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Strange and Wonderful {Handwritten addition: _} end of handwritten addition
Newes {Handwritten addition: 3} end of handwritten addition

The Mighty Visions

From Mistris Anna Trapnel, to divers Collonels, Ladies,
and Gentlewomen, concerning the Government of the Commonwealth
of England, Scotland, and Ireland; And Her
Revelations touching his Highness the Lord
Protector, and the Army.

With her Declaration touching the State-Affairs of Great-Brittain;
Even from the Death of the late King Charles, to the
Dissolution of the last Parliament.

And the manner how she lay eleven dayes, and twelve nights in a
Trance, without taking any sustenance, except a cup of small
Beer once in 24 hours: during which time, she uttered
many things herein mentioned, relating to the Governors,
Churches, Ministry, Universities, and all
the three Nations; full of Wonder and Admiration,
for all that shall read and
peruse the same.

Printed for Robert Sele, 1654Mdcliv.

{Handwritten addition: Ma[Gap in transcription—1-2 charactersobscured] th: y d 11 —} end of handwritten addition
χ1v χ2r 3

Strange and wonderful Visions from White-hall.

Upon the 7 day of the 11 month called Ianu. being the 6 day of
the week, or Fryday, Mr. Powel Minister of the Gospel in Wales,
being brought before the Council at White hall, to give an account
of some things by him delivered in his publike Exercises: Among
many other friends who came to see what would be done with
him, thetre came a maid, Mrs. Anna Trapnel by name, who waiting in a
little room neer the Council door, where there was a fire; amongst
many others she staid for Mr. Powels coming forth, and then intending
to return home, she was beyond yer own thoughts or intentions,
having much trouble in her thoughts; and being as it were seized by
the Lord, she was carryed forth in [Gap in transcription—1 characterobscured] Spirit of prayer and singing from
noon till night, and went down into Mr. Roberts Lodging, who kept
the Ordinary in White-hall, and finding her natural strength going
from her, she took her bed about eleven of the clock in the night,
where she lay from that day being the 7 day of the month, to the 19
day of the same month, in all 12 dayes together: the first five dayes
she neither eat nor drank: and the rest of the time, once in 24 hohours:
sometimes a very little toast in small beer; sometimes onely chewed
it, and took down the moysture; sometimes she drank of the small
beer, and sometimes onely washt her mouth therewith, and then cast
it forth, lying in bed with her eyes shut, and her hands seldom seen
to move: She delivered in that time many and various things, speaking
every day 3 or 4 hours, and sometimes praying both night and day,
and singing spiritual songs; which many eminent persons hearing of, amongst χ2v 4
amongst the rest, came Col. Sydenham (a member of the Council)
Col. West, Col. Bennet, with his wife, Col. Bingham, the Lady Dercy,
the Lady Vermuden, and divers others; who heard her declare as followeth,
to wit, That 7 years since she being sick of a Feaver, and given
over by all her friends as one not like to live, the Lord then gave
her faith to believe from that Scripture, After two dayes I will revive
thee, and the 30 day I will raise thee up, and thou shalt live in
my sight; which two days I understood to be two weeks that I shold
lye in that Feaver; and at that very time and hour that it took her,
that very hour it left her; and accordingly from which time, the Lord
made use of her for refreshing of afflicted ones, and such as were under
temptation: and when that time was ended, she being in her chamber,
desired of the Lord to know whether she had done that which
was off, and from himself, Reply was made to her, That she should
approve her heart to God, and for that she had been faithful in a
little, she should be made an instrument of much more; for particular
soules shal not onely have benefit by her, but the Universality of
Saints shal have discoveries of God through her: whereupon shee
prayed that she might be led by the still waters, and honour God secretly,
being conscious to her self of the deceitfulness of her own
heart, looking upon her self as the worst amongst God’s flock: whereupon
the Lord told her, that out of the mouthes of babes and sucklings
he would perfect his praise. After which she had many Visions,
and Revelations touching the Government of the Nation, the Parl.Parliament
Army, and Ministry, and having fasted nine days, nothing coming within
her lips, she had a most strange Vision of horns; she saw fair Horns
which were 4 Powers: the first was that of the Biships, which first
Horn she saw broken in two, and thrown aside: then appeared the second
Horn, and joyned to it an head, and although it seemed to bee
more white then the first, yet it endeavouring to get aloft it was suddenly
pulled down and broken to pieces. The third Horn had many
splinters joyned to it like to the skales of a fish, and this was presented
to be a Parl.Parliament consisting of many men, having very fair and plausible
pretences of love: yet this Horn she saw broken to pieces, and so
scattered that no so much as one bit remined. Then she saw the 4.4th
Horn, and that was very short, but very sharp, and full of variety of colourslours χ3r 5
sparkling red and white, and it was said to her, that this last horn
was different from the other three, because of great proud and swelling
words, and great promises of kindness should go forth to it from
all people, like unto that of Absolom, speaking good words to the
people in the gate to draw their affections away from honest David.
After this she had a Vision, where in she saw many Oaks, with spreding
branches full of leaves; and presently she saw a very goodly tree
for stature and compleatness every way, before which great Tree the
rest of the Oaks crumbled to dust; which she perceiving, desired Scripture
to make known to her the Vision: whereupon Reply was made
in the first of Isaiah, ―― “They shall be confounded in the Oakes
which they have chosen.”

Another Vision she had two nights before the Lord Protector
was proclaimed; at which time she saw a glorious Throne with winged
Angels flying before the throne, and crying, Holy, holy, holy, unto
the Lord; the great one is coming down with terror to the enemies,
and glory and deliverance to the sincere, and them that are upright in
the earth. In another Vision she saw a great company of little children
walking on the earth, and a light shining round about them, and
a very glourious person in the midst of them, with a Crown on his
head, speaking these words: These will I honour with my Reigning
presence in the midst of them, and the Oppressor shall dye in the wilderness.

When she was at White=-hall she saw as it were great darkness
on the earth, and a marvellous dust like unto a thick mist, or smoak,
ascending upward from the earth; and at a little distance a great company
of cattel, some like Buls, some like Oxen, and some lesser cattel,
their faces and heads like men, having on either side their heads a
horn: for the foremost, his countenance was perfectly like unto ---s
and on a sudden there was a great shout of those that followed him,
he being singled out alone, and the foremost and he looking back, they
bowed themselves unto him, and leaped up from the earth, and shewed
much joy that he was become their Supream; and immediatly they
fawning upon him, he seemed to run at her; and as he was neer to her
breast with his horn an hand and arm grasped her ground, and a voice
said to her, “I will be thy safety”; and then he run at many precious Saints χ3v 6
Saints that flood in his way, and that durst look boldly in his face, he
gave them many pushes, scratching them with his hornes, and driving
them into several houses: he ran along still; at length there was a
great silence, ahnd suddenly there brake forth great fury in the earth,
and they were presently scattered, their horns broken, and so tumbled
into graves: With that she brake forth, and sang praise, and the Lord
said to her, Mark that Scripture, three horns shall arise, and a fourth
shall come out different from the former, which shal be more terrible
to the Saints than others that went before: though like a Lamb,
as is spoken in the Revelations, in appearance a Lamb; but pushing
with his horns, like a Beast: being not onely one, but many, and much
strength joyned together.

Upon the tenth of Feb. or eleventh month, the Relator came into
the chamber where she lay, where he heard her making melody with
a spiritual Song, and after she had done singing, she brake forth into
these and the like words: It is not all the force in the World that
can strike one stroak against thine, but thou sufferest them to come
forth to try thine, Oh that thine could believe thee for the breaking
of thine enemies as well as for the binding up of thine own people,
all things under the Sun, all things before, in or round about you, shal
work for your good, when you come to know more of the mystery
and life of the Scrliptures, how will you praise his Highness? the Enemy
is strong, Satan is strong, Instruments are strong, Temptations are
strong: but what strengths are against thy flock, they cannot be without
the Lyon, and Lyon-like Creatures; But oh! if thy servants suffer,
let them not suffer through passion, or rash words, but as Lambes:
there is a zeal which is but from Nature, that a mans own Spirit may
prompt him to: but the zeal of God is accompanied with meekness,
humility, grief for Christ: and seeing thou hast taken thine Handmaid
into the Mount who can keep in the rushing wind, who can rule
the influences of the Heavenly Orizon; yea, who can stop thy Spirit;
it is good to be in the Territories, in the Regions, where thou walkst
before thy servant: Oh, how glittering, how glorious are they: what
sparklings are there [Gap in transcription—1 wordobscured] Thou hast yet a great Gust to come upon the
earth, a great Wind that shal shake the Trees that now appear upon
the Earth, that are full of the leaves of Profession; but they have nothingthing χ4r 7
but outward beauty an outward flourish; but thy Trees, Oh
Lord, are full of sap. A great number of people have said, O let our
Oaks stand, let them not be cut down: But sayes the Lord, I will make you ashamed in the Oaks that ye have chosen; and because ye
will have those, I will now give you other Oaks: and what are they?
a first, a second, and a third Power, and they are broken one after another:
But oh thine own have had a great hand in these things: thine
have said, We will have Oaks and Gardens, how have they run to and
fro, saith the Lord? and now I will give you Gardens, but they shall
have no Springs in them; but they shal be as dry chopt ground; yea,
as Fallow-ground: What lovelyness is there, to walk upon Fallow
ground? you may have stumbling walkings upon them: you shal have
no green grass in these Gardens: what have all the Gardens of the
Earth been? they have been as stumbling blocks to thine: But oh,
thou wilt by these strange wayes, draw up thine into thy upper and
nether Springs: thou hast deceived thy Saints once more about these
Gardens, let them now run after them no more: but be ashamed and
abashed, we have hankered from Mountain to Hill; We have said
Salvation is in this Hill, and in that Mountain: but let us not say so
any longer: When we shal be drawn up to thee, then we shal prosper;
and thou wilt give us a Vinyard, and Gardens, and fruitful Trees of
thine own, which shall abide.

And after some repose she sang divers Hymnes, or spiritual Songs;
and among other things spake as followeth:

Lord, let it be founded in their Ears, and let them mark, it will be
as great superfluity as ever, as great lust, as great wickedness, as great
enmity as ever; yea, and greater then before. Oh, they are all for themselves;
and doth not Sathan appear in their Feasts, and in their Garments,
and in their Locks: yea, O Gideon, when in thine own Family
there are those that are naked and wanton, Oh let not this be found
in thy Family. David had not such in his Family; and if thou must
rule the Nation, then be sure to look into thine own Family, and rule
that; but perhaps thou mayst say, “thou canst not rule them”: O then remember,
what God said to Ely of old because of his Sons, “How can any
go and cry out to King Jesus, if he have him not in his own bosome.”
oh, he is a sealed One; then how beautiful will his Walks be; and if the Spirit χ4v 8
Spirit of Christ reign in his soul, then he may reign for Christ. Otherwise
not. Therefore, you doubting Christians, have a care that you
have courage given into your harts, before you go out to plead against
Antichrist, the Devil and Wickedness, and come you Army-men, and
acquaint your selves with the Lord Jehovah, for if you have not acquaintance
with him, then all you have is nothing. Oh do justice, and
do it for Justice-sake, and not for by ends or respects: And then, oh
Gideon, who art in the highest place, thou art not onely to do justice
thy self, but thou art to see justice done in all Places, Courts, or councels,
and Committees, that they may not feed upon the Poor. Thou
art not onely to receive pleasure at home, but to establish Righteousness
abroad. Oh by your diligence make it manifest that you love
justice and mercy, as youu seem to do. Oh remember Absolom, who was
of a fair and gentle courage, and of a lovely nature, but it was to steal
away the hearts of the people from his Father David. But God forbid
your Honour should be stain’d with the least Guilt thereof. And
thus soon after she ended in prayer and singing, having lain in bed 11
dayes and 12 nights together. After which time, she rose up in the
morning, and the same day travelled on foot from White-hall to
Hackney; and from thence back to Mark-lane in London in health
and strength.
