Scrinia Sacra.
State & Government:
Of illustrious Persons,
and great Agents; in the
Reigns of Henry the Eighth, Queen Elizabeth,
K:King James, and the
late King Charls.
In Two Parts.
In which the Secrets of Empire, and
Publique manage of Affairs are contained.
With many remarkable Passages no where else Published.
Printed for G. Bedel, and
T. Collins, and are to be sold at their
Shop at the Middle-Temple-gate in
Fleetstreet, 16541654
Figure Two Romanesque figures around a coat of arms with a sun and clouds in the background. Below the coat of arms is a Roman head with a banner behind it stating Munimentia Regia and surrounding the head is Georgius D.G. MAG. BR. PR. ET HI? REX P.D.
Mysteries of State,
Letters of the great Ministers
of K.King
James and K.King Charles.
Much of the publique Manage of Affaires
is related.
Faithfully Collected by a Noble Hand.
Printed for M. M. G. Bedell, and
T. Collins, and are to be sold at
their Shop at the Middle-Temple
Gate in Fleetstreet,
I remember in 158888.
waiting upon the Earl of Leicester at Tilbury
Camp, and in 158989. going
into Portugal with my Noble Master the
Earl of Essex, I learned somewhat fit to be imparted to your
The Queen lying in the Campe one night, guarded with her armie,
the old Lord Treasurer Burleigh came thither,
and delivered to the
Earl the examination of Don Pedro, who was
taken, and brought in
by Sir
Francis Drake, which examination the Earl of Leicester delivered
unto me to publish to the armie in my next sermon. The sum of
it was this.
Don Pedro’s
Don Pedro being asked what was the intent of
their coming, stoutly
answered the Lords, “What? But to subdue your
Nation, and root it
“Good”, said the Lords, “and what meant you then to do with the
Catholiques?” He answered, “We meant
to send them (good men) directly
unto Heaven, as all you that are
Heretiques to hell”. “Yea
but” said the Lords, “what meant you to do
with your whips of cord,
and wyer?” (whereof they had great store in their ships) “What?” said
he, “We meant to whip you Heretiques to death, that have assisted
my Masters Rebels, and done such dishonours to our
King, and people?.” “Yea, but what would
you have done” (said they)
“with their young Children?” “They” (said he) “which were above seven
yeares old, should have gone the way their fathers went, the
should have lived, branded in the forehead with the Letter
L. for
Lutheran, to perpetual bondage.”
This I take God to
witnesse I received of those great Lords upon
examination taken by the Councel, and by commandement delivered
it to the armie.
The Queen the next morning rode through all the Squadrons of
her armie, as Armed Pallas attended by Noble
Footmen, Leicester,
Essex, and Norris
then Lord Marshal, and divers other great Lords.
Where she made an excellent Oration to her armie, which the next
day after her departure, I was commanded to redeliver to all the
together, to keep a Publique Fast.
Her words
were these.
“My loving people, we have been perswaded by
some, that are
careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit our self to
armed multitudes for fear of treachery: but I assure you, I do
not desire
to live to distrust my faithful, and loving people. Let
fear, I have alwayes so behaved my self, that under God I have placed
my chiefest strength, and safeguard in the loyal hearts
and good
will of my subjects. And therefore I am
come amongst you as you
see, at this time, not for my recreation, and disport, but
being resolved
in the midst, and heat of the battaile to live, or die
you all, to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my
people, my Honour, and my blood even in the dust. I know I have
the bodie, but of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart
Stomach of a King, and of a King of England too, and think foul
scorn that Parma or
Spain, or any Prince of
Europe should dare to
invade the borders of my Realm, to which rather then any
shall grow by me, I my self will take up arms, I my self
will be your
General, Judge, and Rewarder of everie one of your virtues in the
field. I know alreadie for your forwardnesse, you have
deserved rewards
and crownes, and we do assure you in the word of a
they shall be duly paid you. In the mean time my Lieuetenant General
shall be in my stead, then whom never Prince commanded
more Noble or worthie subject, not doubting
but by your obedience
to my General, by your Concord in the Camp, and your valour
in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victorie
over those
enemies of my God, of my Kingdomes, and of my People.”