) in Hell, among
the Graves Distracted, &c.
Thus as we see and know irrational
Creatures, these of several kindes
retain their proper Names; and very
Devils not debarred theirs. Nevertheless
that Dominion have over
them, Man the Little World to Angels
not much inferior, deemed
no little Wonder, as though confined
to a lower Region then they, suffer
our selves, worse then Bruits undergo
Names enjoyned utterly false,
instanced as here the dead childe-like
in stead of the living laid in her Bosom,
disputed in Solomons presence;
whereby no less then bereft both of
her good Name and Liberty, witness
this their erroneous Warrant of Arrest,
Ecce vera copia.
Eleanor Lady Davers alias Douglas,
committed to Woodstreet Compter
by Steedman Officer to the Lord Major
1646-07-17(July 17.) 1646. As true that
might have stiled her Lord Major,
&c. for any relation between Davers
and Douglas: But by a Non-sence
“Alias” a seeming connexion far from
Holy Writs Example, Slime in stead
of Morter, and Brick-bats for firm
Stone, with it dispenses not; Confusion
of that consequence.
Whence follows next Simon
Magus alias Peter, &c. Saints and
Devils become fellows; also Fool and
Racha: what not? as out of the
path of his Commandments: of
warrants that latitude allowed them,
one Name because lighted on, matters
not how many false beside, so at all
with Logicks definition or Reason,
agrees not, authorized by the proviso
(“Alias”) the meaning of it; sometime or
otherwise &c. though she never afore
at any time called by the aforesaid
Name belonging to another Tribe or
Family; “He that calls the Stars by their
Names” (as it were) Male and Female,
those lights: where joyns names,
no such Bills of Divorce tolerates
neither what Antiquity or Custom
either occasions, as referred to those
judicious, the Sequel of what concernment.
Lastly wherwith even whose additionals
Abraham & Sarahs, consists but
of a letter both alike old and new consenting
in one. Also Paul for Saul, one
so cautious that way, witness in mentioning
the said Patriarks Blessing as
well observes, saying, “Not Seeds, as
of many, &c. but Seed, &c.”
And so much for that, “They would
have said, &c.” in stead of
“Aliuas”: All
they can alledge or say for themselves
so contradictory to Sense and Verity,
better to be justified by some blinde
slow Belly Cretians such Vipers, then
by those interested in the Name of
Christians, who would be unwilling
to Subscribe to any other.
And hereupon of her false Imprisonment
undergone; so many
years, “If when the cause of the Law
ceases, then ceases the Law it self”: wherefore
when the Adversary detains the
work, for which the Bond was entred
into, occasioned it, why should
he keep it, and her person in hold
both? or by what Justice and Equity
stands such an Execution any longer
afoot or in force, she having been since
put to the charge for Imprinting the
same all over, for which was acknowledged
the said Obligation of Sixty
pounds, no benefit whereby accrewing
to her, by a certain Printer, one
Pain, upon whose importunity and
protestation ’twas obtained.
Another Quære thus, since Scandalous
Names bear Action to be
termed Bankrupt, &c. why unjust
Cut-Throat Actions so many as the
Adversary pleases, no Redress in that
case; as amounting to Hundreds no
few by this Broken Printer and his
Consorts, the Burthen of them, no
short furrows plowed, &c. By City
unmerciful Adonizebeks, unmindeful
of his Confession, “as he had done, God
had requited him, Threescore and ten
had dismembred them, &c.” And Abimelech
how rewarded, “doing execution
on his Seventy Brethren”, a woman his
Executioner ( Judges 9.) laying on
himself (as it were) violent hands,
“caused one to slay him”, not impertinent
The Milstones lighting on his
Head, unominous either to the Press,
with “those several Tables under which so
many fed by him, sealed wi th his Thumbs
and Great-Toes,” to unmerciful Executions
of all kindes which extends.
And what Figs and Grapes such
Thistles and Thorns produces, proceeding
therewith the plot of this
Cut-Throat Fellow; which aforesaid
Arrest in his own House, who to
draw her thither fain’d had lost the
Copy, &c. The ready way for compassing
their desperate Ends, supposed
in having her life at mercy, being
sent to the Compter, lock’d into
her Chamber by the Keeper: Not
long after (she all unready, &c.) between
two of them carried down
thence, instantly shut and bolted was
into the Dungeon-Hole, Hells Epitomy,
in the dark out of call or cry,
searching first her Coats pockets, at
least expecting she should have made
some proffer, &c. Frustrate that
way, with the Key took away the
Candle, there left on the wet floor to
take up her lodging, beyond any
draught, by so many poysonous Vermin
harbored: Like disquieted Spirits
setting up fearful several Notes,
coursing about, &c.
About an hour after, when as no
need of Sun, Moon or other (1646-07-17Anno
1646. July 17.) whereof notice Extraordinary
taken about the City,
they brought her again to a Chamber,
That Night till day break,
the Heavens without intermission
flashing out Lightnings, as Noonday;
The Element like a Casemate
standing open, without Thunder at
all, or any Rain, those continued fireworks
Which time Twelve Moneth that
Adonizebek the Lord Major was committed
to the Tower, and his Brethren
(1647Anno 47) when the Armies unexpected
arrival at the Whitsontide, &c.
As for the perfideous Printer how
hapned with him, soon spued out of
House and Home, his Wife within
few days dead, in whose Brothers unhappy
Name the Bond taken, he dead
And so when the smoaky Bottomless
Pit to be opened, oppressed
Captives, when seasonable for Elevating
their Heads, not to despair
longer, “Signs in Heaven and Earth, Sea
and Waters” as recommended, contribute
their testimony, no obscure Tokens,
like “the floods voice uttering theirs”,
unbound as it were, “clapping their
hands for company”; perplexed people
at their Wits end ( Luke 21.) on all
sides in that unparalleld Thraldom,
That “better unborn”, then the Uncircummcised
their Commissions date expired.
Of which shortned Days for the
Elects cause thus, not unparalleld
with the ten “Persecutions, Ten days
shall have Tribulation”; The Mysterious
Beasts Reign, Crown’d or Mitre’d
with “his Ten Horns”, no less then
charged with “open Blasphemy, against
the Tabernacle”, the presence of God
(to wit) &c. “opening no narrow Throat”,
repaid Lex talionis, that “leads into Captivity,
&c.” Rev. 13.
And so much for the year of Redemption,
“lifting up your heads, &c.”
Tokens of it likened to the Springs infallible
Messengers of Summers approach,
“the Fig-tree and the rest”, proclaimed
to be by Heavenly Heralds,
higher Powers that bids beware the
Tree, shaken like those Boughs, &c.
so to expect fruit forbids it, of the
Nations unspeakable travel, until
those wonders, &c.
Where not to be drowned in
Forgetfulness, our New Star in Cassiopei,
the French taking essay of its
influence, that Herodian Massacre not
long after it, seen 74 years before the
year 16441644 our day of Reckonings
forerunner; of which Great-Seal day
“John heard the number”
( Rev. 7.) even
sealed the year of God 1644Anno Dom. 44.
observing the motion of the former,
that in the East 74 years afore Jerusalems
Judgment, “sworn in his wrath” as it
were “By Heaven, &c.” the numbred
Time of our Captivity or coming out
Shewing they
have a King over
them, &c. (of the
Roman Faction)
where those cald
Cavaleers or
Royalists, and
coyn Dollors and
Half Crown
Pieces adored
(Dæmoniæ) (he
heard the Number
of them) with
Pieces of Ordnance,
the Fleet
or Navies preparation
by those
hideous Hieroglyphicks
of Heathen Babylon, of whose Habeas
Corpus Writ out of the smoky Abyss,
( Rev. 9.) commanded “not to harm any,
but those not sealed (viz.) marked as for
Murther and Theft”, ver. 20.
And for mysteries those Oracles however
grown out of request among our
Rabbies, prefixt or set times said to be
but a certain time for an uncertain, &
the like, questionless of highest concernment
those undervalued most,
because flatters not or torments them,
termed “wilde notions and brainsick, &c.”
as much attentive and grateful “for
precious things cast before such”:
suffices these, and like that Dispute
about “her having five” ( Ioh.) Bidden
“Go call her Husband”: whence follows,
if Davers one, then (Alias) otherwise
called Douglas, he none of hers either.
As farthermore for their farewel, tedious
Apprentiships canceld forthwith;
together with that granted, “What is not
true is false”; Ergo, Libel bastard slips,
and sinister actions imposed on his
people, unlawful to be fathered on
Gods Word, his Law thereon either
erring not in a tittle.
Easter 16511651.