
loving salutation

The seed of Abraham among the Jewes: where ever
they are scattered up and down upon the face of the earth.
And to the seed of Abraham among all people upon the
face of the earth; which are all out of the way:
wandering up and downe from Mountaine to
hill, seeking rest and finding none.

The way of truth opened to them, which is the
way of holinesse which all that comes to be made alive
unto God must walke in, where the uncleane cannot
passe, buut is for the ransomed and redeemed to
returne to Zion.

Saith the Lord thy Redeemer, the holy one
of Israel, I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee
to profit, which leadeth the by the way
that thou shouldest goe, Isa.48.17.”
“As many were astonished at thee, his visage
was so marred more then any man, and his forme
more than the Sons of men; so shall he sprinkle many
Nations. The Kings shall shut their mouths at him:
for that which had not been told them shall they
see & that which they had not heard shall they
consider, Isa.52.14.15.”
“In the last dayes it shall come to passe, that the Mountaine of
the Lords house shall be established in the top of the Mountaines, and
it shall be exalted above the hills, and people shall flow unto it:
Any many Nations shall say, ‘Come, let us go up to the Mountain
of the Lords, and to the house of the Godof Jacob, and he will
teach us of his wayes, and we will walke in his pathes; for
the Law shall goe forth of Zion, and the word of the
Lord from Jerusalem.’”

Mal.4. and Isa. 2

By M.F.Margaret Fox

London, Printed for Tho.Thomas Simmons at the signe of
the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 16561656.

A1v A2r 1

Loving Salutation, To the seed of Abraham
among the Jewes; where ever they are scattered
up and down upon the face of the
Earth. And to the seed of Abraham among
all people upon the face of the Earth; which
are all out of the way: wandering up and
down from Mountaine to hill, seeking rest
but finding none.

David saith, “The foole hath said in
his heart, there is no God”
; They are
corrupt, they have done abominable
works, there is none that doth good;
and the Lord looked down from Heaven
upon the Children of men, to see
Psal. 14. and
if there were any that did understand,
and seek God; and they were all gone
aside, they are altogether become filthy,
there is none that doth good, no not one. Here you may
see and read your selves where you are, who are out of the way
of peace, and the way of truth, and the life.

Now this is unto you all, who are out of the light, from the
seed which hath obtained the promise, that ye may come to
partake of the same, and be brought to the fold where there is
one Shepheard, and one sheepfold, where the promise of the
Lord is fulfilled, who hath said; “It is a light thing that thou
mightest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to
restore the preserved of Israel, I will also give thee for a light to
the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the ends of
the Earth.”
Thus saith the Lord the Redeemer of Israel, and
his holy one, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the
Nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers: Kings shall see and A2 arise, A2v 2
arise, Princes also shall worship, because the Lord is faithfull,
and the holy one of Israel. In an acceptable time have I heard
thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee, and I will
Isa.39. preserve thee, and give thee for a Covenant of the people, to
establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages,
that thou mayest say to the prisoner, “goe forth, and to them
that are in darknesse, shew your selves, they shall feed in the
wayes, and their pastures shall be in the high places:”
So here
is your mercy offered freely unto you, and the good will of
him that dwelt in the bush, and there is no God besides him,
neither shall ye find salvation in any other; By the hand of
the mighty God is Jacob and Joseph made strong, from thence
is the Shepheard, the stone of Israel, and the precious things
springs from him, who is Davids root. Therefore come, O ye
house of Jacob, and let us walke in the light of the Lord. This
is the day of your visitation, Therefore seeke the Lord while
he may be found, call upon him, while he is neare; let the
wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts,
and sleight not the mercies of the Lord, and his gracious visitation
unto you; for he hath brought salvation neare, and his
Covenant is he performing with you; If you doe turne to that
measure of light which you have received from him, who is the
light of Israel; The Covenant of the Lord is given for a light
to open blind eyes, which brings salvation to the ends of the
earth; which light lets you see the thoughts of your hearts,
that they are vaine, which light lets you see when you doe amisse,
when you beare false witnesse, when you tell a lye, when
ye doe wrong to any man: which light will lead you unto
Justice and equity, which light will teach you to fulfill the law
of Moses, and to doe to all men as ye would they should doe
to you, which light will lead you unto righteousnesse, by which
ye may fulfill, and answer to the righteousnesse of the Law,
and statutes, and commandements of God, which ye can never
doe, you mindes being from the light.

Therefore in the feare of the Lord God, turne your minds
to within, where the light shines in the heart, where the Lord
teacheth all his people; who are taught of him, are taught by
the light; and guided by the light, for God is the light of his Israel, A3r 3
Israel; All the Children of the Lord are taught of the Lord,
and they are established in righteousnesse, and they are farre
from oppression, and great is their peace, and the Lords children
are taught by the light.

And so as ye desire to be the children of the Lord, and taught
of the Lord. Turne your mindes to the light that shewes you
sin and evill, and checks you when you doe transgresse. This
will guide your mindes to God, and bring you out of the transgression,
and out of the sin, into the new Covenant, which the
Lord doth make with his people, which is not according to the
old Covenant, which Covenant you broke, but this is an everlasting
Covenant, which never can be broken, to those who lives
in it, and walkes in it, and obeyes the leading and guiding of
the light, which is the Covenant.

This answers and fulfills the righteousnesse of the Law of
God, and brings you through, to fulfill the whole Law, and Covenant
of God, which you could never doe, your minds being
from the light, which light is the substance of the Covenant of
the Law, of the commandements, of the statutes and judgements;
which light answers, and fulfills the righteousnesse of
them all, and takes them away outwardly: and those who
dwells in the light, and stands in it, dwells in the substance, out
of the shadow, forme and likenesse; So here is your way, in the
light, which ye feele and see in you, not a thing without you,
but in that which is in you, which you know of, which you can
beare testimony of, this is a substance and not a shadow: and
by no other way nor means under Heaven, shall you ever come
to know the salvation of Israel; but as your minds are turned,
and joyned to the light which is in you, which brings salvation
to the ends of the earth. And the prophecy is fulfilling, which
cryeth. “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters
freely, without money; buy wine and milk: hearken diligently,
and eat ye that which is good, and let your souls delight it
selfe in fatnesse; Incline your eare, and come unto me, hear,
and your souls shall live: and I will make an everlasting Covenant
Isa.55. with you even the sure mercies of David. Behold I
have given him for a witnesse to the people, a leader and commander
to the people.”

And A3v 4

And this is he which all Nations must follow, who is given a
witnesse, and a leader, and a Commander to all the people of
God, who is the desire of all Nations, which is come a witnesse
to all people, and a leader of all unto God: who are like
sheep gone astray, who hath turned every one to his own way.
But now is the Lord gathering them that will be gathered, all
that doe turne unto this witnesse of God in them, the Lord
will heale them. “Behold I will bring health, and cure, and I
will cure them, and will reveale unto them the abundance of
peace and truth: and I will cause the Captivity of Judah, and
the Captivity of Israel to returne, and will build them as at
first, and I will cleanse them from all their iniquities, whereby
they have sinned against mee: and I will pardon all their iniquities
whereby they have sinned against me; and whereby
they have transgressed.”
So if ye will be cleansed from your
iniquity, turne to the light within you, which makes manifest
the deceit of your hearts, if ye will have health and cure, turn
to the light that lets you see your sin, and transgression, and
your iniquity which separates you from God; And if ye desire
your iniquity pardoned, and if ye desire to returne from
your captivity, and to be built as ye were at first, turne to the
light that separates from iniquity, and depart from evill, and
hearken there in the pure light in your consciences diligently,
and there you will hear as you abide in the light, and dwell in
it, and walke in it; so you will come to heare the voice of joy,
and the voice of gladnesse, the voice of the bridegroom, and
Jer.53.1133.6 the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, “praise
the Lord of Hosts, for the Lord is good, for his mercy endureth
for ever: ‘for I will cause their Captivity to returne as at
, saith the Lord.”

So here is the Lords love freely tendered to you, if ye come
into the light, by which the Lord God teacheth his people;
that in the pure obedience of the leading and teaching, and
guidinng of the light turne your mindes to within, into the light,
which convinceth of sin and evill: here you will come to have
your hearts circumcised, and the foreskin of your heart taken
away: here ye will come to have your hearts rent, and not
your garments, here ye will turne to the Lord, and receive his Cove- A4r 5
Covenant and promise, who hath said, “I will make an everlasting
Covenant with you, that I will not turne away from them,
to doe them good: but I will put my feare in their hearts,
that they shall not depart from me: yea I will rejoyce over them
to doe them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly,
with my whole heart, and with my whole soule.”
See here the
faithfulnesse of the Lord, and his loving kindnesse holden forth
unto you: in giving to you his light and testimony, whereby
you may be guided up unto him, which makes manifest his will
and likewise shews unto you that which is contrary to his will
in turning of your minds to the light you will come to know
the one teacher, by which the Lord teaches his people, Jew and
Gentile, Barbarian, Scythian, bond and free.

By this eternall light of the Lord doth the Lord gather all
his people into one; and fulfills his promise, who saith, “Behold,
I will gather them out of all Countries, whither I have
driven them in my anger, and in my fury, and in my wrath, and
I will bring them againe into this place, and I will cause them
to dwell safely, and they shall be my people, and I will be their
God, and I will give them one heart, and one way, that they
may feare me for ever.”
See here the infinite goodnesse of God,
who hath manifested his one way, and there is no other to the
father, his eternall light, which makes manifest and discovers
all sin and uncleanesse, and leads up into purity and righteousnesse,
which purifies the heart, and places the pure feare, and
brings into the one heart, and into the one way, where the
feare of the Lord is for ever, and the truth in the inward parts,
which only is accepted with the Lord. “Behold the dayes come”
saith the Lord, “that I will performe that good thing which I
have promised to the house of Israel, and to the house of Judah,
In those dayes, and at that time, will I cause the branch
of righteousnesse to grow unto David, and he shall execute
judgement and righteousnesse in the land: In those dayes shall
Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely, and this is his
name wherewith he shall be called, the Lord our righteousnesse.
David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of
So to the light of the God of Israel turne your minds,
and here ye will see him, performe the good thing that he hath promi- A4v 6
promised: And this pure light of God will lead you into righteousnesse,
and will bring forth the branch of righteousnesse,
where you may dwell safely, where ye may have the Lord for
your teacher, and leader, and guider: Thus saith the Lord
God, the Holy one of Israel, in returning and rest shall ye be
saved, and in quietnesse, and in confidence shall be your
strength. Therefore doth the Lord waite, that he may be gracious
unto you, therefore will he be exalted that he may have
mercy upon you, for the Lord is a God of judgment, blessed
are all they that wait for him: he will be very gracious unto
thee, at the voice of thy cry, when he shall heare it; he will
answer thee: and though the Lord give you the bread of adversity,
and the water of affliction; yet shall not thy teacher
be removed into a corner anymore, but thine eyes shall see thy
teacher, and thy eares shall heare a voice behind thee, saying,
“this is the way walke in it; when ye turne to the right hand, or
to the left.”
So this is the word which thou must hear, which
teacher will never more be removed into a corner, which shews
thee when thou turnes to the right hand or to the left, which
shewes thee the intents of thy heart, and is a discerner of thy
secret thoughts: by this eternall light doth the Lord God
teach his people, which reveals all secrets, which rips up, and
layes open the hidden things of Esau: And so waiting here in
the light, the minde being subjected to the leading and guiding
of the light, then the power of the Lord will be manifested,
which brings the seed out of bondage, out of the house of
darknesse: so the seed being raised by the power of the Lord
God out of Ægypt and darknesse, the first borne will come to
be slaine, when the Lord calls his Sonne out of Ægypt, Israel
his first borne, and then the law will be given, and written in
the heart, and the Covenant of the Lord will be performed,
with his own seed, as he calls Israel out of the house of bondage;
the darknesse of Ægypt: where the dead bodies lyes in
the street of the great City, Sodom and Egypt, which is all the
world spiritually: but the free Covenant of everlasting love
and life is set open, and the voice cryes freely. Ho, every one
that thirsteth come to the water of life, and he that hath no money,
come, and buy wine and milke, you that have sold your selves B1r 7
selves for naught; shall be redeemed without money: If you
turne your minds to the light within you, which is freely given
you of the Lord, which shews you sin and evill, by which the
Lord teaches his people, Jewes and Gentiles.

This is the promise of the father, the light, which is his Covenant,
Isa.42. “Behold my servant which I uphold, mine Elect in
whom my soule delighteth, I have put my spirit upon him, he
shall bring forth judgement to the Gentiles: I the Lord have
called thee in righteousnesse, I will hold thine hand, and will
keep thee, and give thee for a Covenant of the people, for a
light to the Gentiles.”
Marke, here is the Covenant, and here
is the light, and this is for the opening of the blind eyes, to
bring forth the prisoner from the prison, and them that sit in
darknesse out of the prison house. There is the prison, in darknesse:
there is the Ægypt and the bondage, in the darknesse,
who are not in the light. But whose minds are turned into the
light, there will be a rising out of the darknesse; and here the
blind eyes will be opened, and deafe eares will heare, and the
prisoner will come forth of the prison, and here the promise of
Zach.9.11. the Lord will be fulfilled. As for thee also by the blood of thy
Covenant, I have sent forth the prisoners out of the pit wherein
there is no water.

“Turne ye to the strong hold ye prisoners of hope, I am the
Lord, that is my name, my glory will I not give to another,
neither my praise to graven Images:”
Behold the former things
are come to passe, and new things doe I declare, before they
spring forth I tell you of them: sing unto the Lord a new
song, and his praise to the ends of the earth, ye that goe down
to the Sea, and all that is therein, the Isles, and the Inhabitants
thereof, let the Wildernesse, and the Cities thereof lift up their
voices, let the Inhabitants of the rocks sing; let them shout
from the top of the mountains, let them give glory to the Lord,
and declare his praise in the Islands, for whose minds are turned
into the light, and free Covenant of the living God, there to
abide, and dwell, and live, shall have cause to praise the Lord
for ever, and shall receive his everlasting free promise unto
them for ever, which is freely tendered unto all, and all have
received a light from him, that shewes the secrets of their B hearts, B1v 8
hearts, and testifies against sin and evill, and that mind that is
led and guided by this pure light, will be guided up unto God,
and will receive his everlasting promise, which is as sure as the
Covenant is with the day and with the night; Thus
saith the Lord, “If you can breake my Covenant with the day,
and with the night; that there should not be day and night in
their season, then may also my Covenant be broken with David
my servant, that he should not have a son to reigne upon
his Throne, for the Mountaines shall depart, and the hills be
removed, but my kindnesse shall not depart from thee, neither
shall the Covenant of my peace be removed”
, saith the Lord,
“that hath mercy on thee. O thou afflicted and tossed with tempest,
and not comforted, Behold I will lay thy stones with fair
colours, and thy foundation with Saphires, and I will make thy
windowes of Agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy
borders of pleasant stones.”
So if youu will lay your foundation
with Saphires, come into the light wherein dwells purity, if
ye will lay your stones with faire colours, come into the light
which teacheth righteousnesse, uprightnesse, and purity: and
if you will have all the borders of pleasant stones, come into
the light, dwell in the light, live in the light, by which the Lord
God doth teach his people: here is the border of the sanctuary,
God is light, and in him is no darknesse at all: and the
Lord hath said, all thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and
Isa.54. great shall be the peace of thy children; In righteousnesse shalt
thou be established, thou shalt be far from oppression: no
weapon formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue
that riseth up against thee in judgement thou shalt condemne.

This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their
righteousnesse is of me saith the Lord; So if ye desire this inheritance,
turn your mindes into the light which is of God,
where righteousnesse dwells, which teaches righteousnesse,
which leads into righteousnesse, and establishes in righteousnesse,
which light is of God, which God hath given, which
light shines in the conscience, which light keeps the conscience
tender; which light was, before man was, which is of God,
and comes from God; and as it is minded, and dwelt in, the feare B2r 9
feare of the Lorde is placed, which is to depart from evill,
which feare of the Lord is the beginning of pure wisdome, “and
Mal.144.2. unto those that feare my name”
, saith the Lord, shall the Son of
righteousnesse arise with healing in his wings, and ye shall goe
forth, and grow up, as Calves of the stall”
; and the secrets of
the Lord are with those that feare him: And Solomon saith,
“The feare of the Lord is a fountaine of life.” So as ye mind the
light, that shines in your consciences, the feare of the Lord will
be kept, and so ye will be kept low, and tender, and humble.
Psal.25. What man is he that feareth the Lord, him shall he teach in
the way that he shall chuse; The secrets of the Lord are with
them that feare him, and he will shew them his Covenant:
The meek shall he guide in judgement, and the meek will he
teach his way; all the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth,
unto such as keep his Covenant and testimony.

Here is the path of the Lord in the mercy, and in the truth,
and in keeping his Covenant, and his testimony, and his feare,
and this is in the inward parts, who dwells and abides here, will
have the new heart given, which the Lord hath promised;
Ezek.36.26. “a new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put
within you, and I will take away the stony heart out of your
flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh, and I will put my
Spirit within you, and cause you to walke in my statutes, and
Ezek.11. ye shall keep my judgements and doe them. And againe, I will
give them one heart, and I will put a new Spirit within you,
and take the stony heart out of their flesh and I will give them
a heart of flesh, that they may walke in my statutes, and keep
my Ordinances, and doe them, and they shall be my people,
and I will be their God.”

So here now you may see, the Lords work is in the inward
parts, there doth he look for the truth within, and there doth
he make his Covenant, and write his law in this his day, for the
dayes are past and gone; wherein the Covenant was written
in Tables of stone; and the dayes are come, which the Lord
prmoised, who said, “Behold the dayes come” saith the Lord,
“that I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel, and
Judah, not according to the Covenant which I made with their
fathers, in the day that I took them by the hand to bring B2 them B2v 10
them out of the land of Ægypt, which my Covenant they
broke, but this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the
Jer.3. house of Israel, after those dayes,”
saith the Lord, “I will put my
Law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will
be their God, and they shall be my people, and they shall
teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his
brother, saying, know the Lord, for they shall all know me
from the least to the greatest,”
saith the Lord, “for I will forgive
their iniquities, and will remember their sin no more.”

So this is the Covenant, which the Lord is making in these
his dayes, with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah,
and with all that doe flow to the Mountaine of the Lords
house, which is established in the top of the Mountaines,
where all Nations shall flow unto it, for out of Zion goes forth
the Law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, which he
writeth in the heart, and putteth in the inward parts: so here
must ye look for your law, and for your testimony, which hath
been bound and sealed up among the Disciples, which Isaiah
saw, who said, “I will waite upon the Lord, that hideth his face
from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him;”
Isaiah knew
that he would hide his face, and that the Law and Testimony
should be bound and sealed, yet he did looke for him, who is
now come in these his dayes, whose law and Testimony is manifested
and written in the inward parts; and the dayes are
Joel 2. come which Joel prophecyed, who said it shall come to passe
afterward, I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh, your sons
and your daughters shall prophecy, and also upon the servants
and on the handmaids in those dayes will I pour out of my
Spirit, for behold in the dayes, and at that time, when I shall
bring againe the Captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also
Joel 3. gather all Nations, and will bring them downe into the
valley of Jehosophat, and will plead with them there. And againe,
feare not, I am with thee, I will bring thy seed from the
East, and gather thee from the West, and I will say to the
North give up, and to the South keep not back, bring my sons
from farre, and my daughters from the ends of the Earth;
bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deafe that
have eares, let all Nations be gathered together, and let the people B3r 11
people be assembled, for I will poure water on him that is
thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground, I will poure my spirit
Isa.43. upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring.

Here you may read the large love and mercy of the Lord to
all that will turne to the measure of his Spirit, which is light,
which he hath given to every one. If you looke for the promise
of the Lord to be fulfilled, you must look for the Spirit,
for the promise of God is the Spirit: untill the Spirit be poured
Isa.32. upon us from on high, and the Wildernesse be a fruitfull
field, and the fruitfull field be counted for a Forrest: Mark,
here your fruitfull field must be counted for a Forrest, when the
Spirit is poured from on high, and that which hath been the
Wildernesse must be the fruitfull field, then shall judgement
dwell in the Wildernesse, and righteousnesse remaine in that
fruitfull field, the worke of righteousnesse shall be peace, and
the effect of righteousnesse, quietnesse and assurance for ever,
and my people shall dwell in a peacable habitation, and in sure
dwellings, and in quiet resting places.

See now if ye can come to this, and own this Spirit to teach
you, and guide you, and lead you, this promise you will receive
and enjoy, when the Lord speaks comfortably unto Jerusalem,
and bids the Prophet cry that her warfare is accomplished,
he saith, “The voice of him that cryeth in the Wildernesse,
prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make straight in the desert
a high way for our God, now God is a Spirit, and his promise
is the Spirit:”
The Lord came down in a cloud, and spake unto
Numb.11. him, and tooke off the Spirit that was upon him, and gave it
unto the seventy elders, and it came to passe that when the
Spirit rested upon them that they prophesied, and did not
cease: Turne ye at my reproofe, behold, I will poure out my
Porrov.1. Spirit upon you, and I will make known my words unto you,
The Lord hath said, “the parched ground shall become a poole,
the thirsty land springs of Water, and an high way shall be
there; and a way that shall be called the way of holinesse, the
uncleane shall not passe over it, but it shall be for those, the
wayfairing men, though fooles, shall not erre therein; No
Lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast goe thereon, which
shall not be found there, but the redeemed shall walke there; and B3v 12
and the ransomed of the Lord shall returne, and come to
Zion with songs, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads,
and they shall obtaine joy and gladnesse, and sorrow, and sighing
shall fly away.”

So here is your way which you must passe, even in the purity
of the Spirit, which is the way of holinesse, where the uncleane
cannot passe, and when ye are come into this way, and
passing on in this way, then ye may look for your outward priviledges,
for he to whom the promise is, the Spirit of the Lord
shall rest upon him, and the Spirit of wisdome and understanding;
the Spirit of councell and of might, the Spirit of knowledge
and the feare of the Lord, and with righteousnesse
doth he judge, and reproves with equity; and he is set for an
ensigne for the Nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel,
and gather together the dispersed of Judah, from the
four corners of the earth, then shall the Lord utterly destroy
the tongue of the Ægyptian Sea, and all the power of darknesse,
and with his mighty winde, which is the Spirit, shall he
shake his hand over the River, and shall smite it in the seven
streames thereof, which is the power of Ægypts darknesse, and
so make men goe over dry shod, in the Spirit: there is the
high way for the remnant of his people, who heares the voice
which doth cry, unto every one that thirsteth, which saith “encline
your eare and come unto me, heare and your soul shall
live, and I will make an everlasting Covenant with you, even
the sure mercies of David: Behold I have given him for a
witnesse, unto the people, a leader and Commander to the
people, this leader, and this witnesse is in the Spirit: seek ye
the Lord while he may be found, call upon him, while he is
Behold thou shalt call a Nation that thou knowest not,
and Nations that know not thee shall run unto thee, because
of the Lord thy God, and the holy one of Israel, for he hath
glorified thee, this promise is unto David, and unto his seed
for ever, in the Spirit: for of the increase of his government
Isa.9. and peace, there shall be no end, upon the Throne of David,
and upon his Kingdome to order it, and to establish it with
judgement, and with justice from henceforth even for ever.

The Lord sent a word unto Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel. B4r 13
Israel. Now if ye will minde the word, which the Lord hath
sent unto Jacob, this will lighten and open your blind eyes, and
Isa 42. the Lords promise will be fulfilled unto you, who hath said, “I
will bring the blind by a way that they know not, and I will
lead them in paths that they have not known, I will make darknesse
light before them, and crooked wayes straight: In those
days and at that time will I cause the branch of righteousnesse
to grow up unto David, and he shall execute judgement and
righteousnesse in the land. In those dayes shall Judah be saved,
and Jerusalem shall dwell safely; and this is his name wherewith
he shall be called, The Lord our Righteousnesse:”
thus saith the Lord, “David shall never want a man to sit upon
the Throne of the house of Israel.”

So this you must look for in the Spirit, this branch of righteousnesse
is in the Spirit, and he executes judgement in the Spirit;
and this promise of the Lord unto David is in the Spirit:
“And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries
whither I have driven them, and I will bring them againe to
their foldes, and they shall be fruitfull and increase, and I will
set up shepheards over them, which shall feed them, and they
shall feare no more, nor be afraid, neither shall be lacking,”

saith the Lord: And the righteous branch that the Lord doth
raise unto David, the King that reigns and prospers is called,
The Lord our Righteousnesse, he is the righteousnesse of all,
and he executes justice and judgement in the earth in righteousnesse,
Psal.110. and David in Spirit called him Lord, who is our righteousnesse,
and the righteousnesse of all who are guided by
him, and taught of him; and here ye must look for your
King, and your Messiah, in the Spirit. So kisse the Son least
he be angry, and you perish from the way, when his wrath is
kindled but little, blessed are they that trust in him; who is
light and a Spirit, that guides and leads his people in pathes
they have not known, and this Michael the great Prince ye
must looke for within first, and they that are wise, and lookes
for him where he is to be found, shall shine as the brightnesse
of the Firmament, and they that turne many to righteousnesse,
Dan.12. as the Stars for ever and ever, many shall be purified and made
white, and tryed, but the wicked shall doe wickedly, and none of B4v 14
of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.
Doth not wisdome cry, and understanding put forth her voice,
Prov.8. “unto you O men I call, and my voice is unto the sons of men:
O ye simple understand wisdome, and ye fooles be of an understanding
heart; councell is mine, and sound wisdome, I am
understanding, I have strength, by me Kings reigne, and Princes
decree justice, by me Princes rule, and nobles even all the Judges
of the Earth.”

Here you may see the universall leading and guiding and governing
Zack.4. of the Lord, is by his own wisdome and councell in the
Spirit, “not by my might, nor power, but by my Spirit” saith the
Lord of Hoasts: Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord,
or being his Counsellour hath taught him, with whom tooke
he counsell, and who instructed him in the path of Judgement,
Isa.40. and taught him knowledge, and shewed him the way of understanding?
Behold, the Nations are as the drop of a bucket,
and all flesh is as grasse, and the grasse withereth, and the
flower fadeth, because the Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it,
but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

This is the word which Moses taught Israel, when he said,
“thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to
keep his commandements, and his statutes, and if thou turne
to the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
for this Commandment, which I command thee this day is not
hidden from thee, neither is it far off, but the word is very
nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, in thy heart, that thou mayest
doe it.”

Mark, here the voice was in their heart, whereby they
Deut.30. might keepe the Law and the statutes; if they did turne to the
Lord with all their heart, and with all their soule, then they
could keepe and doe it. Moses saith further, “See I have set before
thee this day, life and death, good and evill in that I command
thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walke in his
wayes, to keepe his commandements, and his statutes, and his
judgements, that thou mayest live, and the Lord thy God
will blesse thee; If they walked in this, and kept this, it was
life; But if thy heart turne away, so that thou wilt not heare,
but shalt draw away, and worship other Gods, I denounce unto C1r 15
unto thee this day that thou shalt surely perish.”
So here comes
the destruction, by the heart turning away from the word,
which is nigh in the heart, which teacheth to love the Lord
with all the heart, which word teaches to keep the Law, the
statutes, and the judgements, and to walke in them; And
Isa.30. though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water
of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a
corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers, and thine
eares shall heare a word behinde thee, saying, “this is the
way walke in it, when ye turne to the right hand, or to the

This is the word of the Lord that endures for ever; and
Isa.40. by this doth the Lord teach his people: “I cloath the heavens
with blacknesse, and I make sackcloth their covering.”
Lord hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should
know how to speake a word in season to him that is weary; he
Jer.23. that hath an eare, let him heare: “Is not my word like a fire,
and like a hammer that breaks the rocks in pieces.”
And David
saith; “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin
against thee: Thy word is a lampe, unto my feet, and a light
unto my paths.”
The word in Davids heart was a light unto
him, and so it is unto all, whose heart is upright, who is guided
by the light, which is the word, which is the Spirit, which is
the Law, which is written in the heart: David saith, “behold,
thou desirest truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part
shalt thou make me to know wisdome.”
David learned wisdome
in the hidden part; Wash me throughly from mine iniquity,
and cleanse me from my sin, purge me with Hysop,
and I shall be cleane, wash me and I shall be whiter then the

This is in the inward part, where the Lord desireth truth:
Create in me a cleane heart O God, and renew a right Spirit
within me; cast me not away from thy presence, and take not
thy holy Spirit from me: restore me unto the joy of thy salvation,
and uphold me with thy free Spirit.

Here was Davids strength in the free Spirit; whose desire
was to be renewed in the inward parts, who knew the sacrifice
that God accepted, for thou desireth not sacrifice, else would I Cgive C1v 16
give it thee, but thou delightest not in burnt offerings: The
Psal 51. sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite
heart O God thou wilt not despise.

This is the sacrifice God only accepts, trnuth in the inward
parts, where the righteousnesse of his law is known, and seen;
The Lord is nigh to them that are of a broken heart, and saveth
such as be of a contrite Spirit. Here the Lord writeth his law,
Psal.37. and here he placeth his feare. The mouth of the righteous
speaketh wisdome, and his tongue talketh of judgement, the
law of God is in his heart, none of his steps shall slide. The
Law of God is perfect, converting the soule, the Testimony of
the Lord is sure, making wise the simple, the statutes of the
Lord are right, rejoycing the heart, the commandement of the
Lord is pure, enlightning the eyes, the feare of the Lord is
Psal.19. cleane, enduring for ever, the judgements of the Lord are true
and righteous, altogether more to be desired are they then
Gold, yea then much fine Gold, sweeter also then honey, and
the honey combe, by them is thy servant forewarned, and in
keeping of them there is great reward.

See how David reads them in his pure heart, and ranks
them up together, who knows the worth and value of them,
who lives in uprightnesse and purity, in keeping the righteous
Psal.119. judgements, and statutes of the Lord, who saith, “I will run the
way of thy commandements, when thou shalt enlarge my
heart: Teach me, O Lord the way of thy statutes, and I shall
keep it to the end, give me understanding, and I shall know
thy Law.”

Here is Davids way in the commmandements, in the statutes,
in keeping of the Law, in the Testimony, in the word, in the
feare of the Lord, in the precepts, and in the righteousnesse;
and this is the way of all the righteous who are pure in heart;
who only sees God, and unto this spirit of David, which leads
unto purity and holinesse, is the promise of the Lord established
for ever. Thus saith the Lord, “if ye can breake my Covenant
Jer.32. of the day and of the night, that there should not be day
and night in their season, then may also my Covenant be broken
with David my servant, that he should not have a Son to
reigne upon his Throne; as the Hoast of Heaven cannot be num- C2r 17
numbrd, neither the sand of the Sea measured, so will I multiply
the seed of David my servant.”

This is the day of the fulfilling of this promise to all Davids
seed, aund Davids spirit, Blessed are the undefiled in the
way, who walke in the Law of the Lord: O how doe I love
Psal.119. thy Law, it is my meditation all the day, unlesse thy Law had
been my delight; I should have perished in mine affliction:
my soule is continually in mine hand, yet doe I not forget thy
Law. Take not the word of thy truth out of my mouth, for I
have hoped in thy judgements, so that I keep thy Law continually
for ever, and ever. Here David kept the Law through
the word for ever: O Lord thy word is setled in Heaven.
Psal.33. The word of the Lord is right, and all his works are one in
truth. Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I
kept thy word; The proud hath forged lies against me, their
heart is fat as grease, but I have kept thy Law: The Law of
thy mouth is better to me than thousands of Gold and silver.
The entrance of thy word giveth light. And Solomon saith,
Prov.6. “The commandement is a lampe, and the Law is light, and the
reproofes of instruction are the way of life: This is the way of
life, the light, which is the Law, where reproofes are, where
the instruction is leading and guiding in the pure path. Hearken
Isa.51. unto me ye that know righteousnesse, the people in whose
heart is my Law: Hearken unto me, O my people, give eare
unto me, O my Nation, for a Law shall proceed from me, and
I will make my judgement to rest for a light: My righteousnesse
is neare, my salvation is gone forth, and mine arme shall
judge the people, and the Isles shall waite upon me, and on my
arme shall they trust.”

Here is the righteousnesse of the Law brought neare to them
whose mindes are turned to the light, which leads into righteousnesse,
and teacheth righteousnesse, all them that waites
upon the arme of the Lord. For the Lord God is gathering
his sheep, where they have been scattered, for thus saith the
Lord God, “Behold I, even I, will both search my sheep, and
seek them out, as a shepheard seeketh out his flock, in the day
that he is among his sheep that are scattered, so will I seek out
my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places, where they C2 have C2v
have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day, and I will
bring them out from the people, and gather them from the
countries, and will bring them into their own Land, and feed
them upon the Mountaines of Israel, by the Rivers, in all the
inhabitable places of the Country: I will feed them in a good
pasture, and upon the high Mountaines of Israel, there shall
their fold be, Mark, there is the Lords house established, in the
top of the mountaines unto which the Nations flowes, there
shall they lye down in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall
they feed, and I will cause them to lye down”
saith the Lord
God, “and I will seek that which is lost, and bring againe that
which is driven away, and I will binde up that which is broken,
and will strengthen that which is sicke, but I will destroy the
fat, and the strong, I will feed them with judgemennt: Therefore
will I save my flock, and they shall be no more a prey, and
Ezek.34. I will judge between cattell, and cattell, and I will set up one
shepheard, even my servant David, he shall feed them, and he
shall be their shepheard, and I the Lord will be their God, and
my servant David a Prince among them, I the Lord have spoken

This prophecy is the Lord bringing to passe, and gathering
his flock, and raising up the plant of his renowne, which shall
never be consumed, but shall grow up to the praise, and glory
of his name, for the stone cut out of the Mountaine without
hands is smiting the image upon his feet, which is iron and
clay, and the brasse, and the silver, and the gold is he breaking
to pieces, and it is becoming as the chaffe of the threshing
floore, that withereth away; and the stone that smites the image
is becoming a great Mountaine, and it shall fill the whole
earth, and the Thrones are casting down, and the ancient of
dayes doth sit, whose garment is white as snow, and the haire
of his head as pure wooll, his Throne is like the fiery flame, a
fiery flame issueth and cometh out before him, thousand thousands
gives praises to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand
gives glory annd honour before him, and judgement is set, and
the bookes are opening, and the beast is coming to be slaine,
and his body to be given to the burning flame; who beares
his image and have his marke, who have fallen down and worshipedshiped C3r 19
him; his power is falling, and the Dragon that gives
him his power is chaining, and the measuring reed is gone forth
that measures the Temple, and leaves out the court, and the
just ballance is weighing, and the tryed stone is judging, the
precious corner stone, which layes judgement to the line, and
righteousnesse to the plummet, so all that desires to know the
living God, who desires to have the light of his countenance
to shine upon them, turne to the light within you, this is the
way, the truth and the life, and there is no other way, nor
name under Heaven by which any shall be saved, or come to
the knowledge of the true God, for God is light, and God is a
Spirit, and God is the word; and this is the blessing wherewith
Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel, and
he said, “The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir
unto them, and he shined forth from mount Paran; from his
right hand went a fiery law for them.”

This is the law which the Saints receive from the Lords
right hand, which burnes up all the chaffe, and cuts downe all
that is contrary to it, The flaming sword that keeps the Tree
of life, he that can receive it let him.

So now, if ye will come out of the old Covenant, which Covenant
ye have broken, and so are Covenant breakers with
God, and cannot be accepted in that condition, but lyes desolate
and forsaken; So if ye will be accepted of God, or received
unto him, ye must come into the new Covenant, for there
is God engaged to you, and there is God known, in the Spirit,
and there is God worshiped in the Spirit, where the Law
is written in the heart, and the Spirit put in the inward parts,
which teacheth righteousnesse, and leads and guides into purity,
which Spirit circumciseth the heart, which is the seale of
the new Covenant, circumcision which is of the heart, in the

So be not faithlesse and unbelieving, still going on in hardnesse
of heart, and in the provocation, as your fathers did,
which grieved the Lord, that he swore in his wrath, they
should not enter into his rest, they tempted him, and proved
him, and would not believe in his works, and so entered not
because of unbeliefe. And the Prophet Isaiah complained, and said C3v 20
Jer.28. said, who hath believed our report, hardnesse of heart, and
unbeliefe hath been your ruine, ye would not believe your going
to Babylon, which the Lord spoke by Jeremiah, but would
rather hearken to Hananiah the false Prophet. And the Lord
commanded you, saying, “let not your prophets and diviners be
in the middest of you, which deceives you, for they prophecy
falsly in my name; and I have not sent them”
saith the Lord,
Jer.29. and the Prophet Isaiah cryed, “‘woe to the rebellious house,’
saith the Lord, ‘that taketh councell, but not of me, that cover
with a covering, but not of my Spirit.’”

Now goe ye write it before them in a Table, and note it in
a booke, that it may be for the time to come, for ever and ever,
that this is a rebellious people, lying children, children
Isa.30. that will not heare the Law of the Lord, which say to the seers,
see not”, and to the Prophets “prophecy not unto us right things,
speake unto us smooth things, prophecy deceits.”
And you
would not heare the roule that the Lord by Jeremiah made to
Jer.36. be written, but when it came to passe, when Jehudi had read
three or four lines, he cut it with the pen–knife, and cast it into
the fire that was on the hearth, so caused Jeremiah and Baruch
to be cast into the dungeon, and thus you requited the Lord
evill for good, who had alwayes thoughts of good towards
you, and thoughts of peace; Since the day that your fathers
came out of the land of Ægypt, unto this day saith the Lord,
Jer.7. “I have sent my servants the Prophets,” saith the Lord, “dayly rising
up early, and sending them, yet they hearkened not unto
me, nor enclined their eare, but hardened their necks, they did
worse then their Fathers.”

This hath been your sin all along, you would not believe the
Lord when he spoke to you, neither by Moses, nor by his true
prophets, but ye did set up and establish false prophets among
you; your fathers received the Law by the dispensation of Angells,
and have not kept it; but have broken it, for Moses said,
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all
thy soule, and with all thy minde, thou shalt be perfect with
the Lord thy God”
: And Moses said, “The Lord thy God will
raise up unto thee a Prophet like unto me, unto him shalt thou
hearken, according to all that thou desiredst of the Lord thy God C4r 21
God in Horeb, in the day of thy assembly; saying, ‘let me not
heare againe the voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see
the great fire any more, that I dy not.’”

This was terrible to you, thundrings, and lightenings, and
the noise of the Trumpet, and the Mountaine smoking; and
the thick darknesse, which was where God was; This ye desired
to see no more, and God was pleased to answer your desire,
and said unto Moses, “They have well spoken that which
they have spoken, I will raise them up a prophet, from among
their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his
mouth, he shall speake unto them, all that I command him:
and it shall come to passe, that whosoever will not hearken unto
my words, which he shall speake in my name, I will require
it of him.”

And unto this prophet ye have not hearkened, yet, unto
this day; nor obeyed his voice: And now is the prophet
speaking unto you in the Spirit, which is light, which is in the
midst of thee.

And now if ye will heare, and believe in this Prophet, this
is the word which Moses said was nigh in the heart, which the
Lord hath raised in this his day, that all men through him
might believe: the light is risen in the hearts and consciences
of men, by which the Lord teaches all Nations, and gathers all
Nations into one, which is like unto Moses, who saith, “this
commandement which I command thee this day, is not hidden
from thee, neither is it far off, it is not in Heaven, that thou
shouldest say, ‘who shall goe up for us to Heaven, to bring it
unto us, that we may heare it, and doe it,’
neither is it beyond
the Sea, that thou shouldest say ‘who shall goe over the Sea for
it, to bring it to us, that we may heare it, and doe it,’
but the
word, (and the Prophet) is very nigh in thy heart, that thou
mayest heare it, and doe it. Here thou must finde the Prophet
that the Lord promised unto Moses, that he would raise
up, if ever thou finde him, ‘I have not spoken in secret,’ saith
the Lord, in a darke place of the earth, I say not unto the
Isa.45. house of Jacob, seek ye my face in vaine; I the Lord speake
righteousnesse, I desire things that are right, assemble your
selves, and come near together, who hath declared this from ancient C4v 22
ancient times, who hath told it from that time, have not I the
Lord, and there is no God else besides me, a just God and a
Saviour, and there is none besides me, look unto me, and be
ye saved all the ends of the earth.”

And to this word and Prophet must all the ends of the earth
looke, that are saved. Therefore thus saith the Lord God,
Isa.28. “Behold I lay in Sion for a foundation a stone, a tryed stone,
a precious corner stone, a sure foundation, he that believes
shall not make hast, judgment also shall he lay to the line, and
righteousnesse to the plummet.”

This is he that is laid in Zion, a sure foundation, who ever
believes in him layes judgement to the line, for Zion is redeemed
through judgment, and her converts with righteousnesse;
“ye are my witnesses” saith the Lord, “and my servant
whom I have chosen, that ye may know, and believe me, and
understand, that I am he, before me there was no God formed,
neither shall there be any after me; I have declared, and I
have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange
God in you; Therefore ye are my witnesses,”
saith the Lord,
“that I am God. Remember ye not former things, neither consider
the things of old, Behold I will doe a new thing, shall ye
Isa.43. not know it, I will even make a way in the Wildernesse, and rivers
in the desart.”

Now see if you can believe in the Lord, which is doing a
new thing, and is bringing forth his mighty workes, even among
the Heathen; The Lord is working a work in these
dayes, which ye will not believe though it be told you.

Now if ye love your soules, and your eternall good, be no
more stiffe necked, and unbelieving, but come down into the
feare of the Lord, and let the light of the Lord, which checks
you for sin and evill, search you, and try you, and see your
foundation where you stand, who alwayes was a rebellious
people against the Lord, so that he complains “my people would
not hearken to my voice, and Israel would have none of me;
Oh that my people would have hearkened unto me, and Israel
Psal.81. would have hearkened to my wayes, how soon would I have
subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries,”
and Moses said of the rock that begat thee “thou art unmindfull,mindfull, D1r 23
and hast forgotten God that formed thee; And
when the Lord saw it; he abhorred thee, and he said, ‘I will
hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be;
for they are a very froward generation, children in whom
there is no faith.’”

And again, the Lord saith unto Moses, “how long will this
people provoke me, and how long will it be ere they believe
me, for all the signes that I have shewed amongst them.”

So here you stand yet in the unbeliefe and hardnesse of heart,
and stiffneckednesse, a nnd now it is time for you to returne unto
the Lord who calls you, and to believe on him, and hearken to
his voice within you, his witnesse and testimony which he hath
given you, which testifies against all sin, and all unrighteousnesse,
and all unbeliefe, and hard-heartednesse, and uncleannesse,
and this testifies against all oppression and wrong, there
is that in your hearts which tells you, that you should doe
unto all men, as ye would they should doe unto you; this is
just, this is righteous, this is equaall, there is that in you which
testifies against lying and false swearing, and bearing false witnesse
against your neighbour, there is that in your consciences
which tells you, you should have no other God but the living
God, and that ye should not make any graven Image.

Now if you doe not minde that of God in you, to guide you
and leade you, you serve not the living God, but makes an Image
in your mindes of him, which the light of God in you
lets you see is not the truth. If ye will come downe to the
light of God in you, it will shew you your hardnesse of heart,
and your hypocrisie, and your rebellion against the living
God, and if you mind the light of God in you, which will rip
you up, and lay open all the secrets of your hearts; It lets you
see that you have taken the name of the Lord in vaine, and
that you are guilty before the Lord of sin, and transgression;
and the light of the living God will let you see, that you have
not kept the sabboth and fast of the Lord, which is, to loose
the bonds of wickednesse, and to undoe the heavy burdens,
and to let the oppressed goe free, and to breake every yoake,
this is the fast which the Lord hath chosen, and this ye have not
done yet, the light will let you see the bonds of wickednesse, D D1v 24
are yet unbroken, and the just of God suffers in oppression in
you, for if you had kept this fast, then should the light breake
forth as the morning, and your health should spring forth speedily,
and righteousnesse should goe before thee, and the glory
of the Lord should be thy reward, here would be a sabboth
and rest to the just of God, which is in bonds in you, and in oppression,
which the true fast of the Lord would breake; The
pure light of God in you doth let you see, that you ought not
to steale, nor to kill, which saith thou shalt doe no murther,
thou shalt not beare false witnesse, thou shalt not covet; If
you would bring your minds to the pure eternall light of God
in you, you would heare the same voice of God, as ever was,
who is manifested in this his day, in his Spirit. And this light
and Spirit of the living will let you see your selves to be
commandement-breakers, to be sabboth-breakers, and Covenant-breakers;
this will let you see that you are out of the
way, and that you are become filthy and corrupt.

And in this condition there is no peace for you, nor reconciliation
with God; if ever ye know peace and atonement
with God, ye muust come to the light, to be proved by the
light, and tryed by the light, and led by the light, and guided
by the light,.

And this will lead you into all truth, and righteousnesse and
peace; and here you will be washed, and purged, and purified,
and the vaile will be taken off and rent, which is over your
heart, and the true circumcision will be known, which is of
the heart, in the Spirit, and the offering of a broken and contrite
heart, which the Lord only accepteth will be known, and
the sabboth of the Lord will be known, where there is true rest
and peace, and true worshiping in the Spirit, and the holy day
will be known, but all this is known by the washing of the
blood of the everlasting Covenant, which cleanses from all

And so if you would abide here in this pure light and Spirit,
ye would know life eternall, and then ye would know what
the Lord said, when he said, “I would have fed them with the
finest wheat, and with honey out of the stony rock would I
have satisfied thee.”

And D2r 25

And so as you come to waite in the light, and abide in the
light, you will come to know this, and so the just will come to
Hab.2. live, for the just lives by his faith.

So wait in the light of the Lord, who is sending forth the
light of his truth in this his day; They that waite in the Lord
shall renew their strength, blessed are all they that waite for
him; David saith, “Let integrity and uprightnesse preserve me,
for I waite on thee, and againe; waite on the Lord, be of
good courage, and he shall strengthen thy heart; waite I say
on the Lord, those that waite on the Lord shall inherit the
earth, I waite for the Lord, my soule doth waite, in his word
doe I hope; My soule waiteth for the Lord, more than they
Psal.130. that watch for the morning; Let Israel hope in the Lord, for
with the Lord there is mercy, he shall redeeme Israel from all
his iniquity.”

Now if ye can believe David, you will come to waite upon
the Lord, your soule will waite upon the Lord, more than they
that watch for the morning,. And David saith, “The Lord is
my light and salvation, in thy light I shall see light; And again,
he shall bring forth thy righteousnesse as light; And again,
God is the Lord who hath shewed us his light.”
Here did
Prov.20. David waite upon the Lord in his light, And Solomon saith,
Isa. “waite on the Lord and he shall save thee. He shall not faile
nor be discouraged till he have set judgment in the earth, and
the Isles shall waite for his law, aand they that waite upon the
Lord shall mount up as with Eagles wings, they shall walke
and not be weary, run, and not faint.”

So here is your way, and no salvation shall ye find in any
other, but as you come into the feare of the Lord, to waite
upon him in his light in you, to guide your mindes, when you
turne to the right hand, or to the left; being guided by the
light, this will strengthen your heart, and this will lead you to
uprightnesse and singlenesse of heart.

And here ye must know your King he is just and righteous,
having salvation, and he rules and reigns in justice and righteousnesse,
and so waiting here in the Spirit, you will come to receive
the promises of the Lord unto you, who is now holding
forth his hand of love unto you, and if ever ye come to know D2 him, D2v 26
him, or to know the Kingdome restored unto Israel, ye must
prepare to meet him in the Spirit, eternally ye shall witnesse
this to be truth: and as ye are subject and obedient to the
teaching and leading, and guiding of the Lord in the Spirit,
so will he save you from all your uncleanesse, and you will
receive his promise, and so the dry bones will come to live,
and the wind will breath from the four windes, that they
may live; and you will receive this promise. Thus saith the
Lord, “I will open your graves, and I will cause you to come up
out of your graves, and you shall know that I am the Lord,
when I have opened your graves, and brought you up out
of your graves, and I will put my Spirit within you, and ye
shall live, Moreover I will make a Covenant of peace with
them, it shall be an everlasting Covenant with them, and I
will place them, and multiply them, and I will set my sanctuary
in the midst of them for evermore. My Tabernacle also
Ezek.37. shall be with them, yea, I will be their God, and they shall be
my people, and the Heathen shall know that I the Lord doe
sanctifie Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of
them for evermore.”

So as you waite in the pure eternall Spirit of light, this you
will come to see fulfilled, according to your faithfulnesse, and
according to your obedience, for obedience is required, and the
new Covenant which is light, leads into obedience which is
better than sacrifice.

This Moses prophesied of, when he spoke of your trouble
and afflictions, which were to come upon you, he saith; “Even
Deut 4. in the latter dayes if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and
shalt be obedient unto his voice, the Lord thy God is a mercifull
God, he would not forsake thee.”

And againe; It shall come to passe when all these things
are come upon thee, the blessings and the curses, which I have
set before thee, and shalt call them to minde among all the
nations whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee, and
shalt returne unto the Lord thy God, and shalt obey his voice
according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy
Deut.30. children, with all thy heart, and with all thy soule; That the
Lord thy God shall turne away thy captivity, and will have compas- D3r 27
compassion upon thee, and will returne and gather thee from
all Nations, whither the Lord thy God hath scattered

See now whether ye will believe Moses, and whether ye
will be obedient to the Prophet, that the Lord is raising,
like unto Moses, (which is light) to which if ye will be obedient,
it will gather you from all nations whither you are scattered,
and bring you into the good land, where there is one
heart, and one Spirit, where the Lord is one, and his name one,
and this is the land of promise, and the Covenannt of God
unto you, and all Nations, who come to know him in the Spirit,
they that are willing and obedient eates the good of this
land, and they that are far off, shall come and build in the temple
of the Lord, and ye shall know that the Lord hath sent me
unto you; And this shall come to passe, If you diligently obey
the voice of the Lord your God.

So here is the condition and promise and Covenant of the
Lord; according to your obedience to the voice of the Lord in
his Spirit, so will it be unto you. And now the prophesie of
Hosea is fulfilled upon you, you have been many dayes without
a King, without a Prince, and without a sacrifice, and without
an Ephod.

Now if you would returne unto the Lord in obedience to
his light in you, and seek the Lord, and David your King,
and feare the Lord and his goodnesse in these latter dayes, it
would goe well with you, for the lord desireth mercy, and
not sacrifice, and the knowledge of the Lord more than burnt

And if ye desire to know the Lord, you must turne your
mindes unto his light, there will you come to know him and
feele him, and find him neare; then will you know the trumpet
of the Lord that is blown in Sion, and the alarme sounded
in his holy mountaine, which makes all the Inhabitants of the
earth to tremble, when the day of the Lord cometh, for it is
Joel.2. nigh at hand. And it is come to passe which the Prophet prophesied
of Zeph. 4 At that time it shall come to passe that I
will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that
are setled on their lees, the day of the Lord discovers them, and D3v 28
and will be sorrow and distresse unto them, the great day
of the Lord is near, it is near, and hastes greatly, even the
voice of the day of the Lord; that day is a day of wrath, a
day of trouble, and distresse, a day of darknesse and gloomines,
a day of the Trumpet and Allarm.

So waite in the pure light that shineth in you; and
there you will see this day of the Lord, and heare the voice of
this day near, “Therefore waite upon me” saith the Lord
“untill the day that I rise up to the prey, for my determination
is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the Kingdomes,
to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger,
for all the earth shall be devoured, with the fire of my

Who waites upon the Lord in his pure light and Spirit
shall see this fulfilled, and shall be preserved in the
Lords light, for then will I turne to the people a pure language,
that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to
serve him with one consent.

Here is the one light that gathers into one, here is the one
Spirit, and the one heart; and here is the pure language
learned, here the envy of Ephraim shall depart; and the
adversaries of Judah shall be cut off, Ephraim shall not envy
Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim, when the gathering
of the Nations is unto this ensigne, when the Lord
Isa.11. thy God is in the midst of thee, who is mighty to save, he will
rejoyce over thee; “Then sing, and rejoyce O daughter
of Zion, for lo I come, and will dwell in the midst of thee,”

saith the Lord; “And many nations shall be joyned to the
Lord in that day, and shall be my people, and I will dwell in
the midst of thee;”
and the Lord shall inherit Judah his portion
in the holy land, and shall chuse Jerusalem againe,
Zach.2. but let all flesh be silent before the Lord, for he is risen up,
out of his holy habitation; where no flesh can come, nor the
service of no flesh is accepted, but all flesh is to be silent before
the Lord, for the pure worship of God is in the Spirit, which
is one in all, which is the ensigne that is set, for the gathering
of all Nations together in the one Spirit, and one heart, where
the Lord is in the midst, and the glory of this latter house is greater D4r 29
greater than the former, saith the Lord of hoasts; “In this
place will I give peace,”
and in that day will the Lord defend
the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, and he that is feeble among
them, at that day shall be as David, and the house of David
shall be as God, as the Angell of the Lord before them, and
it shall come to passe in that day, that I will seek to destroy all
nations that come against Jersalem.

This you may look for, when there is pure obedience, and
waiting in the light upon the Lord, to be guided, and his
mighty power, and arme to carry on, then will the Lord fulfill
his promise, who saith, “I will make thee a sharpe threshing
instrument, having teeth, thouu shalt thresh the Mountaines
and beat them small, and make the hills as chaffe,
and then the promise of the Lord will be fulfilled, I will poure
upon the house of David, and upon the Inhabitants of Jerusalem
the Spirit of grace, and of supplication, and they shall
look upon me whom they have pierced, and mourn for him,
as one mourneth for his only Sonne, and be in bitternes for
him, as one that is in bitternesse for his first born.”

Waiting in the light, in the pure feare, and subjection,
there will ye come to see him whom ye have pierced, and
when ye see him, ye will mourne over him, as one that mourneth
for his first borne; and then the Spirit of grace and supplication
you will know, annd then the fountaine ye will see
Zach.14. opened, which is to the house of David, and to the Inhabitants
of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanesse; And in that
day the living waters shall goe out from Jerusalem, and the
Lord shall be King over all the earth; In that day there shall
be one Lord, and his name one.

And so here is your head, and your rest, and your Kingdome,
and your land of promise; and to this you must passe in the
Spirit; There is no other way but the light, the way of holinesse,
which is through the wildernesse, and through the desart.

And as ye passe in this way, ye will know the shaking down
of the power of darknesse; Thus saith the Lord of hoasts,
Hag.2. “yet once, and it is a little while, and I will shake the Heavens,
and the earth, and the Sea, and the dry land, and I will shake all D4v 30
all nations, and the desire of all Nations shall come, and I will
fill this house with glory,”
saith the Lord of hoasts, glory and
honour be to the Lord for evermore.

Now as ye waite in the eternall light, and your minds are
kept to it, this you will read near, for these Scriptures wetre
spoken forth, from an eternall Spirit within, and no other Spirit
can read them, but the same that spoke them forth, which
Spirit is light, which all the servants and messengers of God
spoke from, which the naturall man knoweth not, where the
power of darknesse reignes. Behold I send my messenger, and
he shall prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom ye
seek shall suddenly come to his Temple, even the messenger
of the Covenant whom ye delight in; Behold he shall come
saith the Lord of hoasts, but who may abide the day of his
coming, and who shall stand when he appeares, for he is like a
refiners fire, and like fullers sope, and he shall sit as a refiner,
and purifier of silver, and he shall purifie the sons of Levi, and
purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord
an offering in righteousnesse, then shall the offerings of Judah
and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the dayes of
old, and as in former yeares; As the pure obedience to
Isa.25. the pure light is given, so there will be purging and purifying,
and the refiner shall sit, and purely purge away thy
drosse, and take away thy sin, who saith “I will come near to
you to judgement, and I will be a swift witnesse against the
sorcerer, and the adulterer, and the false swearer, for I am
the Lord I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob be not consumed.”

So as ye love your soules and your eternall peace turne
to the Lord, that calls you, whose spirit will not alwayes
strive with man, whose hand of love is continued and holden
forth to you.

Doe not alwayes hate to be reformed, least he breake in
upon you, and destroy you, for he hath put on righteousnesse
as a breast-plate, and a helmet of salvation upon
his head, and he hath put on the garments of vengeance
for cloathing, and is clad with zeale as with a cloake,
according to your deeds, accordingly he will repay fury to his adver- E1r 31
adversaries, recompence to his enemies.

So when his righteousnesse is revealed, in executing vengeance
on his enemies, then shall they feare the name of the
Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the Sun,
when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the
Lord shall lift up a standard against him; “And the Redeemer
shall come to Zion, and unto them that turne from transgression
in Jacob,”
saith the Lord; “as for me this is my Covenant
with them”
saith the Lord, “my Spirit that is upon thee, and
my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart
out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor
out of the mouth of thy seeds seed, from hence forth and for

This promise is eternall, and this remaines upon the seed of
the promise for ever, and the promise to the seed is the Spirit;
and the redeemer comes unto Zion in the Spirit, and he
comes to those that turnes from their transgression, and
the ministry of the Spirit is to turne from the darknesse
to the light, and from the power of Satan unto God:
And here comes the resurrection, and the hope of Israel,
and here the valley of Achor is the door of hope. Thus
saith the Lord, “as the new wine is found in the cluster, and
one faith, destroy it not, for a blessing is in it: So will I doe
for my servants sake that I may not destroy them all; And
I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah,
Isa.65. mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell
there: and Sharon shall be a folde of flocks, and the valley of
Achor a place for the heards to ly down in, for my people that
have sought me.”

This is to all the servants of the Lord that have sought him,
Jewes and Gentiles, where the new wine is found in the cluster,
which the blessing is to, Sharon is a folde for all those flocks
that seekes unto the Lord and serves him, not of the Jewes only,
but also of the Gentiles.

And so the promise is fulfilled, where it is said, God shall
enlarge Japhet, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and
where the Lord saith by the Prophet, “I will sow her unto me
in the earth, and will have mercy on her that had not obtained E mercy, E1v 32
Hos.2.23 mercy, and I will say unto them that were not my people,
thou art my people, and they shall say thou art my

Here is the large infinite love of God manifested, who
saith, “It is a light thing that thou shouldest raise up the
tribes of Jacob, and restore the preserved of Israel, I will also
give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my
salvation unto the ends of the earth.”

Here is the Covenant that reacheth unto all, the light; and
all that come into the light to be guided, led, and governed,
comes into the Covenant.

So think it not strange, to receive this Testimony from the
Gentiles, who have obtained mercy, and received the promise
of the Lord, according to Isaiahs prophesie: I am found of
Isa.65. them that sought me not, I said unto a people, behold me unto
a nation that was not called by my name, I have spred out
my hand all the day unto a rebellious people, which waketh
in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts.

Here is your state and condition: Therefore be not highminded
but feare, for this is no new thing to you, for the
Deut.32.21. Lord said by Moses, “they have moved me to jealousie with
that which is not good, they have provoked me to anger
with their vanities: And I will move them to jealousie with
those who are not a people, I will provoke them to anger with
a foolish Nation.”

This ye have caused the Lord to doe through your provocations,
who alwayes rebelled against him, and caused him to
turne to the Gentiles with salvation, but though ye be provoked
to anger and jealousie by a people that were not, and by a
foolish Nation: yet be not angry but turn to him that smiteth,
whose hand of dear love is holden forth unto you, who
waites to be gracious unto you, who is God over all, and rich
unto all; that so in your stumbling ye may not utterly fall,
but that rather through your fall, salvation is come to the
Gentiles, to provoke you to jealousie.

And now that your stumbling hath been the riches of the
world, and your diminishing the riches of the Gentiles, how
much more will your gathering be joy, and life, and rejoycing to E2r 33
to the Gentiles, which writes this unto you, which ye shall
eternally witnesse to be an everlasting testimony of the love of
God to you.

Therefore start not aside, nor cast not this behinde you, as
ye have done all the gracious tenders of the Lords love formerly:
But come to this light that is in you, which will lead
you into the paths of peace, and into the Covenant where the
gathering is, that so you may receive the promise of the Lord
to you, who hath said; “The sons of strangers shall build up
thy walls, and their Kings shall minister unto thee; and thou
shalt suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breasts
of Kings, and thou shalt know that I the Lord am thy Saviour,
Isa.66. and thy Redeemer the mighty one of Jacob.”

Now if ye will know your Redeemer, and your Saviour, the
mighty one of Jacob, turne to the light, joyne your mindes into
the light, which is within you, and there you will see your
Saviour and Redeemer, and there shall ye suck the milk of the
Gentiles, and there shall you receive your King. Thus saith
the Lord God, “behold I will lift up my hand unto the Gentiles,
and set up my standard to the people, and they shall bring thy
sons in their armes, and thy daughters shall be carried upon
their shoulders, and Kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and
their Queens thy nursing mothers, they shall bow down to
thee with their faces towards the earth, and lick up the dust of
thy feet.”

See here now if this be not fulfilled: Is there not even a
bowing down unto thee in this loving invitation, and even a
licking of the dust of thy feet with their faces towards the
earth, who have the standard of the Lord set amongst us, which
is for the gathering of all nations together, that we might
bring thy sons in our armes, and thy daughters upon our
shoulders, our soules desire is that you might all be gathered,
and come into the Covenant of light, and love, and partake
with us of the everlasting riches and inheritance that never
fades away.

Therefore arise and shine, for thy light is come, and the
Gentiles are come to thy light, and Kings to the brightnesse
of thy rising, thy sons shall come from farre, and thy daughtersE2 ters E2v 34
shall be nursed at thy side, then shalt thou see, and flow
together, and thy heart shall feare, and be enlarged, because
of the abundance of the Sea, that shall be converted unto thee,
the forces of the Gentiles shall come to thee.

This we desire to see fulfilled, and this we waite for, that even
the fulnesse might come in, for Shiloh is come, unto whom
the gathering is, though blindnesse is happened unto Israel:
But the Redeemer is come to Zion, and unto them that turn
from transgression in Jacob.

So as you turne from your transgression, this ye will see, and
witnesse. And so whether you hear or forbeare, this shall be
an eternall testimony for the Lord, for ever:

M.F.Margaret Fox

[Gap in transcription—omitted10 Hebrew words]
E3r 35

Certaine Queries, To the teachers and
Rabbis among the Jewes.

  • Isa.35.


    What the way of holinesse is, and
    where it is, where the uncleane
    cannot passe?
  • Isa.43.


    What the way in the Wildernesse is,
    and the Rivers in the desart?
  • 3.

    What the voice of him is, that cryeth
    Isa.40. in the Wildernesse, prepare ye the way of the
    Lord, make straite in the desart; a high way
    for our God, and what this way is?
  • Isa.30.


    What the word is that is heard behinde,
    saying; “This is the way walke in
  • Isa.50.


    What the tongue of the learned is, that
    speakes a word in season to him that is weary?
  • Prov.8.


    What that wisdome is which cryes, and
    understanding that puts forth her voice, to the
    sons of men?
  • ver.15.


    What that was in Solomon, which
    said, “by me Kings rule, and Princes decree
    justice, even all the Judges of the Earth”
  • 8.

    What was that in Solomon, which was set E3v 36
    ver.23. set up from everlasting, from the beginning ere
    ever the Earth was?
  • 9.

    What was that in David, which said,
    Psal.2. “Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill
    Zion: The Lord hath said unto me, ‘Thou
    art my Son; this day have I begotten
  • 10.

    What was that in Job, which said, “I
    Job.27. will teach you by the hand of God: that
    which is with the Almighty will I not conceale?”
  • Job.28.


    What that path is, which Job speakes
    of: “And that wisdome, and place of understanding,
    which is hid from all eyes living.”
  • 12.

    What the fountaine of Jacob is, which
    Deut.33. Moses speakes of?
  • 13.

    What that fountaine is, which shall
    Joel.3. come forth of the house of the Lord?
  • 14.

    What that fountaine is which is opened
    Zach.13. to the house of David, and to the inhabitants
    of Jerusalem?
  • Zach.14.


    What the living waters is that goes
    from Jerusalem?
  • 16.

    What those rivers and fountaines
    Isa.51. are, which the Lord will open in the high
    places, and in the midst of the valleyes: when he E4r 37
    he makes the wildernesse a pool, and dry land
    springs of water?
  • Isa 12.


    How it is, and by what that waters
    are drawn forth out of the wells of salvation?
  • Cant.4.


    What that fountaine of gardens, and
    well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon
    is, which Solomon speaks of?
  • Dan.7.


    Where doth the ancient of dayes sit,
    when he comes, when judgment is given to
    the Saints of the most high?
  • ver.2.7.


    What the Kingdome and dominion,
    which is given to the Saints of the most high,
    is, and where it is, whose Kingdome is an everlasting
    Kingdome, and all dominions shall
    serve and obey him?

Answer these Queries, according
to the Law and Prophets.

the end.