A Way of reconciliation
of a good and
learned man,
Touching the
Trueth, Nature, and Substance
of the Body and Blood of Christ
in the Sacrament.
Translated out of Latin into English by the
Right Honourable , Dowager
to the Right Honourable the Lord John
Russell, Baron, and sonne and heire to
Francis Earle of Bedford.
At London
Printed by R.B.
Anno 1605.
The Author to the Reader.
To seeke the attonement of men is to be commended,
and it hath a sure promise of God: “Blessed bee
the peace-makers.” But I feare me, lest in greedily following
the same, it happen to me which chanceth to
them that part fraies, while they seeke others safetie,
they beare the blowes themselves. And I, while I
study to make enemies friends, perhaps shall have
small thankes of them. Which if it happen, the example
of him shal comfort me, which said: “If I should
please men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” Farewell,
and indeavour thy selfe to please Christ.
To the right Honourable
my most entierly beloved
and onely daughter, the Lady Anne
Herbert, wife to the Lord Henry
Herbert, sonne and heire apparant
to Edward the most noble
Earle of Worcester.
Most vertuous and
woorthilie beloved
daughter, Even as
from your first birth
and cradle I ever
was most careful, above
any worldly
thing, to have you
sucke the perfect milke of sincere Religion:
So willing to ende as I beganne, I have left
to you, as my last Legacie, this Booke. A
most precious Jewell to the comfort of your
Soule, being the woorke of a most good,
learned, and worthy man; Made above fiftie
yeeres since in Germanie, After by traveile
a French creature, Now naturalized
by mee into English like to his learned
Author, to whom from my part most Honour
and service is due. Surely at the first I
meant not to have set it abroad in Print, but
my selfe onely to have some certaintie to
leane unto, in a matter so full of controversie,
and to yeeld a reason of my opinion. But
since by my lending the Copie of mine owne
hand to a friend, I am bereft thereof by
some; And fearing lest after my death it
should be Printed according to the humors
of other, and wrong of the dead, who in his
life approved my Translation with his owne
allowance: Therefore dreading, I say,
wrong to him above any other respect, I have
by Anticipation prevented the worst. I
meant this to you, good daughter, for a
New-yeeres gift, but altered by griefe for
your Brothers broken arme. Farewell my
good sweet Nanne. God blesse thee with
the continuance of the comfort of his holy
Spirit, that it may ever worke in you, and
persevere with you to the ende, and in the
In Annam Filiam.
Ut veniens Annus tibi plurima commodet Anna,
Voce pia Mater, supplice mente precor,
Ut valeas, paritérque tuo cum Coniuge, Proles,
Officijs iunctis, vita serena fluat.
Elizabetha Russella,
A certaine Man
wisheth to all Christians the health and
peace of our Lord Jesus
The question of the Supper of
Jesus Christ, and Sacrament
of Thankesgiving, hath
brought foorth to us, above other
things, a cruel and pernitious contention.
For the other Authors of
sects, Anabaptists, and Suencfeldians, be neither learned
nor of our family. But this is a civill and domesticall
evill, a bloody and deadly wound hidden in our bowels.
Surely it is a lamentable and horrible matter, that
the thing which was first instituted for the confirmation
of mens minds in love, and concord, and fellowship
of the body of Christ, which is the Church, is now wrested
to variance, and confusion. And if there have
bene any good in this broile, it hath bene in the silence
and sorrow of good and learned men: of whom aswell
the misliking sheweth that there is somewhat in both
parts that might be amended, and prayer and earnest
desire may percase somewhat obtaine at Gods hand, that
contention taken away, the agreement of minds may againe
joyne in one. But this booke which is made touchingching
this question, whose soever it bee, sure it seemeth
to be the worke of a good, learned and modest man, and
one that hath bene long, much, and well exercised in the
Monuments of our Fathers and Elders. Neither doeth
it move mee, that he would not be named; for because
there is no bitter word in this disputation, and he doth
reason of the matter learnedly, well, and truely, neither
doth seeme willing to crave thankes at mens hands, nor
to have taken this Treatie in hand, either for desire of
praise or greedines of Honour, but to be mooved thereunto
by the common sorrow and hurt, to make an entry
to that thing, the which many men greatly desiring the
peace of Christs Church, have wished with earnest and
continuall prayers: namely, the remembrance of the
Christian peace, and the forgetting of devilish debate.
Bucer, whom I with honour speake of and for remembrance
sake, had found and made a way to this concord,
and there was great agreement of minds betweene
him and Luther: and hee pacified the Churches of the
Helvetians, and while hee lived there was peace and
quietnesse: but when they were both dead, beholde againe
bitter bookes on both sides. And surely they be to
be pardoned which write unwillingly: but those which
without cause have renued this wound, (if there be any
such) these surely seeme to me little to feare what men
judge of them, or to esteeme the peace which Christ gave
and left unto us. But I returne to this Booke, which
pleaseth me best above other in this kinde of argument;
not, that I will altogether allow it to the Congregation,
but because it seemeth to come neerest to the taking away
of this contention. For which cause he that cannot
invent a better, if he be not content with this, and cannot
defend his owne, let him take heed that hee doe not
that for mans sake, which he ought to leave undone for
Christes cause: namely, that he nourish not contention,
which is the greatest enemie the Church can have. I
see nothing concluded in this disputation, that either is
repugnant from the nature of our Religion, or not honourably
ynough spoken of this so great & singuler mysterie;
both which things if both the parts had retained
or followed, we should have had quietnesse long ere
this. I blame neither part, I beare good will to both, I
love both. And if that were done in writing that is done,
and that of many, with good conscience in the leading of
our life, and retaining and esteeming the friends on both
sides, men should both have written and disputed of this
question on both sides, with lesse offence and bitternesse.
But now wee write in such sort, as though wee did defend
the persons, and not the cause, and apply the trueth
of the cause, not to the ordinance of Christ, but to the interpretation
of men. Jesus Christ restore to
us his
peace, which he gave and left unto us when he departed
hence, which we have lost by these our contentions:
Jesus Christ, I say, whose Victory, Triumph, Honour,
Praise, and Glory, be for ever and
ever. Amen.
[Gap in transcription—pp 1 - pp 104omitted]