
The Womans

For the Year of our Lord, 16881688.
Being the Bissextile, or Leap—Year.
Calculated for the Meridian of London,
and may indifferently serve for any
part of England:

Assumed to be a portrait of Mary Holden.

By Mary Holden.
Midwife in Sudbury, and Student of Astrology.

Printed by J. Millet for the Company of Stationers
[Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsflawed-reproduction] 16881688.

WWP note: While headings are not visible in the reproduction used for this edition, it is very likely that the table for each month was preceded by a heading in red ink with the name of the month in the original printed text.

Full Moon the 1688-01-07T13:017 day, 13 min. past 1 after noon.
Last quarter 1688-01-15T16:5115 day, 51 min. past 4 after noon.
New Moon the 1688-01-22T22:1322 day, 13 min. past 10 at night.
First quarter the 1688-01-29T12:5829 day, 58 min. past noon.

1688-01-011 a [Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsflawed-reproduction] 21 22 Taur.Taurus 8
1688-01-022 b Octab. Steph 22 24 21 The month
begins indifferently
the season.
1688-01-033 c Octab. John. 23 25 Gem.Gemini 5
1688-01-044 d Octab. Innoc. 24 26 18
1688-01-055 e Simeon 25 27 Canc.Cancer 1
1688-01-066 f [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] 26 28 14
1688-01-077 g Julian 27 30 26
1688-01-088 a 1 after Epiph.Epiphany 28 31 Leo 9
1688-01-099 b Agapete 29 32 21
1688-01-1010 c [Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsflawed-reproduction] 0 ♒︎ 33 Virgo 4
1688-01-1111 d Hyginus 1 34 15 About the
middle expect
with snow.
1688-01-1212 e Satyrius 2 35 27
1688-01-1313 f Hilary Bish. 3 36 Libra 9
1688-01-1414 g Felix 4 37 21
1688-01-1515 a 2 after Epiph.Epiphany 5 38 Scorp.Scorpio 3
1688-01-1616 b Marcellus 6 39 15
1688-01-1717 c Anthony 7 41 27
1688-01-1818 d Prisca 8 42 Sagit.Sagittarius 10
1688-01-1919 e Pontion 9 42 23 Very cold
frosty weather
with much
1688-01-2020 f Octab. Hilar. 10 43 Capr.Capricorn 7
1688-01-2121 g Agnes 11 44 22
1688-01-2222 a 3 after Epiph.Epiphany 12 45 Aquar.Aquarius 6
1688-01-2323 b 13 46 21
1688-01-2424 c Timothy 14 47 Pisces 6
1688-01-2525 d [Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsflawed-reproduction] 15 48 21
1688-01-2626 e Polycarpus 16 49 Aries 6
1688-01-2727 f Quind. Hilar. 17 49 20 Cold abated
the end.
1688-01-2828 g Valerius 18 50 Taur.Taurus 4
1688-01-2929 a 4 after Epiph.Epiphany 19 51 18
1688-01-3030 b 20 52 Gem.Gemini [Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction]
1688-01-3131 c Virgilius 21 52 15

Full Moon the 1688-02-06T07:056 day, 5 min. past 7 in the morn.
Last quarter the 1688-02-14T10:3114 day, 31 min. past 10 before noon.
New Moon the 1688-02-21T08:2521 day, 25 past 8 before noon.
First quarter the 1688-02-28T12:4028 day, 40 min. past 12 in the morn.

M D. W D. Festival days,
with Terms.
☉ place Moons
Inclination of
the Air.
d.degrees m.minutes.
1688-02-011 d Bridget Fast 22 53 Gem.Gemini 28
1688-02-022 e [Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsflawed-reproduction] 23 54 Canc.Cancer 10 Cold weather
with much
1688-02-033 f Craft. Purif 24 55 23
1688-02-044 g Gilbert 25 55 Leo 5
1688-02-055 a 5 after Epiph.Epiphany 26 56 18
1688-02-066 b 27 56 Virgo 0
1688-02-077 c Zachary 28 57 12
1688-02-088 d Saom 29 57 23 Fine mild
weather now
and pleasant.
1688-02-099 e 0 ♓︎ 5 Libra 5
1688-02-1010 f Scholastica 1 58 17
1688-02-1111 g Euphrosina 2 58 29
1688-02-1212 a 3 59 Scorp.Scorpio 11
1688-02-1313 b 4 59 23
1688-02-1414 c Valentine 5 59 Sagit.Sagittarius 6 Very good
with frost.
1688-02-1515 d Faustine 7 0 19
1688-02-1616 e Juliam. Virg. 8 0 Capr.Capricorn 2
1688-02-1717 f Polycton 9 0 16
1688-02-1818 g Concordia 10 0 Aquar.Aquarius 0
1688-02-1919 a 11 0 15
1688-02-2020 b Mildred. 12 0 Pisces 0
1688-02-2121 c 70 Martyrs 13 1 15
1688-02-2222 d Cathedr.Cathedral Pet. 14 1 Aries 0 Towards
the end, very
windy but
not very
1688-02-2323 e Serenus Fast 15 1 15
1688-02-2424 f 16 1 Taur.Taurus 0
1688-02-2525 f S. Paul 17 0 14
1688-02-2626 a 18 0 28
1688-02-2727 a Fortuna 19 0 Gem.Gemini 12
1688-02-2828 b Shrove—Tues. 20 0 25
1688-02-2929 c Ash—Wednes. 21 0 Canc.Cancer 8

Full Moon the 1688-03-07T01:597 day, 59 min. past 1 in the morn.
Last quarter the 1688-03-15T01:1515 day, 15 min. past 1 in the morn.
New Moon 1688-03-21T17:1621 day, 16 min. past 5 after noon.
First quarter the 1688-03-28T14:3028 day, 30 min. past 2 after noon.

1688-03-011 d David Bish. 22 0 Canc.Cancer 20
1688-03-022 e Chad Bish. 22 55 Leo 2
1688-03-033 f Lucius 23 59 15 Tempestuous,
but not much
1688-03-044 g 1 Sun. in Len.Lent 24 55 27
1688-03-055 a Eusebius 25 5[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] Virgo 9
1688-03-066 b Frederick 26 58 20
1688-03-077 c 27 57 Libr. 2
1688-03-088 d Cyprian 28 55 14
1688-03-099 e 40 Martyrs 29 56 26
1688-03-1010 f 0 ♈︎ 56 Scorp. 8 Moist and
not very
1688-03-1111 g 2 Sun. in Len.Lent 1 55 20
1688-03-1212 a Gregory 2 54 Sagit.Sagittarius 2
1688-03-1313 b Ernestus 3 54 15
1688-03-1414 c Eutychus 4 53 28
1688-03-1515 d Longinus 5 52 Capr.Capricorn 11
1688-03-1616 e Boniface 6 52 24
1688-03-1717 f Gertrude 7 51 Aquar.Aquarius 9 Windy and
cold about
this time.
1688-03-1818 g 3 Sun. in Len.Lent 8 5[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] 23
1688-03-1919 a Joseph 9 49 Pisc.Pisces 8
1688-03-2020 b Mildred 10 48 23
1688-03-2121 c Benedict 11 47 Aries 8
1688-03-2222 d [Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]aulinus 12 46 24
1688-03-2323 e Theodore 13 45 Taur.Taurus 8
1688-03-2424 f Quirine Fast 14 44 23
1688-03-2525 g 15 43 Gem.Gemini 7 Cloudy dark
weather, with
1688-03-2626 a Castuius 16 42 21
1688-03-2727 b Archibald 17 40 Canc.Cancer 4
1688-03-2828 c Gideon 18 39 17
1688-03-2929 d Eustachius 19 38 29
1688-03-3030 e Guido 20 3[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] Leo 11
1688-03-3131 f Balbina 21 35 24

Full Moon the 1688-04-05T18:055 day, 5 min. past 6 at night.
Last quarter the 1688-04-13T12:0513 day, 5 min past noon.
New Moon the 1688-04-20T03:2820 day, 28 min. past 3 in the morn.
First quarter the 1688-04-27T06:1527 day, 15 m. past 6 before noon.

1688-04-011 g 5 Sun. in Lent 22 34 Virgo 6
1688-04-022 a Mary Egypt 23 33 17 Misty and
1688-04-033 b Christian 24 31 29
1688-04-044 c Ambrose 25 30 Libra 11
1688-04-055 d Vincent 26 28 23
1688-04-066 e Sixtus 27 27 Scorp.Scorpio 5
1688-04-077 f Celestine 28 25 17
1688-04-088 g 29 23 29
1688-04-099 a 0 ♉︎ 22 Sagit.Sagittarius 12 Windy but
with gentle
1688-04-1010 b Ezechiel 1 20 25
1688-04-1111 c Leo P. 2 18 Capr.Capricorn 7
1688-04-1212 d Julius 3 17 21
1688-04-131213 e Good Friday 4 15 Aquar.Aquarius 4
1688-04-1414 f Tiburtius 5 13 18
1688-04-1515 g 6 11 Pisces 2
1688-04-1616 a Isidore 7 9 17
1688-04-1717 b Anicetus 8 8 Aries 2 Very good
1688-04-1818 c Apollin. 9 6 17
1688-04-1919 fd Timothy 10 4 Taur.Taurus 2
1688-04-2020 e Sulpitius 11 2 17
1688-04-2121 f Emmanuel 12 0 Gem.Gemini 1
1688-04-2222 g 12 58 15
1688-04-2323 a S. George 13 56 29
1688-04-2424 b Albertus 14 53 Canc.Cancer 13 Windy with
rain or hail,
and thunder.
1688-04-2525 c 15 51 25
1688-04-2626 d Cletus 16 49 Leo 8
1688-04-2727 e Anastas. 17 34 21
1688-04-2828 f Vitalis 18 45 Virg. 2
1688-04-2929 g 2 after Easter 19 43 14
1688-04-3030 a Quind. Pasch. 20 40 26

Full Moon the 1688-05-05T09:375 day, 37 min. past 9 before noon.
Last quarter the 1688-05-12T18:5712 day, 57 min. past 6 at night.
New Moon 1688-05-19T04:1119 day, 11 min. past 4 in the morn.
First quarter the 1688-05-26T22:4226 day, 42 min. past 10 at night.

1688-05-011 b 21 38 Libr.Libra 8
1688-05-022 c 22 36 20 Fine temperate
and serene
air, with
gentle gales
of wind.
1688-05-033 d Invent. Crucis 23 33 Scorp.Scorpio 2
1688-05-044 e Martian 24 31 14
1688-05-055 f Gothard 25 28 27
1688-05-066 g 3 after Easter 26 26 Sagit.Sagittarius 9
1688-05-077 a Tres Pasch. 27 24 21
1688-05-088 b Appar. Mic. 28 21 Capr.Capricorn 4
1688-05-099 c Hlobe 29 19 18
1688-05-1010 d 0 ♊︎ 16 Aquar.Aquarius 1
1688-05-1111 e Anthony 1 13 14
1688-05-1212 f Acheley 2 11 28 Cloudy and
warm with
some rain.
1688-05-1313 g 4 after Easter 3 9 Pisc.Pisces 12
1688-05-1414 a Mens. Pasch. 4 6 27
1688-05-1515 b Sophia 5 3 Aries 11
1688-05-1616 c Peregrin 6 1 26
1688-05-1717 d Jodocus 6 58 Taur.Taurus 10
1688-05-1818 e Bernardine 7 55 25
1688-05-1919 f Dunnan 8 53 Gem.Gemini 9 Hot weather
and windy.
1688-05-2020 g 9 50 24
1688-05-2121 a Quind. Pasch. 10 47 Canc.Cancer 7
1688-05-2222 b Desider. Mar. 11 45 21
1688-05-2323 c Trans. Fran. 12 42 Leo 4
1688-05-2424 d 13 39 16
1688-05-2525 e Craft. Ascen. 14 36 28 Towards the
end tempestuous
1688-05-2626 f Edward 15 34 Virgo 10
1688-05-2727 g 6 after Easter 16 31 22
1688-05-2828 a 17 28 Libra 4
1688-05-2929 b 18 25 16
1688-05-3030 c Wigand 19 22 28
1688-05-3131 d Petronel. 20 19 Scorp.Scorpio 9

Full Moon the 1688-06-03T21:573 day, 57 min. past 9 at night.
Last quarter the 1688-06-10T17:4710 day, 47 min past 5 after noon.
New Moon the 1688-06-17T20:0617 day, 6 min. past 8 at night.
First quarter the 1688-06-25T15:3525 day, 35 min. past 3 afternoon.

1688-06-011 e Nicomede 21 17 Scorp.Scorpio 22
1688-06-022 f Marcellus 22 14 Sagit.Sagittarius 5 Very hot
and dry at
the beginning.
1688-06-033 g 23 11 18
1688-06-044 a Petroc. Con. 24 8 Capr.Capricorn 1
1688-06-055 b Boniface B. 25 5 14
1688-06-066 c 26 2 28
1688-06-077 d Paul Ep. 26 59 Aquar.Aquarius 11
1688-06-088 e Medard 27 56 25
1688-06-099 f Trans. 28 53 Pisces 9
1688-06-1010 g 29 51 23 Turbulent
with thunder.
1688-06-1111 a 0 ♋︎ 48 Aries 7
1688-06-1212 b Elandina 1 45 21
1688-06-1313 c Cyrillus 2 42 Taur.Taurus 6
1688-06-1414 d Corpus Christi 3 39 20
1688-06-1515 e 4 36 Gem.Gemini 4
1688-06-1616 f Tr. Richard. 5 33 18
1688-06-1717 g 1 after Trin.Trinity 6 30 Canc.Cancer 2 Windy hot
1688-06-1818 a Octab. Trin.Trinity 7 27 15 Weather with
1688-06-1919 b Gervase 8 24 29
1688-06-2020 c Tr. Edward 9 21 Leo 12
1688-06-2121 d Walburge. V. 10 18 24
1688-06-2222 e Alban 11 15 Virg.Virgo 6
1688-06-2323 f Basil. Bast 12 12 18
1688-06-2424 g 13 9 Libra 0 Very good
towards the
1688-06-2525 a Quind. Trin.Trinity 14 6 12
1688-06-2626 b Jeremias 15 3 24
1688-06-2727 c 7 Sleepers 16 1 Scorp.Scorpio 6
1688-06-2828 d Leo Bish. Fast 16 58 18
1688-06-2929 e 17 55 Sagit.Sagittarius 0
1688-06-3030 f Com.Commemeration S. Paul 18 52 13

Full Moon the 1688-07-03T08:393 day, 39 min. past 8 in the morn.
Last quarter the 1688-07-10T03:1110 day, 11 min. past 3 in the morn.
New Moon the 1688-07-17T07:4917 day, 49 min. past 7 in the morn.
First quarterquarter the 1688-07-25T08:3525 day, 35 min. past 8 in the morn.

1688-07-011 g 3 after Trin.Trinity 19 49 Sagit.Sagittarius 26
1688-07-022 a Tres Trin.Trinity 20 46 Capr.Capricorn 9 Very hot
with thunder.
1688-07-033 b Cornelius 21 43 23
1688-07-044 c 22 40 Aquar.Aquarius 7
1688-07-055 d Anselm 23 38 21
1688-07-066 e Hector 24 35 Pisces 6
1688-07-077 f Demetrius 25 32 20
1688-07-088 g 4 after Trin.Trinity 26 29 Aries 4
1688-07-099 a Cyrillus 27 26 18 Hot sultry
with very
hasty showers.
1688-07-1010 b 7 Breth. M. 28 23 Taur.Taurus 2
1688-07-1111 c Pius 29 21 16
1688-07-1212 d 0 ♌︎ 18 Gem.Gemini 0
1688-07-1313 e Margaret 1 15 14
1688-07-1414 f Bonavent. 2 12 27
1688-07-1515 g 5 after Trin.Trinity 3 9 Can.Cancer 11
1688-07-1616 a Hilarine 4 7 24
1688-07-1717 b Alexius 5 4 Leo 7 This month
is generally
hot, inclining
to moisture.
1688-07-1818 c Arnulph B. 6 1 20
1688-07-1919 d 6 59 Virg.Virgo 2
1688-07-2020 e Margaret 7 56 14
1688-07-2121 f Daniel 8 53 26
1688-07-2222 g 6 after Trin.Trinity 9 51 Libra 8
1688-07-2323 a Apolline B. 10 48 20
1688-07-2424 b Christ. V. F. 11 46 Scorp.Scorpio 2
1688-07-2525 c 12 43 14 Toward the
end a very
turbulent air
with thunder.
1688-07-2626 d Anna 13 40 26
1688-07-2727 e Martha 14 38 Sagit.Sagittarius 8
1688-07-2828 dd Panthaleon 15 35 21
1688-07-2929 g 7 after Trin.Trinity 16 33 Capr.Capricorn 4
1688-07-3030 a Abdon 17 31 17
1688-07-3131 b German 18 28 Aquar.Aquarius 1

Full Moon the 1688-08-01T17:501 day, 50 min. past 5 afternoon.
Last quarter the 1688-08-08T08:468 day, 46 min. past 8 in the morn.
New Moon the 1688-08-15T21:1115 day, 11 min. past 9 at night.
First quarter the 1688-08-24T12:3524 day, 35 min. past 12 in the morn.
Full Moon the 1688-08-31T02:2731 day, 27 min. past 2 in the morn.

1688-08-011 c Lammay day 19 20 Aqur.Aquarius 10
1688-08-022 d Stephen M. 20 23 Pices 0 Good weather
at the
and temperate
as to
1688-08-033 e Invent. Steph. 21 21 15
1688-08-044 f Dominick 22 19 Aries 0
1688-08-055 g 8 after Trin.Trinity 23 16 14
1688-08-066 a Trans. Christi 24 14 29
1688-08-077 b Donatus 25 12 Taur.Taurus 13
1688-08-088 c Cyracus 26 10 27
1688-08-099 d Romanus 27 7 Gem.Gemini 10
1688-08-1010 e Laurence 28 5 24
1688-08-1111 f Gilbert 29 3 Canc.Cancer 7
1688-08-1212 g 0 ♍︎ 1 20 Windy with
storms of
1688-08-1313 a Hyppolite 0 5[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] Leo 3
1688-08-1414 b Eusebius 1 5[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] 16
1688-08-1515 c Assump. Mary 2 5[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] 28
1688-08-1616 d Roch 3 5[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] Virgo 10
1688-08-1717 e Mammes 4 5[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] 22
1688-08-1818 f Helena 5 49 Libra 4 Very hot
now, and
with tunder.
1688-08-1919 g 10 after Trin.Trinity 6 47 16
1688-08-2020 a Bernard 7 45 28
1688-08-2121 b Athanasius 8 43 Scorp.Scorpio 10
1688-08-2222 c Symphor 9 41 22
1688-08-2323 d Lacheus Fast 10 40 Sagit.Sagittarius 4
1688-08-2424 e 11 38 16
1688-08-2525 f Lewis King 12 36 29
1688-08-2626 g 11 after Trin.Trinity 13 34 Capr.Capricorn 12
1688-08-2727 a 14 33 25 Towards the
end hot and
1688-08-2828 b Augustine 15 31 Aquar.Aquarius 10
1688-08-2929 c Decol. J. Bap. 16 29 24
1688-08-3030 d Felix 17 28 Pisces 9
1688-08-3131 e Cuthber. V. 18 26 24

Last quarter the 1688-09-06T16:296 day, 29 min. past 4 after noon.
New Moon the 1688-09-14T12:5014 day, 50 min past noon.
First quarter the 1688-09-22T-:4322 day, 43 mins past [Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsflawed-reproduction] noon.
Full Moon the 1688-09-29T-:0129 day, 1 min. past [Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsflawed-reproduction] noon.

1688-09-011 f Giles Abbot 19 25 Aries 9
1688-09-022 g 12 after Trin.Trinity 20 23 2[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] Indifferently
hot for the
1688-09-033 a Euphem. 21 20 Taur.Taurus 9
1688-09-044 b Theodore 22 21 23
1688-09-055 c Zachary 23 19 Gem.Gemini 7
1688-09-066 d Magnus 24 18 21
1688-09-077 e Regina 25 17 Can.Cancer 4
1688-09-088 f Nat. of Mary 26 15 17
1688-09-099 g 13 after Trin.Trinity 27 14 Leo 0 High winds
and not
much wet.
1688-09-1010 a Sosthenes 28 13 13
1688-09-1111 b Theobald 29 12 25
1688-09-1212 c 0 ♎︎ 11 Virg.Virgo 7
1688-09-1313 d Amatus 1 10 19
1688-09-1414 e Exalt. Crucis 2 9 Libra 1
1688-09-1515 f Nicomed. 3 8 13
1688-09-1616 g 14 after Trin.Trinity 4 7 25 Tempestuous
with storm
of hail.
1688-09-1717 a Lambert 5 6 Scorp.Scorpio 7
1688-09-1818 b Ferriolus 6 5 19
1688-09-1919 c 7 4 Sagit.Sagittarius 1
1688-09-2020 d Fausta 8 3 13
1688-09-2121 e 9 2 25
1688-09-2222 f Maurice 10 2 Capr.Capricorn 7
1688-09-2323 g 15 after Trin.Trinity 11 1 20
1688-09-2424 a Rupert 12 0 Aquar.Aquarius 4 Very windy
with rain
and something
1688-09-2525 b Cleophas 13 0 18
1688-09-2626 c Cyprian 13 59 Pisces 2
1688-09-2727 d Judith 14 59 17
1688-09-2828 e Wenceslaus 15 58 Aries 2
1688-09-2929 f 16 58 17
1688-09-3030 g 16 after Trin.Trinity 17 57 Taur.Taurus 2

Last quarter the 1688-10-06T04:576 day, 57 min. past 4 in the morn.
New Moon the 1688-10-14T06:4114 day, 41 min. past 6 in the morn.
First quarter the 1688-10-22T05:0022 day, at 5 in the morning.
Full Moon the 1688-10-28T20:1328 day, 13 min. past 8 at night.

1688-10-011 a Remigius 18 57 Taur.Taurus 17
1688-10-022 b Leodegar 19 56 Gem.Gemini 2 Cloudy and
cold at the
1688-10-033 c Simplicius 20 56 17
1688-10-044 d Francis 21 56 Canc.Cancer 0
1688-10-055 e Faith 22 55 14
1688-10-066 f Spes 23 55 27
1688-10-077 g 17 after Trin.Trinity 24 55 Leo 10
1688-10-088 a Pelagia 25 55 22
1688-10-099 b Dionysius 26 55 Virgo 4
1688-10-1010 c Gideon 27 55 16 A more clear
air now and
1688-10-1111 d Burchard 28 55 28
1688-10-1212 e Wilifride V. 29 55 Libra 10
1688-10-1313 f 0 ♍︎ 55 22
1688-10-1414 g 1 55 Scorp.Scorpio 4
1688-10-1515 a Hedwig. 2 55 16
1688-10-1616 b Galius 3 55 28
1688-10-1717 c Florent. 4 55 Sagit.Sagittarius 10
1688-10-1818 d 5 55 22 Windy with
cold rain.
1688-10-1919 e PrideswideFrideswide 6 55 Capr.Capricorn 4
1688-10-2020 f Tres Mich. 7 56 17
1688-10-2121 g 19 after Trin.Trinity 8 56 Aquar.Aquarius 0
1688-10-2222 a Cordula 9 56 13
1688-10-2323 b 10 56 27
1688-10-2424 c Salome 11 57 Pisces 11 Dark weather
cold, toward
the end
1688-10-251525 d Crispine 12 57 26
1688-10-2626 e Amandus 13 58 Aries 10
1688-10-2727 f Mens. mich. sa. 14 58 25
1688-10-2828 g 15 59 Taur.Taurus 11
1688-10-2929 a Narcissus 16 59 26
1688-10-302030 b German 18 0 Gem.Gemini 11
1688-10-3131 c Wolfgang 19 0 15

Last quarter the 1688-11-04T14:524 day, 52 min. past 2 after noon.
New Moon the 1688-11-13T12:5513 day, 55 min. past 12 in the morn.
First quarter the 1688-11-20T16:0920 day, 9 min. past 4 after noon.
Full Moon the 1688-11-27T07:0627 day, 6 min. past 7 in the morn.

1688-11-011 d 20 1 Canc.Cancer 9
1688-11-022 e All Souls 21 1 23 Not very
cold considering
1688-11-033 f Crast. Anim. 22 2 Leo 6
1688-11-044 g 21 after Trin.Trinity 23 3 19
1688-11-055 a 24 4 Virgo 1
1688-11-066 b Leonard 25 4 13
1688-11-077 c Willibald 26 5 25
1688-11-088 d Claudius 27 6 Libra 7
1688-11-099 e Theodore 28 7 49
1688-11-1010 f Triphon 29 8 Scorp.Scorpio 0
1688-11-1111 g 0 ♐︎ 8 12 Cold increases
1688-11-1212 a Craft. Mart. 1 9 24
1688-11-1313 b Eugenia 2 10 Sagit.Sagittarius 7
1688-11-1414 c Frederic 3 11 19
1688-11-1515 d Leopold 4 12 Capr.Capricorn 1
1688-11-1616 e Edmon. A. B. 5 13 14
1688-11-1717 f Hugo 6 14 27 Frost with
1688-11-1818 g 23 after Trin.Trinity 7 15 Aquar.Aquarius 10
1688-11-1919 a Octab. Mart. 8 16 24
1688-11-2020 b Edmond K. 9 17 Pisces 7
1688-11-2121 c Oblat. Mary 10 18 21
1688-11-2222 d Cicily Virg. 11 19 Aries 5
1688-11-2323 e Clement 12 20 20 Dark gloomy
Weather, and

Windy, with
cold rain or
1688-11-2424 f Chrisogon. 13 21 Taur.Taurus 4
1688-11-2525 g 24 after Trin.Trinity 14 22 19
1688-11-2626 a Quind. Mart. 15 24 Gem.Gemini 4
1688-11-2727 b Agricola 16 25 19
1688-11-2828 c 17 26 Canc.Cancer 3
1688-11-2929 d Saturnine 18 27 17
1688-11-3030 e 19 28 Leo 1

Last quarter the 1688-12-04T18:164 day, 16 min. past 6 at night.
New Moon the 1688-12-12T18:5912 day, 59 min. past 6 at night.
First quarter the 1688-12-20T01:0320 day, 3 min. past 1 in the morn.
Full Moon the 1688-12-26T19:4326 day, 43 min. past 7 at night.

1688-12-011 f Longinus 20 29 Leo 14
1688-12-022 g 21 31 27 Very good
1688-12-033 a Cassianus 22 32 Virgo 9
1688-12-044 b Barbara 23 33 21
1688-12-055 c Sabine 24 34 Libra 3
1688-12-066 d Nicholas 25 36 15
1688-12-077 e Agathon 26 37 27
1688-12-088 f Concep. Mary 27 38 Scorp.Scorpio 9 Cold raw
misty weather.
1688-12-099 g 2 Su. in Adv.Advent 28 39 21
1688-12-1010 a Miltiades 29 41 Sagit.Sagittarius 3
1688-12-1111 b 0 ♑︎ 42 15
1688-12-1212 c Valerius 1 43 28
1688-12-1313 d Lucia Virg. 2 44 Capr.Capricorn 11
1688-12-1414 e Nicasius 3 46 24 Frost now
and very
1688-12-1515 f Abraham 4 47 Aquar.Aquarius 7
1688-12-1616 g 3 Su. in Adv.Advent 5 48 22
1688-12-1717 a Lazarus 6 50 Pisces 4
1688-12-1818 b Christopher 7 51 18
1688-12-1919 c 8 52 Aries 2
1688-12-2020 d Amon Fast 9 54 16 High winds
and cold.
1688-12-2121 e 10 55 Taur.Taurus 0
1688-12-2222 f 30 Martyrs 11 56 14
1688-12-2323 g 4 Su. in Adv.Advent 12 57 23
1688-12-2424 a Ad.Adam & Eve fast 13 59 Gem.Gemini 13
1688-12-251525 b 15 0 27 A thick
gloomy air
and indifferently
1688-12-2626 c 16 1 Canc.Cancer 11
1688-12-2727 d 17 3 25
1688-12-2828 e 18 4 Leo 9
1688-12-2929 f Jonathan 19 5 2
1688-12-302030 g 1 after ChristChristmas 20 6 Virgo 5
1688-12-3131 a Sylvester 21 8 17
The Year, Month, and Day,
(accounting the Year do begin
--01-01Jan. 1.) whereon every
K.King and Q.Queen of Eng.England since the
Conq. began their Reign.
The number of
Years, Months, &
Days, that every
K.King and Q.Queen reigned
28 da. to a month.
The num.number of y.years
expired in this
y.years since they began
to re.reign as also
since they ended
K. W.King William Conq.Conqueror 1066-10-141066 Octab. 14 20 y 11 m 22 d 622
W. Rufus 1087-09-091087 Sept. 9 12 y 11 m 18 d 601 K. W.King William Conq.Conqueror
Henry 1 1100-08-011100 August 1 35 y 4 m 11 d 588 W. Rufus
Stephen 1135-12-021135 Decem. 2 18 y 11 m 18 d 553 Henry 1
Henry 2 1154-10-251154 Octob. 25 34 y 9 m 2 d 534 Stephen
Richard 1 1189-07-061189 July 6 9 y 9 m 0 d 599 Henry 2
John 1199-04-061199 April 6 17 y 7 m 0 d 489 Richard 1
Henry 3 1216-10-191216 Octob. 19 56 y 1 m 0 d 472 John
Edward 1 1272-11-161272 Nov. 16 34 y 8 m 6 d 416 Henry 3
Edward 2 1307-07-071307 July 7 19 y 7 m 5 d 381 Edward 1
Edward 3 1327-01-251327 Jan. 25 50 y 5 m 7 d 361 Edward 2
Richard 2 1377-06-211377 June 21 22 y 3 m 14 d 311 Edward 3
Henry 4 1399-09-291399 Sep. 29 13 y 6 m 3 d 289 Richard 2
Henry 5 1413-03-201413 March 20 9 y 5 m 24 d 275 Henry 4
Henry 6 1422-08-311422 Aug. 31 38 y 6 m 16 d 266 Henry 5
Edward 4 1461-03-041461 March 4 22 y 1 m 8 d 227 Henry 6
Edward 5 1483-04-091483 April 9 0 y 2 m 18 d 205 Edward 4
Richard 3 1483-06-221483 June 22 2 y 2 m 5 d 205 Edward 5
Henry 7 1485-08-221485 Aug. 22 23 y 10 m 24 d 203 Richard 3
Henry 8 1509-04-221509 April 22 37 y 10 m 2 d 179 Henry 7
Edward 6 1547-01-281547 Jan. 28 6 y 5 m 19 d 141 Henry 8
Q.Queen Mary 1552-07-061552 July 6 5 y 4 m 22 d 135 Edward 6
Q.Queen Elizab.Elizabeth 1558-11-171558 Nov. 17 44 y 4 m 15 d 130 Q.Queen Mary
James 1 1603-03-241603 March 24 22 y 0 m 3 d 85 Q.Queen Elizab.Elizabeth
Charles 1 1625-03-261625 March 27 22 y 10 m 3 d 63 James 1
Charles 2 1649-01-301649 Jan. 30 36 y 0 m 7 d 39 Charles 1
James 2 1685-02-061685 Feb. 6 Long live the King 3 Charles 2

The use of the Table in Example.

King Henry 8 began his Reign in the year of Christ, 1509-04-221509 April
. He Reigned 37 years, 10 months, and 2 days. It is since
he began his Reign 179 years compleat the 1688-04-2222 of April this year
. Now to know the time since the end of his Reign, before his
name standing on the right hand, you shall there find 141 years since
he died, --01-28Jan. 28. And so of the rest.


Mary Holden:
Second Part
Of the Woman’s

The Year of our Lord God, 16881688.
The Bissextile or Leap-year, and from the
Creation of the World 5637 Years:
Is contained the Description of the Four Quarters of
the Year, the Eclipses, Astrological Tables of many
useful things worth remembrance. Many necessary
Rules in Gardening, &c.

By Mary Holden Student in Phys.Physick and Astrol.Astrology.

Printed for the Company of Stationers. 16881688.

2A1v 2A2r

Of Eclipses happening this Year.

Four times will the Luminaries be Eclipsed this Year, twice
the Sun, and twice the Moon.

The first will be of the Moon, on the 1688-04-055th day of April, about
[Gap in transcription—1-2 digitsflawed-reproduction]of the Clock in the Evening, in 26 degrees of Libra, it will [Gap in transcription—2–3 lettersflawed-reproduction] a great Eclipse, but not to be seen of us; The Moon being
under the Earth.

The second Eclipse is of the Sun, on 1688-04-20T01:00April the 20th. at one
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction] the clock in the morning
, in 11 Degrees of Taurus, invisible
to us, but will be seen almost in the Meridian of our An-
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]s

The third will be an Eclipse of the Moon on the 168809-29T10:0029th day of
September, about 10 of the clock in the morning
; it happens
117 degrees of Aries the Ascendant of England; invisible
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction] also.

The fourth will be an Eclipse of the Sun on the 1688-10-14T07:0014th. day of
October, about seven of the clock in the morning
, in two Degrees
of Scorpio, the latter part of it may be seen in England,
the Weather admits.

Description of the Four Quarters of the Year, and first of Winter.

Sol in ♑︎♒︎♓︎:

The Winter Quarter begins when the Sun enters the frist
minute of ♑︎, that is --12-10T20:42December the 10th 42 minutes after
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]t at night
, being Tuesday, making with us the shortest day
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]d the longest night. The natural inclination of this Quarter
cold and moist, but the colder and dryer the better for
health. Now the younger sort and chollerick people enjoy
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ir Health best, but the aged, and those of phlegmatick concutions
are generally most distempered. In December choller
and phlegm do much increase, which makes people generally
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction] heavy, dull and cold; Therefore you may safely take
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction] this month to purge the Head of choller and phlegm, but
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ry must be such as are prepared for the same purpose.

A2 Of 2A2v

Of the second Quarter called the Spring. Sol in ♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎.

The Spring time being the most pleasantest and wholsome
season of the four, taketh its beginning on 1688-03-09T13:00Fryday the 9th
of March near one of the Clock after Noon
; At this time the
06:00Sun riseth at 6, and 18:00sets at 6, and maketh the night and day
equal. This Spring Quarter coutinueth till the 1688-06-1111th of June.
The nature of this Quarter is hot and moist; And of the Sanguine
Complection many are the distempers which proceeds
from petrified and corrupted Blood, these being most dangerous:
Therefore let them that have any care of themselves
take Physick and bleed; this being the fittest time to ease diseased
Bodies; and to restore Health again to those in whom
formerly it has been decayed.

Of the third Quarter of the Year, called Summer. ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎.

This Quarter takes its beginning at the time of the Suns first
e[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]ering into Cancer, which is this Year on 1688-10-10T12:48Sunday the
10th of June, at 48 minutes past noon
, at which time h[Gap in transcription—1-2 lettersflawed-reproduction]
makes his greatest declination towards the North, and causeth
the longest day and shortest night in the Year, and this Quarter
continueth till the 1688-09-1212th of September. This quarter is naturally
hot and dry, and the Phlegmatick Constitutions are be[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]
in Health, the Chollerick the contrary. This season is more
favourable to old Age then to Youth, and therefore ca[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]
ought to be taken accordingly: The infirmities of this season
are many, as bleeding at the Nose, hoarseness, cough, shortness
of Breath, Pleurisies, pain in the Head, Eyes, and Stomach,
Feavers, and other strange Diseases.

Of the fourth Quarter of the Year, called Autumn, or Harvest.
Sol in ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎.

This Quarter beginneth when the Sun toucheth the first minute
of the Sign Libra, and produceth much the sam[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]
esfects as in Aries, 1688-09-12T20:00September the 12th at 8 at night, that is, making
the day and night equal, the 06:00Sun rising at 6, and 18:00setting
at 6
; Rising just East, and setteth exactly West; This is the second 2A3r
second Spring, and a convenient time to take Physick and let
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ood, especially labourers, which have taken great pains in
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]arvest, and have taken great heats and colds, which ingen-
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ereth many Distempers if neglected. This quarter is naturally
cold and dry, and therefore persons of a sanguine complection
are for the most part best in Health, and the Melancholly
most subject to Distemper.

Monthly Observations for good Husbandry and good

Januaries Observations.

Plough for Pease, fallow such Land as you intend shall rest
the Year following; Water your barren Meadows, Pasture,
and drain Arable ground, especially in you intend to sow Pease,
Oats or Barly the second time following. Also stub up all
rough Grounds; Trim up your Garden Moulds: Set all kind of
fruit-Trees, for it is best to set such Trees as will endure the
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]d; they will be forwarder in growth then those set in the
Spring: Set Vines, and trim the old ones; nail up your Wall-
fruit, and towards the end graft Pears, Cherries and Plums.
The Weather calm, rear Calves, remove Bees, keep good Diet.

Februaries Observations.

Set Beans, Pease, and other Pulse in stiff ground, being the
soonest, prepare your Garden, prune and trim your Fruit—
Trees from Moths, Cankers, and superfluous Branches, plash
Hedges, lay your Quickset close, plant Roses, Gooseberry Trees,
and any other Shrub-trees, and graft your tender Stocks; forbear
all Phlegmatick Meats.

March’s Observations.

Look well to your Ewes, cut up underwood for Fewel,
transplant all sorts of Summer Flowers, comfort them with
good Earth, especially the Crown Imperial, Narcissus, Tuleps,
and Hyacinth; In your barren fruit-trees bore holes, and drive
hard Wedges of Oak, and cover roots of trees close with fat
Earth that are uncovered; Graft fruit trees, and sow Oats,
Rye and Barley, sup Artichoaks, now advise with your Physitian,A3 sitian, 2A3v
for in this Month Physick and Bleeding is good to prevent
further dangers, for now Blood increaseth, and gross Humours
abound; let your Dyet be cold and temperate.

April’s Observations.

Some your Hemp and Flax; sowe and set all sorts of Herbs,
flip Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Cyprus, Box, and such like
shrubs, open your Hives, and give your Bees their liberty, and
let them labour for their living; cut your Oak-Timber, the
Bark is now best for the Tanners use; scower your Ditches,
gather your Manure together in heaps, gather stones, repair
Highways, set Oziers and Willows, and cast up all decayed
sences: Physick is very seasonable still, as bleeding, and purging
to prevent causes of sickness, and for remedy in sickness.

May’s Observations.

This Month commands Gentlewomen to set their stills to
work, as yet sow sweet Marjoram, painted Beans, Beassel,
Time, Carnations, and Herbs that are tender, plant Stock-
Gilliflowers in Beds in the full of the Moon, shade your Carnations
and Gilliflowers in the heat of the day, fold your
sheep, carry forth manure, and bring home fewel; weed Winter
Corn, furnish your Diary, let your Mares go to Horse, fat
your dry Kine, and away with them; set your Bees at liberty,
look for swarms in this month: In this month it is good to let
blood and purge for such as have infirmities in the Head and
Eyes, and for Aged People.

June’s Observations.

Sow Lettice, Radishes, and such like Herbs at the full of
the Moon, then they will not run to seed this month, and the
next gather your Herbs to keep dry for the whole year; cut
neither Hedges nor Trees these three months, gather Herbs
with your fingers, a knife will cause them to dye; distil all
sorts of Plants and Herbs whatsoever, cut your rank meadows,
fetch home sewel, and carry forth manure, maus and lime to
mend your land: Be sure to be chaste this month, whatever
you are the rest of the year.

July’s 2A4r

July’s Observations.

Attend your Hay-harvest, shear field sheep, gather your
flowers and seeds at the full of the moon, dry your flowers in
the shade, for the Sun too much exhaleth their vertue; sun
them a little before you lay them up, let the herbs you intend
to preserve run to seed, cut off the stalk of your flowers, and
cover the roots with new fat Earth: Sell your Lambs you intended
for the Shambles; beware of violent hearts and sudden
colds, which are the chiefest distempers of this month; take
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction] Physick, unless in extraordinary cases; refrain Venery.

Augusts Observations.

Follow diligently your Corn-Harvest, cut down your Wheat
and Rye, mowe Barley and Oats, put off your fat Sheep and
Cattle, gather your Plums, Apples and Pears, make your
Summer Perry and Syder; set your slips and Scyons of all
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ns of Gilliflowers, and other Flowers; transplant them that
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]re set in the Spring, gather your seeds in the full of the
Moon, if dry weather, geld your Lambs, carry manure from
your Dove-coats, put your swine to the early mast; take no
Physick, neither let blood in the Dog days but upon great ocasion,
if the Air be hot, otherwise, in necessity you may
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ely use it; use not to sleep in the Afternoon, for it causeth
Headach and Agues, refrain all excess in eating or drinking,
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ink that which is cooling.

Septembers Observations.

Cut your Beans, Pease, and all manner of pulse: On the
Land you intend to sowe. Wheat and Rye, bestow the best
manure; gather your Winter-fruit, sowe Winter herbs, transplant
Physical herbs; towards the end of the month, Earth
up your Winter herbs and plants, remove and set all slips of
Flowers, set Roses and Barbaries in the new of the Moon, sell
your Wool, stocks of Bees, and other Commodities you intend
to put off; Thatch your Hive or Bees you intend to
keep, and look that no Drones, Mice, or other Vermin be
about them; Thrash your Seed, Wheat and Rye. Use Physick
moderately, shun the eating of sweet and rotten Fruit,
avoid surfeitings.

A4 Octobers 2A4v

Octobers Observations.

Finish your Wheat-seed, plash and lay your Hedges and
Quick-sets, scour your Ditches and Ponds, transplant and remove
all manner of Fruit-trees, lay bare the roots of your
thriving trees, in Planting, set the same side of you Trees
South and West which was so before, otherwise the North
wind will kill them, make Winter Perry and Syder, spare
your Pastures, and seed upon Corn-fields; draw Furrows to
drain, and keep dry your new sown Corn; make Malt, rear
all new fall’n Calves, all Foals that were foaled in the Spring,
wean from the Mares. Sell your Sheep that you do not intend
to Winter, and separate Lambs from the Ewes, that you intend
to keep. Recreate your spirits by harmless sports, and
take Physick by good advice, in need require it.

Novembers Observations.

Cut down your Timber for Ploughs, Carts, Naves, Axletrees,
Harrows, and other offices about Husbandry, or Housewifry;
make the last return of Grass, seed Cattle, take your
swine from the mast, and seed them for the slaughter; rear
all Calves that fall now, break all Hemp and Flax that you intend
to spend in the Winter season; remove Fruit-trees, and
sowe Wheat and Rye in hot soils, sowe early Beans and Pease,
set [Gap in transcription—5-8 lettersflawed-reproduction]stocks to grast on in the old of the Moon, sowe
Parsnips and Carrots, uncover the roots of the Apple-trees, and
so[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] them remain till March. Use Spices and Wine moderately,
and if any Distemper afflict the Body, you may make
use of Physick still, and Bleeding.

Decembers Observations.

Pat your Sheep to the Pease-ricks, kill your small Porks and
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] Bacons, top Hedges, saw your Timber for building, and
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] to season; Plough your ground you intend to sowe clean
Beans upon. Cover your dainty Fruit-trees, drain your Corn-
fields, and water your meadows; cover your best flowers with
to ten [Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]se litter. Now all sorts of Fowl are in season; keep
the [Gap in transcription—2–4 wordsflawed-reproduction] with a wholsome Dyer, and avoid all care that
[Gap in transcription—3 wordsflawed-reproduction] spirits, as a thing of dangerous consequence.

For 2A5r

For as much as some do think that Astrology was invented
by the Heathens, I shall endeavour to prove that it was
from the beginning of the World, devised by the Sons of
Seth, and for as much as they feared least their Art should perish
before it came to the knowledge of Men, for they had
heard their Grandfather Adam say, that all things should be
destroyed by the universal Flood; they made two Pillars, one
of Stone and other of Brick, to the intent that if the
Brick wasted with Water or Storms, yet the Stones should
preserve their Letters whole and perfect, and in these Pillars
they Graved all that concerned Astrology, or the observances
of the Stars, and therefore it is credible that the Egyptians and
Chaldes learned Astrology of the Hebrews and so consequently
it spread abroad in other Nations; therefore I would not
have any to despise the Art of Astrology, the Art and study is
both laudable and excellent, and founded upon good principles
of Scripture, as you may find from Gen. 1 to 14. and from
14 to 18
. Judges 5. ver. 21 Psalm 3. ver. 6, 19. Isaiah 40. 22,
Job 38. 31, 32. look in the 7. chap. of the Wisdom of Solomon
from the 17. ver. to the 21.
and I hope it will satisfie you.

A 2A5v [Gap in transcription—3 charactersomitted]

A Table of the hour and minute of Sun-rising every second day.

days Januar. Februa. March April May June
ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute
2 8 4 7 15 6 16 5 14 4 21 3 46
4 8 1 7 11 6 12 5 10 4 17 3 45
6 7 58 7 7 6 8 5 6 4 14 3 44
8 7 56 7 3 6 4 5 2 4 11 3 43
10 7 53 6 5[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] 6 0 4 53 4 7 3 43
12 7 51 6 53 5 56 4 54 4 5 3 43
14 7 48 6 50 5 52 4 50 4 2 3 43
16 7 45 6 46 5 48 4 46 4 0 3 44
18 7 43 6 42 5 44 4 43 3 53 3 45
20 7 40 6 38 5 40 4 39 3 56 3 46
22 7 37 6 34 5 36 4 35 3 54 3 47
24 7 33 6 30 5 32 4 32 3 52 3 48
26 7 29 6 25 5 29 4 29 3 50 3 49
28 7 25 6 22 5 25 4 25 3 48 3 50
30 7 21 6 0 5 21 4 22 3 47 3 52
days July August Septem. Octob. Novem. Decem.
ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute ho.hour mi.minute
2 3 54 4 39 5 39 6 41 7 37 8 15
4 3 56 4 43 5 42 6 45 7 40 8 15
6 3 58 4 46 5 46 6 49 7 44 8 16
8 4 0 4 50 5 50 6 52 7 47 8 17
10 4 8 4 54 5 51 6 56 7 51 8 17
12 4 6 4 53 5 58 7 0 7 54 8 17
14 4 8 5 2 6 2 7 4 7 57 8 17
16 4 11 5 6 6 6 7 8 7 59 8 16
18 4 15 5 10 6 11 7 12 8 1 8 15
20 4 18 5 14 6 15 7 15 8 3 8 15
22 4 21 5 18 6 20 7 10 8 5 8 14
24 4 24 5 21 6 24 7 22 8 7 8 12
26 4 27 5 2[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] 6 28 7 25 8 9 8 10
28 4 30 5 29 6 32 7 29 8 11 8 9
30 4 34 5 32 6 36 7 32 8 13 8 7

Seek the day on the side; and right against it in every month, you have
the hour and [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] of Sun-rising.
Look how [Gap in transcription—3-4 wordsflawed-reproduction] the sun rises after 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
[Gap in transcription—4-5 wordsflawed-reproduction]9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4.

A Table 2A6r

A Table of Annuities and Reversions.

What 1 pound to
be paid any number
of years hence,
under 31, is worth
in ready money.
What 1 l. Annuity to
continue any time
under 31 years is
worth in ready money
at 6 percent.
What 1 pound will
amount to at any
time under 21 yea.
reckoning Interest
upon Interest.
years sh. d. q. l. sh. d. q. l. sh. d. q.
1 18 10 2 0 18 10 2 1 1 2 2
2 17 9 2 1 16 8 0 1 2 5 2
3 16 9 2 2 13 5 2 1 3 9 3
4 15 10 0 3 9 3 2 1 5 3 0
5 14 11 1 4 4 3 0 1 6 9 0
6 14 1 1 4 18 4 1 1 8 4 2
7 13 3 2 5 11 7 3 1 10 0 3
8 12 6 2 6 4 2 1 1 11 10 2
9 11 10 0 6 16 0 1 1 13 9 2
10 11 2 0 7 7 2 1 1 15 9 3
11 10 6 2 7 17 8 3 1 17 11 2
12 9 11 1 8 7 8 0 2 0 3 0
13 9 4 2 8 17 0 2 2 2 7 3
14 8 10 0 9 5 10 3 2 5 2 2
15 8 4 0 9 14 3 0 2 7 11 1
16 7 10 2 10 2 1 2 2 10 9 2
17 7 5 0 10 9 6 2 2 13 10 2
18 7 0 0 11 16 6 2 3 17 1 0
19 6 7 1 11 3 2 0 3 0 6 0
20 6 2 3 11 9 4 3 3 4 1 3
21 5 10 2 11 15 3 1 3 7 11 3
22 5 6 2 12 0 10 0
23 5 2 3 12 6 0 3
24 4 11 1 12 11 0 0
25 4 7 2 12 15 8 0
26 4 4 3 13 0 0 3
27 4 1 3 13 4 2 2
28 3 11 0 13 8 1 3
29 3 9 1 13 11 9 2
30 3 5 3 13 15 3 2

By this Table you
may readily find
the increase of any
other sum for such
a number of years;
for if 1 l come to
so much then such
supposse 5 l. will
come to 5 times as
much, &c.

The 2A6v

The Use of the Tables.

The first Table shewing the decrease of one Pound yearly at
6 percent may be used in buying Reversions, &c. As suppose
a parcel of Land or House or the like, whose see simple or
real worth is 200 l. and it be Mortgaged or Leased out for 20
years, then what is the Reversion thereof after that 20 years
worth in ready money? for Answer, I look against 20 years
and find that the Reversion of one pound after 20 years is worth
but 6s. 2d. 3q. then if 1l. be worth 6s. 2d. 3d. 200l. will
be worth 200 times as much, which will be 62l. 5s. 10d. for
the value of the Reversion required.

The second Table may be used in buying of Leases, &c. as
suppose I am to buy a Lease of 10 l per annum, for 21 years,
what ready money may I give at the rate of 6 l. percent. per annum.
for Answer, I look-against 21 years and find that 1l. annuity to
continue 21 years is worth in ready money 11l. 15s 3d. 1q.
then I say, if 1 l. annuity for 21 years be worth 10 times as
then 10l. annuity for the same time will be worth 11l. 15s. 3d. 1q.
much, which will be 117l. 12s. 8d. 2q. for the value of the
Lease required.

The third Table may be used in putting out money for a certain
time at 6 l. percent. per ann. as suppose 20l. be let out for,
7 years what will it amount to in that time, reckoning Interest
upon Interest? For Answer, I look against 7 years, and find
that 1 l. will amount to in that time 1l. 10s. 0d. 3q. then I
sav 20l. will amount to 20 times as much, which will be
30l. 1s. 3d.

The use of the following Table is plain and casie, for suppose
I am to find Easter this present year 16831683, then having found
the Golden Number 17, and Dominical Letter G at the top,
and right against the Golden Number 17 at the left hand, and
in the Common angle of meeting I find 1688-04-15April 15. for Easter

A 2A7r

A Table shewing how to find Easter for ever
by the help of the Golden Number
and Dominical Letter.

G. N.Golden Number A B C D E F G
1 1684-04-09Apr. 9 1685-04-1010 1686-04-1111 1687-04-1212 1688-04-066 1689-04-077 1690-04-088
2 1684-03-26Mar. 26 1685-03-2727 1686-03-2828 1687-03-2929 1688-03-3030 1689-03-3131 1690-04-01apr. 1
3 1684-04-16Apr. 16 1685-04-1717 1686-04-1818 1687-04-1919 1688-04-2020 1689-04-1414 1690-04-1515
4 1684-04-09Apr. 9 1685-04-033 1686-04-044 1687-04-055 1688-04-066 1689-04-077 1690-04-088
5 1684-03-26Mar. 26 1685-03-2727 1686-03-2828 1687-03-2929 1688-03-2323 1689-03-2424 1690-03-2525
6 1684-04-16Apr. 16 1685-04-1717 1686-04-1111 1687-04-1212 1688-04-1313 1689-04-1414 1690-04-1515
7 1684-04-02Apr. 2 1685-04-033 1686-04-044 1687-04-055 1688-04-066 1689-03-31mar. 31 1690-04-01apr. 1
8 1684-04-23Apr. 23 1685-04-2424 1686-04-2525 1687-04-1919 1688-04-2020 1689-04-2121 1690-04-2222
9 1684-04-09Apr. 9 1685-04-1010 1686-04-1111 1687-04-1212 1688-04-1313 1689-04-1414 1690-04-088
10 1684-04-02Apr. 2 1685-04-033 1686-03-28mar. 28 1687-03-2929 1688-03-3030 1689-03-3131 1690-04-01apr. 1
11 1684-04-16Apr. 16 1685-04-1717 1686-04-1818 1687-04-1919 1688-04-2020 1689-04-2121 1690-04-2222
12 1684-04-09Apr. 9 1685-04-1010 1686-04-1111 1687-04-055 1688-04-066 1689-04-077 1690-04-088
13 1684-03-26Mar. 26 1685-03-2727 1686-03-2828 1687-03-2929 1688-03-3030 1689-03-3131 1690-03-2525
14 1684-04-16Apr. 16 1685-04-1717 1686-04-1818 1687-04-1919 1688-04-1313 1689-04-1414 1690-04-1515
15 1684-04-02Apr. 2 1685-04-033 1686-04-044 1687-04-055 1688-04-066 1689-04-077 1690-04-088
16 1684-03-26Mar. 26 1685-03-2727 1686-03-2828 1687-03-2222 1688-03-2323 1689-03-2424 1690-03-2525
17 1684-04-16Apr. 16 1685-04-1010 1686-04-1111 1687-04-1212 1688-04-1313 1689-04-1414 1690-04-1515
18 1684-04-02Apr. 2 1685-04-033 1686-04-044 1687-04-055 1688-03-30mar. 30 1689-03-3131 1690-04-01apr. 1
19 1684-04-23Apr. 23 1685-04-2424 1686-04-1818 1687-04-1919 1688-04-2020 1689-04-2121 1690-04-2222
of our
16841684 16851685 16861686 16871687 16881688 16891689 16901690
G. N.Golden Number 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
D. Le.Dominical Letter F E D C B A G F E
A 2A7v

A Catalogue of the Fairs in England and Wales;
Revised, Corrected and Enlarged.

Fairs in January.

The 1688-01-033 day at Llanibither, 1688-01-055 at Hicketford in Lancashire,
1688-01-066 at Salisbury, Bristol, 1688-01-077 at Llanginny, 1688-01-2525 at Laighton-buzzard,
Bristol, Churchingford, Northallcrton in
Yorkshire, Gravesend, 1688-01-3131 at Llandissel.

Fairs in February.

The 1688-02-011 day at Bromly in Lancashire, 1688-02-022 at Bath, Bicklesworth,
Bugworth, Farcington, Godlemew, Lyn, Maidstone,
Reading, Beconsfield, the Vixes in Wiltshire, Whitland, 1688-02-033 at
Boxgrove, Brimley, 1688-02-066 at Stafford for six days with all kind of
Merchandise without arrest, 1688-02-088 at Tragarton, 1688-02-099 at Landass, 1688-02-1414
at Owndle in Northampronshire, Feversham, 1688-02-2424 at Baldock,
Bourn, Froom, Buckingham, Henly upon Thames, Higham-
, Tewksbury, Uppingham, Walden, 1688-02-2626 at Stanford,
at horse-fair.

Fairs in March.

The 1688-03-011 day at Llangadog, at Llangavellah, at Madrin, 1688-03-033 at
Bremwel-brakes in Norfolk, 1688-03-044 at Beford, Ockham, 1688-03-088 at
Tragarton, 1688-03-1212 at Spiford, Stanford, Sudbury, Wooburn,
Wrexam, Bodnam, Alsom in Norfolk, 1688-03-1313 at Wye, Bodwin
in Cornwal, Mountbowin, 1688-03-1717 at Patrington, 1688-03-1818 at Sturbridge,
1688-03-2020 at Alesbury, Durham, 1688-03-2424 at Llanercherith, 1688-03-2525 at St. Albans,
Ashwel in Hertfordshire, Burton, Cardigan, Carwalden,
in Essex, Huntington, St. Jones in Worcestershire, Malden,
Malpas, Newcastle, Northampton, Oney in Buckinghamshire,
Woodstock, Whitland, Great Chart, 1688-03-3131 at Malmesbury.

Fairs 2A8r

Fairs in April.

The 1688-04-022 at Hitchin, Northfleet, Rochford, 1688-04-033 at Leek in Staffordshire,
1688-04-055 at Wallingford, 1688-04-077 at Derby, 1688-04-088 at Fenny-stratford,
1688-04-099 at Billingsworth and Cobham, 1688-04-1111 at Newport-pagnel, 1688-04-2222 at
Stabford, 1688-04-2323 at Ampthil, Bewdley, Bruton, Brigstock, Bilson,
Bury in Lancashire; Castlecombs, Charing, Chichester,
Engfield in Sussex, Gilford, Bishops-Hatfield, Hinningham,
Ipswich, Kilborough, Lonquer, Northampton, Nutley in
Sussex, s. Pombs, Sawbridgworth, Tamworth, Wilton, Wortham,
Rilsborough, Harbin in Norfolk, Sapser in Hartfordshire,
1688-04-2525 at Risborough, Bourn in Lincolnshire, Buckingham,
Caln in Wiltshire, Cliff in Sussex, Colebrook, Luton in Bedfordshire,
Dunmow in Essex, Darby, Innings in Buckinghamshire,
Ockham, Uttoxeter, Winchcomb, 1688-04-2626 at Tenterden in
Kent, Clere.

Fairs in May.

The 1688-05-011 day at Andover, Blackburn in Lancashire, Brickhil,
Silso in Bedfordshire, Chelmsford, Congerton in Cheshire, Fokingham,
Grighowel, Kimar, Leighton, Leicester, Litchfield,
Lexfield in Suffolk, Linfield, Llantrissent, Louth, Maidstone,
Ocestree in Shropshire, Perin, Philips-Norton, Pombridge,
Reading, Rippon, Stransted, Stow the old, Stocknailand, Tuxford
in the Clay, Usk, Havcril, Warwick, Wendover, Worfworth
if not Sunday; 1688-05-022 at Powlthelly in Carmarthenshire;
1688-05-033 at Abergavenny, Ashborn-peak, Arundel, Bronyard, Bala,
Chertsey near Oatlands, Chipnam, Church-stretton in Shropshire,
Cowbridge in Glamorganshire, Darby, Denby, Elstow
by Bedford, Fiinningham, Methyr, Mounton, Non-Eaton,
Huddersfield, Rochdale in Lancashire, Tidnel, Waltham-Abby,
Thetford in Norfolk. 1688-05-055 at Marchenleth in Montgomeryshire,
1688-05-066 at Almsbury, Hoy, Knighton, 1688-05-077 at Bath, Beverly, Hanstop,
Newton in Lancashire, Hatsbury, Oxford, Stratford upon
Avon, Thunderley in Essex, 1688-05-099 at Maidstone, 1688-05-1010 at Asbbornpeak,
1688-05-1111 at Dunstable, 1688-05-1212 at Grays Thorock in Essex, 1688-05-1313 at
Bala in Mirion, 1688-05-1515 at Welch-pool in Mountgomeryshire, 1688-05-1616
at Llangarranog in Cardigan. 1688-05-1919 at Mayfield, Odchil, Rochester,ster 2A8v
Wellow. 1688-05-2020 at Malmsbury. 1688-05-2525 at Blackburn. 1688-05-2929 at
Crambrook. 1688-05-3030 at Pershore.

Faires in June.

The 1688-06-033 day at Alesbury. 1688-06-066, 1688-06-077, 1688-06-088. at Milton-Abby in Dorsetshire.
1688-06-099 at Maidstone. 1688-06-1111 at Holt, Kinwilgate in Carmarthenshire,
Llanibither, Llanwist, Landilavador, in Carmarthensh,
Maxfield, Newport-Paguel Shipton upon Stower, Bremel
in Norfolk. 1688-06-1313 at Newton in Keddewen in Mountgomeryshire,
1688-06-1414 at Bangor. 1688-06-1515 at Vizes, Pershore seven miles from Worcester.
1688-06-1616 at Belth in Brecknock, Newport in Keams. 1688-06-1717 at
Hadstock, Higham-Ferries, Llanvilling, Stowgreen. 1688-06-1919 at
Bridgenorth. 1688-06-2121 at Ystradmerick. 1688-06-2222 at St. Albans, Shrewsbury,
Derham in Norfolk. 1688-06-2323 at Barnet, Castle-Ebichin in Monmouth,
Dolgelly in Merion. 1688-06-2424 at Ashburn, St. Annes, Awkinborough,
Bedford, Bedle, Beverly, Bishops-castle, Broughtongreen-market,
Bosworth, Brocknock, Broomsgrove, Cambridge,
Colchester, Cranbrook, Croyden, Farnham, Hurst,
Kingston, in Warwickshire, Kirkham in Aunderness, Lancaster,
Leicester, Gloucester, Hallifax, Hertford, Hartkon, Horsham,
Lincoln, Ludlow, Pemsay, Preston, Reading, Rumford, Shaftsbury,
Strainstock, Tunbridge, Wakefield, Wenlock, Westchester,
Windsor, Wormester, York. 1688-06-2626 at Northop. 1688-06-2727 at,
Burton upon Trent, Folkston, Llandogain. 1688-06-2828 at Ilescorn,
Merchenleth, St. Pombs. 1688-06-2929 at Ashwel, Bala, Barkhamsted,
Bennington, Biballance, Bolton, Bromly, Buckingham, Buntingford,
Cardisse, Gorgang, Hodesdon, Holdiworth, Horndon,
Hadderfield, Iower, Knotiford, Lempster, Lanorgan, Llanbeder,
Mansfield, Malborough, Mountford, Munsiril, Oney,
Peterborough, Peterfiled, Pontstephen, Sarstrange, Scnaock,
Sootham, Stafford, Stockworth, Sudbury, Therokgrais, Tring,
Upton, Wem, Westminster, Witny, Wolverhampton, Woodhurst,
York. 1688-06-3030 at Mansfield in Cheshire.

Fairs in July.

The 1688-07-022 Ashton under line, Congerton, Hantington, Rick-
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ns[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]or[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]h
, Sn[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ath in Kent, Swansey, Wooburn. 1688-07-033 at Haverson. 5 at B1r
1688-07-055 at Burton upon Trent. 1688-07-066 at Haverhil, Llanibither, Llanidlas
[Gap in transcription—1 digitflawed-reproduction] at Albrighton, Burntwood, Cheppingnorton, Castlemain,
Chappelfrith, Canterbury, Denbigh, Emlin, Haverford, Richmond,
Royston, Shelford, Sweaton, Tenbury, Threshevimech,
[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]izes, Uppingham. 1688-07-1111 at Lid, Partny. 1688-07-1313 at Fodringhay. 1688-07-1515
at Greensted, Laighton-buzzard, Pinchback. 1688-07-1717 at Stevenage,
Belth, Knelms, Leek, Llanvilling. 1688-07-2020 at Winchcomb, Aw-
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]erton
, Barkway, Betley, Boulton, Bowin, Catesby, Chimmock,
Coolidg, Llanibithener, St. Margarets, Neath, Odiham,
Tenby, Uxbridge, Woodstock, Ickleton in Cambridgshire.
1688-07-2121 at Bernards-castle, Battlefield, Bicklsworth, Billericay,
Bridgnorth, Broughton, Caln, Clitheral, Colchester. 1688-07-2222 at
Cheshham, Ickleton, Keswich, Kimolton, Kingston, Mawd-
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]hil
, Win, Hey, Marlborough, Newark upon Trent, Norwich,
Ponterly, Ridwally, Roking, Stonystratf. Stokesbury,
Tedbury, Witheral, Withgrig, Yadeland, Yarn, 1688-07-2323 at Carnarvan
Cheston. 1688-07-2525 at Cromish by Wallingford, Abbington, Ashwel, Aldergam,
Baldock, Barkhamsted, Bilson, Boston, Bristol, Bromsgrove,
Bromly, Brodoke, Buntingford, Cambden, Capel-Jago, Chi-
[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]ester
, Chilholm, Darby, Doncaster, Dover, Dudly, Erith,
Hartfield, St. Jameses London, St. Jameses by Northamp. Ipswich,
Kingston, Lisle, Kirkham, Linfield, Liverpool, Louth,
Malpas, Malmsbury, Machenbleth, Ravenglass, Reading, Richmond,
in the North, Ross, Saffron-walden, Schifnal, Skipton,
Stamford, Stackpool, Stone, Themblegreen, Thickham, Thrapdon,
Tilbury, Trobridge, Walden, Warrington, Wetherby,
Wigmore. 1688-07-2727 at Ashwel, Canterbury, Chapple-firth, Horsham,
1688-07-3030 at Stafford.

Fair in August.

The 1688-08-011 at Bath, Bedford, Chepstow, Dunstable, St. Eeds,
Exeter, Feversham, Flint, Hay, Horsnay, Kaermarthen, Kaergwilly,
Llantrissent, Lawrwin, Ludford, Loughborough, Malling,
Newton in Lancashire, Newcastle upon Trent, Northam,
Church-Rumney, Shrewsbury, Selborn, Selby, Thaxted, Wisbich,
Eland, York, at Radnor, Linton, Thunderly, 1688-08-066 at
Bardney, Peterborough. 1688-08-099 at Aberlew. 1688-08-1010 at Bedford, Alchurch,
Banbury, Blackamoor, Bodwin, Brainford, Childley,
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] Croyley, Fordisham, Fulsea, Harley, Hawkhurst, DB Horn- B1v
Horn-castle, Hungerford, Kellow, Kenwilgal, Kilgarron, Ludlow,
Marras, Melton-Mowbray, Mearworth, Newborough Owndle[Gap in transcription—3–5 lettersflawed-reproduction]
Rugby, Sedole, Sherborn, Tocester, Waltham-Abby, Weydon,
Wormster, Winslow. 1688-08-1515 at St. Albans, Bolton, Cambridge,
Carlisle, Cardigan, Gisborough, Goodhurst, Hinkly,
Huntington, Luton, Marlborough, Newin, Northampton. Newport
in Monmouthshire, Stroud, Swansey, Tutbury, Wakefield,
whitland, Ymmith. 1688-08-2424 at Aberconway, Abrough, Athby
de la Zouch
, Beggers-bush, Bromly, Brigstock, [Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]thor[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]ly, Crowland,
Dover, Faringdon, Grimsby, Harwood, Kiddenmoster,
London, Mountgomery, Monmouth, Nantwich, Northalletton,
Norwich, Oxford, Sudbury, Tewksbury, Todinton in
Bedfordshire, Wadord. 1688-08-2828 at Ashford, Daintry, Sturbridge in
Worcestershire, Tahsarn-green, Welch-Pool. 1688-08-2929 at Brecknock,
Colby in Lincolnshire, Kacrwis, Kearmarthen, Oakham, Watford,
Monday after Barthol. at Sanbich.

Fairs in September.

1688-09-022 At Chappel-Silby, St. Giles, Neath, 1688-09-077 at Ware, Woodbury-hill.
1688-09-088 [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] Atherston, Bewmaris, Blackborn, Brewood,
Bury in Lancashire, Cardigan, Cardiff, Chattom, Chalton in
Cheshire, Drayton, Dryfield, Gisborough, Gilborn, Hartford,
Huntington, Landissel, Malden, Northampton, Partney, Reculver,
Smeath, Snide, Southwark, Sturbridge, Tenby, Utceter,
Wakefiled, Waitham on the Woulds, West-Nem, Whiteland.
1688-09-1212 at Worfeworth, Woolpit, Tuxford. 1688-09-1313 at Newtown
in Einwin, Powithelly. 1688-09-1414 at Avergavenny, Alesbury, Cheping-
, Barsley, Church-stretton, Chesterfield, Denbigh,
Hidom, Hersbury, Muncton, Newborough, Newport,
Penhad, Rippon, Richtno[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]d, Ross, Rockingham, Smalding,
Stratford upon Avon, Waltham-Abby, Wotton under hedge.
1688-09-1515 at Rudjadargwy. 1688-09-1717 at Chff, Llanidlas. 1688-09-2020 at Llanvesly, Ruthin.
1688-09-2121 at Abergwilly, Baldock, Bedford, Braintry, Bracklymaiden,
Bulwick, Canterbury, Dover, Clapon, Croyden, Daintry,
Eastrid. St. Edmonsbury, Helmsley, Holden, Katherinhill,
Knighton, Kingston in Warwickshire, Marlborough, Malden,
Mildnal, Nottingham, Peterborow, Shrewsbury, Stratford,
Vizes, Wendover, Witheral, Woodstock. 1688-09-2323 at Paneridge
in Staffordshire a great horse—farm. 1688-09-2424 at Llanvilling,
Malton a week. 1688-09-2626 at Darby. 1688-09-2828 at Dolgeth, Kaermarthen. 29 at B2r
1688-09-2929 at [Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsflawed-reproduction]w the old, Aberton, Aberconway, St. Al-
[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsflawed-reproduction]npeak, Balmstock, Basingstocke, Bishop-stratford,
[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsflawed-reproduction]n, Brunningham, Buckland, Barwel, Canturybury,
[Gap in transcription—2-3 lettersflawed-reproduction]chester, Cockermouth, Marketdeeping, Michael-dean,
[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]eadly, Hay, Higham ferries, St. Jves, Kingston, [Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]ll, K[Gap in transcription—1-2 lettersflawed-reproduction]ingworth,
[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]ungsland, Lavenham, Lancaster, Leicester, [Gap in transcription—1-2 lettersflawed-reproduction]anidlas, Llan-
[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]ish-angel
, Llocher, Ludlow, Malden, Marchenleth, Methyr,
Newbury, Selby, Shelford, in Bedfordshire, Sittingbourn,
Stow in Lincolnshire, Tuddington, Uxbridge, Weyhil, Weyxer
seven days, Westchester, Witham, Woodham-ferry in
Essex, Bookham.

Fairs in October.

1688-10-011 at Banbury, Caster. 1688-10-022 at Salisbury. 1688-10-033 at Bolton in the
Moors. 1688-10-044 at St. Michaels. 1688-10-066 at Havenr in Hamshire, Maidstone
in Kent. 1688-10-088 at Bishop-stratford, Chicester, Hertford, Llanibither,
Pontstephen, Swansey. 1688-10-099 at Ashburn-peak, blith, Devises,
Gainsborough, Harborough, Sawbridgeworth, Thorock-
. 1688-10-1111 at Newport-Pagnel. 1688-10-1212 at Bolton in Furnace, Llangoveth.
1688-10-1313 at Aberrow, Charing, Creston, Colchester, Draiton,
Edmunsrow, Gravesend, Hirchen, Newport in Monmouthshire,
Hodnet, Laiton buzzard, Marshfield, Royston,
Stopforth, Sranton, Tamworth, Windsor, Graychester in
Essex. 1688-10-1818 at Henden in Wiltshire, Ashwel, Banbury, Barnet,
Bittle, Brickhil, Bridgnorth, Bishops-Hartfield, Burton upon
Trent, Charlton, Clift-Regis, Ely, Faringdon, Henly in Arden,
Holt, Kidwelly, Isk, Lowhaddon, Marlo upon Thames, Middlewich,
Newcastle, Radnor, Thirst, Tisdale, Tinbridge,
Uphaven, Wellingborough, Wigham, Wrickley, York. 1688-10-1919
at Frideswid by Oxford. 1688-10-2121 at Saffron-walden, Cicester, Coventry,
Hereford, Llanibither, Lentham, Stokesley. 1688-10-2222 at
Bicklesworth, Knotsford-lower, Ratsdale, Preston, Whitchurch.
1688-10-2525 at Beverly. 1688-10-2727 at Darnton. 1688-10-2828 at Biddenton in
Bedfordshire, Aberconway, Ashby de la Zouch, Bidderden, Halderden,
Hallaton, Hartford, Lempster, Llanedy, Newmarket,
Preston in Aunderness, Stamford, Talisern-green, Warwick,
Wilton, Wormester. Friday before Simon and Jude at Oxford.
1688-10-3131 at Abermales, Chelmsford, Ruthin, Powlethelly,
Stokefly, Wakefield.

B2 Fairs B2v

Fairs in November.

1688-11-011 At Bicklesworth, Castlemain, Kellom, Mountgomery, Ludlow.
1688-11-022 at Blechingly, Bishops-castle, Elsmere, Kingston upon
Thames, Leek, Loughborough, Mayfield, Maxfield, York.
1688-11-033 at Kaermarthen. 1688-11-055 at Welch-Pool. 1688-11-066 at Andover, Bedford,
Brecknock, Herfort, Lesford, Mailing in Kent, Marron in
Holdern, Newport-pond, Pembridge, Salford, Stanley, Trigney,
Wellington, Wetshod. 1688-11-1010 at Aberwingreen, Lenton in
Nottinghamshire, Llanibither 7 days. Rughby, Schifnal, Wem.
1688-11-1111 at Aberkennen, Bettingham, Dover, Folkingham, Marlborough,
Monmouth, Newcastle in Emlin, Shaftsbury,
Skipton on Craven, Tream, Withgrig, York. 1688-11-1313 at St.
. 1688-11-1515 at Llanithinery, Marchenleth, Willington.
1688-11-1717 at Harlow, Hide, Lincoln, Northampton, Spalding.
1688-11-1919 at Horsham in Kent. 1688-11-2020 at St. Edmondsbury, Health, Ingerstone.
1688-11-2020 at Penivont, Sawthy, 1688-11-2323 at Bangor, Bwelth,
Caerlin, Froom, Ludlow, Katescross, Sandwich in Kent, Tuddington
in Bedfordshire. 1688-11-2525 at Higham-Ferries. 1688-11-2828 at Ashbornpeak.
1688-11-2929 at Lawrest. 1688-11-3030 at Ampthil, Baldock, Bedford in Yorkshire,
Bewdley, Boston-mart, Bradford, Collingborough, Cobham,
Cubley, Engfield, Gargreen, Greensted in Sussex, Harleigh,
Kimolton, Maidenhead, Maiden-brackley, Narbert,
Ocestry, Peterfield, Pecores, Preston, Rochester, Wakefield,

Fairs in December.

1688-12-011 At Turbury. 1688-12-055 at Dolgeth, Newton, Pluckley. 1688-12-066 at Arundel,
Cased, St. Geds, Exeter, Grantham, Heddingham, Hethin,
Hornsey, Nortwich, Sennok, Spalding, Woodstock. 1688-12-077 at
Sandhurst. 1688-12-088 at Bedford, Bewmaris, Clitheral, Helxome, Kaerdigan,
Kimar, Leicester, Malpas, Northampton, Whitland.
1688-12-1111 at Newport-pagnel. 1688-12-2121 at Hornby. 1688-12-2222 at Llandilavawr. 1688-12-2929
at Canterbury, Royston, Salisbury.

The B3r

The moveable Fairs.

From Christmas till June, every Wednesday at Northaller-
[Gap in transcription—1-2 lettersflawed-reproduction]
. 3 Mondays after twelfth-day, at Hinkley in Leicestershire.
Tuesday after Twelfth-day, at Meltonmowbray, and an Horse-
[Gap in transcription—1-2 lettersflawed-reproduction]
at Salisbury. Thursday after Twelfth-day at Banbury, Literworth;
and every Thursday 3 Weeks after. Friday after
Twelfth-day at Lichfield. Shrove-monday at Newcastle under
[Gap in transcription—2-3 lettersflawed-reproduction], Barkhamsted. Ash-wednesday at Abington, Candain in
Glocestershire, Ciceter, Dunstable, Eaton by Windsor, Exeter,
Folkingh. Lichfield, Royston, Tamworth, Tunbridge, 1 Thursday
in Lent at Banbury. 1 Monday in Lent at Chersey, Chichester,
Winchester. 1 Tuesday in Lent at Bedford. 4 Monday
in Lent at Odiham, Saffron-walden, Stamford. Friday
and Saturday before the 5 Sunday in Lent at Hartford. Monday
before Annunciation at Denby, Kendal, Wisbich. 5 Monday
in Lent at Grantham, Helxom in Sussex, Salisbury, Sudbury.
Wednesday before Palm-sunday at Draiton. Thursday
before Palm-sunday at Llandissel. Palm-sunday Eve at Alisbury,
Leicester, Newport, Pomfract, Skipton, Wisbich. Palm-monday
at Billingsworth, Kendal, Llandauren, Worcester. Wednesday
before Easter at Kaerlin, Llanvilling. Maund-thursday
at Kettering, Sudminster. Good-friday at Acton-burnel, Ampthil,
Bishop-castle, Bruton, Bury, Charing, Engfield, Gilford,
Binningham, Ipswich, Lonquer, Mellain, Nutly, St. Pombs,
Bisborough, Rotheram. Tuesday in Easter-week at Brails, Daintry,
Hitchin, North-fleet, Rochford, Sanbich, Ashby de la
. Wednesday at Wellingborough, Beverly, Redburn.
Friday at Darby. Saturday at Skipton in Craven. Monday after
Low-sunday at Bicklesworth, Evesham, Newcastle under
line. 3 Monday after Easter at Lowth. Rogation-week at Beverly,
Engfield, Rech. Ascention-Eve at Abergelly, Darking.
Ascention-day at Bewmaris, Bishopstratford, Brasted, Brunningham,
Bridgnorth, Burton, Chappel-frith, Chappelkinon,
Eccleshal, Eglesrew, Hallaton, Kidderminster, Lutterworth,
Middlewich, Newcastle, Rippon, Ross, Stapport, Sudminster,
Uizes, Wigan, Yarn. Monday after Ascention at Thaxstead,
Bursington. Wednesday after Ascention at Shrewsbury. Friday
after Ascention at Ruthin. Whitson-Eve at New-Inn, B3 Skipton B3v
Skipton upon Craven, Wisbich. Whitsun-monday at Crib
Kerbysteven, Lenham, Rochdale, Rvhis, Salisbury, Agmondsham,
Amersam, Appleby, Bicklesworth, Bradford, Bromiard,
Burton, Chichester, Cockermotuh, Darrington, Evesham,
Exeter, Harstgreen, St. Ives, Linton, Owndle, Rigate, Shefford,
Sittingborn, Sleeford, Midlome, Whit-church Darrington in
the North, Drifield, Stokecheer. Whit-tuesday at Ashby de la
, Canterbury, Daintry, Elsemere, Epping, Faringdom
Knotsford, Laiton-buzzard, Lewes, Lonquer, Iong, Milford,
Llanimthevery, Melton-mowbray, Midhurst, Monmouth, Perith,
Rochford, Oringstroke. Wednesday at Llanbedder, Llandeby,
Leek, Newark ipon Trent, Pontstephen. Roysron,
Sandhar. Thursday at Cakefield, Kingston. Friday at Corkshal,
Darby, Stow in Guillin. Trinity-Eve at Pomfret, Rowel, Skipton
in Crave. Monday at St. Mary-Awke, Kendal, Hounslow,
Southcove, Stokesly, Criswel, Raily, Spisby, Usk, Warford,
Tunbridge, Vizes Tuesday at Abergavenny, Raduor. Wednessday
at Aberfrow. Corpus Christi at St. Annes, Sanbury,
Bishop-stratford, Bremingham, Carewld, Eglesrew, Hallaron,
Haligh, Kidderminster, Llanwist, Llanimerchencth. Neath,
Newport in Monmouthshire, Prescot, St. Eedes, Stamford,
Stopport, Newbury, Hemsted, Ross. Friday after at Coventry,
Chepstow in Monmouthshire. Monday after at Belton, Stamford.
Monday after 1688-07-03July 3 at Haveril. Monday fortnight after
Midsummer at Foddringhay. Monday after Bartholomew at
Sanbich in Chesh. Monday after St. micheal at Fasely, St.
by Norwich, St. michaels. Tuesday at Salisbury. Thursday
at Banbury. monday fortnight after Whitsunday, at Darnton,
and every monday fortnight after until Christmas. The
Friday before Simon and Jude at Litchfield.




That I may do all the good I can, I Publish this to the
World, that I have Excellent Remedies for all Women
troubled with Vapours, Rising of the Mother, Convulsion fits;
so the Canker in the Mouth, with so much ease, that the
Patient will hardly feel it; and all other Diseases incident to
my own Sex. Mary Holden.