The titlepage is surrounded by a border containing framed vignettes. In the top two corners lions are jumping towards a single seal which is centered at the top of the page. Surrounding this seal are the French words “Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense”, &c. The right and left sides of the page have columns with two figures each, depicting biblical scenes. From top left and moving clockwise around the page, they show a woman kneeling with arms stretched toward the sun with the caption “Genesis III”, an angel approaching a kneeling figure from behind with the caption “Lucke I”, a crowd of people surrounded by grass or flames with the caption “Mathewe XXV”, and A crowd of people being blessed by a crowned Christ with the caption “S. Mathewe XXV”. In the bottom center is a figure of a woman with candles and book; by the candles is the word “Watch”, by the book is the word “Praye”, and by her head is written “Take Heede”. Surrounding the picture is a biblical quotation: “Hir Lamps of Love are Coles of Fire and A Verye Vehement Flame of the Lorde.” Canti. VIII Chap.

“Honi Soit Qvi Mal Y Pense”

Genesis III chap

Lucke 1 Chap.

Mathewe XXV

S. Mathewe XXV

“Hir Lamps of Love Are Coles of Fire and a Verye Vehement Flame of the Lorde.” Canti. VIII Chap. Canti VIII chap

Take Heede



Monument of

conteining seven severall Lamps
of Virginitie, or distinct treatises;
whereof the first five concerne praier
and meditation: the other two last, precepts
and examples, as the woorthie works
partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the
necessarie use of both sexes out of the sacred
Scriptures, and other approoved authors, by
Thomas Bentley of
Graies Inne Student.

Luke. 12, 35.

Let your loines be girt about, and your
lampes burne cleerelie.

2. Tim. 2, 19.

Let everie one that calleth upon the
name of the Lord depart
from iniquitie.

Printed by H. Denham

The dropped initial capital A is actually a figure, the large A flanked by two young cupids. Between the legs of the capital A are the letters E and R. Beneath the letter is a label which reads “Semper Eadem”


“Semper Eadem”

Almightie God and most merciful Father, who in
mercie hast ordeined these lamps for [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersdamaged] chosen virgins,
and commanded that with our loines girt about, and our
lamps burning bright, we should take heed and be readie
to execute the charge, which is committed unto us, and
watch full warilie and continuallie in our several callings
by fervent and instant praier for the comming of thy
sonne our spiritual Spouse, sovereigne Lord, and sweet
Saviour Jesus: giving us in the meane season diverse gifts
and talents to occupie and imploie till he come; and setting
dailie before our eies the just judgement, that he shall
execute and give in that dreardull daie of his sudden comming,
both upon the quicke and dead; doo thou vouchsafe
even thine owne selfe (we praie thee) to gird and compasse
our loines about, that no iniquitie have power over
us, nor we decline or bow to anie sinne. Oh suffer us not to take that contentation or vaine delight
and pleasure of anie thing in this wretched world, that may lull or bring us fast asleepe in
the cursed cradle of senselesse securitie: nor with the foolish virgins to neglect the houre and
daie of our last visitation, or to forget to wait and attend for thine appearing in the clouds. But
so direct us (we beseech thee) in this short race of our perilous pilgrimage by thy holie spirit.
our heavenlie loadesman, that in the lawfull use of thy good gifts whatsoever bestowed upon
us, our cheefest care may alwaies be to depart from all iniquitie, and how with them wee may
live soberlie to our selves, holilie to thee, and uprightlie to the world, and thereby gaine much
profit and fruit to the better increase of thy kingdome.

Moreover, make thou our lampes to burne cleere and bright in the sight of men and Angels;
and keepe thou them light and ever burning: that our love towards thee wax never key cold,
nor our charitie towards our neighbour be quite extinguished, nor yet our faith, devotion,
zeale, and gifts of the spirit be utterlie quenched in us. But being evermore both within and
without kindled, inlightened, and inflamed by thee, which art a consuming fire, and a purifieng
flame of unspeakable fervent heate: let all our thoughts, words, and works be alwaies directed
to doo thy holie will and righteous judgements, that in all our works begun, continued, and ended
in thee, we may ever glorifie thy holie and reverent name.

Finallie, make us verie carefullie to keepe this castle of our soules and temple of the holie
Ghost (our bodies I meane) pure, holie, and undefiled: and to watch continuallie in all maner
of well dooing unto the end: that when thy Sonne our heavenlie bridegroome shall come to
judge the world, to condemne the wicked, to reject the reprobate, to cast awaie the unprofitable,
and to shut the gates of heaven against all unbeleevers and retchlesse virgins; he finding us
heedfull, watchfull, praieng, well occupied and readie, as those that have beene verie well content
with our estates here for the time, and having our lamps filled brim full of the oile of his
righteousnesse, grace, mercie, and merits, may (thereby onelie) escape the heavie judgement
and direfull doome of the dreadfull daie: and not perish in that common destruction and generall
desolation of the wicked worldlings, and unprofitable servants; but be received to himselfe
as those that are made woorthie onelie by him, joifullie to enter with him and all the elect and
chosen wise virgins, into the celestiall wedding chamber of thine eternall kingdome: there and
then to possesse that mansion place, which before all worlds thou hast prepared for thy chosen,
and to receive (of his gift) that which here now with deepe sighes and groanes we greatlie long
for: that is, even the salvation of our soulse, and the coronation of thy gifts in us: that
both with thee (o Father) and with him thy Sonne, in the unitie of the holie
Ghost, we may live and reigne in the full perfection, holinesse and
puritie of his everlasting virginitie, to blesse, praise, and
glorifie thee, o glorious and blessed Trinitie,
with all virgins, angels, and creatures,
by all ages, throughout
all eternitie, Amen:


To the most vertuous Ladie and Christian Princesse,
Queene Elizabeth, grace and peace
from God the Father through Christ
our Saviour.

This large T is actually within a framed figure depicting a man in a ship in a sea near a cliff. Neptune rides a sea creature, stars are in the sky, a personified cloud blows wind into the sails, and the moon (personified) is full, with a crescent shape etched in on the left.

The King of eternall glorie,
who hath thus loved England
in setting your Highnesse
on the throne of his majestie
to execute justice and judgement,
to instruct his people in
Jacob, and to feed his inheritance
in Israel, be blessed and
magnified therefore for ever
and ever, Amen.

This long and blessed peace
wherin we your loiall subjects
doo presentlie live (most noble
Queene) everie man
sitting under his vine and fig-
tree throughout all your dominions,
dooth give just occasion
to the godlie to bee no
lesse thankfull to God, and to your Majestie, than free harted and studious to
benefit his church and their countrie, by offering in the temple, some gold, some
silver, some one thing, some another, according to the measure of those graces,
which god the giver of all good things hath bestowed upon them, or by his spirit
hath incouraged & made them willing to further the worke of the Lord. Which
mooved me also among the rest (although of all other the meanest, & in everie
respect the unwoorthiest) to offer some thing, wherin I might bring profit to that
mysticall bodie, wherof I trust I am a member. And persuading my selfe, I could
not better employ my labour to the good of the church, nor present your Highnesse
the mightie defender thereof, with anie thing of greater price and estimation
in this world, than (after a sort) with that wherewith God the King of kings
acknowledgeth himselfe to be so highlie pleased and glorified both of Prince
and people (praise and invocation I meane) whereby in this life we obteine at
his hand all things needfull for our bodies, and in the life to come everlasting
joie, rest, and comfort both of bodie and soule: I have undertaken in the name
and feare of God, love of his church, obedience of your Majestie, and hartie good A2v
good will of my countrie, ou[Gap in transcription—4-5 wordsdamaged] monuments of your owne Honourable
works, and some o[Gap in transcription—3-4 wordsdamaged], famous Ladies, and vertuous
Gentlewomen of our tim[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsdamaged]s, to addresse and make readie these
seven Lamps of your perpetuall virginitie, to remaine unto women as one entire
and goodlie monument of praier, precepts, and examples meet for meditation,
instruction, and imitation to all posteritie. And now in most dutifull maner
commending and appropriating so divine exercises of the church, unto your
Majestie the most naturall mother and noble nursse thereof; the cause of a virgine
to a Virgine, the works of Queenes to a Queene; your owne praiers to
your selfe (to whom indeed the particular interest and due praise and honour
therof justlie belongeth) I here prostrate on my knees, in most humble maner
meekelie beseech your excellent Majestie, gratiouslie of your woonted clemencie,
to pardon and forgive this my too rash and bold enterprise; attempted both
with bashfulnesse, feare, and trembling: and favourablie (as in like cases you
are accustomed) to accept these your liege subject his great labors and painfull
travels in good part, which he (not to instruct your Highnesse (of whose notable
learning I am not able to speake) but onelie for a monument of the hartie love
he beareth both to the church his deere mother, and to your Majestie his dread
Sovereigne) hath in a godlie zeale and conscience, bestowed to the good and
profit of his countrie. That (by your Graces good liking and princelie approbation)
they may be both patronized against the wicked, and practised of the godlie.
And so manie (by that means) with due reverence and great honour to so honourable
works, may receive these lamps as from your bountifull hand to inlighten
them by your good industrie in all vertue: and to prepare them by your
holie example, like wise virgins to perseverance in all good works of the spirit.
And that therein manie may often looke and labour mightilie for your Highnesse
as they are bound, in fervent praier; and manie mo thanks, I saie, be given
of manie faithfull harts on your Majesties behalfe for the benefit of such and so
manie needfull and readie helps, ministred and afoorded by your painfull hand
and princelie affabilitie to your everlasting comfort and renowme, the praise of
God, and glorie of his deerest sonne Jesus Christ your sweet spouse. Whom now
for a conclusion as I began, I most entirelie beseech, that as of his owne good
will he first loved his church my deere mother, and gave himselfe freelie for
hir to sanctifie and clense hir in the most holie fountaine of water, through the
word to make hir unto himselfe a beautifull virgine, and glorious spouse without
spot or wrinkle, that she should be holie, pure, perfect, and without blame
before him: so he will vouchsafe in like mercie, still both to cherish, defend, and
maintaine the same in his continuall grace, religion, and holinesse, that she may
yet bring foorth more fruit in hir age, and members, to his glorie: and also as
your spirituall spouse to set your Majestie (a most woorthie and mightie governor
of the same) ever as a seale upon his hart, to tie you fast as a signet or bracelet
upon his arme, to beare you still in his owne bosome, to set his eie over you
continuallie for your health, wealth, and prosperitie, to bend his desires alwaies
toward you, to doo you good; that so your Highnesse may be kept in his
continuall grace, peace, and favour long to reigne over us: and also defended
and preserved evermore from all bodilie and ghostlie perils and enimies, to
your everlasting comfort, and the rejoice of all christian harts. Finallie, the
Lord blesse your Majestie even out of Sion with all his heavenlie gifts and spirituall
graces, that having the principall & heroicall spirit of your holie father good A3r
good king David, doubled (yea[Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsdamaged] in your n[Gap in transcription—6-7 wordsdamaged]
may as in numbers of yeeres be[Gap in transcription—9-10 wordsdamaged]
nes far surmount & excell you[Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsdamaged] prog[Gap in transcription—5-6 wordsdamaged]
of you our good Josias, may to all posterities be like[Gap in transcription—5-6 wordsdamaged]
pretious perfume of the Apothecarie, and as sweet[Gap in transcription—1-2 charactersdamaged] onie[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsdamaged]
as harmonicall musicke at a banket of wine; that in you our zealous Hezechias,
I saie, we may still remaine in happie peace, and have an hiding place from the
wind, and a refuge from storms and tempests, and rivers of waters to quench
our thirst, and temperate shadowes to shrowd us from parching heate in a drie
land: so shall the harts of manie thousand virgins in England and else-where,
be joifull and thankfull to God and your Majestie; so shall the daughters of Jerusalem
sing joifullie the sweet songs of Sion in their owne land, with great triumph
to their celestial King, reigning on high over all; yea so shal all your faithfull
and loving subjects, I saie, in all humble obedience and dutifull service
both towards God, your Majestie, and their countrie, resound by all
possible meanes to all posterities your most excellent and
woorthie praises, untill the comming of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ: to whom with
the Father and the holie Ghost be
all empire, honor, dominion
and praise, now and
for ever, Amen.

Your Majesties humble, faithfull
and obedient subject,

Thomas Bentley.


[Gap in transcription—1-3 wordsdamaged]mpas Virginitatis

[Gap in transcription—6-7 wordsdamaged]ssima, lampas:

[Gap in transcription—3-4 wordsdamaged]gressus dirigat illa tuos,

Siquæris librum cur lampada virginis istum

Inscribam: causas dico fuisse duas.

Vna est, quòd talem præfert ecclesia lucem,

Expectans sponsum virgo pudica suum.

Altera, quòod manibus virgo reginea librum

Sumit, cui veræ lampadis instar erit,

Dum Domino litat, & sacris indicit honorem,

Nuncupat & Christo vota secunda suo.

Anna sibi lucem, sibi Debora prætulit istam:

Inq suis Princeps Elizabetha malis.

Sic didicit lenire suas, sic fallere curas,

Præsentémq; sui poscere regis opem;

Quem non plena sacris placant altaria donis,

Non oblatorum corpora cæsa boum:

Ille Deus, Deus ille humili libamine vocum

Iræ deponit iusta flagella suæ.

Illecebras carnis vincunt mundíq; furores,

Et sathanæ faciunt fulmen inane preces.

Afflictis illæ præstant solatia rebus,

Illis cælestes effodiuntur opes.

Hoc oleo plenam Domino qui lampada præbet,

Ille sacrificio nobiliore litat.


To the Christian Reader, grace and
truth in Christ.

Having my selfe taken no small comfort (good Christian
Reader) by the reading and perusing of divers
verie godlie, learned, and divine treatises, of meditations
and praier, made by sunrie right famous
Queenes, noble Ladies, vertuous Virgins, and godlie
Gentlewomen of al ages (who to shew themselves
woorthie paternes of all pietie, godlinesse, and religion
to their sex, and for the common benefit of their
countrie, have not cesed, and that with all carefull
industrie and earnest indevour, most painfullie and
diligentlie in great fervencie of the spirit, and zeale of
the truth, even from their tender & maidenlie yeeres,
to spend their time, their wits, their substance, and also their bodies, in the studies
of noble and approoved sciences, and in compiling and translating of sundrie most
Christian and godlie bookes: a tast whereof you have here in the second Lampe)
as namelie among the rest, the godlie and learned treatise called The lamentation of a
, written long since by the vertuous Ladie Queene Katherin, which for the excellencie
thereof was first published in print by Sir William Cicill, now the
right honourable Lord Treasurer of England, as by his verie godlie, learned,
and eloquent Epistle thereunto prefixed, and here also in this edition now inserted,
to Gods glorie, and his high commendation doth and may appeere: but especiallie
and above all, the most divine, learned, and godlie treatise intituled The
Queenes meditation
, written first in French by the vertuous Ladie Margaret Queene
of Navar
, and after verie exactlie and faithfullie translated by our most gratious
sovereigne, and learned Ladie Queene Elizabeth, who among manie Queens,
virgins, and women, through the feare of the Lord hath doone verie vertuouslie,
and gotten thereby great renowme. And thereupon considering with my selfe
what great profit, and singular pleasure might thereby come also to other of like
mind to my selfe, if the same their excellent and rare works (dispersed into severall
pamphlets, and in part some thing obscured and worne cleane out of print, and so
out of practise) were by some painefull hand collected togither, and revived, or
brought againe to their former good and godlie use in the church: mee thought I
could not better spend my time, nor emploie my talent, either for the renowme of
such heroicall authors and woorthie women, or for the universall commoditie of
all good christians: than in, and by some apt treatise or collection, to reduce these
their maniford works into one entire volume, and by that meanes, for to register
their so rare and excellent monuments, of good record, as perfect presidents of
true pietie and godlinesse in woman kind to all posteritie. Whereupon, God working
in me both the will and consent, I undertooke the same in his feare: which
when after a sort I had doone, and perceived that there wanted yet manie things
to make the same an absolute and perfect booke for the simpler sort of women, according
to my mind: to satisfie my selfe further in this my purposed collection, I
fell to the perusing of the holie Bible, and manie other good bookes as well of
praier, as of other divine matter, such as from time to time have beene penned by
divers godlie learned men: out of the which (that I might now particularlie applie
that unto them, women I meane, which generallie heretofore was written
of them, or by some other for them, as also to the intent that all godlie and devout
women readers might have in some measure, wherewith to exercise their faith, to
stir up their devotion, and to satisfie their godlie desires: and also verie readilie
find without tediousnesse, or distraction of the mind vertuouslie inclined, whatsoeverB.1. uer B1v
[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsdamaged] either by praier aske, by meditation [Gap in transcription—1 worddamaged], by precepts learne, or
[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsdamaged]unitare, or avoid to [Gap in transcription—3-4 wordsdamaged] edification) I indeavoured for their
[Gap in transcription—1-3 wordsdamaged]all possible [Gap in transcription—3-4 charactersdamaged]to cull and bring out of the rich store and treasurie
[Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsdamaged]prootted [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersdamaged]nie learned men, things both old and new concerning
[Gap in transcription—1 worddamaged] for private and publike use, adding thereunto such plentie of
[Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsdamaged]and spirituall helpes, both for profit and pleasure, as the diversities of so
divine matter, and varietie of so honourable inventions would affoord. Besides,
to avoid confusion and disorder (a thing verie prejudiciall to so holie an exercise) I
have carefullie digested the same into such a plaine, easie, familiar, and certeine
method, order, and direction, both for matter and maner, as I could possiblie devise.,
or was requisite for such a worke, to make it profitable to the simple and unlearned
reader. Lastlie, bicause the diversitie of matter forced a distinction of the treati {Handwritten addition: 7 [Gap in transcription—4 charactersobscured]} end of handwritten addition {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—4 charactersobscured]} end of handwritten addition
ses, I fitly, as I could, have divided and contrived the whole booke into seven severall
parts or Lampes: all which for divers good and approoved considerations I
terme or intitle by this generall name, The Monument of Matrones.
And now make bold, yet under the deliberate view, and carefull correction of
manie verie grave, wise, learned, and godlie Divines, thereunto appointed by authoritie:
as also with the approbation and allowance of the right reverend father
in God my Lord the bishop of London, to publish the same abroad in print, as a
booke, in the judgement of them that are learned, not unprofitable to the church:
but verie necessarie, and in some respect, more proper and peculiar for the private
use of women, than hertofore hath beene set out by anie. Which I have doone not
for that there lacked praier bookes sufficient for women to read, but onelie to increase
the plentie of heavenlie comforts, wherewith this our church and realme
of England (thanks be to God) floweth: as also to make this treatise heretofore
(in part) private to my selfe, and a few of my freends, now publike and common also
to you good christian readers. For behold (I protest) I have not laboured for my
selfe, but for you, and all them that seeke knowledge, feare God, be devout, and
would (not by fits and starts, as those that can find scarse anie leisare to attend upon
the Lord and his service as they ought: but) daie and night continuallie and
incessantlie, either silentlie in hart with Hanna, or openlie in mouth with Marie,
as they are bound, spend their whole life, and make it their whole worke to
praie, meditate, and read Gods word with other such good bookes, or at the least
to allow to themselves some little portion or part of the daie and night, to prostrate
themselves apart from all companie in praier and meditation before the
Lord of heaven and earth their creator, redeemer, and saviour, and that in all christian
perfection, and humble obedience to his word and commandements. So have
you good reader, by the goodnesse of God, who worketh all our works for us, here
now at the length in this Monument or collection conteined (if you list so for distinction
or names sake to call or intitle them) not onelie a burning Lampe for virgins,
but also a christiall Mirrour for Matrones: as also a delectable Diall for to direct
you to true devotion, with a perfect President or register of holie praier for all
women generally to have recourse unto as to their homelie or domestical librarie.

First, a Lampe, readie replenished and prepared of the wise virgins, with that
fragrant oile, pretious perfume, and odoriferous incense of holie invocation, pure
praier, divine sacrifice, and heavenlie worship, wherewith God is so highlie pleased,
and whereby at his holie hand the virgine or single woman, through the intercession
of Christ, obteineth the gift of puritie, modestie, shamefastnesse, and chastitie:
the deflowred woman findeth grace to repent, and to be restored to favour both
with God and men: the naturall or stepdaughter to reverence and obeie hir parents
in all childlike duties: the wooed woman not to be by anie meanes cosined
or abused in marriage: the yoong married wife to consecrate hir selfe to live holilie
in that honourable estate: the elder married woman, to live lovinglie, faithfullie,
and quietlie with hir husband: the woman with child, to escape the pit of
so great perils, and to be thankfull for hir mightie deliverance after childbirth:
the midwife, and women assistants, dutifullie and diligentlie to aid, comfort,
and cherish the travelling woman: the mother carefullie to bring up hir children:
the daughter naturallie to cherish and obeie hir mother: the mother in
lawe, to live charitablie and lovinglie with the daughter in lawe: againe, the
daughter in lawe to behave hir selfe christianlie and curteouslie to the mother in lawe: B2r
lawe: the dame or mistresse, to intreate hir handmaids well: the handmaids to
shew all dutifull and faithfull service to their mistresse: the widowe, to comfort hir
selfe in all sorrowes: the old woman to number hir daies, that she may applie hir
hart unto wisedome: both yoong and old, one and other to consider their creation,
condition, vocation, and salvation, the better to live to learne, to learne to live, and
to live to die. To conclude, a Lampe (I saie) for all estates and degrees of women
generallie, to carrie ever in their hands and hart by the burning light and flaming
fire of the reading whereof, their faith, knowledge, zeale, devotion, perseverance in
praier, almes deeds, fasting, with the love of God and their brethren, the desire of
verture, and all maner of godlinesse shall be thoroughlie kindled and increased in
them, so oft as they wax cold, heavie, drowsie, slouthfull, dull, negligent, and remisse,
by too much bodilie ease, worldlie prosperitie, vaine pleasures, pomps, and delights
of this wretched life: and they at all times made readie, like wise and prudent
virgins, to meet the bridegroome whensoever he commeth, to be received of
him, and to enter with him joifullie into the celestiall wedding chamber of his
eternall happinesse, there to glorifie and praise him for ever and ever.

Secondlie, a Mirrour for all sorts of wicked women, as in a cleere glasse with
Athalia, Jezabell, Herodias, and such like, perfectlie to see their shamelesse pride,
crueltie, idolatrie, and contempt of religion, with Putiphers wife, to behold their
incontinencie and infidelitie towards their husbands: with Appam their shamelesse
impudencie: with Cozbi, their manifest whoordome and adulterie: with the
witch of Endor, their abhominable sorceries: with Queene Vashthy their disobedience
to their sovereigne: with Bethshemah and Judith their rebellious stubbornesse
to their loving parents in lawe: with Hagar their contempt of their mistresse:
with Miriam their murmuring against their onelie brother: with Heva their subtiltie and covetousnes to beguile their husbands: with Zipporah, Michol,
Jobs wife, old Anna, Tobit, &c. their unsemelie upbraidings and bitter taunting,
or chiding of their godlie husbands, &c. least that for their great impietie and
ungodlinesse with Queene Maacha, they be desposed from their seate of majestie:
or with Baara, and Q.Queen Vasthy, they be divorced from their husbands: or with Athalia,
they be slaine without the temple: or with Cozbi, be thrust through with
a sword, or with Jezabel, in all their braverie they be throwne headlong downe into
the street out of their owne windowe, and be eaten and devoured of dogs, and so
want the honour of christian buriall: or with Saphyra be stricken with sudden
death at the Apostles feet: or with the Levites wife be shamefullie abused to
death, and after chopt in peeces: or with Samsons wife be burnt to ashes in the
house where they dwell: to conclude, least with the whoore of Babel they be cast
quicke into the bottomlesse pit of perdition: or with the five foolish virgins they
be shut cleane out of heaven, and go alive downe into hell, there to be damned for
ever, if in time they call not for grace to beware and repent them of their former
wickednesse. Againe, a Mirrour contratiwise for all godlie and vertuous women
plainlie to behold the faith, religion, modestie, sobrietie, sinceritie of life and conversation
of Sara, Ruth, Q.Queen Candaces, Bernice Susanna, Elizabeth, the blessed
virgine Marie, &c. The holinesse, devotion, feare of God, justice, uprightnesse, &c. of
Hanna, Q.Queen Hester, &c. The rare wisedome, excellent knowledge, great learning, politike
governement, courage, magnanimitie, with the memorable vertues of Deborah,
Abigael, Bethsheba, Huldah, Jael, the women of Tekoah, Philips foure
daughters, the Ladie commended by saint John, &c. The famous cities, and statelie
territories and towers built by Sherah that noble Gentlewoman to hir perpetuall
renowme. The bountifull hospitalitie, great liberality, and often almes
deeds of the Shunainitesse that vertuous Gentlewoman, of Dorcas, Lydia, Joanna,
Judith, &c. The constant and faithfull love towards their husbands of Sara,
Michol, Susanna, &c. The motherlie and carefull affection towards their children
of Sara, Hannah, Bethsheba, the blessed virgine Marie, the widowe of Sarepta,
Samson’s mother, &c. The dutifull obedience towards their parents, of Q.Queen Hester,
Jepthas daughter, Orpha, Ruth, Sara, &c. The good intreatie and chistian behaviour
towards their handmaids, of Sara, Lea, Judith, &c. The fidelitie and obedient
service towards their mistresse of Hagar, Abia, Rhode, &c. The great kindnesse
and curtesie towards their freends, kindred, and aliance of Bethsheba, Elizabeth,
Q.Queen Hester, Jehosheba, Rizpah, &c. The womanlie pitie & tender harted compassion B.2. and B2v
and affection toward the distressed and persecuted members of Christ, of Puah,
Shiphrah, Rachel, Pharaos daughter, Rizpah, Q.Queen Hester, Jehosheba, Pilates
wife, Marie Magdalen, Martha, &c. The sore labour and paines taking to get
their owne living, of Anna Tobit, Lydia, Naomy, Ruth, Dorcas, &c. finallie, the
admirable humilitie, and invincible patience and constancie in all adversities and
persecution even to the death and martyrdome, of Jepthas daughter, Susanna, the
mother of the seven brethren, and women of the Machabites, and manie other:
that looking in this glasse of the holie lives of their foremothers, they may chritianlie
conforme and adorne themselves after their good examples, and become
for their rare vertues verie beautifull spouses in the sight of their spirituall bridegroome
Jesus Christ: to whom, as the kings daughters, they may appeere all
glorious within, and of whom with the lambes wife they may be marked in the
forehead with the testimonie of his name Jesus, to the end that being clothed
with the sunne of righteousnesse, and crowned with the twelve stars of God and
his word, and treading the moone of this worldlie affections under their feet, they
may evermore be delivered by him their valiant Michael, and his angels from
the power of the red dragon, which so greedilie gapeth to devoure them: and possesse
their soules in patience, in the restfull place of the presence of God, long since
prepared for the elect, where they shall be nourished and preserved for time & times,
and together with all holie virgins, matrones, martyrs, and elect people of God,
joifullie triumph and be glad for the gift of their everlasting happinesse.

Thirdlie, a Diall of devotion to direct you by the glorious globe and shine of
the bright sunne of righteousnesse, which inlighteneth all things in the world, verie
readilie and plainlie at all feasts and seasons of the yeere, and at all houres and
times of the daie and night continuallie unto the holie mount of heavenlie contemplation
and to the christian meditation and consideration of everlasting felicitie
in celestiall things, the better to contemne and forget all terrene, base, vile, momentanie,
and earthlie vanities.

Fourthlie and lastlie, a domesticall librarie plentifullie stored and replenished
both of the best approoved presidents of christian praiers and divine meditations,
made from time to time by manie right godlie authors, men and women of all
ages: and also of the chosen sentences or perfect precepts of holie scripture concerning
the christian duties of all degrees and estates of women in their severall
callings, together with the pleasant histories and memorable acts, lives, and death
of all maner of women good and bad, by name or without name, mentioned in the
old and new testaments of the bible, where among, for the better understanding of
the text, I have inserted some notes out of the Geneva bible with some difference
by parenthesis, verie necessarie for the simple reader. All which treatises, though
not so portable, yet so delectable, profitable, and readie prepared to lie in your secret
chamber or oratorie to use: howsoever intituled or called, God grant they may as
diligentlie be read and fruitfullie practised of you, good readers, as they and everie
of them (I am sure) were painfullie compiled and faithfullie purposed of the authors.
And for these, and all other such good helpes and furtherances to faith, devotion,
and godlinesse, God make both you and me alwaie thankfull unto his majestie,
who by all meanes, at all times, and through all ages, most gratiouslie useth
both the ministerie of men and angels, to doo us good continuallie, that through
our unthankfulnesse and wilfull contempt of his good gifts and graces dailie offered
by so manie high, learned, and painfull hands, we may not loose the same
and the profit thereof, by loathing that, which we ought most to love and imbrace,
but rather in good time by our grateful acceptation and approbation of that which
deserves good liking, gaine to our selves comfort and consolation, and encourage
others (which as yet of anie singular affection for their private use conceale or deteine
the woorks of anie godlie authors men or women) to take good opportunitie
by this occasion offered even for the common benefit of Christs congregation,
to publish the same abroad, for the perfection of this good worke, to the glorie of
God, and the authors everlasting praise and commendation both with God and
men: that full deservablie it may be said of them, as most woorthilie it is of these
my right christian and heroicall authors. Etsi mors indies accelerat, Viuit tamen post funera virtus. Thus B3r
Thus being awaked by last of a[Gap in transcription—2-3 charactersdamaged] as one that gathereth after them the vintage,
I have laboured as you see (good reader[Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsdamaged]a poore gleanenr grape gatherer
with restlesse Ruth to go after the maidens in [Gap in transcription—1 worddamaged]e harvest as to gleane and gather
for my mother Naomi certeine handfuls of corn, [Gap in transcription—1-2 charactersdamaged]rter the reapers and painfull
labourers among the sheaves, let fall of devotion in the fruitfull feelds of charitable
Boaz: and have assailed, as you well perceive, to replenish my wine presse
with the grapes of the Lords plentifull vintage, and to fill my lampes brimfull
with the oile of Gods good blessing and rich store, left behind by the wise virgins
in the holie vessels of his increase. Here therefore if I might be so bold without
offense, as in the name of the foresaid blessed Boaz, I would gladlie exhort and
persuade Ruth, and in hir all other godlie women of the simple sort, to followe this
his good counsell (who saith: heare me, my daughter, and go to none other feeld
to gather, neither depart from hence to gleane, but abide here by my maidens, let
thine eies be on the feeld that they doo reape in, and go thou after the maidens:
and when thou art athirst go also to the vessels, and drinke of that which the servants
and handmaids have drawne, and when thou art hungrie, come hither and
eate of the bread, and dip thy morsell in the vineger, and sit by the reapers, and thou
shalt be satisfied to the full.) So now least you should gather by anie method, order,
division, title, direction, or application, that you shall find in this booke, or anie part
therof that I go about nicelie, curiouslie, or strictlie to injoine you to observe hours,
daies, feasts, times, or seasons, or to bind you unlawfullie to an impossibilitie, as of
necessitie to use all or everie of these praiers and meditations, in place, maner, and
forme as they are set downe (although it is to be wished that for the most part they
might, if it were possible, or the necessities of this turbulent life would permit)
that you should not mistake me, I saie, and judge that my purpose is in anie respect
to hinder common praier, or interrupt the ministration of the word and sacraments
in the church, where & at what time I knowe we ought all to glorifie God
together with one hart, spirit, and mouth, and to be no otherwise occupied, either
in reading or in praieng, than the publike minister is, unlesse we would be deemed
meere superstitious, and under the pretense of severall devotion to commit manifest
ungodlinesse: I thinke it verie necessarie for me to let you understand (gentle
reader) that my meaning herby was and is, simplie first to plaie the part of a faithfull
collector, by following my copies trulie, and placing their works and praiers
together as I found them referred by the authors for private or publike use: secondlie,
for order and memorie sake, after the good example of the learned fathers
of our time, to intitle, reduce, and applie those other godlie meditations and praiers,
which for the matter I found woorthie the more often use in the church, or
elsewhere, unto some more speciall place, apt time, and peculiar purpose, than heretofore
(to my knowledge) by anie others have beene intituled, referred, or applied.
But thirdlie and principallie by the meanes of some plaine forme and easie method
of praier and meditation, to prepare for the unlearned at all times, and in all
places such and so manie sorts, as to avoid ignorance and tediousenesse might convenientlie
serve to further their godlie desires, to the glorie of God, the confusion
of sathan, and their owne eternall comfort in Christ Jesus: referring them notwithstanding,
which you shall find proper for the church to be used there onelie at
convenient times by the ordinances of the church lawfullie permitted: the rest
which are more private to be used elsewhere at your discretions, when and so often
as opportunitie shall serve, and Gods spirit by his heavenlie motion give you anie
occasion. For as I would not have you thinke hereby, that I my selfe doo in all respects
observe this order here prescribed (although I assure you I strive to doo it
either within booke or without: and repent from the bottome of my hart the often
omission of it in times past) so I wish you good readers, which christianlie have
consecrated and vowed to give your selves to this holie exercise (as the Lord, I
saie, in mercie shall give you grace, leisure, time, and occasion, and not suffer you to
be tired with anie worldlie necessitie) in the name and feare of God, to observe this
or that order, method, forme, or direction, which he in his word dooth allow of, or
you knowe best will keepe you in the continuall faith, feare, and favour of God.

For trust me, if you will but a little together with me call these ten memorable
things to your christian remembrance in this so holie an exercise. First, the 1
commandements of almightie God himselfe, whom in consideration of our owne B.3. great B3v {Handwritten addition: comandment} end of handwritten addition
great miserie an necessitie, and com[Gap in transcription—3-4 charactersdamaged]acke of the christian congregation, hath
willed us to call upnupon him, saieng: “Praie alwaies with all maner of praiers and supplicati {Handwritten addition: promises} end of handwritten addition
2 ons in the spirit, and wake thereunto [Gap in transcription—3-4 charactersdamaged]with all perseverance.”
Secondlie, his most sweet and
comfortable promises made gratiouslie both to heare and grant our godlie and
lawfull requests, saieng: “Aske, and ye shall have; seeke, and ye shall find; knocke, and it shall be
opened unto you: for everie one that calleth upon the name of the Lord, and departeth from iniquitie,
{Handwritten addition: manifold sinnes} end of handwritten addition 3 shall be saved, &c.”
Thirdlie, our great and manifold sinnes, whereof we are guiltie,
which will not suffer us to sit still without care, but driveth us of necessitie to beg
{Handwritten addition: weake nature
do any good} end of handwritten addition
4 his most gratious pardon. Fourthlie, our feeble flesh and weake nature unable in
everie respect to doo anie good thing, which requireth continuall praier to aid and
{Handwritten addition: sutheltie of sathan} end of handwritten addition 5 strength it. Fiftlie, the wilie subtiltie of our spirituall enimie sathan, who privilie
lurketh in the inward parts, wating even in our best actions to trip and over
{Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—2 wordsobscured]} end of handwritten addition 6 throwe us, against whom we must by fervent praier vehementlie strive. Sixtlie,
our owne greevous assalts and cruell temptations, which never give us truce, rest,
{Handwritten addition: zeale of good glory} end of handwritten addition 7 nor quietnesse, but hasten us verie much unto God for helpe. Seventhlie, the zeale
of the glorie of God, and advancement of his kingdome, which ought wholie to
drawe and moove us continuallie to exercise our selves in the service of God.
{Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—5 wordsobscured]} end of handwritten addition 8 Eightlie, the dailie dangers and continuall calamities that hourelie hang over our
heads, which give us all cause enough, yea even the most holie, and that with sighs
and grones continuallie to flie unto God our heavenlie father, and call upon him
{Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—2 wordsobscured]goodness} end of handwritten addition 9 by fervent praiers. Ninthlie, the infinite benefits and greatr blessings of God so
bountifullie and plentifullie everie waie powred continuallie upon us, which give
us both ample matter, and just occasion, hourelie by thankesgiving, even from the
{Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1 wordobscured] of praise} end of handwritten addition 10 bottome of our harts to praise and magnifie him for the same. Tenthlie and lastlie,
the great excellencie, woorthinesse, necessitie, vertue, fruit, and profit of true and
christian praier, consisting partlie in the dignitie of God the commander, and partlie
in the effect of obteining of whatsoever we aske according to his will. These
things I saie, good reader, well considered, I suppose you will saie here is nothing
superfluous: but all little enough to so needfull and profitable an exercise of our
faith, praier I meane, as wherein the peace of conscience, yea our whole salvation
consisteth, and whereby God himselfe is said to be present with us, not onelie by
his providence to watch over us, but also by his power to susteine and succour us,
and by his goodnesse and mercie to receive us into his fatherlie grace and favour.

Yea I doubt not, but you will willinglie confesse with me, I saie, that all sorts
of devout women have great cause, and that continuallie, to take these lamps into
their hands, thereby either with banished Hagar to acknowledge Gods graces towards
them: or with desolate Naomi to praie that God would blesse their children
to be staies and staves of their age to their comfort: or with hevie Hanna to
powre out their harts before the Lord in teares for a sonne, and for his mercie and
favour towards them: or with wise Abigael, by praier to prevent the mischeefes
that hang as well over their heads, as their families: yea or with hir often on
their knees to praie for the good prosperitie and preservation of their gratious governour
Queene Elizabeth: or with the church and faithfull soule of all christians,
to long for the kisses of the peace of Christ their spirituall spouse, and never
to cease daie nor night to seeke him, whom their soule loveth, till by praier and meditation
they have found him: or with the wofull daughter of Sion, to lament and
mourne pitiouslie for their sinnes, till their miseries be mitigated, and they comforted;
or with sorrowfull Sara Tobit in fasting, and teares to be delivered from
dailie reproches and slanderous toongs: or with vertuous Judith in sackcloth
and ashes to obteine strength and courage mightilie to destroie and ouuvercome
proud Olophernes, with all the huge host of his bloudie ruffians: or with noble
Queene Hester to proclaime a fast, and call their virgins, families, and people together,
to praie daie and night to the hazarding of their owne lives also, if need so
require for their owne further preservation, and their peoples and subjects safetie
and deliverance out of the hands of cruell Haman, and all his seditious conspirators:
or with chast and innocent Susanna to appeale to God the high judge of judges,
to be acquitted from a violent death by false accusation, and more unjust condemnation:
or with the afflicted church in exile, to acknowledge their sinnes, and
call for mercie to be delivered from distresse: or with the woman of Canaan to flie
unto Christ in all necessities, to be releeved both bodilie and ghostlie: or with our most B4r
most gratious Sovereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth, to muse [Gap in transcription—1-2 charactersdamaged]inelie of the
inward love of the soule towards Christ their spouse, their Lord and father, mother
and brother: or with the vertnuous Ladie Queene Katherine, to bewaile
the ignorance of their blind life led in superstition: and with hir also in all their
troubles to stir up their godlie minds patientlie to suffer all afflictions for the love
of everlasting felicitie: or with the right godlie Ladie Jane Dudley to endure the
crosse to death most patientlie: or with good Ladie Tirwit to exercise themselves
morning and evening in fruitfull and godlie praiers, psalmes, hymnes, and meditations:
or with the honourable Ladie Aburgaivennie by the like, to tread the
path to paradise for the health of their soule: or with holie Agunus and Eulalia
the martyrs, to triumph in the victorie of Christs death: or with Anne Askew the
martyr to praie hartilie for their enimies: or with maister Bradfords mother to
be petitioners unto God for the constancie in faith to death of their children: or
with mistresse Dorcas Marten carefullie to instruct their whole familie in the
principall points of christian religion: or with other grave and godlie matrones
unknowne, to exhort others to mortification and holinesse of life, and to flie unto
God in all troubles for releefe as he hath commanded.

That so with the five foolish virgins it be never too late for them to crie, “Lord,
Lord, open to us”
: but that to their comforts and the praise of God, with Miriam
they may evermore upon their timbrels sing the song of Moses, for their mightie
and miraculous deliverance from sathan their spirituall Pharao: and with Debora
give great thanks for the victorie got by our Jahel against Sicera: and with
holie Hannah rejoise from the hart, and praise God in the temple for the birth of
their children, and safe deliverance: and with the women of Israel triumph upon
timbrels for the famous victories of Davids daughter our noble Queene
had against all hir enimies: and with the spirituall spouse at the
marriage daie sing the sweet song of songs to the glorie of the bridegroome Christ
: and with Sara Tobit blesse the name of God for their deliverence from
slanderous reproches, and the evill spirit Asmodeus, that enimie of holie matrimonie:
and with holie Judith highlie praise God for hir and hir peoples mightie
preservation out of the hands of their cruell enimies: and with the blessed virgine
Marie continuallie magnifie the Lord their Saviour, for their high exaltation
and favour with God, with men, and with angels: and with our most gratious
Queene Elizabeth, incessantlie to yeeld all possible praise and hartie
thanks for their so often, mightie, and marvellous preservation and deliverance
from so manie kinds of dangers, yea deaths and destruction pretended by sathan
and his bloudie ministers dailie against them.

Finallie, that all godlie women (taking hereby good occasion with these their
holie foremothers continuallie to make their petitions for the preventing of
evils: their supplications, for the obteining of all things needfull for soule and
bodie: their intercessions as well for others, as for themselves: and their thanksgivings
for corporall and spiritual benefits received) may shew themselves daughters
woorthie such mothers: virgins woorthie such lamps of perpetuall virginitie:
and women woorthie such ghostlie weapons of their right christian ministration
to helpe their weakenesse (praiers, precepts, and meditations I meane)
by following their vertues wiselie in the perfect feare of God: by bearing the same
in the hand of their harts carefullie in the due obedience of their prince: and by
fighting therewith in Golgatha the field of this spirituall warfare, the good fight
of faith couragiouslie in the pure love of their countrie, and christian charitie towards
their neighbours: and at the last in the world to come to the glorie of God,
& their everlasting comfort togither with the wise virgins, and all the elect people
of God, joifullie triumph over all weaknesse, infirmitie, and corruption: yea over
sinne, death, hell, and damnation, and saie: “Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh hell, where is thy

But now if in wading so far in this argument of praier, and in making this
volume so big, anie shall thinke or saie, that I, by mine idlenesse and time thus
spent, am verie chargeable unto them: and considering the plentie of praier books
more portable alreadie extant, shall judge me to have taken a verie needlesse or
bootlesse travell, or to have laboured in vaine, and spent my strength for nothing,
as he that would adde stars to the skie, or light a lampe at noone daie, and thereforeB.4. fore B4v
shall deeme me woorthie in their opinions to loose both Oleum & operam. Oh
forgive me this wrong I praie you: and considering that I could not otherwise
either satisfie my selfe to go forward in my determined purpose, according to the
prescript order of this collection, or pleasure the simple reader with such plentie
and varietie of profitable matter, especiallie in so good paper and faire usuall letter,
a thing to the aged and feeble sighted reader verie gratefull and much desired.
Let me intreate you whosoever you be, to measure the same rather by the goodnesse
or deerenesse of the volume, which to the willing and desirous mind are
ever best cheape. So no doubte shall the pleasure and profit of the one at the least
countervaile, if not far surmount, the paine and charges of the other.

As for my selfe (good reader) who have rudelie as you see undertaken this
great labour, I protest, I have doone it neither of presumption, as he that would
usurpe the office of a Divine, and intrude himselfe into the studies of other professions:
nor of arrogancie, as he that would boast and make great brags of other
mens labours: nor of envie, as he that went about to make frustrate and insufficient
the painfull and godlie works of better learned: neither yet of ambition or
vaineglorie, as he that gaped after the praise and commendation of anie, or that
would faine seeme to be approoved and registred of anie Chronicler for an author,
or one that knoweth somewhat, who in deed knowes nothing, much lesse for all
this deserves to be thought of above that, which anie either of their owne knowledge,
or by true report doo, or shall see in me, knowe me to be, or heare of me.
Therefore I saie (good reader) my judgement, howsoever it please others to judge
of me, and of mine intent herein, is, I knowe with the Lord that formed me from
the wombe, to be his servant: for he is the eie witnesse of mine integritie and simple
meaning herein, I saie, in whom my life in hid, and to whom I am made manifest,
doo live, and must die.

As for my worke (so honourable for the verie authors, so godlie for the matter,
so necessarie for the time, so profitable for the persons, so excellent for the use,
and so convenient to increase pietie and christianitie in the simpler sort, howsoever
otherwise with some carping heads, and evill disposed readers, with Aesops dog
in the manger never given either to doo well themselves, or to judge rightlie and
speake truth of others) it is I am right well assured with my God, who first put me
in mind to take it in hand, and in, by, and through whom onelie I confesse with
humble and hartie thankesgiving after manie a yeeres sore travell, in studie much
sweet, long watching, and great expences, I have now at the length finished the
same I trust to his glorie, your profit, and mine owne comfort.

Therefore leaning to all and everie of the woorthie works of other godlie
men or women howsoever here or elsewhere extant, their particular use in the
church of God, as they were published: and to the honourable authors themselyes
their due deserved praise and perpetuall commendation to all posteritie, with exhortation
to all godlie christians reverentlie, willinglie, and thankfullie to read,
receive, and imprace the same, as wherein to the better fulfilling of so heavenlie an
exercise of our faith most agreeable to Gods good will and word is perfectlie supplied
and accomplished, by the rare gifts, ornaments, and graces of the holie
Ghost in the compilers, whatsoever otherwise through ignorance, wanteth both
in me, and perhaps in you also (good readers) if you be unlearned. (Give them
therefore, O give them, I saie, and that woorthilie of the fruit of their owne hands,
and let their owne works praise them in all the world.) I to conclude humbly submit
my selfe unto the grave judgements of the godlie learned, and mine heroicall
authors living, of whom I meeklie crave pardon for this my bold enterprise attempted
both with bashfulnesse, doubtfulnesse, and feare to become a writer in this
so learned an age, or to trouble your studies with my rude labours. And here lastlie
I offer these my labours such as they are unto the good liking and favourable
correction as well in matter, as in maner of you my right christian learned readers,
of whom in full recompense and satisfaction of anie fruit, that either you or the simpler
sort shall hereby reape, I onelie now make this request, as dutifullie to reverence
the divine works of so noble and learned authors, by whose holie travels
you perceive your selves to enjoie most inestimable benefits: so freendlie to take
in good part these first fruits of my poore studies, proceeding from a well meaning mind, B5r
mind, and built upon so good foundations, as from him that did that hee could
though not that he ought to benefit all, and to hurt or offend none. That they being
now as lamps well esteemed of in the opinion of the rich in vertue and knowledge,
and gratefullie accepted and approoved of the learneder sort, as the monuments
of so famous matrones, may yet at the least for their sakes become welcome
and aprooved of all other simple christians, and I by that meanes greatlie
incouraged to go forward in vertuous studies for the benefit of my countrie, with
hartie thankesgiving unto God both for his mercie, and your great curtesie and
goodnesse towards me, in whom I bid you farewell, and unto whose heavenlie defense,
almightie protection, divine favour, and continuall blessing, I finallie commend
and betake both these my labours, my selfe, and you deere and welbeloved
readers, beseeching you to love me, as I love yon unfainedlie, to speake of me and
my worke, no woorse than I doo of you and yours christianlie, and that for his
sake alone that loved us all most deerelie, & in that love for us all enured all maner
of reproch and slanders that might be most patientlie, even to the effusion of
his most pretious bloud often and sundrie times trulie, as well as fervent praier as in sweat, and otherwise on the crosse for our eternall glorie: to whom
therefore, and for all the inestimable benefits of his bloudie praiers,
dririe death, and bitter passion be evermore rendred and given
as of writers and readers, so of angels, men, and all
creatures in heaven, in earth, or in the deepe,
all possible praise and perpetuall glorie
that hart can thinke, hand
can worke, or toong can
speake, Amen.

Yours as his owne in him that is
all in all, and our owne for ever,

Thomas Bentley.


Facies militantis Ecclesiæ.

Iam propè sexagies redijt centesimus annus,

Quùum læso æternum seruans sub pectore vulnus,

Incensis animis gerit implacabile bellum

Cum serpentino mulièris femine femen.

Nam pater omnipotens (neciam pater: improbus ex quo

Seduxit serpens primos errore parentes)

Nullus amor natis, dixit, nec fœdera sunto.

Exoriare aliquis pura de virgine vindex,

Cuius dextra caput serpentis conterat, & cui

Iratus serpens leniter calcanea tundat.

Nunc olim stirpem pono, & genus omne futurum

Exercendum odijs vtrinq;: atq; impero tolli

Infestas aquilas aquilis, contraria pilis

Pila, alas alis, & signa minantia signis.

Hæc Deus ex illo struere & malè nectere serpens

Arte dolos cœpit, bellíq; opponere molem.

Nulla quies: ætas, quæ tempore fluxit ab illo,

Militia est; hostis factum iam grande periclis

Ingenium, & longo creuit solertia bello.

Effrendétq; draco ruber immortalibus iris,

Crudelis, repar´tq; nouas in prælia vires,

Audet & à nobis sumptis confligere telis.

Nam peccatorum, benè quæ numerantur ab illo,

Vel numero miseras animas vel pondere terret.

Tunc aptè mortem peccati ostendere stipem,

Tunc stygias turmas, totúmq; Acheronta ciere

Promptus, & hijs hominem petit exitialibus armis:

Non par lex huius, non ius æquabile pubnæ:

Nos sumus in terris, est in cœlestibus hostis.

Non pede congreditur pes, densúsq; viro vir:

Sed micat in tenebris, & spiritualibus armis

Vtitur, & nocet, & non vult nocuisse videri

Improbus, infligit vulnus, neq; vulneris author

Extat: sic pugnat, sic est metuendus Abaddon.

Adde alios hostes, quos intùs habemus & extra.

Hinc caro nos blandis odijs, affabilis hostis

Enecat, & leni peccati imbuta veneno

Strangulat, inclusas animas & conficit intùs.

Extra alias scelerum faces, diráasq; cohortes,

Et coniuratum cernas obsistere mundum.

Quacunq; aspicimus, timor vndique & vndique terror,

Infernæq; ruunt acies prædámq; requirunt

Christicolas. Quem das finem, rex magne laborum?

Nos tua progenies cœli quibus annuis arcen

Perdimur, ac cœli longè disiungimur oris.

Hæc est illa fides, potis est quæ vincere mundun,

Inferníq; fores? Sic nos in sceptra reponis?

Ollis subridens Christus, qui cuncta serenat,

Oscula libauit natis, dein talia fatus:

Nata B6r

Nata Deo proles ex viui femine verbi,

O multum dilecta mihi, dilecta parenti,

stáne per tantos semper iactabere fluctus?

Nec quæ sit tua spes, quæ sit victoria, noris?

Tu sathanam? Tu tela times ignita gehennæ?

Esto: tuos quondam potuit superare parentes,

Nec dum animo exciderint iræ sæuóq; dolores,

Et veteres verset fraudes, ac pectora tentet,

Atque omne secum Phlegetonta in prælia ducat,

Idcircóne tuo poteris diffidere Christo?

Nec venit in mentem, quam crux ferat alma salutem?

Ille, vides? Leo terribilis, quíque omnia sæuus

Circuit, immanis rugit, prædámque futuram

Faucibus expectat siccis, quem pessima ventris

Exigit impransum rabies, exutus, inermis,

In cruce confossus iacet: en victor Leo Iudæ,

Inferni fregit portas, & contudit omnes

Peccati vires, & mortem morte peremit.

Hæc spolia æterna, has lauros ex hoste reporto.

Ecce Deum summum medijs est cernere terris,

In cœlis hominem, tibi sese æterna reseruant

Gaudia, cum superis homini benè conuenit, actum est,

Vicisti, pepigit cum terra fœdera cœlum.

Iam Cherubinorum vaginæ includitur ensis,

Atque iterum tibi se tradit para disus habendum.

Námque ego, quem gremio tellus absorpsit iniquo,

Vincula perrupi mortis, cœlúmque petitui.

Et cupis hijs mecum pariter considere regnis?

Regnum quod teneo vestrum est: hîc meta laborum.

Iudáque, génsque mihi nullo discrimine agétur.

Pugnat adhuc sathanas & confert agmina: pugnet,

Iusti materiem præbet tibi pugna triumphi:

Per varios casus, per multa pericula rerum

Tenditur in cœlum, sedes vbi fata quietas

Ostendunt, illic fas læta pace potiri,

Durato, & temet rebus seruato secundis,

Sic placitum: dum ín te pietas excocta periclis

Splendeat, & viua formetur imagine Christus.

Tempus erit, quùm me, paucis labentibus annis.

Cernes in densis venientem nubibus, & quùm

Regnabis mecum, & victo dominaberis hosti.

To modò posce Deum veniam, sacrísque litatis,

Arma assume Dei, causásq; innecte morandi.

I, bona, simplicitas animi tibi baltheus esto,

Quo stes contra ictus omnes circundata lumbos;

Indue iustitiæ thoracem, & pectora muni,

Tum pro calceolis cœlestis nuncia pacis,

Aptato pedibus certis: super omnia viuæ

Sume manu scutum fidei, galeámque salutis

Spem capiti imponas, lateríque accingere ferrum

Spirituale B6v

Spirituale pares, & in hostem stringe rebellem:

Quicquid & aduersum verbo est, interfice verbo.

Sic vbi iam mundi decursa volubilis ætas,

Post exantlatæ diuersa pericula pugnæ,

Non arescentis folijs redimita coronæ,

Fœlix cœlestem patriam Hierosolyma cernes.

Dixerat: extemplo mœstos attollere vultus

Cœpit, & afflictis lætari ecclesia rebus;

Infusóq; oleo manibus sua lumina portans,

Præstolánsque suum patiens & læta maritum,

Vota Deo supplex animo solennia sundit.


Rob. Marbeck ad

Avscultas nostris diuina potentia votis;

Et prece, non pretio flecitur ira Dei.

Perlege scripturas, & sancta volumina patrum;

Assiduis precibus nos vigilare iubent.

Si malè te morbus prostratis viribus vrat;

Si te paupertas inuidiosa premat;

Per steriles saltus, per dura & inhospita saxa

Passibus ambiguis, si vel inermis eas,

Si mare te iactet, si tempestatibus actus,

Et cœlum, & terras, mox ruitura putes:

Si te circunstet vel mille pericula mortis;

Inuoca, nil dubitans numina, saluus eris.

Ergo si precibus vis tanta putetur inesse,

Præponi precibus, nil (mihi crede) potest.

Hic labor, hic liber est, tibi quem Bentleius offert,

Nil aliud resonans, quàm pietate preces;

Et pius est Author: pius & conatus: vtrunq;

Cur perames, causam candide lector, habes.

Argumentum libri.

Vin; tibi quid portent hæc sciere volumina septem?

Occurunt animo lumina sparsa tuo.

Nulla quidem frustra est prælata a virgine lampas:

Ostendit varias illáq;, & illa preces.

1 Prima docet Myriam, quas olim & Debora fudit,

Quas Domino Judith fudit & Anna preces.

2 Altera reginis quas a nostratibus vsquam

Legimus in medijs incaluisse malis.

Hîc Katherina suas, mulieribus æmula sanctis,

Hîc cernit Princeps Elizabetha suas.

3 Tertia habet psalmos, quos pro solamine nostræ

Reginæ docti composuere viri.

Hîc modo de nostri loquitur moderamine regni,

Excipit hîc votum principis ore Deus.

Quarta B7r

4 Quarta alias fusè complectitur omnibus aptas

Personis, rebus, temporibúsq; preces.

5 Quinta precum formas narrat, quas fœmina quæuis

Seu virgo fuerit, five marita, legat.

6 Sexta locos recitat sacris e fontibus haustos,

Possit us officium fœmina scire suum.

7 Continet historias illarum septima, quarum

Vel bona vita fuit, vel mala vita fuit.

Hinc Saram propone tibi, castámq; Rebeccam;

Et subeat menti sancta Maria tuæ.

Illinc ante oculos infamis Iezabel adsit,

Occurrátq; tibi labe notata Thamar.

Sic exempla pares illustria, turpia vites:

Historiæ fructus maximus ille sacræ.

Interea Bentlee, tuo de lumine lumen,

Qui facis accensum fratribus esse tuis:

Hîc æterna pij cernis monumenta laboris,

Hî zeli laus est non peritura tui.


A breefe catalog of the memorable names of sundrie right famous
Queenes, godlie Ladies, and vertuous women of all ages, which in their
kind and countries were notablie learned, and whereof some marked
with this marke “*” were the authors of a great part of this booke, as
shall appeere: set foorth in alphabeticall order.

  • A.

    • Abigael Queene.
    • Agnes martyr.
    • Agrippina.
    • Anna.
    • Anne Askew martyr.
    • Anne Bacon.
    • Anne Basset.
    • Angelia virgine.
    • Argentaria.
    • Assiothea.
    • Aspatia.
  • B.

    • Bridgit.
    • Bundivica.
  • C.

    • Cambra.
    • Cassandra virgine.
    • Catherina Cellia.
    • Catherina Senensis virgine.
    • Catherina Parre.
    • Claudia Ruffina.
    • Cleobula virgine.
    • Cleopatra.
    • Corinna.
    • Cornelia Affrica.
  • D.

    • Damma.
    • Danophila Pamphia.

    • Deborah prophetesse.
    • Demetria.
    • Diodorus five daughters.
    • Diotima.
    • Dorcas Marten.
  • E.

    • Edesia Syria.
    • Egitha Q.Queen of England.
    • Elizabeth Queene of England.
    • Elizabeth Queene of Syria.
    • Elizabeth Tirwit Ladie.
    • Elizabeth an Abbesse.
    • Erinna.
    • Eudoxia Theodosia.
    • Eustasia.
    • Eulalia martyr.
  • F.

    • Fabrola.
    • Francis Aburgavennie LaLadie.
    • Furia.
  • G.

    • Genebria.
    • Gysla.
  • H.

    • Hagar.
    • Hannah Eleanah.
    • Helena Flavia.
    • Helizabeth Cenobia.
    • Helpis Boetia.

    • Herophila.
    • Hester Queene.
    • Hierontia.
    • Hilda.
    • Hildizarda virgine.
    • Hipathia.
    • Hortensia.
    • Huldah prophetesse.
  • I.

    • Jane Dudley Ladie.
    • Joan Philippa Queene.
    • Isota virgine.
    • Isabel Q.Queene her foure daughters.
    • Judith Bethulia.
    • Juno Chissa virgine.
  • K.

    • Katherine Q.Queene of England.
  • L.

    • Ladie commended by s. John
      with hir daughters.
    • Lasthemia.
    • Leontium.
    • Leta.
    • Lucretia.
  • M.

    • Mantinea.
    • Marcella.
    • Marie the blessed virgine.
    • Marie Queene of England.
    • Marie B7v
    • Marie Ladie Cicil.
    • Margaret Q.Queene of Navar.
    • Margaret Countesse of R.
    • Martia Q.Queene of England.
    • Maximilla prophetesse.
    • Myriam prophetesse.
    • Moera.
  • N.

    • Naomi.
    • Nossidis.
  • O.

    • Olympiades.
  • P.

    • Paula.

    • Panothea.
    • Phemono virgine.
    • Philips foure daughters.
    • Polla.
    • Portia.
    • Priscilla.
    • Proba Romana.
    • Pythagoras daughter.
  • R.

    • Richthruda.
    • Rosewyda.
  • S.

    • Salina or Salma.
    • Sappho poëeta.

    • Sarra Tobit.
    • Sibyls ten.
    • Susanna.
  • T.

    • Tecla.
    • Theaneo Metaponta.
    • Thesseles or Thelestilla.
    • Theodosia.
    • Thragelia.
  • V.

    • Valeria proba.
  • Z.

    • Zenobia Queene of Syria,

Thus, good Readers, I have set downe the names of some
notable learned women to your consideration, referring
such as desire to knowe further of their severall works to this
treatise following, and to Gesnerus, Bale, Ludovicus Vives,
the Chronicles, and such other writers of our time. Which I
have doone, not like a Sycophant to currie favour by flatterie
with women; but simplie, God is my witnesse, & for good
purpose: partlie, for that I well perceive these and manie other
not here named, for their well deserving and excellent
works (a tast wherof you have here in this booke) have heretofore
beene had, and that right woorthilie, in great veneration
of the godlie learned fathers and writers in all ages: and
therfore are no lesse of us also to be reverentlie regarded and
had in honourable remembrance, to the perpetuall recordation
and further continuance of their heroicall names and
fames, as it were by some inrollment of their condigne praises
and memorable dooings to all posterities: but especiallie
for that I might hereby, as much as in me lieth, incourage,
provoke, and allure all godlie women of our time, in some
measure, according to their several gifts given them of God,
to become even from their youth more studious imitators,
and diligent folowers of so godlie and rare examples in their
vertuous mothers, that as they either in sex, name, or estate
are equall with them: so in learning, wisedome, good industrie,
and in all holie studies and vertuous exercises commendable
for women, they would dailie endevour themselvesselues B8r
to become like them, that so being lightened by their
good examples both of life and doctrine, they may shine also
together with them on earth, as burning lampes of verie
virginitie; and in heaven, as bright starres of eternall glorie:
which God, for his owne name sake, grant, Amen.

What ceremonie everie woman ought by Gods
word to use in the time of praier,
publike or private.

1. Corinth. chapter 11, verse. 4, &c.

“Everie man praieng or prophesieng, having anie thing on his head, dishonoureth” (God)
“his head: but everie woman that praieth or prophesieth bare headed, dishonoureth” (hir
husband) “hir head. For it is even one verie thing as though she were shaven.

Therefore if the woman be not covered, let hir also be shorne; and if it be a shame for
a woman to be shorne or polled”
(as in deed it is) “then” (for shame) “let hir be covered (and
keepe hir haire trussed up under a kercher.)

For a man ought not to cover his head (but ought to be polled and bare, forsomuch as he
is the image and glorie of God, in whom his majestie and power dooth shine, concerning his
authoritie over his wife, and other of Gods creatures subjected under his dominion and

But the woman is the glorie of the man” (or receiveth hir glorie in commendation of man,
and therefore is subject:) “for the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man: neither
was the man created for the womans sake; but the woman for the mans sake.

Therefore ought the woman to have power on hir head (that is, some thing to cover hir
head in signe of subjection, bicause of the angels, to whom also they shew their dissolution and
shame, and not onelie to Christ and his church, or congregation where they praie.)

Judge you in your selves also, is it comelie that a woman praie unto God bareheaded?
Dooth not nature it selfe teach you, that if a man have long haire like a woman, it is a shame
unto him: but if a woman have long haire, it is a praise unto hir: for hir haire is given unto
hir for a covering
(and to the end she should trusse it up about hir head: to declare that
she must cover hir head.)

But if anie man list to be contentious, we have no such custome,
neither the church of God.”

[Gap in transcription—excerpt49-50 pages]

Figures surround the entire titlepage. Top center, surrounded by heavenly clouds and flanked by wreathed books are hebrew letters which are, from right to left, a chaf, resh, or dalet, followed by a chet, followed by a mark which may or may not be a yud, followed by a resh or dalet, followed by a hay. Along the sides of the page are four human figures, all praying, labeled -- beginning with the upper left and moving clockwise around the page -- “Q. Elizabeth”, “Q. Hester”, “Q. Margaret”, and “Q. Katherine”. At the bottom center of the page, sitting on a throne and flanked by wreathed books, is a skeleton, left arm raised.

Q. Elizabeth

Q. Hester

Q. Margaret

Q. Katherine

Second Lampe of

Conteining divers godlie Meditations,
and Christian Praiers made
by sundrie vertuous Queenes, and
other devout and godlie women
in our time:
and first,

Godlie Meditation of the inward
love of the soule towards Christ
our Lord: composed first in French
by the vertuous Ladie Margaret Queene
of Navarre
: aptlie, exactlie, and fruitfullie
translated by our most gratious Sovereigne Ladie
Queene Elizabeth, in the tender and
maidenlie yeeres of hir youth and virginitie,
to the great benefit of
Gods church, and comfort
of the godlie.

Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham,
dwelling in Pater noster Rowe,
at the signe of the Starre.
Cum priuilegio Regæ Maiestatis.


Certaine godlie Sentences
out of the 13. Psalme, written
by the Queenes Majestie, in
Latine, French, and


Stultus dixit in corde suo: Non
est Deus. Illi corrupti sunt, & abhominabiles
in sua impietate, nullus
est qui alquid boni facit.


Le fol dit en son cœur: Il n’y a point
de Dieu. Ils sont corrompus & abhominables
en leur impieté, il n’y a nul
qui face aucun bien.


Lo stolto diffe ne’l suo cuore: Egli non
vi è Dio. Essi son corrotti & abomineuoli
ne la lor’impietà, non vi è nessuno che
faccia alcun bene.


A godlie meditation of the inward love
of the Christian soule towards
Christ our Lord.

The first Chapter,
Of the soules slaverie by sinne: and redemption
by Christ his passion.

The dropped initial capital is part of a framed figure which depicts a man raising a club toward another man who is his victim. In the foreground there is a bull, head in the bottom left corner of the figure. In the bottom left corner there is also an R, presumably a signature.

Where is the hell,
full of travel, paine,
mischiefe, and torment?
Where is
the pit of cursednesse,
out of which
doth spring all desperation?
Is there
any hel so profound,
that is sufficient to
punish the tenth part
of my sinnes, which
in number are so
manie, that the infinit
swarme of them so shadoweth my darkened senses,
that I can not account them, neither yet well see
them? And I so farre am entred among them, that I
have no power to obteine the true knowledge of the
deepe dangers of them. I perfectlie feele also, that the
roote of sinne is so graffed in me, that in my selfe I find
none other effect, but all is, either branch, leafe, or fruit
that it bringeth foorth in me.

And if I looke for better, a branch therof shadoweth
mine eies: and in my mouth doth fall, when I would
speake, the bitter fruit of cursed sinne. If my spirit be
stirred to harken, then the noise of hir leaves stoppeth
mine eares, and filleth my nostrils with the smell of F.iij. hir F3v 2
hir flowers. Behold now therefore how in paines my
soule, a slave, and prisoner without light, or comfort, lieth
crieng and weeping, having hir feete bound with
the chaine of concupiscence, and hir armes fast tied
thorough evill use. Who then hath power to helpe or
remedie it? Not I: neither have I power to crie for
succour. And as I can perceive, there is no helpe of
hope for me, but by the speciall grace of God, which of
my selfe I can not deserve, but by Christ his onelie
sonne, whose brightnesse giveth light to my darknesse:
whose power examining my fault, breaketh the vaile
of ignorance, and giveth mee cleare understanding
what thing abideth in mee, where I am, and wherefore
I labour.

He it is, whom I have offended: he it is, to whom I
did obeie so seldome: wherefore it is convenient that
my pride be suppressed. With weeping hart and sorowfull
sighs, I humblie therefore confesse that I am
much lesse than nothing. Before my birth, mire; after
a dunghill, having a bodie prompt to all evill, not willing
other studie: subject to care, sorowe and paine,
short of life, the end uncertaine, and under sin by Adam
sold, and by the lawe condemned. For of my selfe, I never
had yet the power to observe one onelie commandement
of God, the force of sinne was such in me, and
therefore is my sinne no whit the lesse to be hidden:
and the more I cloaked and dissembled my sinne outwardlie,
the more it increased within my hart. For
what God would, that could I not will: and what hee
would not, I oft times desired to performe: which
thing doth constraine mee by importable sorowe, in
this wearie and raging life, to wish the end of this
miserable bodie, through a desired death.

{Handwritten addition: Quis Liberabit} end of handwritten addition

Who shall he then be, that shall deliver, or recover
anie good for me? Alas, it can be no mortall man. For
his power and strength is not such as can deliver me. Who F4r 3
Who then? The onlie grace of the almightie God, {Handwritten addition: gracia[Gap in transcription—4-5 charactersflawed-reproduction]} end of handwritten addition
who never is slacke to helpe the penitent with his
mercie. Oh what a maister is that, which without deserving
will shew his mercie on sinners! I served him
slothfullie, and without ceasing offended him everie
daie: yet is he not slacke in helping me.

He doth see the evill that I have, what and how
much it is, and that I of my selfe can doo nothing that
is good: but with hart & bodie so inclined I am to the
contrarie, that I feele no strength in me, unlesse it be
to doo evill. Yet doth he not tarie till I humblie praie
him, or that seeing my hell and danmmnation, I doo crie
upon him: but his spirit whurling in my hart, greater
than I can declare, asketh for mee a gift, whereof
the verture is unknowne to my little power.

And this the same unknowne gift or whurling in
my hart, doth bring mee a new desire, shewing the good
that I have lost by my sinne, and given me againe thorough
his grace and bountie, that which hath overcome
all sinne.

O my Lord, what grace and goodnesse is this, which {Handwritten addition: the mercy of god} end of handwritten addition
doth put out so manie sinnes? Now may I see that
thou art full of all godlie love, to make me of a sinner,
thy servant and child. Alas, my God, I did not seeke
thee, but fled and ran awaie from thee: and here beneath,
thou camest downe to mee, which am nothing
but a woorme of the earth all naked. What doo I saie?
A woorme? Naie, woorse than a woorme, full of pride,
deceit, malice, and treason. The promise which my
friends made when I was baptised, is such, that I alwaies,
thorough faith in thy passion, should feele the {Handwritten addition: the promisse made
in Baptisme.} end of handwritten addition

mortification of my flesh, and dwell alwaies with thee
in the crosse, where thou wast fast nailed as I beleeve,
and yeelded death dead, as I also should yeeld all sinne.

This have I oftentimes untied, taken downe, and
set at large; I have broken, denied, and falsified my {Handwritten addition: this promise n[Gap in transcription—2-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
have broken.} end of handwritten addition
F.iiij. promise, F4v 4
promise, and through pride I have lifted up my will in
such maner, that through sloth, my dutie towards
thee was forgotten, and that much more is, as well
the profit, or value, which I had of thee in the daie of
my baptisme, as also thy saving love and promises folowing,
I have all alike neglected? What shall I saie
more? Albeit that oftentimes thou perceiving mee
wretched, and unhappie, hast given me so manie warnings
in faith and sacraments, admonishing mee by
preachings, and comforted mee by the receiving of thy
blessed bodie and sacred bloud, promising by the same
to put me in the number of them that now are adorned
with perfect innocencie: yet have I all these high
benefits throwne into forgetfulnesse.

Oftentimes, O Lord, have I with thee broken covenant,
& partlie for that my poore soule was too much
fed with the evill bread or damnable doctrine of hypocrites,
I despised such succour and ghostlie physicke in
Gods word, as would have helped mee, if I had beene
willing to looke for it: yet knew I at that time no teacher
convenient. For there is neither man, Saint, nor
Angel, that can without thy spirit change the hart of
a sinner. Alas, good Jesus, thou beholding my blindnesse,
and that at my neede I could have no succour of {Handwritten addition: When we could have
[Gap in transcription—2-4 charactersflawed-reproduction]furious, christ did
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]en the way of
salvation.} end of handwritten addition

men, didst open the waie of my salvation. O how great
is thy goodnesse, and how inestimable the sweetenesse
which thou hast shewed therein! Is there anie father
so naturall to the daughter, or brother to the sister,
which would ever have done as thou hast done? For
thou camest downe into hel to succour my soule, where
against thy will shee was, intending to have perished,
bicause she did not love thee.

Alas, sweet Lord, thou hast loved hir, yea even to the
verie outshedding of thy most pretious bloud. O charitie
fervent and incomparable! Nothing slacke art
thou in love, that so lovedst everie sinner, yea and also thine F5r 5
thine enimies, not onelie in forgiving their offences, {Handwritten addition: christ his infinite
love to synners
his enemies.} end of handwritten addition

but also in giving thy selfe for their salvation, libertie,
and deliverance to the death, crosse, travell, paine, and
sufferance. When I cast in mind what should be the
occasion of thy love towards mee, I can see nothing
else but a love woonderfull, which moveth thee to give
me that, which I can not deserve. Then as far foorth
as I can see, I ought to give no thanks for my salvation,
but onlie to thee my Lord Jesu, to whom I owe
the praise thereof, as to him which is my Savior and

The second Chapter,
Of the soules affinitie with Christ.

What thing is it, O God, that thou hast
done so much for me? Thou art not onelie {Handwritten addition: christ not only forgyveth
synnes, but
gyveth unto us, and
his graces also.} end of handwritten addition

contented to have forgiven me my sinnes,
but also hast given unto mee the right fortunate
gift of grace.

For it should suffice mee, I comming out of such a
danger, to be like a stranger used. But thou doest handle
my soule, if I durst so say it, as a mother, daughter, {Handwritten addition: how god intreted
our soule, being [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
offender.} end of handwritten addition

sister, and wife: notwithstanding, my Lord, I am the
trespasser, which am not woorthie to come neere the
doore of thy right high place, to asle bread, where thy
dwelling is. Oh what grace is this, that so suddenlie
thou vouchsafest to drawe my soule into such highnes,
that she feeleth hir selfe ruler of my bodie! She poore,
ignorant, and lame, doth find hir selfe with thee rich,
wise, and strong, bicause thou hast written in hir hart,
the roote of thy spirit and holie word, giving hir true
faith to receive it, which thing made hir to conceive
thy sonne, in beleeving him to be man, God, Saviour,
and also the true forgiver of sinnes. Therefore doest
thou assure hir, that shee is mother to thy Sonne, of
whome thou art the onlie father.

And F5v 6

And furthermore, O my father, here is a great love
of thy well dooing, that thy holie sonne hath taken on
him the bodie of a man, & hath mingled himselfe with
our ashes, which thing we may not understand, without
a most true faith. It hath pleased thee to put him
so neere us, that he did joine himselfe to our flesh, and
I seeing him to be called man, am bold to call him brother.
Now sith my soule may saie of hir selfe, that shee
is the sister of God, ought she not to have hir selfe assured
in him? Yes trulie. For thou doest declare with
great love, that hir creation was onlie of thy good wil,
which it pleaseth thee alwaies to have towards hir,
giving assurance, that before hir first daie, or time of
being provided for hir, thou thorough love hast made
hir, as thou of power along canst well doo it, and also
didst put hir within this bodie, not for to slacke with
sloth, but that both of them should have none other
exercise, but only to thinke how to doo some service unto

Then this truth maketh hir to feele that there is in
thee true paternitie. O what honor, what sweetnesse,
and what glorie hath the soule, which doeth alwaies
remember that she is thy daughter, and that in calling
thee father, shee doth thy commandement! What is
there more? Is that all? No, it doth please thee to {Handwritten addition: Christ is the husband
of the sowle} end of handwritten addition

give hir another name, to call hir thy wife, and that
she againe doo call thee husband, declaring therby how
thou hast freelie manifested the mariage of hir. By
baptisme hast thou made a promise, to give hir thy {Handwritten addition: baptisme, Ive put
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]t us, all the goodes
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]riches of christ,
he taketh uppon
hym all over formes} end of handwritten addition

goods and riches, and to take on thee hir sinnes: for she
hath nothing by heritage but sinne of hir first father
Adam. All hir treasures that she hath of nature, are
nothing else but sinnes, which thou hast tied upon the
Crosse, and paid all hir debts with thy goodes & lands.

Thou hast made hir so rich, and with so great a jointure
endued hir, that she knowing hir selfe to be thy wedded F6r 7
wedded wife, doth beleeve to be quit of all that she oweth,
esteeming verie little that shee hath heere beneath.
She forsaketh hir old father, and all the goods
that he giveth hir, for hir husbands sake. For surelie,
O my God, it hurteth my soule to be fed with such
good: and againe releeved in leaving the pleasures of
this world, for that which is eternal, and where peace
is without warre. Father, alas, what ought I to
thinke? Shall my spirit be so bold as to take upon him
to call thee father? yea, and also our father, for so hast
thou taught in the Pater noster. But to call me daughter,
hast thou so said? I praie thee tell me. Alas, yea
Lord, when with great sweetnes thou saidest: “Daughter,
lend me thy hart”
: and againe, thou saidest, “Daughter
thy faith hath saved thee.”

O my soule, in stead of lending, my Lord is readie to
give himselfe wholie unto thee: receive him then, and
do not permit that anie creature put him from thee, so
that for ever with faithfull stedfastnesse he may love
thee, with a daughterlie love. Now my Lord, if thou be
my father, may I thinke that I may be thy mother?
Indeede I can not well perceive, how I should conceive
thee that createdst me: but in this matter, thou
diddest satisfie my doubt, when in preaching and in
stretching forth thy hands, thou didst saie, “Those that
shall do the will of my father, they are my brethren, my
sister, and my mother.”
I beleve then, that hearing, and {Handwritten addition: beleving sovol
is the mother of
christ.} end of handwritten addition

reading the words that thou hast taught, and uttered
by thy holie Prophets and Apostles: the same also
which through thy true Preachers thou dost dailie declare
unto men, in beleeving it, and stedfastlie desiring
to fulfill the same, I conceive thee, and beare thee by

Therfore without anie feare I wil take upon me the
name of a mother. What? Mother of Christ? O sweet
virgine Marie, I beseech thee be not angrie that I take F6v 8
take up such a title: I do neither steale, nor usurpe anie
thing upon thy priviledge, for thou onelie above all
women, receivedst of him so great honour, that no
man can in himselfe comprehend, how he hath beene
willing to take in thee our flesh: for thou art the mother
and perfect virgine, before, and after, and in his
holie birth. In thy blessed wombe thou didst beare him
and nourish him, thou didst followe him in his tribulations,
and also in his teachings. Now brieflie to conclude,
thou hath with God found such grace, as the enimie
through malice and deceit had caused Adam and
his posteritie to lose: by Eve, and him we have lost it,
and by thy Sonne hath it been yeelded unto us againe.

Therefore hast thou bene rightfullie called full of
grace, as one to whome the Lord hath shewed aboundant
favour. Sith then that he, which is the best among
them that be good, and also the spring of all goodnesse
and power, hath created in thee so pure innocencie,
endued thee with such grace, & exalted thee to such
dignitie, that he in thee, of all other the example of vertue,
hath builded his dwelling and temple: he through
love did confirme himselfe with thee, and thou through
grace art confirmed in him, therefore no man can give
thee greater praise, then God himselfe hath given
thee, for there is no such praise, as is the same, which
commeth from God. Thou also hath had so firme and
constant a faith, that thou by the holie Ghost wast filled
with all godlinesse. I will not take upon me therefore
to give to thee greater praise, than the honour
which thy sonne and soveraigne Lord hath given thee. {Handwritten addition: faithfull soule
is spirituall
mother of christ} end of handwritten addition

And as thou art his corporall mother, so art thou thorough
faith his spirituall mother: and I following the
faith with all humblenesse, am his spirituall mother

Alas, my God, the brotherlinesse that thou hast towards
me, thorough thy humblenesse, in calling me sister,ster, F7r 9
is great, for thou hast broken the kindred of mine
old father, calling me daughter by adoption. Seeing
then that we have both one father, I will not feare to
call thee my brother. For thou hast so reported it by the
wise Salomon in his Canticle, saieng: “My sister and
spuse, thou hast wounded my hart with the sweete
looke of one of thine eies”
, &c. Alas my brother, I wish
for nothing else, but that in wounding thee, I might
finde my selfe wounded with thy love, to that would I
give over my selfe. And likewise, thou didest call mee
wife, speaking to me these amorous words: “Arise my
deere dove, and come hitherward my delectable spouse.”

Wherefore I may saie with loving faith, Thou art
mine and I am thine, bicause thou hast called me thy
love and faire spouse. If I be so, such hast thou made
me. Alas, doth it please thee to give me such names?
Trulie they are able to breake the hart, and cause it to
burne through love unspeakable, when it thinketh
upon the honour that thou doest unto the soule, which
is much greater than it hath deserved. A mother, a
mother? Alas, but of what child is it? My God, my
sonne? O Jesus what speech is this! Mother, daughter,
sister, and brother. O happie kindred! O what
sweetnesse doth proceede out of that paternitie! But
what daughterlie and reverent feare ought I to have
towards him, my father, yea and my creator, my protector,
and saviour, to be my brother? Alas, heere is a
great love: I will therfore saie with Salomon, Now
can my hart no longer refraine, but breake in sunder,
to make roome for the same so sweete a brother, so that
none other name be written in the same, but onlie the
name of my brother Jesus the sonne of God. None other
creature will I give place to, for all the scurging
and beating that can be done unto me: keepe my hart
then my deere brother and love, and let not thine enimie
enter into it.

The F7v 10

The third Chapter,
Of the soules infidelitie or apostasie
from God.

Omy sweete Father, my child, my brother,
and spouse, with hands joined, humblie upon
my knees I yeeld thee thanks and praises,
that it pleaseth thee to turne thy face
towards me, converting my hart, and covering
me with such grace, that thou doest see no more
my evils and sinnes. So well hast thou hidden them,
that it seemeth thou hast put them in forgetfulnesse:
yea and also they seeme to be forgotten of me, which
have done and committed them. For faith and love so
working in me, causeth me to forget them, wholie putting
my trust in thee alone.

Then my Father, in whome lieth unfeigned love,
whereof can I have feare in my hart? I confesse that
I have done all the evill that one creature can doo, and
that of my selfe I am naught. Also, I have offended
thee, as did the prodigall child, following the foolish
trade of the flesh, wherewith I have prodigallie spent
the substance and aboundance of goodes, which thou
heere hast given me to use to thy glorie: and for the mispending
of them, povertie hath taken me, and hath
withered me awaie, even as haie, and yeelded my spirit
dead for hunger, compelling me to eate the reliefe of
swine: but in such meates I found verie little savour.
Then I seeing my life to be so miserable, did returne
to thee my father againe, saieng: “Alas deere father, I
have sinned against heaven, and before thee, I am
therefore no more worthie to be called thy child.”
O bountifull and mercifull father, do thou no worsse
to me, than to one of thy houshold servants. Alas, deere
father, what love and zeale is this, that thou wouldest
not tarie my comming and praier, but speedilie stretching F8r 11
stretching foorth thy hands, receivedst me, when I did
thinke thou wouldest not looke on me: and so receiving
me, in stead to have punished me, thou didst assure me
of my salvation? Where is he then that shall punish
me, when my father shall denie him my sinne? There is
no Judge that can condemne me, unlesse God himselfe
will damne me: the want of goodnesse I feare not, for
I have my God for my father: my enimie shall do me
no harme, for my father will take all his strength awaie
from him. If I owe any thing, he shall paie it for
me: if I have deserved death, he as a king shall pardon
me, and deliver me from prison and death.

But heere is the woorst, what maner of mother have
I beene? For, after that I by faith had received the
name of a true mother, I became verie rude unto thee
my Sonne: because that after I had conceived and
brought thee foorth, I left reason, and being subject to
my will, not taking heed unto thee, I fell asleepe, and
gave place to my great enimie, the which, in the night
of ignorance, I being asleepe, did steale thee from me
craftilie, and in thy place she did put hir child, which
was dead, and so I did leese thee, which was a sorowfull
remorse for me. Thus did I loose thee my sonne, by
mine owne fault, because I tooke no heed to keepe thee.
Sensualitie my neighbour, I beeing in my beastlie
sleepe, did steale thee from me, and gave to me hir child,
which had no life in him, named sinne, whome I said
I would not have, but utterlie did forsake him.

She affirmed, that he was mine owne, but I knew
him to be hirs. For as soone as I came to the light of
grace, which thou hadst given me, then I knewe my
glorie to be changed, when I saw the dead child not to
be mine. For the same which was alive, whom she had
taken awaie, was my child: so apparant was the
change betweene Jesus and sinne. But now heere is a
strange thing, this old woman causeth me to keepe this F8v 12
this dead child, whome she reporteth to be mine, and
so will she mainteine. O Salomon, thou true and wise
Judge, thou hast heard this lamentable processe, and
ordeined to content the parties, that the child should
be divided in two parts. The false woman agreeth it
should be so, but I remembring him to be mine owne
sonne, which was alive, was rather content to leese
him, than to see his bodie parted in twaine. For true
and perfect love is never content with the one halfe
of that it loveth: rather I had therefore to weepe for
the whole, than to recover the one halfe without life.
Alas noble Salomon, give her the child which is alive.
For better it is for me to die, than to see my sonne
divided. But my Lord, thou didst better looke to it, than
I. For thou seeing the anguish that I did suffer, and
how I rather did forsake my right, than to behold such
cruelnesse, thou saiedst, “This is the true mother,” and
so caused them to give me my child againe, for whome
before my hart was sorowfull.

O sweete Jesus, thus hast thou proved me, how
much I loved thee: yea and when by sinne I had lost
thee, yet didst thou returne unto me. Alas, how gentlie
doest thou vouchsafe to come againe to hir, which being
let by sinne, could not keepe thee my sweete child,
my sweete sonne, my helper, my nourisher, of whome I
am an humble creature? Do not permit that ever I
do leave thee againe, for I do repent the time past.

Now come sensualitie with thy rablement of sinnes,
thou hast no power to make me to receive thy dead
child. For my sonne is strong and will defend me, he
shall not permit that thou take him anie more awaie
from me, his strength is greater than anie others,
therefore may I sleepe and take rest neere him. For all
things well considered, he shall keepe me from thine
assaults. O sweete rest of the mother, and the sonne together,
my sweete child, my God, onlie unto thee be the honour G1r 13
honour and praise, for that everie creature may see,
how it hath pleased thee to call me (lesse than nothing)
a mother: and the more it is strange and hard
to be done, the more ought thy goodnesse to have praise
for it. And further, thou hast retained me for thy sister,
wherefore I acknowledge my selfe more bound, than
to anie other creature.

Now I am sister unto thee, but so naughtie a sister,
that better it were for me that I were without the
name, than I to forget the name of adoption in so
noble a kindred, and also thy good and brotherlie behaviour
towards me. I with pride did rise against thee,
and not remembring my faults, but going astraie
from thee, did agree with Aaron my brother, being in
will to give judgement against thy works; and folowing
the example of Miriam, privilie I grudged against
thee, which thing caused me to have remorse in
my conscience. Alas right bountifull brother, and true
Moses, which doest all with goodnesse and justice, I
have esteemed thy workes to be even sinne, being so
bold to speake even rashlie, saieng: “Wherefore hast
thou maried a strange woman?”
Thou givest us a law,
and punishment, if we do not fulfill it, and then thou
wouldest not be bound to it, forbidding us the thing
which thou thy selfe doest.

For thou forbiddest us to kill anie man, and thou doest
kill, and sparest none, of three thousand, which thou
commandedst to be slaine. Further, God gave us in
commandement by thee, that we should not marrie
the daughter of a stranger, yet thou tookest thy wife
from among them. Alas my deere brother Moses,
with a great name of these words, which I knowe to
be foolish, with Aaron and Miriam, which is mine
owne wit, I imbraided thee, wherof I repent. For the
livelie voice of God, rebukinglie tooke me up before I
went out of the place. What wouldest thou then of G.j. my G1v 14
my sinne? Thou wouldest not have me punished, but
rather wouldest my salvation and health, in asking for
me this great benefit, that it might please God to mitigate
his judgement, the which thing thou couldest
not obtaine. Wherefore I became a Lazar, so that
all that looked on mee might well saie, I had not beene
wise: and for mine uncleannes and leprosie, I was put
out from the tents and tabernacles, from among the
people, because the sicke should not infect such as were
whole. Oh what soule can have a greater punishment,
than to be banished out of the companie of them
which are holie in God! But what didst thou my sweet
love and brother, seeing my repentance? Thou providedst
that my penance was soone at an end, and with
true love madest meanes for me, whereupon I returned
to thee. O what brother would, in stead to punish
his foolish sister, so naturallie cleave unto hir? For injurie,
grudge, and great offence by hir committed,
thou givest hir grace, and love in recompense. Alas
my brother, how exceeding is this thy love? Much
more is it than brotherhoode is bound to give, to so
poore and wretched a woman as I am. I have done
thee evill, and thou givest me good for it. I am thine,
and thou saiest, thou art mine: even so I am, and ever
will. I feare no more the great foolishnesse of Aaron
and Miriam, for no man may separate me from thee;
and now that we are together, as brother and sister,
I care little for all other, for thy land is mine inheritance.

Let us then keepe, if it please thee, but one houshold,
sith it hath pleased thee to humble thy selfe so much, as
to joine thy hart with mine, in making thy selfe a livelie
man. I do right hartilie thanke thee, and to thanke
thee as I ought, lieth not in my power. Take my meaning
then I praie thee, & excuse mine ignorance, seeing
I am of so great a kindred as to be thy sister. O my God, G2r 15
God, I have good cause to love, to praise, and to serve
thee unfeignedlie, and not to feare, nor desire anie
thing save thee onlie. Keepe me well then I humblie
praie thee, for I will aske none other brother nor friend
to helpe me. If anie father have had anie pitie upon
his children; if anie mother have taken anie care for
hir sonne; if anie brother have hid the sinne of his sister,
it is thou.

The fourth Chapter,
Of the entier affection and love of God towards
the sinfull soule of man.

Inever sawe, or else it was kept wondrous
secret, that ever anie husband would thoroughlie
forgive his wife, after she had
him once offended, and did returne unto

There have been manie of them, which for to avenge
their wrongs, have caused the Judges to put
them to death. Other, beholding their sinnes, did not
spare their owne hands to kill them. Other also, seeing
their faults to appeare, did send them home again
to their owne friends. And some, perceiving their evill
dispositions, have shut them up in prison. Now brieflie
to conclude upon their divers complexions, the end of
their pretence is punishment, and the least harme that
ever I could perceive in punishing them, is this, that
they would never see them againe. But I do wish, that
all of this mind should rather helpe to turne them,
than to forsake them. And therfore my God, I can find
no man comparable unto thee: for of love thou art the
perfect example. Now therefore I confesse with lowlie
hart, that I have broken to thee mine oth & promise.

Alas, thou hadest chosen me for thy wife, and didst
set me up in great state and honour. For what greater
honour may one have, than to be in the place of thy G.ij. wife, G2v 16
wife, which sweetelie taketh hir rest so neere to thee,
and not onlie in suretie of soule and bodie, but also of
all thy goodes, Queene, Mistresse, and Ladie? O what
great favour is it, that I so vile a creature, am so ennoblished
by thee to so honourable an husband! Now
to speake it brieflie, I have more by possessing of thee,
than anie man mortall can desire. Yet, when I remember
mine unwoorthie deserving, my hart doth sob
and sigh, mine eies let fall abundance of teares, my
mouth can not make too manie exclamations. For
there is neither new nor ancient writings, that can
shew so pitifull a case as the same is which I tell now.
Shall, or dare I tell it? May I pronounce it without
shame? Yea, for it is my confusion, not to shew the
great love of my husband: and for his worship to declare
my fault.

O my saviour, which wast crucified on the crosse for
my sinnes, this deede of thine is not such, as a father
to leave his sonne, or as a child to offend his mother,
or as a sister to chide and grudge. But alas, my fault is
such, and far greater. For the more familiaritie I have
with thee, and the more benefits I receive of thee, the
greater is mine offence, when I with thee dissemble;
speciallie that I should so doo, which am called thy
spouse, and loved of thee as thy soule. Shall I now tell
the truth? O my spouse, I have left thee, forgotten
thee, and am run awaie from thee; I did leave thee,
for to go at my vaine pleasure: I forsooke thee, and
chose me another: yea I refused thee the welspring of
all goodnesse, and faithfull promise. I did leave thee.
But whither went I? Into a place where nothing
was but cursednesse.

I have left thee my trustie friend and lover, worthie
to be beloved above all others: I have put thee aside,
O welspring of all healthsomnes, by mine owne wretched
will: yea I have forsaken thee, full of beautie, goodnesse, G3r 17
goodnesse, wisedome, and power, and sought to withdrawe
me from thy love. I have accepted thy great
enimies, that is, the divell, the world, and the flesh, against
whome for my sake thou foughtedst so sore on
the crosse, to set me at libertie, which was by them of
long time a prisoner and slave, and so bound, that no
man could cause me to humble my selfe. And as for the
love and charitie that I should have had towards
thee, they did quench it; so that the name of Jesus my
deare husband, which before I had found so sweet, was
to me tedious and hatefull, so that oftentimes I did
jest at it: and when I have heard the Gospell preached
or taught, the word which I have hard, hath not
tarried with me, but as a feather doth in the winde.

I went never yet to heare thy word preached, but
for a fashion onlie, which was a worke of hypocrisie: I
was also annoied, when I hard speake of thee, because
I was more willing to go at my pleasure. Now brieflie
to conclude, all that thou didst forbid me, I fulfilled:
and all that thou commandedst me to do, I did eschue,
and this was the cause why I loved not thee. But yet
Lord, for all that I did thus hate thee, and forsake
thee, ran awaie from thee, and betraied thee, should I
give place to anie other? Hast thou suffered, that I
should be mocked, either yet beaten, or killed? Hast thou
put me in darke prison, or banished me for ever, setting
naught by me? Hast thou taken awaie thy gifts and
pretious jewels againe from me, to punish me for my
unfaithfull fruits? Have I lost my jointure, which
thou promisedst me, through mine owne offence done
against thee? Am I accused by thee, afore the eternall
father, for a naughtie woman? Hast thou forbidden
me thy presence, as I have deserved, and that I should
never appeare in thine house?

O most true husband, pure and perfect friend, the
most loving among all lovers! Alas, thou hast done otherwiseG.iij. therwise G3v 18
for me. For thou hast diligentlie sought for
me, when I was going into the most deepe place of
Hell, where all evils are done. When I was farther
from thee, both in hart and mind, and directlie out of
the waie, then didst thou lovinglie call me backe, saiend,
“My deare daughter, hearken and see, and bow
thine eare toward me: forget that strange nation,
with whome thou hast run astraie, and also the house
of thine owne father, where thou hast dwelt so long,
and then shall the King of all faithfulnesse desire thy
But when thou Lord sawest, that thy sweete
and gratious calling did not profit me, then begannest
thou to crie to me with a lowd voice, saieng: “Come unto
me all you which are wearilie loden with labour,
for I am he that shall plentiouslie refresh you, and feed
you with the bread of life.”

Alas, sweet Lord, unto all these sweet words would
I not hearken, but rather doubted whether it were
thou, that so spake unto me, or else a fabulous writing
that so said. I was so foolish, that without love I read
thy word: I considered not the comparison of the
Vineyard, which brought foorth thornes and briers in
stead of good fruit, and that it signified me, that so had
done. I knew also, that when thou didst call the barren
wife, saieng, “Returne Shulamite,” that thou didst
speake it, that I should forsake my sinnes. Yet for all
these words did I, as though I had understood never
a whit. But when I had perused the Prophet Jeremie,
I confesse that I had in the reading thereof,
feare in my hart, and bashfulnesse in my face. I will
tell it, yea with teares in mine eies, and all Lord for
thine honor, & to suppresse my pride. Thou hast said by
that holie Prophet: If a woman have offended hir
husband, and is so left of him, for going astraie with
other: if he thereupon refuseth hir, is she not to be esteemed
polluted, and of no value?

The G4r 19

The lawe doth consent to put hir in the hands of
justice, or to drive hir awaie, and so never to take hir
againe. “Thou hast made a separation betweene thy
bed and mine,”
saith he unto me, “and placed forren lovers
in my roome, committing with them fornication:
yet for all this, thou maist returne to me againe, for I
will not alwaies be angrie against thee. Lift up therfore
thine eies, and looke about thee on everie side, and
then shalt thou well see, into what place thy sinne hath
lead thee, and how filthilie thou liest in the earth. O
poore soule, looke where thy sinne hath put thee, even
upon the high waies, where thou didst waite, and tarie
to beguile them that came by, even as a theefe
doth, which is hidden in the wildernesse. Therefore
thou, in fulfilling thy wicked pleasure, hast with fornication
infected all the earth, which was about thee:
thine eies, thy forehead, and thy face, have lost all their
good maner, for they were such as an harlot hath, and
yet thou hadest no shame of thy sinne.”

And the surplus that Jeremie saith, constreineth
me to knowe my wretched life, and to wish with sorowfull
sighes, the houre, the moneth, the daie, the
yeare, and time that my life might have an end, yeelding
my selfe condemned, and worthie to lie for ever in
the everlasting fire. The same feare which proceedeth
of thee, and not of my selfe, putteth me rather in hope,
than in despaire, as often as I do remember my sinne.
For as soone as thou knowest my will, bowing under
thine obedience, then putting in me a livelie faith,
thou didst use great clemencie, so that after I knewe
thee to be that same Lord, Maister, and King, whome
I ought to have feared, then found I my feare not
quenched, but mixed with love, beleeving that thou
art so gratious, gentle, and sweete, and so pitifull an
husband, that I which should rather have hid me,
than to have shewed my selfe, was not then in feare to G.iiij. go G4v 20
go foorth, and to looke for thee, & so seeking, I found thee.

But what didst thou then? Didst thou refuse me? No
Lord, but rather hast excused me. Hast thou turned
thy face from me? No, for thine eie so sweetlie penetrated
my hart, that wounding it almost to the death, it
did give to me remorse of my sinnes. Thou hast not
put me backe with thy hand: but with both thine
armes, and with a sweet and manlie hart, thou didst
meete with me by the waie, and not once reproving
my faults, embracedst me. I could not see in beholding
thy countenance, that ever thou didst once perceive
mine offences: wherefore thou hast done so much for
me, as though I had never broken promise with thee.
For thou didst hide my fault from everie bodie, in giving
me againe the part of thy bed, and also in shewing,
that the multitude of my sinnes are so hidden and
overcome by thy great victorie, that thou wilt never
remember them more: so that now thou seest nothing
in me, but the graces, gifts, and vertues, which it
hath pleased thy free goodnesse to give me.

O charitie most pretious! I do see well, that thy
goodnesse doth consume my lewdnesse, and maketh me
a new, godlie, and joifull creature. The evill that was
mine, thou hast destroied, and made me so perfect a
creature, that all the good a husband can do to his
wife, thou hast done it to me, in giving me a faithfull
hope in thy promises. Now have I through thy good
grace, recovered the place of thy wife. O happie, and
desired place! O gratious bed! O thou right honourable
seate of peace, rest from all warre, high sleepe of
honour, separate from the earth! Doest thou receive
this unworthie creature, giving hir the scepter and
crowne of thine Empire and glorious Realme? Who
did ever heare of such a storie, as to raise up one so
high, which of hir selfe was nothing; and maketh of
great valure, which of it selfe was naught?

The G5r 21

The fift Chapter,
Of the union of death and life in the
faithfull soule by Christ.

Alas, what is this? For casting mine eies
on high, I see thy goodnes, thine unknowne
grace, and thy love so incomprehensible,
that my sight is woonderfull in beholding
thee: but looking downeward, I might see
what I am, and what I was willing to be. Alas, I do
see in it the lewdenesse, darkenesse, and extreme deepenes
of mine evils. My death, which by humblenes closeth
mine eie: the admirable goodnesse of thee, and the
unspeakable evill, which is in me: thy right highnes, &
pure majestie, my right fragill and mortall nature: thy
gifts, goods & beatitude, my malice & great unkindnes.

O how good art thou unto me! and how unkind have
I bene unto thee? this that thou wilt, and this that I
pursue? Which things considered, causeth me to marvell,
how it pleaseth thee to joine thy selfe to me, seeing
there is no comparison betweene us both. Thou art
my God, and I am thy worke: thou my creator, and I
thy creature. Now to speake brieflie, though I cannot
define, what it is to be of thee; yet know I my selfe to
be the least thing that may be compared unto thee. O
most happie love! Thou madest this agreement, when
thou didst joine life & death together, but the union hath
made alive death; life dieng, and lufe without end, have
made our death a life. Death hath given unto life a
quickening, that through death I being dead, may receive
life; and by death, I am ravished with him which is alive.
I live in him, otherwise of my self I am dead. And
as concerning bodelie death, to me it is nothing, but a
comming out of prison: death is to me life, for through
death, I am alive. And as this mortall life filleth me
full of care and sorowe, so death yeeldeth me content.

O G5v 22

O what a godlie thing is it to die, that the soule may
live! For in delivering hir from this mortall death, she
is delivered from the death miserable, and matched
with hir most mightie lover. Is not then the soule
blamelesse, which faine would dy to have life? Yes trulie,
and ought to call death hir welbeloved friend. O
sweet death, pleasant sorowe, mightie king, delivering
from all wickednes! O Lord, those which trust in thee,
and in thy death, are mortified by the hope they have
in thy passion.

Thus with a sweet sleepe dost thou put them out of
that death, which causeth manie to lament. O how
happie is the same sleepe unto him, which when he awaketh,
doth find through thy death, life everlasting!
For death is none other thing to a Christian man, but
{Handwritten addition: Mors quid?} end of handwritten addition a libertie or deliverance from his mortall band: and
the death which is fearefull to the wicked, is pleasant
and acceptable to them that are good, bicause that
death through death is destroied.

Therefore my God, if I were rightlie taught, I
should call death life, the end of labour, and beginning
of everlasting joie. For I knowe that long life doth let
me from the sight of thee. O death come and doe thine
office on me, that I may see my spouse: or else sweet
love, transforme me in thee, and then shall I the better
tarie the comming of death! O sweet Lord, let me die,
that I may live with thee! For there is none other
that can deliver me, but thou onelie. O my Saviour,
through faith I am planted and joined with thee. O
what union is this, sith that through faith I am assured
to thee, and may call thee father, brother, sonne,
and husband!

O my father! what paternitie? O my brother! what
fraternitie? O my child! what delectation? O my
spouse! what conjunction is this? A father full of humilitie,
a brother having our similitude, a sonne engendredgendred G6r 23
through faith and love, a husband loving and
releeving in all extremitie. But whom dost thou love?
Alas, it is she whom thou hast withdrawne from the
snare, wherin through malice she was bound, and hast
put hir in place, name and office of a daughter, sister,
mother, and wife. O my Saviour, it is a great favour
of sweetnesse, right pleasant, and delectable; when a
soule after the hearing of thy word, shall cal thee without
feare, his father, his brother, child and spouse: such
a soule doubtlesse may continuallie burne in love.

Is there anie love, unlesse it be this maner of love,
but it hath some evill condition? Is there anie pleasure
to be hereto compared? Is there anie honour to
this, but may be accounted shame? Yea, is there anie
profit equall to this? Moreover to conclude, is there
anything, that I could more earnestlie love? Alas no.
For he that unfeinedlie loveth God, reputeth all these
things worldlie, of lesse value than the dunghill. Pleasure,
profit, and honour of this world, are all but vanitie
and trifles unto him which hath found God. Such
love is so profitable, honourable, & abundant in grace,
that I dare saie, she onlie sufficeth the hart of a godlie
soule, and yeeldeth hir so constant, that she never desireth,
or would have other. For whosoever hath God,
as he ought to be had, accounteth all other things superfluous
or vaine.

Now thanked be my Lord, and my father; through
faith I have gotten the same love: wherfore I ought
to be satisfied and content, Now have I thee my father,
for defence of my wanton foolishnes, and my long
youth. Now have I thee my brother, for to succour my
sorowes, wherein I find no end. Now have I thee my
sonne, for my feeble age, as an onlie staie. Now have I
thee a true and faithfull husband, for the satisfieng of
my whole hart. And now, sith I have thee, I will, and
doo forsake all them that are in the world, holding thee fast, G6v 24
fast, that thou maiest no more escape me. Seeing now
that I have possessed thee, I will look upon none other
thing, that might keepe me backe, from the beholding
of thy divinitie. Seeing that I doo heare thee, I will
heare nothing that letteth me from the fruition of
thy voice. Seeing that I may freelie talke with thee,
I will common with none other. Seeing it pleaseth
thee to put me so neere thee, I will rather die, than to
touch anie other: and seeing I serve thee, I will serve
none other. Seeing that thou hast joined thy hart
with mine, if it depart from thee, let it be punished for
ever. For the departing from thy love is harder than
any damnation. I doo not feare the paine of ten thousand
hels, as I doo feare the once loosing of thee.

Alas my God, my Father, and Creator, doo not thou
suffer that the enimie, inventer of all sinne, have anie
power to make mee to loose thy presence. For whosoever
shall feele the losse of thy love, shall saie, he would
rather be bound for ever in hell, than to feele the paine
thereof one moment of time. O my Saviour, doo thou
not permit, that ever I depart from thee againe; but
that it may please thee, to put me in such a place, that
my soule, through wantonnesse of sinne, be never separated
from thy love.

The sixt Chapter,
Of the longing of the soule, by death to
feede with Christ.

In this world I can not perfectlie have
this my desire; which thing maketh mee
ferventlie to desire the departing from
this bodie of sinne, not fearing death, nor
anie of hir instruments. For what feare
ought I to have of my God, which through love offered
himselfe, and suffered death, not of debt, or dutie; but G7r 25
but onlie bicause he would, for my sake, under the power
of mortall death? Now is Jesus dead, in whom we
are all dead, and through his death we all shall live: I
meane those, which through faith are partakers of
his passion. For even as the death, before the great
mysterie of the crosse, was hard to everie man, & there
was no man but was feared therewith, considering
the copulation of the bodie, and the soule, their order,
love, and agreement; so were their sorowes extreme,
in departing of the one from the other.

But since it hath pleased the sweet Lambe to offer
himselfe upon the crosse, his great love hath kindled
a fire within the hart, so vehement, that everie true
beleever esteemeth the passage of death but a plaie, or
pastime, and so provoketh other constantlie to die. And
even as the feare of death doth retrograde us: so
ought love to give us a desire to die. For if true love be
unfainedlie within the hart of man, he can feele non
other thing; bicause love is so strong of it selfe, that she
keepeth all the room, and putteth out all other desires,
suffering nothing there but God onlie. For wheresoever
true and perfect love is, there is remembred nei {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—5 wordsillegible-handwriting]} end of handwritten addition
ther feare, nor sorowe: yet our owne pride to attaine
honour, causeth us to seeke death by manie strange
waies. As if a man, to have his foolish pleasure, putteth
himselfe in jeopardie of life: if a merchant, to obtaine
riches, doth danger himselfe somtime for a small
value: if the theefe, conceiving of roberie, or murther,
crueltie, or deceit, doth so blind a man, that he doubteth
nothing the danger of death, neither yet misfortune,
when he seeketh to advenge himselfe, or doth any
other evill: if the furie of sicknesse, or the rankenesse of
melancholie, causeth a man fiercelie to wish for death,
or oftentimes to drowne, hang, or kill themselves.
Such evils are sometimes so great, that they cause
their pained patient to choose death for libertie. If it so G7v 26
so be then, that these paines full of evils and imperfections,
cause them not to feare the hazard of death,
but rather to thinke that death tarieth too long: alas,
what ought true & laudable love to doo? What ought
the love of the eternall creature to wish? Should she
stir a hart in such wise, that she being maistered with
such affections, should feele none other thing in hir?
Alas yea. For death is a pleasant thing to the soule,
which is in love with God, and esteemeth the passage
easie, thorough the which she commeth out of prison.
For the hard waie, where through she commeth, can
be no let for hir to embrace hir husband. O my Saviour,
how good and pleasant is the same death, through
whom I shall have the end of all sorowes: & by whom
I shall enjoie thy sight without impediment, and be
transformed into the likenesse of thy majestie!

O death, through thy force I trust to have such honour,
as upon my knees with crieng and weeping I
dailie doo desire. Therefore come quicklie, and make an
end of my sorowes. O happie daughters, right holie
soules, joined to the citie Jerusalem, open your eies,
and with pitie looke upon my desolation! I beseech
you, that for me, and in my name, ye doo shew unto my
deere and best beloved, my God, my friend, & my King,
how that everie houre of the daie I doo languish for
his presence. O sweet death, come unto me, and lovinglie
bring me unto my Lord God. O death, where
is now thy sting and dart? Alas, are they vanished
from mine eies? Is not rigour changed into sweetnesse,
seeing that for my sake, my friend did
suffer upon the crosse, whose death
doth so encourage me, that
death I wish to followe

The G8r 27

The seventh Chapter,
Of the trust the soule hath in the merits of hir Redeemer,
against the dread of hell and desperation.

Sith then that death is so pleasant to me,
that it pleaseth me more than it feareth
me; then ought I to feare nothing, but
onlie the right judgement of God. My
sinnes with his just ballance shall be weied,
and all that I have done, openlie shall be shewed:
my thoughts and words shall be better knowne, than
they were written in a roll. Wherefore I may not
thinke, that charitie would offend justice and truth.
For certaine it is, whosoever liveth unfaithfullie, shall
be punished in everlasting paine. For God is just, and
his judgement righteous, and all that he doth is perfect
in all things. What am I then, considering mine
owne righteousnesse? A wretch and poore creature.

I knowe that all the works of just men, are so full {Handwritten addition: the workes of the just
men, ar full of im
perfection, o[Gap in transcription—5-6 charactersillegible-handwriting]
than ar imperta[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]} end of handwritten addition

of imperfection, that afore God, they are more filthie
than mire, or other vilenesse. What will it be then
concerning the sins which I have committed, whereof
I feele the burden importable? I can nothing else
saie, but that I have woon by them damnation. Is
this the end? Shall despaire then be the comfort of
my great ignorance? Alas my God, no? For the invisible
faith causeth me to beleeve, that all things, which {Handwritten addition: Faith doth cōonvert er
synnes into good.} end of handwritten addition

are impossible to man, are possible unto thee; so that
thou doo convert my worke, which is nothing, into
some good worke of thine in me, which is speciallie
faith. Then my Lord, who shall condemne me? Or
what Judge will damne me? Sith that thou, which {Handwritten addition: If christ acquit
who can cōondem[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]} end of handwritten addition

art my Judge, art also my father, my spouse, and my
refuge. Alas, what father? Such as doth never condemne
his child: but alwaies doth excuse and defend him. G8v 28

Then I perceive to have none other excuser, but
Jesus Christ, which is my spouse, and my redeemer,
whose death hath restored me my lost inheritance. For
he made himselfe my man of lawe, shewing his so worthie
merits afore his father, wherewith my great
debt is so aboundantlie recompensed, that in judgement
it is nothing. O redeemer, here is a great love: I
find but few such men of lawe. O sweete Jesus, it is to
thee that I am a debtor, yet doest thou both praie and
speake for me. And moreover, when thou doest see that
I am poore, with the aboundance of thy goods thou doest
paie my debts. O imcomprehensible sea of all goodnesse!
O my deare father, doest thou vouchsafe to be
my Judge, not willing the death of a sinner? O Jesus
crucifier and saviour of the soule, friend above
all friends: thou being my man of law, didst excuse and
speake for me, where thou couldst justlie have accused

I feare no more therefore the crueltie of mine enimie,
for the lawe by thee is satisfied for all: the paiment
is so made by my sweete spouse, that the lawe can aske
nothing of me, but it is paid by him. For as I beleeve,
that he hath taken all my sinnes upon him, and hath
given me in place of them his owne goodes in aboundance:
so, O my Saviour, thou presenting thy vertues,
doest content the lawe. And when she will rethe {Handwritten addition: law cōondemming us
of synne is satisfied
through christ} end of handwritten addition

proch me of my sinnes, thou doest shew hir how willinglie,
in thine owne flesh, thou hast taken the discharge
of them, through the conjunction of our mariage.
Also upon the Crosse, through thy passion, thou
hast made satisfaction for it. Morover, thine onlie charitie
hath given me this, that thou hast for me deserved.
Therefore, seeing thy merite to be mine, the lawe
can aske nothing of me. Now then will I feare no
more the judgement, but with desire, more than with perforce, H1r 29
perforce, I will tarrie the time that I shall see my
Judge, and heare a just judgement of him.

I knowe that thy judgement is just, and that there
is no fault therein, though mine infidelitie is woorthie
to suffer the cruelnesse of hell. For if I do onlie consider
my deserving, yet I can see nothing in it that can
keepe me from the fire of hell. For true it is, that the {Handwritten addition: hell prepared for
the divell & his
children.} end of handwritten addition

torment of hell was prepared for the Divell and his
children. So if anie man have set his minde, to be like
to the Divell, by sensuall appetite, then ought he, as
the Divell, to be paid with a like reward. But if a man
through contemplation of the soule, do hold of thee, his {Handwritten addition: heven purchased[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
christ for the elect} end of handwritten addition

Angell of counsell, vertue, and perfection, he is sure to
obtaine heaven, which is a place of thy deserving for
him: then shall the wicked be punished, with the same
punishment, which they ought to have, to whom they
have joined themselves. For sith they folowed Satan,
they must enjoie such place as is for him, and his Angels

Now I, considering the diversitie of both the sorts,
am little comforted in spirit by this. For I cannot denie,
but that I am more like the Divell, than the Angell
of light: wherefore I feare and tremble. For as
the Angell is pure and perfect, so am I unpure and
unperfect, and am nothing like unto him. But thus I
confesse, that to the other I am so like in my dooings,
and so accustomed in his waies, that of his paine and
torment I ought to be partaker. For the cruell sinne
which hath bound me in hell, is so great, and his force
so strong, that it letteth nothing to come from it, neither
feareth it the contrarie assault. But he, whose
force lieth in this kind of strength, knoweth not how
his strength goeth awaie, when a stronger than he
commeth in place.

I could never yet see, that anie man by merite, or
paines taking, could ever yet vanquish that hell, save H.j. onlie {Handwritten addition: christ} end of handwritten addition H1v 30
onlie he, which did the great assault through his unspeakable
charitie, when he humbled himselfe to the
crosse, whereby he hath vanquished and overcome his
enimie, and robbed hell of his power: so that now, it
hath no more force and strength to keepe that soule,
which putteth hir trust in God. Then beleeving in the
great strength that my saviour hath, I do not set by
hell and sinne. For sinne can have no hold of me, unles
it be to shew how my God is mercifull, strong, mightie,
and a puissant vanquisher of all the evils within
my hart. If by sinnes forgivenesse, is the glorie of my
most loving saviour: then ought I also to beleeve, that
my glorie is increased by his love, and that I am planted
and graffed in him.

His honour onlie doth honour all his, and his riches
doo replenish everie one with his goods. Then death,
hell, and sinne are overcome by him. O gluttonous
hell! where is thy defence? Thou cruell villaine sinne,
where is thy tyrannous power? O Death! where is {Handwritten addition: Death in steade of
death gyveth life, &
synne though it worke
to condemne us, reacheth
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] ladder wherby we
clime to heven.} end of handwritten addition

thy sting, and victorie, which are so much spoken of? In
stead of death, thou death givest me life, and so doest
thou contrarie to thy will. Also, thou sinne covetest to
drawe each creature to damnation. Thou givest me a
ladder, to reach thereby that godlie Citie Jerusalem:
yet wouldst thou of thy cursed nature, that mine eternall
maker should loose his creature: but through his
love and grace, the sorie remembrance of thine uncomlinesse,
doth cause hir by repentance againe to come,
and submit hir selfe unto God, whose inestimable goodnesse
causeth thee to loose thy whole labour, which thou
takest in hand. For the number that thou pretendest to
have, thou shalt not have, because that the comforshaddow {Handwritten addition: of christes
passion is a mightie
protection to the sowle} end of handwritten addition

table shadowe of Christ his passion, is such a mightie
protection to the soule, that he needeth neither to
doubt death, sinne, nor hell. Is there anie thing then,
that can pull me backe, if God be willing, through the gift H2r 31
gift of faith to drawe me to him? I meane such a faith,
as we must needes have, to obtaine the high graces
from above: and also such a faith, as through charitie
doth joine the humble servant to his maker. Now I
being joined unto him, ought to have no feare of travell,
paine, nor sorowe. For whosoever doth willinglie
suffer anie maner of death, paine, or sorowe, for the
truth, as Christ did, he shall feele in such torment, great
comfort & consolation for his soule: knowing all this,
I my self am weake, yet with God I am right strong.

Through his comfort I may do all things, and his
love is so constant, and permanent, that it varieth not
for anie worldlie thing. Who can then withdrawe me
from his grace? Surelie the great height of heaven,
the depth of hell, the breadth of the whole earth, neither
death, nor sinne, which dailie doth warre against
me, can separate me one minute from the great love
and charitie, that my heavenlie father, through Jesus
, hath unto me. His goodnesse is such, that he loveth
me, which hath not all times loved him; and if I
now love him, then shall I feele his love increase in
me. But because my love is not a worthie love to him,
I desire his love to be mine, which I feele such as it
were mine owne: his desire is to love, and his love inflameth
my hart with a heavenlie love.

And through such love, he findeth himselfe, that his
owne deede yeeldeth him well content, and not my love
or strength: thus contenting himselfe, his love doth
more increase in me, than I can of him desire.

The eight Chapter,
Of the incomprehensible love of Christ to the sinfull
soule: and benefits that come of a true faith.

Otrue lover, the fountaine or welspring of all
charitie, and onlie purse of the heavenlie treasure!
Ought I to thinke, or dare I saie what H.ij. thou H2v 32
thou art? May I write, or can anie mortall man comprehend
thy goodnesse, or love? And if thou print in
mans hart, can he expresse it? No surelie. For the capacitie
of man cannot comprehend the unmeasurable
goodnesses which are in thee. For naturall reason doth
shew us, how there is no comparison betweene an eternall
and a mortall thing: but when through love
the mortall is joined with the eternall, the mortall
thing is so filled with the eternall, that it cannot find
the end therof: for it hath more good thereby, than it
can conteine or hold. Therfore doth man thinke, which
hath one sparke of the love of God, that he hath all the
world therewith: even as we see the Sunne, with one
onlie sparke of his light, doth blinde the eie, and yet
doth he withhold from it his great light. If then you
should aske the eie, what it hath seene, he would saie,
that it hath beholden the whole brightnes of the same.
Neverthelesse, he is so content, that it seemeth unto
him as though he had so much light as the Sunne
conteineth, which if he had more than the said sparke,
he were not able to suffer it. Even so the soule, which
through faith doth feele one sparke of the love of God,
doth finde therewith the heate so great and marvellous,
so sweet and delicious, that it is impossible to hir
to declare what thing the same love is. For the little
thereof, that she hath felt, doth yeeld hir mind satisfied,
and yet desiring more, whereof she hath ynough: thus
doth the live, languishing and sighing in hir selfe.

The hart that doth feele that he hath received too
much, hath conceived such a desire in this too much,
that he alwaies desireth to receive the thing which he
cannot have, neither is he worthie to receive it. He
knoweth not the good that he hath alreadie to be unspeakable,
yet would he have more of that, whereof he
cannot skill: trulie he cannot feele or thinke the good
which is in him. Then lieth it not in my power, to tell what H3r 33
what thing the love of God is, sith I have no knowledge
of the ferventnesse thereof. He that thinketh to
have all this love within his hart, can not truelie declare
what thing it is: happie is he therefore which
hath such aboundance of this love, that he may saie,
“My God, I have ynough of it.”

He which hath this love within him, dare not much
boast thereof, least in much speaking he do loose it, unlesse
he do it, to edifie his neighbour to salvation. The
impossibilitie then of the declaration of this love, shall
make me hold my peace. For there is no sainct so perfect,
if he will speake of the love of the high God, of his
goodnes, sweetnes, graces, and of all things else, which
pertaine to him, but looking a lowe, shall find himselfe
unworthy, and so stop his mouth. I then, a worme
of the earth, lesse than nothing, ought to cease, and not
to speake of the incomparable highnesse of this love:
yet were it too much unkindnesse to be noted in me, if I
had written nothing, having that done unto me, which
would satisfie a much better wit than mine is. For hee
that would hide the goodnesse of God, so good a maister,
should commit a sin worthie to be punished with
everlasting paine.

Therefore come O happie Paule, which hast tasted
so much of the same sweet honnie, beeing blind for the
space of three daies, and rapt up into the third heaven,
and satisfie (I beseech thee) mine ignorance, and tell me
what in such vision thou hast seene? Harken then what
he saith. O the unspeakable highnes of the aboundant
riches or treasure, both of the wisdome and knowledge
of God! How incomprehensible are his judgements,
and how unsearchable are his waies unto our
weake wits? O holie Paule, thy words cause me much
to marvell, that thou having knowledge, and so heavenlie
secrets, wouldest speake no further in them. At
the least yet tell thou me, what thing I may hope to H.iij. haue, H3v 34
have, throgh such godlie love, as grace hath wrought
in me; and I will give eare unto thy words: neither
hath the eie seene, nor yet the eare heard, neither yet
hath it ever entred into the hart of man, what God
hath prepared for them that love him. O blessed Paul,
all this yet that thou hast said, is for none other purpose,
but to provoke me earnestlie to love, willing me
by thy words to thinke, that thou canst none otherwise
declare of it, and so give mine hart to patience,
and hope of that thing, which never man yet could see,
or yet deserve, although manie through love have died.

O excellent gift of faith, whereof so much good commeth,
that it causeth man to possesse the things which
he can not comprehend! For faith, joined with truth,
bringeth foorth hope, whereby perfect charitie is engendred:
and charitie is God, as witnesseth the Apostle.
If we have charitie, then have we also God therewith,
and then is God in us, and we in him; and all
this commeth of the benefit of faith. For he dwelleth
in all men, which have true faith. Thus have we a
greater treasure than we can tell of, nor yet anie man
expresse unto us.

Now to conclude, sith that so great an Apostle, as is
S. Paule, will speake no further of God, and his inestimable
love; I will (according to his righteous example
and doctrine) hold my peace and be still, following
neverthelesse his teachings. Notwithstanding,
though herein I acknowledge my selfe but earth and
dust, yet may I not faile to yeeld thanks to mine eternall,
and living God, for such great graces and benefits,
as it hath pleased him to give me. Unto that
everlasting king of heaven, immortall, invisible,
incomprehensible, mightie and wise, onlie to
him be all honour, praise, glorie, magnificence
and love, for ever
and ever: Amen.

¶These H4r 35

These foure clauses or texts of Scripture,
are added to the worke by the
Queenes Majestie.

Ecclesiasticus. 25, verse. 17. “There is not a more wicked head, than
the head of a Serpent: and there is no
wrath above the wrath of a woman.
But he that hath gotten a vertuous woman, hath
gotten a goodlie possession: she is unto him an
helpe and piller, whereupon he resteth.
It were better to dwell with a Lion and Dragon,
than to keepe house with a wicked woman.”
Ecclesiasticus. 7, verse. 19. “Yet depart not from a disecreete and good woman,
that is fallen to thee for thy portion in the
feare of the Lord: for the gift of hir honestie is
above gold.”

The Christian praiers of our Sovereigne
Ladie Queene Elizabeth, which hir grace
made in the time of hir trouble, and imprisonment
in the Tower, and after
hir Coronation.

Helpe me now, O God, for I have none other
friends but thee alone. And suffer mee
not (I beseech thee) to build my foundation
upon the sands: but upon the rocke, wherebyH.iiij. by H4v 36
all blasts of blustering weather may have no power
against mee, Amen.

Another praier made by hir Majestie, when she was in
great feare and doubt of death, by murther.

Grant, O God, that the wicked may have no
power to hurt or beetraie me; neither suffer
anie such treason and wickednesse to proceed
against me. For thou, O God, canst mollifie
all such tyrannous harts, and disappoint all such cruell
purposes. And I beseech thee to heare me thy creature
which am thy servant, and at thy commandement,
trusting by thy grace ever so to remaine, Amen.

Another praier and thankesgiving made by hir
grace, as she rode in hir Chariot from the
Tower, to be crowned Queene at

O Lord almightie, and everlasting God, I give
thee most hartie thanks, that thou hast beene
so mercifull unto me, as to spare mee, to behold
this joifull daie. And I acknowledge,
that thou hast dealt as woonderfully with me, as thou
didst with thy true and faithfull servant Daniel the
Prophet, whom thou deliveredst out of the den from
the crueltie of the greedie raging lions: even so
was I overwhelmed, and onelie by thee
delivered. To thee therfore be onlie
thanks, honour and praise
for ever and ever,

The rest of the praiers belonging to hir Majestie to use,
are to be found in the beginning of the third Lampe.

H5r 37

The Lamentation or Complaint of a
sinner, made by the most vertuous and right
gratious Ladie Queene Catherine, bewailing
the ignorance of hir blind life, led
in superstition: verie profitable to the
amendment of our lives.

The first Chapter,
Of an humble confession of sinnes to the
glorie of God.

When I consider, in the bethinking
of mine evil and wretched
former life, mine obstinate, stonie,
and untractable heart, to have so
much exceeded in evilnesse, that it
hath not onelie neglected, yea contemned,
& despised Gods holie precepts
and commandements: but
also imbraced, received, and esteemed vaine, foolish, and
feined trifles, I am partlie by the hate I owe to sinne,
who hath reigned in me, and partlie by the love I owe
to all Christians, whom I am content to edifie, even
with the example of mine owne shame, forced and constrained
with my hart and words, to confesse and declare
to the world, how ingrate, negligent, unkind, and
stubborne I have beene to God my Creator: and how
beneficiall, mercifull, and gentle he hath been alwaies
to me his creature, being such a miserable and wretched

Trulie I have taken no little small thing upon me,
first to set foorth my whole stubbornesse, and contempt in H5v 38
in words, the which is incomprehensible in thought
(as it is in the 12. Psalme) “Who understandeth his
Next this, to declare the excellent benefiGods {Handwritten addition: mercies, over
all his workes,
Psal. 195. 9.} end of handwritten addition

cence, mercie and goodnesse of God, which is infinite,
and unmeasurable. Neither can all the words of Angels,
and men, make relation thereof, as apperteineth
to his most high goodnesse. Who is he that is not forced
to confesse the same, if he consider what he hath received
of God, & doth dailie receive? Yea, if men would
not acknowledge and confesse the same, the stones {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—5 wordsillegible-handwriting]} end of handwritten addition
would crie it out. Trulie I am constrained and forced
to speake and write thereof, to mine owne confusion
and shame; but to the glorie and praise of God. For he,
as a loving father, of most abundant and high good {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—8 wordsillegible-handwriting]} end of handwritten addition
nesse, hath heaped upon me innumerable benefits: and
I contrarie, have heaped manifold sinnes, despising
that which was good, holie, pleasant, and acceptable
in his sight; and choosing that which was delicious,
pleasant, and acceptable in my sight.

And no marvell it was that I so did. For I would
not learne to knowe the Lord, and his waies; but loved
darknesse better than light, yea darknesse seemed
to me light. I embraced ignorance, as perfect knowledge;
and knowledge seemed to me superfluous and
vaine. I regarded little Gods word, but gave my selfe
to vanities, and shadowes of the world. I forsooke him
in whom is all truth; and followed the vaine foolish
imaginations of my hart. I would have covered my
sinnes with the pretence of holinesse: I called superstition
godlie meaning, and true holinesse errour. The
Lord did speake manie pleasant and sweet words unto
me, and I would not heare: he called me diverslie, but
through frowardnesse I would not answere.

Mine evils and miseries be so manie, and so great,
that they can accuse me even to my face. Oh how miserablie
and wretchedlie am I confounded, when for the H6r 39
the multitude and greatnesse of my sinnes I am compelled
to accuse my selfe! Was it not a marvellous
unkindnesse, when God did speake to me, and also call
me, that I would not answere him? What man so
called would not have heard? Or what man hearing,
would not have answered? If an earthlie Prince had
spoken, either called, I suppose there be none but
would willinglie have done both. Now therfore, what
a wretch and caitife am I, that when the Prince of
princes, the King of kings, did speake manie pleasant
and gentle words unto me, and also called me so manie
and sundrie times, that they can not be numbred: and
yet, notwithstanding these great signes and tokens of
love, I would not come unto him, but hid my selfe out
of his sight, seeking manie crooked and biwaies, wherin
I walked so long, that I had cleane lost his sight?
And no marvell or woonder. For I had a blind guide
called Ignorance, who dimmed so mine eies, that I
could never perfectlie get anie sight of the faire, goodlie,
streight, and right waies of his doctrine: but continuallie
travelled uncomfortablie, in foule, wicked,
crooked, and perverse waies. Yea, and bicause they
were so much haunted of manie, I could not thinke,
but that I walked in the perfect and right waie, having
more regard to the number of the walkers, than
to the order of the walking: beleeving also most assuredly,
with companie to have walked to heaven, wheras
I am most sure they would have brought me down
to hell.

I forsooke the spirituall honouring of the true living
God, and worshipped visible idols, and images made
of mens hands, beleeving by them to have gotten heaven:
yea, to saie the truth, I made a great idole of my
selfe. For I loved my selfe better than God. And certainlie,
looke how manie things are loved, or preferred
in our harts before God, so manie are taken and esteemedmed H6v 40
for idols, and false gods. Alas, how have I violated
this holie, pure, and most high precept and commandment
of the love of God? Which precept bindeth
me to love him with my whole hart, mind, force,
strength and understanding. And I, like unto an evill,
wicked, and disobedient child, have given my will, power,
and senses to the contrarie: making almost of everie
earthlie and carnall thing a god.

Furthermore, the bloud of Christ was not reputed {Handwritten addition: sanguis jesu christ;
[Gap in transcription—3 wordsillegible-handwriting]peccato
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]John; 1. 7.} end of handwritten addition

by me, sufficient for to wash me from the filth of my
sinnes; neither such waies as he had appointed by
his word: but I sought for such riffraffe, as the Bishop
of Rome hath planted in his tyrannie and kingdome,
trusting with great confidence, by the vertue
and holinesse of them, to receive full remission of my
sinnes. And so I did, as much as was in me, obfuscate
and darken the great benefit of Christes passion; than
the which no thought can conceive anie thing of more
value. There cannot be done so great an injurie and {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1 wordillegible-handwriting]peccatu} end of handwritten addition
displeasure to almightie God our father, as to tread
under foote Christe, his onlie begotten and welbeloved
sonne. All other sinnes in the world, gathered together
in one, be not so heinous, and detestable in the sight of
God. And no wonder. For in Christ crucified, God doth
shewe himselfe most noble and glorious, even an almightie
God, and most loving father, in his onlie deare
and chosen blessed sonne.

And therefore I count my selfe one of the most wicked
and miserable sinners in the world, bicause I have
beene so much contrarie to Christ my saviour. Saint
desired to knowe nothing but Christ crucified,
after he had beene rapt into the third heaven, where
he heard such secrets as were not convenient & meete
to utter to men: but counted all his works and doings
as nothing, to win Christ. And I, most presumptuouslie
thinking nothing of Christ crucified, went about to H7r 41
to set foorth mine owne righteousnesse, saieng with the
proud Pharisie: “Good Lord I thanke thee, I am not
like other men; I am none adulterer, nor fornicator:”

and so foorth, with such like words of vaine glorie, extolling
my selfe, and despisiong others, working as an
hired servant for wages, or else for reward: and not as
a loving child, onlie for verie love, without respect of
wages or reward, as I ought to have done. Neither
did I consider, how beneficiall a father I had, who did
shew me his charitie and mercie of his owne meere
grace and goodnesse, that when I was most his enimie,
he sent his onlie begotten and welbeloved sonne
into this world of wretchednesse and miserie, to suffer
most cruell and sharpe death for my redemption. But
my hart was so stonie and hard, that this great benefit
was never trulie and livelie printed in my hart, al {Handwritten addition: Nota} end of handwritten addition
though with my words it was oft rehearsed, thinking
my selfe to be sufficientlie instructed in the same, and
being in deede in blinde ignorance: and yet I stoode so
well in mine owne judgement and opinion, that I
thought it vaine to seeke the increase of my knowledge

Paule calleth Christ the wisdome of God; and even
the same Christ was to me foolishnesse. My pride and
blindnesse deceived me, and the hardnesse of my hart
withstoode the groning of truth within it. Such were
the fruits of my carnall and humane reasons, to have
rotten ignorance in price for ripe & seasonable knowledge:
such also is the malice and wickednesse that
possesseth the harts of men: such is the wisdome and
pleasing of the flesh. I professed Christ in my baptisme,
when I began to live: but I swarved from him after
baptisme, in continuance of my living; even as the
heathern which never had begun.

Christ was innocent and void of all sinne; and I
wallowed in filthie sinne, and was free from no sinne. Christ H7v 42 {Handwritten addition: comparison betwixt
Christ and man} end of handwritten addition

Christ was obedient unto his father, even to the death
of the crosse; and I disobedient and most stubborne, even
to the confusion of truth. Christ was meeke and
humble in hart, and I most proud and vaine glorious,
Christ despised the world, with all the vanities therof;
and I make it my God, because of the vanities. Christ
came to serve his brethren; and I coveted to rule over
them. Christ despised worldlie honour; and I much
delighted to attaine the same. Christ loved the base
and simple things of the world; and I esteemed the
most faire and pleasant things. Christ loved povertie;
and I wealth. Christ was gentle and mercifull to the
poore; and I hard-harted and ungentle. Christ praied
for his enimies; and I hated mine. Christ rejoiced in
the conversion of sinners; and I was not greeved to
see their reversion to sinne. By this declaration, all
creatures may perceive, how far I was from Christ,
and without Christ; yea how contrarie to Christ, although
I bare the name of a Christian. Insomuch
that if anie man had said I had beene without Christ,
I would have stiffelie denied and withstoode the same:
and yet in deede I neither knew Christ, nor wherefore
he came.

As concerning the effect and purpose of his comming,
I had a certaine vaine and blind knowledge,
both cold and dead, which may be had with all sinne:
as doth plainlie appeare by this my confession and
open declaration.

The second Chapter,
A lamentation of a sinner, with hartie repentance in
faith to obtaine absolution and remission, through {Handwritten addition: Nota} end of handwritten addition
the merits of Christ.

What cause now have I to lament, sigh, and
weepe for my life & time so evill spent? With
how much humilitie and lowlinesse ought I
to come and knowledge my sinnes to God, giuing H8r 43
giving him thanks, that it hath pleased him of his aboundant
goodnesse, to give me time of repentance.
For I knowe my sinnes in the consideration of them,
to be so greevous, and in the number so exceeding, that
I have deserved verie often eternall damnation. And
for the deferring of Gods wrath, so manifoldlie due, I
must uncessantlie give thanks to the mercie of God:
beseeching also, that the same delaie of punishment
cause not his plague to be the sorer, since mine owne
conscience condemneth my former doings. But his {Handwritten addition: gods mercie doth
exceede [Gap in transcription—1 wordillegible-handwriting] synnes
Psal. 145. 9.} end of handwritten addition

mercie exceedeth all iniquitie. And if I should not
thus hope, alas, what should I seeke for refuge and
comfort? No mortall man is of power to help me; and
for the multitude of my sinnes, I dare not lift up mine
eies to heaven, where the seate of judgement is, I
have so much offended my God. What? Shall I fall in {Handwritten addition: we must not despaire,
but call
uppon christ.} end of handwritten addition

desperation? Naie, I will call upon Christ the light of
the world, the fountaine of life, the reliefe of all carefull
consciences, the peacemaker betweene God and
man, and the onlie health and comfort of all true repentant

He can by his almightie power save me, and deliver {Handwritten addition: god hath power
& is wylling to
save synners.} end of handwritten addition

me out of this miserable state, and hath will by his
mercie to save even the whole sin of the world. I have
no hope nor confidence in anie creature, neither in
heaven nor earth; but in Christ my whole & onlie Saviour.
He came into the world to save sinners, and to
heale them that are sicke. For he said, “The whole have {Handwritten addition: god came into this
world to save
sinners.} end of handwritten addition

no neede of the physician.”
Behold Lord, how I come to
thee, a sinner sicke, and grievouslie wounded: I aske
not bread; but the crums that fall from the childrens
table. Cast me not out of thy sight, although I have
deserved to be cast into hell fire.

If I should looke upon my sinne, and not upon thy
mercie, I should despaire. For in my selfe I find noIn {Handwritten addition: us ther is nothing
but a dongehill of
wickednes to condemne
us.} end of handwritten addition

thing to save me, but a dunghill of wickednesse to condemnedemne H8v 44
me. If I should hope by mine owne strength
and power to come out of this maze of iniquitie and
wickednesse, wherein I have walked so long, I should
be deceived. For I am so ignorant, blind, weake, and
feeble; that I can not bring my selfe out of this intangled
and wayward maze: but the more I seeke means
& waies to winde my selfe out, the more I am wrapped
and tangled therein.

So that I perceive my striving therein to be hinderance,
my travell to be labour spent in going backe.
It is the hand of the Lord that can and will bring me
out of the endlesse maze of death. For without I be
prevented by the grace of the Lord, I can not aske
forgivenesse, nor be repentant or sorie for them. There
is no man can avow, that Christ is the onlie Saviour
of the world, but by the holie Ghost: yea, as S. Paule
saith, no man can saie, “The Lord Jesus”, but by the holie
Ghost. The spirit helpeth our infirmitie, and maketh
continuall intercession for us, with such sorrowfull gronings
as can not be expressed.

Therefore I will first require and praie the Lord, {Handwritten addition: first pray to god to
send us his holy
spirite.} end of handwritten addition

to give me his holie spirit, to teach me to anow that
Christ is the Saviour of the world, and to utter these
words, “The Lord Jesus”, and finallie to helpe mine infir
mities, and to intercede or intreate for me. For I am
most certaine and sure, that no creature in heaven
nor earth, is of power, or can by anie meane helpe me: {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]one can helpe, but
god only.} end of handwritten addition

but God, who is omnipotent, almightie, beneficial,
and mercifull, welwilling, and loving to all those that
call and put their whole confidence and trust in him.
And therefore I will seeke none other meanes nor
advocate, but Christes holie spirit, who is onlie
the advocate and mediatour betweene
God and man, to helpe and
releeve mee.

The I1r 45

The third Chapter,
What true faith worketh in the soule
of a sinner.

But now, what maketh me so bold and hardie
to presume to come to the Lord with such
audacitie and boldnesse, being so great a sinchristes {Handwritten addition: worde[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
[Gap in transcription—1 wordillegible-handwriting] doth
rage us to come unto
christ.} end of handwritten addition

ner? Trulie nothing but his owne word. For
he saith, “Come to me all ye that labour, and are burdened,
and I shall refresh you.”
What gentle mercifull,
and comfortable words are these to all sinners? Were
he not a frantike, madde, beastlie, and foolish man, that
would runne for aide, helpe, or refuge to anie other
creature? What a most gratious, comfortable, and
gentle saieng was this, with such pleasant and sweete
words to allure his verie enimies to come unto him?
Is there anie worldlie Prince or Magistrate, that
would shew such clemencie, and mercie, to their disobedient
& rebellious subjects, having offended them?
I suppose they would not with such words allure
them, except it were to call them, whome they cannot
take, and punish them being taken. But even as Christ
is Prince of princes, and Lord of lords: so his chari {Handwritten addition: Nota.} end of handwritten addition
tie and mercie exceedeth and surmounteth all others.
Christ saith, “If carnall fathers do give good gifts to
their children, when they aske them, how much more
shall your heavenlie father, being in substance all holie,
and most highlie good, give good gifts to all them that
aske him?”

It is no small nor little gift that I now require,
neither thinke I my selfe woorthie to receive such a
noble gift, being so ingrate, unkind, and wicked a child.
But when I behold the benignitie, liberalitie, mercie,
and goodnesse of the Lord, I am encouraged, boldened,
and stirred to aske such a noble gift. The Lord is so
bountifull and liberall, that he will not have us satisfiedI.j. fied I1v 46
and contented with one gift; neither to aske {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]d byndeth hymself
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] his word to give
liberally to all thos
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]th aske in faith.} end of handwritten addition

simple and small gifts: and therefore he promiseth, and
bindeth himselfe by his word, to give good and beneficiall
gifts to all them that aske him with true faith,
without which nothing can be done acceptable or
pleasing to God. For faith is the foundation & ground {Handwritten addition: fayth the foundation of
all graces.} end of handwritten addition

of all other gifts, vertues, and graces: and therefore
I will praie and saie: Lord increase my faith.

For this is the life everlasting, Lord, that I must
beleeve thee to be the true God, and whom thou didst
send Jesus Christ. By this faith I am assured, and by {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] faith we ar assured
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]Remission of our
synnes.} end of handwritten addition

this assurance I feele the remission of my sins. This
is it that maketh me bold, this is it that comforteth
me; this is it that quencheth all despaire.

I knowe O my Lord, thine eies looke upon my faith.
S. Paule saith, “We be justified by faith in Christ, and {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]we iustifatj sine
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]pibus legit.} end of handwritten addition

not by the deeds of the lawe. For if righteousnes [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
by the lawe, then Christ died in vaine.”
S. Paule meaneth
not here, a dead, humane, and historicall faith,
gotten by humane industrie: but a supernall, and livelie
faith, which worketh by charitie; as he himselfe
plainlie expresseth. This dignitie of faith is no derogation
to good works. For out of this faith spring all {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]ot of a lyvely faith
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]ring good workes.} end of handwritten addition

good works: yet we may not impute to the woorthienesse
of faith or works, our justification before God:
but ascribe and give the woorthinesse of it, wholie to {Handwritten addition: justification only
to be attributed to
Christ.} end of handwritten addition

the merits of Christs passion, and refer and attribute
the knowledge and perceiving thereof, onlie to faith:
whose verie, true, and onlie propertie it is, to take, apfaith {Handwritten addition: the hand or instrument
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]e take hold of
Christ, & of all his
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]encfittes.} end of handwritten addition

prehend, and hold fast the promises of Gods mercie,
the which maketh us righteous: and to cause me continuallie
to hope for the same mercie, and in love to
worke all maner of waies allowed in the Scripture,
that I may be thankfull for the same.

Thus I feele my selfe to come (as it were) in a new
garment before God; and now by his mercie, to be takenken I2r 47
just and righteous, which of late without his mer {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—2 wordsflawed-reproduction]we obtain
mercie, & so tak[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
for rightuous.} end of handwritten addition

cie was sinfull and wicked: and by faith to obteine his
mercie, the which the unfaithfull can not enjoie. And
although S. John extolleth charitie in his Epistle,
saieng that God is charitie, and he that dwelleth in
charitie, dwelleth in God. Truelie charitie maketh
men live like Angels; and of the most furious, unbrideled,
and carnall men, maketh meeke lambes.

Yea, with how fervent a spirit ought I to call, crie,
and praie to the Lord, to make his great charitie to
burne and flame my hart, being stonie and evill affected,
that it never would conceive nor regard the great
inestimable charitie and love of God, in sending his
onlie begotten and deere beloved sonne into this vale
of miserie, to suffer the most cruell and sharpe death of
the crosse for my redemption? Yea I never had this
unspeakeable, and most high charitie, and abundant
love of God printed and fixed in my hart duelie, till it
pleased God, of his meere grace, mercie, and pittie, to
open mine eies, making me to see and behold with the
eie of livelie faith, Christ crucified, to be mine onelie
Saviour and redeemer. For then I began (and not
before) to perceive and see mine owne ignorance and
blindnesse: the cause thereof was, that I would not
learne to knowe Christ my Saviour and redeemer.

But when God, of his meere goodnesse, had thus opened
mine eies, and made me see and behold Christ, the
wisedome of God, the light of the world, with a supernaturall
sight of faith; all pleasures, vanities, honor,
riches, wealth, and aids of the world, began to ware
bitter unto me. Then I knew it was no illusion of the
divell, nor false, ne humane doctrine I had received.
When such successe came thereof, that I had in detestation
and horrour that which I erst so much loved
and esteemed: being of God forbidden that we should
love the world, or the vaine pleasures and shadowes I.ij. in I2v 48
in the same: then began I to perceive that Christ was
my onlie Savior and redeemer; and the same doctrine
to be all divine, holie, heavenlie, and infused by grace
into the harts of the faithfull, which never can be attained
by huumane doctrine, wit, nor reason, although
they should travell and labour for the same, to the end
of the world. Then began I to dwell in God by charitie,
knowing by the loving charitie of God, in the remission
of my sinnes, that God is charitie, as S. John
saith. So that of my faith (whereby I came to knowe
God, and whereby it pleased God, even bicause I trusted
in him, to justifie me) sprang this excellent charitie
in my hart.

I thinke no lesse, but manie will woonder and marvell
at this my saieng, that I never knewe Christ for
my Saviour and redeemer, untill this time. For many
have this opinion, saieng: Who knoweth not there
is a Christ? Who being a Christian doth not confesse
him his Saviour? And thus, beleeving their dead, humane,
historicall faith and knowledge (which they have
learned in their scholasticall bookes) to be the true infused
faith and knowledge of Christ, which may be had
(as I said before) with all sinne, they use to saie, by
their owne experience of themselves, that their faith
doth not justifie them. And true it is, except they have
this faith, the which I have declared here before, they
shall never be justified.

And yet it is not false, that by faith onlie I am sure
to be justified. Even this is the cause that so manie
impugne this office and dutie of true faith, bicause so
manie lacke the true faith. And even as the faithfull
are forced to allow this true faith; so the unfaithfull
can in no wise probablie intreate thereof: the one feeling
in himselfe that he saith, the other having not in
him for to saie.

I have certeinlie no curious learning to defend this matter I3r 49
matter withall, but a simple zeale, and earnest love to
the truth inspired of God, who promiseth to powre his
spirit upon all flesh, which I have by the grace of God
(whom I most humblie honour) felt in my selfe to be

The fourth Chapter,
Of the great love of God towards mankind, and of the inward
beholding of Christ crucified.

Let us therfore now, I praie you, by faith behold
and consider the great charitie & goodnesse
of God, in sending his sonne to suffer
death for our redemption, when we were
his mortall enimies, and after what sort and maner he
sent him.

First it is to be considered, yea to be undoubtedlie,
and with a perfect faith beleeved, that God sent him to {Handwritten addition: Nota hoc firmit
esse credendum.} end of handwritten addition

us freelie. For he did give him, and sold him not. A more
noble and rich gift he could not have given. He sent
not a servant or a friend, but his onlie sonne so deerelie
beloved: not in delights, riches, and honours; but in
crosses, poverties, and slanders: not as a Lord, but
as a servant, yea and in most vile and painefull passions,
to wash us: not with water, but with his owne
pretious bloud: not from mire, but from the puddle
and filth of our iniquities. He hath given him, not to
make us poore; but to enrich us with his divine vertues,
merits, and graces: yea, and in him he hath given
us all good things, and finallie himselfe; and with
such great charitie, as can not be expressed.

Was it not a most high and abundant charitie of
God, to send Christ to shed his bloud, to loose honour,
life, and all, for his enimies? Even in the time, when
hwe had done him most injurie, he first shewed his charitie
to us, with such flames of love, that greater could
not be shewed. God in Christ hath opened unto us, (althoughI.iij. though I3v 50
we be weake and blind of our selves) that we
may behold in this miserable estate, the great wisedome,
goodnesse, and truth, with all the other godlie
perfections, which be in Christ. Therefore inwardlie {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]behold christ crucified
the godliest
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]edifacion.} end of handwritten addition

to behold Christ crucified upon the crosse, is the best
and godliest meditation that can be.

We may see also in Christ crucified, the beautie of {Handwritten addition: beautie of the soule
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]pereth best, to
behold christ crucified.
} end of handwritten addition

the soule, better than in all the bookes of the world. For
who that with a livelie faith, seeth and feeleth in spirit,
that Christ the sonne of God is dead for the satisfieng
and purifieng of the soule, shall see, that his soule is appointed
for the verie tabernacle and mansion of the inestimable
and incomprehensible majestie and honour
of God. We see also in Christ crucified, how vaine and
foolish the world is, and how that Christ being most
wise despised the same. We see also how blind it is, because
the same knoweth not Christ, but persecuteth
him. We see also how unkind the world is, by the killing
of Christ, in the time he did shew it most favour.
How hard, and obstinate was it, that would not be
mollified with so manie teares, such sweate, and so
much bloudshead of the sonne of God, suffering with
so great and high charitie?

Therefore he is now verie blind, that seeth not how
vaine, foolish, false, ingrate, cruell, hard, wicked, and evill
the world is. We may also in Christ crucified
weigh our sinnes, as in a divine ballance, how grevous
and how weightie they be, seeing they have crucified
Christ. For they would never have beene counOur {Handwritten addition: synne could no
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]ay be counterpaised
but by the bloud of
Christ} end of handwritten addition

terpaised, but with the great and pretious weight of
the bloud of the sonne of God. And therefore God, of
his high goodnesse, determined that his blessed sonne
should rather suffer bloudshead, than our sinnes should
have condemned us. We shall never knowe our owne
miserie and wretchednesse, but with the light of Christ
crucified: Then we shall see our owne crueltie, when we I4r 51
we feele his mercie; our owne unrighteousnesse and
iniquitie, when we see his righteousnes and holinesse.
Therefore, to learne to knowe trulie our owne sinnes,
is to studie in the booke of the Crucifixe, by continuall {Handwritten addition: the booke of the cru[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
is to behold [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
crucified.} end of handwritten addition

conversation in faith: and to have perfect and plentifull
charitie, is to learne first by faith the charitie that
is in God towards us.

We may see also in Christ upon the Crosse, how
great the paines of hell, and how blessed the joies of
heaven be: and what a sharpe and painefull thing it
shall be to them, that of that sweet, happie, and glorious
joie Christ shall be deprived. Then this Crucifixe
is the booke, wherein God hath included all things,
and hath most compendiouslie written therein all
truth, profitable and necessarie for our salvation.
Therefore let us endeavour our selves to studie this
booke, that we being lightened with the spirit of God,
may give him thanks for so great a benefit.

The fift Chapter,
Of the glorious victories of Christ over
all enimies.

If we looke further in this booke, we shall see
Christs great victorie upon the crosse, which
was so noble and mightie, that there never
was, neither shall be such. If the victorie and
glorie of worldlie Princes were great, because they
did overcome great hostes of men: how much was
Christes greater, which vanquished not onelie the
Prince of this world, but all the enimies of God; triumphing
over persecution, inuries, villanies, slanders,
yea death, the world, sinne, and the divell; and
brought to confusion all carnall prudence?

The Princes of the world never did fight without
the strength of the world: Christ contrarilie went to
warre, even against all the strength of the world. He I.iiij. fought, I4v 52
fought, as David did with Golias, unarmed of all huChrist {Handwritten addition: did fight as
David did
with the power of
the holy spirite} end of handwritten addition

mane wisdome and policie, and without all worldlie
power and strength. Neverthelesse, he was fullie replenished
and armed with the whole armour of the
spirit. And in this one battell, he overcame for ever all
his enimies. There was never so glorious a spoile,
neither a more rich and noble, than Christ was upon
the Crosse, which delivered all his elect from such a
sharpe and miserable captivitie. He had in his battell
manie stripes, yea and lost his life, but his victorie was
so much the greater. Therfore, when I looke upon the
sonne of God with a supernaturall faith and light, so
unarmed, naked, given up, and alone with humilitie,
patience, liberalitie, modestie, gentlenesse, and with all
other his divine vertues beating downe to the ground
all Gods enimies, and making the soule of man so faire
and beautifull: I am forced to saie, that his victorie
and triumph was marvellous. And therefore Christ
well deserved to have this noble title: Jesus of Nazareth,
King of The Jewes.”

But if we will particularlie unfold and see his great
victories, let us first behold how he overcame sinne,
with his innocencie; & confounded pride, with his humilitie;
quenched all worldlie love, with his charitie;
appeased the wrath of his father, with his meekenesse;
and turned hatred into love, with his so manie benefits
and godlie zeale.

Christ hath not onlie overcome sinne, but rather he {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—3-5 charactersflawed-reproduction]ing synne
[Gap in transcription—2-5 charactersflawed-reproduction]christ hath
vanquished itt,} end of handwritten addition

hath killed the same; in asmuch as he hath satisfied
for it himselfe, with the most holie sacrifice and oblation
of his pretious bodie, in suffering most bitter and
cruell death. Also, after another sort, that is, he giveth
all those that love him, sp much spirit, grace, vertue,
and strength, that they may resist, impugne, and overcome
sinne; and not consent, neither suffer it to reigne
in them. He hath also vanquished sinne, because he hath taken I5r 53
taken awaie the force of the same; that is, he hath
cancelled the lawe, which was in evill men the occasion
of sinne. Therefore sinne hath no power against
them that are with the holie Ghost united to Christ:
in them there is nothing worthie of damnation. And {Handwritten addition: Ro. 5.} end of handwritten addition
although the dregs of Adam do remaine, that is, our
concupiscences, which in deede be sinnes: neverthelesse,
they be not imputed for sinnes, if we be trulie
planted in Christ. It is true, that Christ might have
taken awaie all our immoderate affections: but hee
hath left them for the great glorie of his father, and
for his owne greater triumph. As for example. When
a Prince fighteth with his enimies, which sometime
had the sovereigntie over his people, and subduing
them, may kill them if he will: yet he preserveth and
saveth them: and whereas they were Lords over his
people, he maketh them after to serve, whome they before
had ruled. Now in such a case, the Prince doth
shew himselfe a greater conquerour, in that he hath
made them, which were rulers, to obeie: and the subjects
to be Lords over them, to whome they served,
than if he had utterlie destroied them upon the conquest.
For now he leaveth continuall victorie to them
whome he redeemed, whereas otherwise the occasion
of victorie was taken awaie, where none were left to
be the subjects. Even so in like case, Christ hath left in
us these concupiscences, to the intent they should
serve us, to the exercise of our vertues; where first they
did reigne over us, to the exercise of our sinne. And it
may be plainelie seene, that whereas first they were
such impediments to us, that we could not move our
selves towards God: now by Christ we have so much
strength, that notwithstanding the force of them, we
may assuredlie walke to heaven. And although the
children of God sometime do fall by frailtie into some
sinne: yet that falling maketh them to humble themselves,selues, I5v 54
and to reknowledge the goodnesse of God, and
to come to him for refuge and helpe.

Likewise Christ, by his death, hath overcome the {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] Dyvell} end of handwritten addition
Prince of divels with all his hoast, and hath destroied
them all. For as Paule saith, it is verified, that Christ
should breake the Serpents head, prophesied by God.
And although the divell tempt us, yet if by faith we
be planted in Christ, we shall not perish, but rather by
his temptation take great force and might. So it is
evident, that the triumph, victorie, and glorie of Christ
is the greater, having in such sort subdued the divell;
that whereas he was Prince and Lord of the world,
holding all creatures in captivitie: now Christ useth
him as an instrument to punish the wicked, and to exercise
and make strong the elect of God in Christian

Christ likewise hath overcome death in a more glorious
manner (if it be possible:) because he hath not
taken it awaie, but leaving universallie all subject to
the same. He hath given so much vertue and spirit,
that whereas afore we passed thereto with great {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—3-5 charactersflawed-reproduction]ing Death} end of handwritten addition
feare, now we be bold through the spirit, for the sure
hope of the resurrection, that we receive it with joie.
It is now no more bitter, but sweete: no more feared,
but desired: it is no death, but life.

And also it hath pleased God, that the infirmities
and adversities do remaine to the sight of the world:
but the children of God are by Christ made so strong,
righteous, whole, and sound, that the troubles of the {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]ow the children of
God ar by christ
made stronge} end of handwritten addition

world, be comforts of the spirit: the passions of the
flesh, are medicines of the soule. For all maner things
worke to their commoditie and profite. For they in
spirit feele, that God their father doth governe them, {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] spirite they feele
that god disposeth
all thing for their
benefitt.} end of handwritten addition

and disposeth all things for their benefit: therefore
they feele themselves sure. In persecution they are
quiet and peacefull, in trouble they are without werrinesse,rinesse, I6r 55
feares, anxieties, suspicions, miseries: and finallie
all the good and evill of the world worketh to
their commoditie.

Moreover, they see that the triumph of Christ hath
beene so great, that not onelie he hath subdued and
vanquished all our enimies, and the power of them;
but he hath overthrowne and vanquished them after
such a sort, that all things serve to our helth. He might
and could have taken them all awaie, but where then
should have beene our victorie, palme, and crowne? For
we dailie have fights in the flesh, and by the succour of
grace have continuall victories over sinne: whereby
we have cause to glorifie God, that by his sonne hath
weakened our enimie the divell, and by his spirit giveth
us strength to vanquish his offspring.

So doo we knowledge dailie the great triumph of
our Saviour, & rejoice in our owne fights; the which
we can no wise impute to anie wisdome of this world;
seeing sinne to increase by it. And where worldlie wisedome
most governeth, there most sinne ruleth. For as
the world is enimie to God, so also the wisdome therof
is adverse to God: and therefore Christ hath declared
& discovered the same for foolishnesse. And although
he could have taken awaie all worldlie wisedome: yet
he hath left it for his greater glorie, and triumph of
his chosen vessels. For before, whereas it was our rnuler
against God: now by Christ we are served of it for
God, as of a slave in worldlie things: albeit in supernaturall
things the same is not to be understood. And
further, if at anie time men would impugne, and gainsaie
us, with the wisedome of the world: yet we have
by Christ so much supernaturall light of the truth,
that we make a mocke of all those that repugne the

Christ also upon the crosse hath triumphed over the {Handwritten addition: the world} end of handwritten addition
world. First, bicause he hath discovered the same to be naught: I6v 56
naught: that whereas it was covered with the vaile
of hypocrisie, and the vesture of morall vertues; Christ
hath shewed, that in Gods sight the righteousnesse of
the world is wickednesse: and he hath yeelded witnes,
that The works of men, not regenerated by him in
faith, are evill: and so Christ hath judged and condemned
the world for naught. Furthermore, he hath given
to all his so much light and spirit, that they knowe it,
and dispraise the same: yea and tread it under their
feet, with all vaine honours, dignities, & pleasures, not
taking the faire promises, neither the offers which it
doth present: naie, they rather make a scorne of them.
And as for the threatnings and force of the world, they
nothing feare.

Now therefore we may see how great the victorie
and triumph of Christ is, who hath delivered all those
the father gave him, from the power of the divell, cancelling
upon the crosse the writing of our debts. For
he hath delivered us from the condemnation of sinne,
from the bondage of the lawe, from the feare of death,
from the danger of the world, and from all evils in
this life, and in the other to come. And he hath inriched
us, made us noble, and most highlie happie, after
such a glorious and triumphant waie, as can not with
tongue be expressed: and therefore we are forced to
saie, his triumph is marvellous.

It is also seene and knowne, that Christ is the true {Handwritten addition: Crist the true
Messias.} end of handwritten addition

Messias. For he hath delivered man from all evils,
and by him man hath all goodnesse: so that he is the
true Messias. Therefore all other helpers be but
vaine, and conterfeited saviours, seeing that by this
our Messias Christ, wholie and onlie we be delivered
from all evils, and by him we have all goodnesse. And
that this is true, it is evident and cleare, bicause the
verie true Christian, is a Christian by Christ. And the
true Christian feeleth inwardlie by Christ, so much good- I7r 57
goodnesse of God, that even troublous life and death
be sweet unto him, and miseries happie. The true
Christian by Christ is disburdened from the servitude
of the lawe, having the lawe of grace (graven by the {Handwritten addition: what the true
christian doth
enjoy by christ} end of handwritten addition

spirit) inhabiting his hart, and from sinne that reigned
in him, from the power of the infernall spirits,
from damnation, and from everie evill: and is made a
sonne of God, a brother of Christ, heire of heaven, and
Lord of the world: so that in Christ and by Christ, he
possesseth all good things.

But let us knowe, that Christ yet fighteth in spirit {Handwritten addition: christ fighteth in
spirite, in his elect} end of handwritten addition

in his elect vessels, and shall fight even to the daie of
judgment: at which day shall that great enimie death
be wholie destroied, and shall be no more. Then shall
the children of God rejoice on him, saieng: “O death
where is thy victorie and sting?”
There shall be then no
more trouble nor sinne; naie rather, none evill: but
heaven for the good, and hell for the wicked. Then shall
wholie be discovered the victorie & triumph of Christ,
who (after Paule) shall present unto his father the
kingdome, together with his chosen saved by him.

It was no little favour towards his children, that
Christ was chosen of God, to save us his elect, so highlie
by the waie of the crosse. Paule calleth it a grace,
and a most singular grace. We may well thinke, that
he having beene to the world so valiant a captaine of
God, was full of light, grace, vertue, and spirit: therefore
he might justlie saie: “Consummatum est.” Wee seeing
then, that the triumph and victorie of our captaine
Christ, is so marvellous, glorious, and noble, to
the which war we be appointed: let us force our
selves to folowe him, with bearing our
crosse, that we may have felowship
with him in his

The I7v 58

The sixt Chapter,
That we ought to submit our selves to the schoole of the Crosses
and still looke and learne in the booke of the Crucifix.

Trulie it may be most justlie verified, that to {Handwritten addition: behold christ crucified,
in spirite is the
godliest meditation} end of handwritten addition

behold Christ crucified, in spirit, is the best
meditation that can be. I certeinlie never
knew mine owne miseries and wretchednes
so well by booke, admonition, or learning; as I have
done by looking into the spirituall booke of the Crucifix.
I lament much I have passed so manie yeers, not
regarding that divine booke: but I judged, & thought
my selfe to be well instructed in the same: wheras now
I am of this opinion, that if God would suffer me to
live here a thousand yeeres, and should studie continuallie
in the same divine booke, I should not be filled
with the contemplation thereof. Neither hold I myselfe
contented, but alwaies have a great desire, to
learne and studie more therein. I never knewe min
owne wickednes, neither lamented for my sinnes trulie,
untill the time God inspired me with his grace,
that I looked in this booke: then I began to see perfectlie,
that mine owne power and strength could not
helpe me; and that I was in the Lords hand, even as
the claie is in the potters hand; then I began to crie
and saie:

“Alas Lord that ever I have so wickedlie offended
thee, being to me from the beginning so gratious and
so good a father, and most speciallie now hast declared
and shewed thy goodnesse unto me, when in the time I
have done thee most injurie, to call me, and also to
make me knowe & take thee for my Savior and redeemer.”
Such be the wonderfull works of God to call sinners
to repentance, & to make them to take Christ his
welbeloved sonne for their Savior: this is the gift of
God, & of all Christians to be required and desired, for except, I8r 59
except this great benefit of Christ crucified be felt and
fixed surelie in mans hart, there can be no good worke
done acceptable before God. For in Christ is all fulnesse
of the Godhead, and in him are hid all the treasures
of wisdome and knowledge. Even he is the water
of life, whereof whosoever shall drinke, he shall never
more thirst; but it shall be in him a well of water,
springing up into everlasting life. S. Paule saith, {Handwritten addition: Ro. 5.} end of handwritten addition
“There is no damnation to them that are in Christ,
which walke not after the flesh, but after the spirit.”

Moreover he saith: “If when we were enimies, we
were reconciled to God, by the death of his son: much
more, seeing we are reconciled, we shall be preserved by
his death.”
It is no little or small benefit we have received
by Christ, if we consider what he hath done for
us, as I have perfectlie declared heretofore. Wherefore
I praie the Lord, that this great benefit of Christ
crucified, may be stedfastlie fixed & printed in all Christian
harts, that they may be true lovers of God, and
worke as children for love: and not as servants, compelled
with threatenings, or provoked with hire.

The sincere and pure lovers of God doo embrace
Christ, with such fervencie of spirit, that they rejoice {Handwritten addition: true lovers of god
embrace christ, [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
great fervencie of
spirite} end of handwritten addition

in hope, be bold in danger, suffer in adversitie, continue
in praier, blesse their persecutors. Further, they be not
wise in their owne opinion, neither high minded in
their prosperitie, neither abashed in their adversitie:
but humble and gentle alwaies to all men. For they
knowe by their faith they are members all of one bodie,
and that they have possessed all one God, one faith,
one baptisme, one joie, and one salvation. If these pure
and sincere lovers of God were thicke sowne, there
should not be so much contention and strife growing
on the fields of our religion, as there is. Well, I shall
praie to the Lord to take all contention and strife awaie,
and that the sowers of sedition may have mind to I8v 60
to cease their labour, or to sowe it among the stones,
and to have grace to sowe gratious vertues, where
they may both take roote, and bring foorth fruit, with
sending also a godlie unitie and concord amongst all
Christians, that we may serve the Lord in true holinesse
of life.

The seventh Chapter,
A Christian bewailing of the miserable ignorance
and blindnesse of men.

The example of good living is required of all
Christians, but speciallie in the Ecclesiasticall
pastors and shepheards. For they be called
in scripture, Workemen with God, Disbursers
of Gods secrets, The light of the world, The
salt of the earth: at whose hands all other should take
comfort in working, knowledge of Gods will, and sight
to become children of light, and taste of seasonable wisdome.
They have, or should have the holie spirit, abundantlie
to pronounce and set foorth the word of God, in
veritie and truth. If ignorance and blindnesse reigne
amongst us, they should with the truth of Gods word
instruct and set us in the truth, and direct us in the
waie of the Lord.

But thanks be given unto the Lord, that hath now
sent us such a godlie and learned King, in these latter
daies to reigne over us, that with the vertue & force
of Gods word, hath taken awaie the vailes and mists
of errours, and brought us to the knowledge of the
truth, by the light of Gods word; which was so long
hid, and kept under, that the people were nigh famished,
and hungred for lacke of spirituall food. (Such was
the charitie of the spirituall curats, and shepheards.)
But our Moses, and most godlie wise Governour and
King, hath delivered us out of the captivitie and bondage
of Pharao. I meane by this Moses King Henrie the K1r 61
the eight
, my most sovereigne favourable Lord and
husband; one (if Moses had figured anie mo than
Christ) through the excellent grace of God, meete to be
an other expressed veritie of Moses conquest over
Pharao. And I meane by this “Pharao” the bishop of
Rome, who hath beene, and is a greater persecutor of
all true Christians, than ever was Pharao of the
children of Israel. For he is a persecutor of the Gospell
and grace, a setter foorth of all superstition and
counterfeit holinesse, bringing manie soules to hell
with his alchimie and counterfeit monie, deceiving
the poore soules under the pretence of holinesse: but so
much the greater shall be his damnation, bicause he
deceiveth and robbeth under Christs mantell. The
Lord keepe and defend all men from his juglings and
sleits, but speciallie the poore, simple, and unlearned
soules. And this lesson I would all men had of him,
that when they begin to mislike his dooing, then onlie
begin they to like God, and certeinlie not before.

As for the spirituall pastors and shepherds, I thinke
they will cleave and sticke to the word of God, even to
the death; to vanquish all Gods enimies, if neede shall
require: all respects of honour, dignitie, riches, welth,
and their private commodities laid apart: following
also the examples of Christ, and his chosen Apostles, in
preaching and teaching sincere and holesome doctrine,
and such things as make for peace, with godly lessons,
wherewith they may edifie others: that everie man
may walke after his vocation, in holinesse of life; in
unitie and concord: which unitie is to be desired of all
true Christians.

It is much to be lamented, the schismes, varieties,
contentions and disputations that have beene and
are in the world, about Christian religion, & no agreement
nor concord of the same among the learned men.
Trulie, the divell hath beene the sower of the seede of K.j. sedition, K1v 62
sedition, and shall be the mainteiner of it, even till
Gods will be fulfilled. There is no war so cruell and evill
as this. For the war with sword killeth but the bodies,
and this slaieth manie soules. For the poore unlearned
persons remaine confused, and almost everie
one beleeveth and worketh after his owne waie: and
yet there is but one truth of Gods word, by the which
we shall be saved. Happie be they that receive it, and
most unhappie are they which neglect and persecute
the same. For it shall be more easie for Sodom and
Gomor at the daie of judgement, than for them. And
not without just cause, if we consider the benevolence,
goodnesse, and mercie of God, who hath declared his
charitie towards us, greater, and more inestimable,
than ever he did to the Hebrues. For they lived under
shadowes and figures, and were bound to the lawe.
And Christ (we being his greatest enimies) hath delivered
us from the bondage of the lawe, and hath fulfilled
all that was figured in their lawe, and also in
their prophesies, sheading his owne pretius bloud, to
make us the children of his father, and his brethren,
and hath made us free, setting us in a godlie libertie: I
meane not licence to sinne, as manie be glad to interpret
the same, when as Christian libertie is godlie intreated

Trulie it is no good spirit that moveth men to find
fault at everie thing, and when things may be well
taken, to pervert them into an evill sense and meaning.
There be in the world manie speakers of holines
and good works, but verie rare and seldome is declared
which be the good and holie works. The works of
the spirit be never almost spoken of, and therefore verie
few knowe what they be. I am able to justifie, the
ignorance of the people to be great, not in this matter
alone, but in manie other, the which were most nenessarie
for Christians to knowe. Because I have had iust K2r 63
just proofe of the same, it maketh me thus much to saie,
with no little sorowe and greefe in my hart, for such
a miserbale ignorance and blindnesse amongest the

I doubt not but we can saie all, “Lord, Lord.” But I
feare God may saie unto us; “This people honoureth
me with their lips, but their harts be far from me.”

God desireth nothing but the hart, and saith, He will
be worshipped in spirit and truth. Christ condemned
all hypocrisie and feigned holines, and taught sincere,
pure, and true godlinesse: but we worsse than frantike
or blinde, will not followe Christs doctrine, but trust to
mens doctrines, judgements, and saiengs, which dimmeth
our eies, and so the blind leadeth the blind, and
both fall into the dich. Trulie, in my simple and unlearned
judgement, no mans doctrine is to be esteemed or
preferred like unto Christs, and the Apostles; nor to
be taught as a perfect and true doctrine of the Gospell.

But yet those that be called spirituall pastours (although
they be most carnall, as it doth verie evidentlie
and plainelie appeare by their fruites,) are so blinded
with the love of themselves, and the world, that they
extoll mens inventions and doctrines, before the doctrine
of the Gospell. And when they be not able to
mainteine their owne inventions and doctrines, with
anie jot of the scripture, then they most cruellie persecute
them that be contrarie to the same. Be such the
lovers of Christ? Naie, naie: they be the lovers of the
wicked Mammon, neither regarding God nor his honour.
For filthie lucre hath made them almost mad, but
frantike they be doubtlesse. Is not this miserable
state of spirituall men in the world, much to be lamented
of all good Christians? But yet I cannot allowe,
neither praise all kind of lamentation, but such as may
stand with Christian charitie.

The K2v 64

The eight Chapter,
Of the fruites and rules of true Christianitie for
men to followe.

Charitie suffereth long, and is gentle, envieth {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]orritatis bis.} end of handwritten addition
not, upbraideth no man, casteth frowardlie
no faults in mens teeth, but referreth all
things to God: being angrie without sinne,
reforming others without slanders, carrieng ever a
store-house of mild words to pearce the stonie-harted
men. I would all Christians, that like as they have
professed Christ, would so endevour themselves to folowe
him in godlie living. For we have not put on
Christ, to live anie more to our selves, in the vanities, {Handwritten addition: They that have put
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]christ must
walk in the spirite.} end of handwritten addition

delightes, and pleasures of the world, and the flesh, suffering
the concupiscence and carnalitie of the flesh to
have his full swinge. For we must walke after the spirit,
and not after the flesh. For the spirit is spirituall,
and coveteth spirituall things: and the flesh carnall,
and desireth carnall things. The men regenerate by
Christ, despise the world, and all the vanities and pleaRegenerate {Handwritten addition: despise
the world} end of handwritten addition

sures thereof. They be no lovers of themselves. For
they feele how evill and infirme they be, not being able
to do anie good thing, without the helpe of God, from
whome they knowledge all goodnesse to proceede.

They flatter not themselves, with thinking everie
thing which shineth to the world, to be good and holie.
For they knowe all externe and outward works, be
they never so glorious and faire to the world, may be
done of the evill, as well as of the good. And therefore
they have in verie little estimation the outward shew
of holinesse, because they be all spirituall, casting up
their eies upon heavenlie things: neither looking nor
regarding the earthlie things, for they be to them vile
and abject. They have also the simplicite of the dove,
and the policie of the serpent. For by simplicitie they haue K3r 65
have a desire to do good to all men, and to hurt no man,
no though they have occasion given: and by policie
they give not nor minister anie just cause to anie man,
whereby their doctrine might be reproved. They be
not also as a reede shaken with everie winde: but
when they be blasted with the tempests and stormes of
the world, then remaine they most firme, stable, and
quiet, feeling in spirit, that God (as their best father)
doth send and suffer all things for their benefit and
commoditie. Christ is to them a rule, a line, an example
of Christian life. They be never offended at anie
thing, although occasion be ministred unto them.
For like as Christ, when Peter would have withdrawne
him from death, answered and said, “Go backe
from me Sathan, for thou offendest me”
: that is, “As
much as lieth in thee, thou givest me occasion with thy
words, to make me withdrawe my selfe from death, although
I yeelded not thereto. For this thy procurement
can not extinguish the burning desire I have, to
shed my bloud for my chosen.”
Even so the perfect men
are never offended at anie thing. For although the
world were full of sinne, they would not withdrawe
themselves from doing of good, nor waxe cold in the
love of the Lord. And much lesse they would be moved
to do evill: yea rather, they be so much the more moved
to do good.

The regenerated by Christ are never offended at
the works of God, because they knowe by faith, that
God doth all things well: and that he can not erre, neither
for want of power, nor by ignorance, nor malice.
For they knowe him to be almightie, and that he seeth
all things, and is most aboundantlie good. They see and
feele in spirit, that of that will most highlie perfect,
can not but proceede most perfecte works. Likewise,
they be not offended at the works of men. For if they
bee good, they are moved by them to take occasion to K.iij. followe K3v 66
folowe them, and to reknowledge the goodnes of God,
with giving of thanks, and praising his name dailie
the more. But if they be indifferent, and such as may
be done with good and evill intents, they judge the best
part, thinking they may bee done to a good purpose, and
so they bee edified. But if they bee so evill, that they can
not bee taken in good part by anie meanes; yet they
bee not offended, although occasion bee given, naie rather
they be edified, in asmuch as they take occasion to
be better, though the contrarie bee ministred to them.

Then begin they to thinke and saie thus: “If God had
not preserved me with his grace, I should have committed
this sin, and worsse. O how much am I bound
to confesse and knowledge the goodnesse of God!”
go also thinking and saieng further: “He that hath sinned,
may be one of Gods elect: peradventure the Lord
hath suffered him to fall, to the intent he may the better
knowe himselfe. I knowe he is one of them that
Christ hath shed his bloud for, and one of my Christian
brethren: trulie I will admonish and rebuke him; and {Handwritten addition: charitatis
hic.} end of handwritten addition

in case I find him desperate, I will comfort him, and
shewe him the great goodnesse and mercie of God, in
Christ: and with godlie consolations I will see if I can
lift him up.”
And thus ye may see, how the men regenerated
by Christ, of everie thing win and receive fruit.

The ninth Chapter,
Of the fruits of infidelitie, and offence of

And contrariwise, the yonglings and unperfect
are offended at small trifles, taking everie
thing in evill part, grudging and murmuring
against their neighbor: and so much
the more, as they shew themselves fervent in their so
doing, they are judged of the blind world, and of themselves
greate zeale-bearers to God. If this were the greatest K4r 67
greatest evill of these yonglings, it were not the most
evill. But I feare they be so blind and ignorant, that
they are offended also at good things, & judge nothing
good, but such as they embrace and esteeme to bee good,
with murmuring against all such as folowe not their
waies. If there be anie of this sort, the Lord give
them the light of his truth, that they may increase and
growe in godlie strength. I suppose, if such yonglings
and unperfect, had seene Christ and his Disciples eate
meate with unwashen hands, or not to have fasted
with the Pharisies, they would have beene offended,
seeing him a breaker of mens traditions. Their affections
dispose their eies to see through other men, and
they see nothing in themselves: where charitie, although
it be most ful of eies to see the faults of others,
whome it coveteth to amend, thinketh none evill, but
discreetlie and rightlie interpreteth all things, by the
which more justlie and trulie everie thing is taken.

Now, these superstitious weaklings, if they had been
conversant with Christ, and seene him leade his life
sometime with women, sometime with Samaritanes,
with Publicanes, sinners, and with the Pharisies,
they would have murmured at him. Also, if they
had seene Marie powre upon Christ the pretious ointment,
they would have said with Judas: “This ointment
might have beene sold, and given to the poore.”
they also had seene Christ with whips drive out of the
Temple those that bought and sold, they would foorthwith
have judged Christ to have beene troubled and
moved with anger, and not by zeale of charitie. How
would they have beene offended, if they had seene him
go to the Jewes feast, heale a sicke man upon the sabboth
daie, practise with the woman of Samaria, yea &
shew unto hir of his most divine doctrine & life? They
would have taken occasion to have hated & persecuted
him, as the Scribes and Pharisies did: and even so K.iiij. should K4v 68
should Christ the Saviour of the world, have beene to
them an offence and ruine.

There be an other kind of little ones unperfecte
which are offended after this sort and maner. As
when they see one that is reputed and esteemed holie
to commit sinne, forthwith they learne to do that, and
woorse, and waxe cold in dooing of good, and confirme
themselves in evill: and then they excuse their wicked
life, publishing the same with the slander of their
neighbor. If anie man reproove them, they saie: “Such
a man did this, and woorse.”
So it is evident, that such
persons would denie Christ, if they sawe other men doo
the same. If they went to Rome, and sawe the enormities
of the Prelates, which is said to reigne there
among them, I doubt not, if they sawe one of them
sinne, which were reputed and taken for holie, their
faith should be lost; but not the faith of Christ, which
they never possessed: but they should loose that humane
opinion, which they had of the goodnesse of the Prelates.
For, if they had the faith of Christ, the holie
Ghost should be a witnes unto them, the which should
be mightie in them, that in case all the world would
denie Christ, yet they would remaine firme and stable
in the true faith.

The Pharisies also tooke occasion of the evill of others,
to waxe hautie and proud, taking themselves
to be men of greater perfection than anie other; bicause
of their vertue, even as the Pharisie did, when
he sawe the Publicans submission. And so they be offended
with everie little thing, judging evill, mmurmuring
against their neighbour, and for the same, they
are of manie reputed and taken for the more holie and
good: whereas in deed they be the more wicked. The
most wicked persons are offended, even at themselves.
For at their little stabilitie in goodnesse, and of their
delectable and evill life, they take occasion to despaire: where K5r 69
where they ought the more to commit themselves to
God, asking mercie for their offences: and foorthwith
to give thanks, that it hath pleased him of his goodnesse
to suffer them so long a time.

But what needeth it anie more to saie? The evill men
are offended even at the works of God, they see God
suffer sinners, therefore thinke they, sinne displeaseth
him not. And bicause they see not the good rewarded
with riches, oftentimes they imagine, that God loveth
them not. It seemeth to them God is parciall, bicause
he hath elected some, and some reprooved. And
therefore they saie, that the elected be sure of salvation,
taking by that, occasion to doo evill inough, saieng:
“Whatsoever God hath determined, shall be performed.”
If also they see the good men oppressed, and the
evill men exalted, they judge God unjust, taking occasion
to live evillie, saieng: “Inasmuch as God favoureth
the naughtie men, let us doo evill inough, to the
intent he doo us good.”
If then the wicked be offended
even at God, it is no woonder if they be offended at
those that followe and walke in his paths and waies.

The tenth Chapter,
Of carnall gospellers, by whose evill living Gods truth
is shamefullie slandered.

Iwill now speake with great dolor and heavinesse
in my hart, of a sort of people, which
be in the world, that be called professors of
the Gospell; and by their words doo declare
and shew, they be much affected to the same. But I am
afraid, some of them doo build upon the sand; as Simon
did, making a weake foundation: I
meane, they make not Christ their chiefest foundation,
professing his doctrine, of a sincere, pure, and zealous
mind; but either for bicause they would be called gospellers,pellers, K5v 70
to procure some credit and good opinion of the
true and verie favourers of Christs doctrine, either to
find out some carnall libertie, either to be contentious
disputers, finders or rebukers of other mens
faults, or else finallie to please and flatter the world.
Such gospellers are an offence, and a slander to the
word of God, and make the wicked to rejoice & laugh
at them, saieng: “Behold I praie you their faire fruits.
What charitie, what discretion, what godlinesse, holinesse,
or puritie of life is among them? Be not they
great avengers, foule gluttons, slanderers, backbiters,
adulterers, fornicators, swearers, and blasphemers;
yea and wallowe & tumble in all sinnes? These
be the fruits of their doctrine.”

And thus it may be seene, how the word of God is
evill spoken of, through licentious and evill living: and
yet the word of God is all holie, pure, sincere, and godlie,
being the doctrine & occasion of all holie and pure
living. It is the wicked that pervert all good things,
into evill. For an evill tree can not bring foorth good
fruit. And when good seede is sowne in a barren and
evill ground, it yeeldeth no good corne: and so it fareth
by the word of God. For when it is heard and knowne
of wicked men, it bringeth no good fruit: but when it is
sowne in good ground, I meane the harts of good people,
it bringeth foorth good fruit abundantlie: so that
the want & fault is in men, and not in the word of God.
I praie God all men and women may have grace to
become meete tillage for the fruits of the Gospell, and
to leave onlie the jangling of it. For onlie speaking of
the Gospell maketh not men good Christians, but good
talkers, except their facts and works agree with the
same: so then their speech is good, bicause their harts
be good. And even as much talke of the word of God,
without practising the same in our living, is evill & detestable
in the sight of God: so it is a lamentable thing to K6r 71
to heare, how there bee manie in the world, that do not
well digest the reading of scripture, and do commend {Handwritten addition: Blasphemie} end of handwritten addition
and praise ignorance, and saie, that much knowledge
of Gods word is the originall of all dissention, scismes,
and contention; and maketh men hautie, proud, and
presumptuous, by reading of the same.

This maner of saieng is no lesse than a plaine blasphemie
against the holie Ghost. For the spirit of God
is the author of his word, and so the holie Ghost is
made the author of evill, which is a most great blasphemie,
and (as the scripture saith) a sinne that shall
not bee forgiven in this world, neither in the other to
come. It were all our parts and duties, to procure and
seeke all the waies and meanes possible, to have more
knowledge of Gods word set foorth abroade in the
world, & not allow ignorance, and discommend knowledge
of Gods word, stopping the mouthes of the unlearned
with subtile and craftie persuasions of Philosophie,
and Sophistrie, whereof commeth no fruite,
but a great perturbation of the mind to the simple
& ignorant, not knowing which waie to turne them.
For how is it not extreame wickednesse, to charge the
holie sanctified word of God with the offences of man?
To alledge the scriptures to be perillous learning, because
certaine readers thereof fall into heresies?

These men might be inforced by this kind of argument,
to forsake the use of fire, because fire burneth
their neighbours house: or to absteine from meate and
drinke, because they see manie surfet. O blind hate!
They slander God for mans offence, & excuse the man
whome they see offend; and blame the scripture, which
they can not improve. Yea I have heard of some, that
have verie well understood the Latin tongue, that
when they have heard learned men persuade to the
credite and beleefe of certaine unwritten verities (as
they call them) which bee not in scripture expressed, and K6v 72
and yet taught as doctrine apostolike, and necessarie
to bee beleeved; they have been of this opinion, that
the learned men have mo Episles written by the Apostles
of Christ, than wee have abroad in the Canon
of the old and new testament, or knowne of anie, but
onlie to them of the Clergie. Which beleefe I did not
a little lament in my hart to heare, that anie creature
should have such a blind ignorant opinion.

Some kind of simplicitie is to bee praised, but this {Handwritten addition: simplicitieout veritie
not allowed.} end of handwritten addition

simplicitie, without the veritie, I can neither praise
nor allow. And thus it may bee seene, how wee that bee
unlettered remaine confused, without God of his
grace lighten our harts and minds with a heavenlie
light and knowledge of his will. For wee bee given of
our selves to beleeve men better than God. I praie
God send all learned men the spirit of God aboundantlie,
that their doctrine may bring forth the fruits therof.
I suppose there was never more neede of good doctrine
to bee set foorth in the world than now in this
age. For the carnall children of Adam, bee so wise in
their generation, that if it were possible, they would
deceive the children of light. The world loveth his
owne, and therefore their facts and doings be highlie
esteemed of the world: but the children of God are hated,
bicause they bee not of the world. For their habitation
is in heaven, and they do despise the world as a
most vile slave.

The fleshlie children of Adam be so politike, subtile,
craftie, and wise in their kind, that the elect should bee
illuded, if it were possible. For they are cloathed with
Christs garment, in utter appearance, with a faire
shewe of all godlines, and holines in their words: but
they have so shorne, nopped, and turned Christs garment,
and have so disguised themselves, that the children
of light beholding them with a spirituall eie, do
accompt and take them for men which have sold their maisters K7r 73
maisters garment, and have stolne a peece of everie
mans garment. Yet by their subtile art, and craftie
wits, they have so set those patches and peeces togither,
that they do make the blind world, and carnall
men to beleeve, it is Christs verie mantell.

The eleventh Chapter,
Of the vertuous properties of Gods children: of whome
everie one attendeth his vocation.

But the children of light knowe the contrarie:
for they are led by the spirit of God,
to the knowledge of the truth, and therefore
they discerne and judge all things right, and
knowe from whence they come, even from the bishop
of Rome, and his members, the headspring of all pride,
vaineglorie, ambition, hypocrisie, and feigned holines.

The children of God be not abashed, although the
world hate them; they beleeve they are in the grace
and favour of God, and that he, as a best father, doth
governe them in all things, putting awaie from them
all vaine confidence and trust in their owne doings.
For they knowe they can doo nothing but sin of themselves.
They bee not so foolish, and childish, not to give
God thanks for their election, which was before the
beginning of the world. For they beleeve most surelie
they bee of the chosen. For the holie Ghost doth witnes
to their spirit, that they bee the children of God, and
therefore they beleeve God better than man. They
saie with Saint Paule, “Who shall separate us from
the love of God? Shall tribulation, anguish, persecution,
hunger, nakednesse, perill, or sword?”
As it is written,
“For thy sake are we killed all daie long; and are
counted as sheepe appointed to bee slaine: neverthelesse,
in all these things wee overcome, through him
that loveth us. For I am sure, that neither death, nor {Handwritten addition: Ro. 8.} end of handwritten addition
life, neither Angels, nor rule; neither power, neither things K7v 74
things present, neither things to come, neither quantitie
or qualitie, neither anie creature, shall bee able to
depart us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesu
our Lord.”

They are not by this godlie faith presumptuouslie
inflamed, nor by the same become they loose, idle, or
slowe in dooing of godlie works, as carnall men dreme
of them: so much the more fervent they be in dooing
most holie and pure works, which God hath commanded
them to walke in. They wander not in mens traditions
and inventions, leaving the most holie and
pure precepts of God undone, which they knowe they
be bound to observe and keepe. Also they worke not
like hirelings, for meede, wages, or reward, but as loving
children, without respect of lucre, gaine, or hire.
They be in such libertie of spirit, and joie so much in
God, that their inward consolation can not be expres {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]sure hope of
the elect.} end of handwritten addition

sed with tongue. All feare of damnation is gone from
them; for they have put their whole hope of salvation
in his hands, which will and can performe it; neither
have they anie post or piller to leane to, but God, and
his smooth and unwrinkled Church. For he is to them
all in all things, and to him they leane, as a most sure
square piller, in prosperitie and adversitie, nothing
doubting of his promises and covenants. For they beleeve
most surelie they shall be fulfilled.

Also the children of God be not curious in searching
the high mysteries of God, which be not meet for them
to knowe: neither doo go about with humane and carnall
reasons to interpret Scripture, persuading men
by their subtile wits, and carnall doctrine, that much
knowledge of Scripture maketh men heretikes,
without they temper it with humane doctrine, Sophistrie,
Philosophie, and Logicke, wherewith to bee
seduced, according to the traditions of men, after the
ordinances of the world, and not after Christ. S. Paul doth K8r 75
doth most diligentlie admonish us, which arts are not
convenient & meet to be made checkmate with Scripture.
For the Scriptures be so pure and holie, that no
perfection can be added unto them. For even as fine
gold doth excell all other mettals, so doth the word of
God, all mens doctrines. I beseech the Lord to send the
learned and unlearned such abundance of his holie spirit,
that they may obeie and observe the most sincere
and holie word of God, and shew the fruits thereof,
which consisteth chieflie in charitie and godlie unitie:
that as we have professed one God, one faith, and one
baptisme, so we may be all of one mind, and one accord,
putting awaie all biting and gnawing. For in backbiting,
slandering, and mis-reporting our Christian brethren,
we shew not our selves the Disciples of Christ,
whom we professe. In him was most high charitie, humilitie
and patience, suffering most patientlie all ignominie,
rebukes, and slanders, praieng to his eternall
father for his enimies with most perfect charitie;
and in all things did remit his will to his fathers, as
the Scripture doth witnesse, when he praied in the
Mount. A godlie example and lesson for us to followe
at all times and seasons, as well in prosperitie, as in
adversitie; to have no will but Gods will, committing
and leaving to him all our cares and greefes, and to
abandon all our policies and inventions. For they be
most vaine, and foolish, and indeed verie shadowes and

But we be yet so carnall and fleshlie, that we run
headlong like unbrideled colts, without snaffle or bridle.
If we had the love of God printed in our harts, it
would keepe us backe from running astraie. And untill {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—2 wordsillegible-handwriting]} end of handwritten addition
such time as it please God to send us this bit to hold
us in, we shall never run the right waie, although wee
speake and talke never so much of God and his word.
The true followers of Christs doctrine have alwaies a K8v 76
a respect, and an eie to their vocation. If they be called
to the ministerie of Gods word, they preach and teach
it sincerelie, to the edifieng of others; and shew themselves
in their living, followers of the same. If they be
maried men, having children and familie, they nourish
and bring them up, without all bitternesse, and fiercenesse,
in the doctrine of the Lord, in all godlinesse and
vertue; committing the instruction of others, which
apperteine not to their charge, to the reformation of
God, and his ministers, which chieflie be Kings and
Princes, bearing the sword even for that purpose, to
punish evill dooers. If they be children, they honour
their father and mother, knowing it to be Gods commandement,
and that he hath thereto annexed a promise
of long life. If they be servants, they obeie and
serve their maisters with all feare and reverence, even
for the Lords sake; neither with murmuring nor
grudging, but with a free hart and mind.

If they be husbands, they love their wives, as their
owne bodies, after the example as Christ loved the
congregation, and gave himselfe for it, to make it to
him a spouse without spot or wrinkle. If they be women
maried, they learne of S. Paule to be obedient to
their husbands, and to keepe silence in the congregation,
and to learne of their husbands at home. Also they
weare such apparell as becommeth holinesse, & comlie
usage, with sobernesse; not being accusers or detractors,
not given to much eating of delicate meats,
and drinking of wine; but they teach honest things, to
make the yong women sober minded, to love their husbands,
to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, houswifelie,
good, and obedient unto their husbands: that
the word of God be not evill spoken of. Verelie, if all
sorts of people would looke to their owne vocation,
and ordeine the same according to Christs doctrine, we
should not have so many eies and eares to other mens faults L1r 77
faults as we have. For we be so busie and glad to find
and esspie out other mens dooings, that we forget, and
can have no time to weigh & ponder our owne, which
after the word of God we ought first to reforme: and
then we shall the better helpe an other with the straw
out of his eies.

But alas, we be so much given to love and to flatter
our selves, and so blinded with carnall affections, that
we can see and perceive no fault in our selves. And
therfore it is a thing verie requisite and necessarie for
us, to praie all with one hart and mind to God, to give
us an heavenlie light and knowledge of our owne miseries
and calamities, that we may see them, and acknowledge
them trulie before him.

The twelfe Chapter,
The conclusion, with a Christian exhoration to the
amendement of life.

If anie man shall be offended at this my lamenting
the faults of men, which be in the
world, fantasing wih themselves, that I doo
it either of hatred or of malice, to anie sort
or kind of people; verelie in so dooing they shall doo me
great wrong. For I thanke God by his grace, I hate
no creature; yea I would saie more to give witnesse
of my conscience, that neither life, honour, riches, neither
whatsoever I possesse here, which appertaineth
to mine owne private commoditie, be it never so deerlie
beloved of mee, but most willinglie and gladlie I
would leave it, to win anie man to Christ, of what degree
or sort soever he were. And yet is this nothing in
comparison to the charitie that God hath shewed me,
in sending Christ to die for me. No, if I had all the
charitie of Angels, and Apostles, it should be but like
a sparke of fire compared to a great heape of burning

L.j. God L1v 78

God knoweth of what intent and mind I have lamented
mine owne sinnes and faults to the world. I
trust no bodie will judge that I have done it for praise
or thanke of anie creature; since rather I might be
ashamed, than rejoice in rehearsall thereof. For if they
knewe how little I esteeme and weigh the praise of the
world, that opinion were soone remooved and taken awaie.
For I thanke God (by his grace) I knowe the
world to be a blind judge, and the praises therof vaine,
and of little moment: and therefore I seeke not the {Handwritten addition: Mundus quid?} end of handwritten addition
praises of the same, neither to satisfie it none otherwise
than I am taught by Christ to doo, according to
christian charitie. I would to God we would all (when
occasion doth serve) confesse our faults to the world,
all respects of our owne commoditie laid apart. But
alas, selfe-love doth so much reigne among us, that as {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsillegible-handwriting]} end of handwritten addition
I have said before) we can not espie our owne faults.
And although somtime we find our owne guilt, either
we be favourable to interpret it no sin: or else we be
sore offended and greeved, to heare our faults charitablie
and godlie told us of other, putting no difference
betweene charitable warning, & malicious accusing.

Trulie, if we sought Gods glorie, as we should doo {Handwritten addition: If we sought glory
of god we coould
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]ofesse o {Handwritten addition: f} end of handwritten addition faltes &
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]mend} end of handwritten addition

in all things, we should not be ashamed to confesse our
selves to digresse from Gods precepts and ordinances;
when it is manifest we have done, and dailie doo.
I praie God our owne faults and deeds condemne us
not at the last daie, when everie man shall be rewarded
according to his dooings. Trulie, if we doo not redresse
and amend our living, according to the doctrine
of the Gospell; we shall receive a terrible sentence of
Christ the sonne of God, when he shall come to judge
and condemne all transgressours and breakers of his
precepts and commandements; and to reward all his
obedient and loving children. We shall have no man of L2r 79
of lawe to make our plea for us, neither can we have
the daie deferred, neither will the Judge be corrupted
with affection, bribes, or reward; neither will he heare
anie excuse or delaie, neither shall this Saint or that
Martyr helpe us, be they never so holie; neither shall
our ignorance save us from damnation. But yet wilfull
blindnesse, and obstinate ignorance shall receive {Handwritten addition: obstinate ignorance
shall receave the
greter punishment} end of handwritten addition

greater punishment, and not without just cause. Then
shall it be knowne who hath walked in the darke. For
all things shall appeere manifest before him. No mans
deeds shall be hidden; no, neither words, nor thoughts.
The poore and simple observers of Gods commandements
shall be rewarded with everlasting life, as obedient
children to the heavenlie Father: and the transgressors,
adders, and diminishers of the lawe of God,
shall receive eternall damnation for their just reward.
I beseech God we may escape this fearefull sentence,
and be found such faithfull servants, and loving children,
that we may heare the happie, comfortable, and
most joifull sentence ordeined for the children of God,
which is; “Come hither ye blessed of my father, and receive
the kingdome of heaven, prepared for you
before the beginning of the world. Unto
the Father, the Sonne, and the holie
Ghost, be all honour and
glorie world without
end, Amen.”

L2v 80

Also here followe godlie Praiers and
Meditations, wherein the mind is stirred, patientlie
to suffer all afflictions heere; to set at
naught the vaine prosperitie of the world: and
alwaie to long for everlasting felicitie: collected
out of holie works, by the most vertuous
and gratious Princesse Katherine,
Queene of England, France,
and Ireland.

Colossians. 3, verse. 1. 2. “If ye be risen againe with Christ, seeke the things which are
above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Set your affection on things that are above: and not on things
which are on the earth.”

The first Chapter,
Of praiers to performe Gods will in

Most benigne Lord Jesu, grant me
thy grace, that it may alwaie
worke in mee, and persevere with
me unto the end.

Grant me, that I may ever desire
and will that, which is most
pleasant, and most acceptable to

Thy will be my will, and my will be to followe alwaie
thy will.

Let there be alwaie in me one will, and one desire
with thee, and that I have no desire to will, or not to
will, but as thou wilt.

Lord, thou knowest what thing is most profitable,
and most expedient for me.

Giue L3r 81

Give me therefore what thou wilt, as much as thou
wilt, and when thou wilt.

Doo with me what thou wilt, as it shall please thee,
and as shall be most to thine honour.

Put me where thou wilt, and freelie doo with me in
all things after thy will.

Thy creature I am, and in thy hands, leade and
turne me where thou wilt.

Lo, I am thy servant, readie to all things that thou
commandest. For I desire not to live to my selfe, but to

Lord Jesu, I praie thee grant me grace, that I never
set my hart on the things of this world: but that
all worldlie and carnall affections may utterlie die
and be mortified in me.

Grant me above all things, that I may rest in thee, {Handwritten addition: christ is the true
peace of hart, &
rest of the soule} end of handwritten addition

and fullie quiet and pacifie my hart in thee.

For thou Lord art the verie true peace of hart, and
the perfect rest of the soule: & without thee all things
be greevous and unquiet.

My Lord Jesu, I beseech thee, be with me in everie
place, and at all times; and let it be to me a speciall solace,
gladlie for thy love to lacke all worldlie solace.

And if thou withdrawe thy comfort from me at any
time, keepe me, O Lord, from desperation, and make
me patientlie to abide thy will and ordinance.

O Lord Jesu, thy judgments be righteous, and thy
providence is much better for me, than all that I can
imagine or devise.

Wherfore doo with me in all things as it shall please
thee. For it may not be but well, all that thou dooest.

If thou wilt that I be in light, be thou blessed: if
thou wilt that I be in darknesse, be thou also blessed.

If thou vouchsafe to comfort me, be thou highlie
blessed: if thou wilt I live in trouble, and without
comfort, be thou likewise ever blessed.

L.iij. Lord L3v 82

Lord give mee grace gladlie to suffer whatsoever
thou wilt shall fall upon me, and patientlie to take it
at thy hand: good and bad, bitter and sweete, joie and
sorrow: and for all things that shall befalll unto me,
hartilie to thanke thee.

Keepe me Lord from sinne, and I shall then neither
dread death, nor hell.

O what thanks ought I to give unto thee, which
hast suffered the greevous death of the crosse, to deliver
me from my sinnes, and to obtaine everlasting life
for me!

Thou gavest us most perfect example of patience,
fulfilling and obeieng the will of thy father, even unto
the death.

Make me wretched sinner, obedientlie to use my
selfe after thy will in althings, and patientlie to beare
the burden of this corruptible life.

For though this life be tedious, and as an heavie
burden to my soule: yet neverthelesse thorough thy
grace, and by example of thee, it is now made much
more easie and comfortable, than it was before thine
incarnation and passion.

Thy holie life is our waie to thee, and by following
of thee we walke to thee, that art our head and Saviour:
and yet, except thou hadst gone before and shewed
us the waie to everlasting life; who would endevor
himselfe to followe thee? Seeing we be yet so slowe
and dull, having the light of thy blessed example and
holie doctrine to leade and direct us.

O Lord Jesu, make that possible by grace, that is to
me impossible by nature.

Thou knowest well that I may litle suffer, and that
I am anon cast downe and overthrowne with a little
adversitie: wherfore I beseech thee O Lord, to strengthen
me with thy spirit, that I may willinglie suffer
for thy sake, all maner of trouble and affliction.

The L4r 83

The second Chapter,
A confession of our infirmities, with a desire to rest in
God above all things.

Lord, I will knowledge unto thee all mine
unrighteousnesse, and I will confesse to thee
all the unstablenesse of my hart.

Oftentimes a verie little thing troubleth
me sore, and maketh mee dull and slowe to serve thee.

And sometime I purpose to stand stronglie: but
when a little trouble commeth, it is to mee great anguish
and greefe, and of a right little thing riseth a
greevous temptation to mee.

Yea when I thinke my selfe to bee sure and strong,
and that (as it seemeth) I have the upper hand: suddenlie
I feele my selfe readie to fall with a little blast
of temptation.

Behold therefore (good Lord) my weakenesse, and
consider my frailenesser best knowne to thee.

Have mercie on me, and deliver me from all iniquitie
and sinne, that I bee not intangled therewith.

Oft times it greeveth mee sore, and in a maner confoundeth
mee, that I am so unstable, so weake, and so
fraile, in resisting sinfull motions.

Which although they drawe me not alwaie to consent,
yet neverthelesse their assaults bee verie greevous
unto mee.

And it is tedious to mee to live in such battell, albeit
I perceive, that such bettell is not unprofitable
unto mee: for thereby I knowe the better my selfe, and
mine owne infirmities, and that I must seeke helpe
onlie at thy hands.

O Lord God of Israel, the lover of all faithfull
souls, voucxhsafe to behold the labour and sorowe of
mee thy poore creature.

Assist mee in all things with thy grace, and so strengthenL.iiij. then L4v 84
me with heavenlie strength, that neither my cruell
enimie the feend, neither my wretched flesh (which
is not yet subject to the spirit) have victorie or dominon
over mee.

O what a life may this bee called, where no trouble
nor miserie lacketh! Where everie place is full of
snares of mortall enimies!

Wherefore Lord Jesu, I praie thee give me thy
grace, to rest in thee above all things, and to quiet mee
in thee above all creatures, above all glorie and honour,
above all dignitie and power, above all cunning
and policie, above all health and beautie, above all riches
and treasure, above all joie and pleasure, above
all fame and praise, above all mirth and consolation
that mans hart may take or feele besides thee.

For thou Lord God, art best, most wise, most high,
most mightie, most sufficient, and most full of all goodnesse,
most sweet, and most comfortable, most faire, most
loving, most noble, most glorious, in whom all goodnes
most perfeclie is.

And therefore, whatsoever I have besides thee, it is
nothing to mee. For my hart may not rest, ne fullie bee
pacified, but onlie in thee.

O Lord Jesu, most loving spouse; who shall give mee
wings of perfect love, that I may flie up from these
worldlie miseries, and rest in thee?

O when shall I ascend to thee, and feele how sweet
thou art?

When shall I wholie gather my selfe in thee so perfectlie,
that I shall not for thy love feele my selfe, but
thee onlie above my selfe, & above all worldlie things,
that thou maist vouchsafe to visit mee in such wise, as
thou dooest visit thy most faithfull lovers?

Now L5r 85

Now I often mourne and complaine of the miseries
of this life, and with sorowe and great heavinesse
suffer them.

For manie things happen dailie to mee, which oftentimes
trouble mee, make mee heavie, and darken
mine understanding.

They hinder mee greatlie, and put my mind from
thee, and so encumber me manie waies, that I can not
freelie and cleerelie desire thee, ne have thy sweet consolations,
which with thy blessed Saints be alwaie

I beseech thee, Lord Jesu, that the sighings and inward
desires of my hart may move and incline thee to
heare mee.

The third Chapter.
A recounting of Gods benefits, with praier to obtaine a
free and cleane mind, with hartie wisdome
and deliverance.

O Jesu, King of everlasting glorie, the joie and
comfort fo all Christian people, that are
wandering as Pilgrims in the wildernes of
this world: my hart crieth to thee by still desires,
and my silence speaketh unto thee, and saith:
“How long tarieth my Lord God to come to mee?”

Come O Lord, and visit mee: for without thee I have
no true joie, without thee my soule is heavie and sad.

I am in prison, and bounden with fetters of sorowe,
till thou O Lord, with thy gratious presence vouchsafe
to visit me, and to bring me againe to libertie and
joie of spirit, and to shew thy favourable countenance
unto me.

Open my hart (Lord) that I may behold thy lawes,
and teach me to walke in thy commandements.

Make me to knowe and folowe thy will, and to have
alwaies in my remembrance thy manifold benefits,
that I may yeeld due thanks to thee for the same.

But L5v 86

But I knowledge and confesse for truth, that I am
no[Gap in transcription—3-4 charactersobscured] to give thee condigne thanks, for the least benefit
that thou hast given me.

O Lord, all gifts and vertues that anie man hath,
in bodie or soule, naturall or supernaturall, be thy
gifts, and come of thee, and not of our selyes; and they
declare the great riches of thy mercie and goodnesse
unto us.

And though some have mo gifts than other; yet
they all proceed from thee, and without thee the least
can not be had.

O Lord, I accompt it for a great benefit. not to have
manie worldlie gifts, whereby the laud and praise of
men might blind my soule, and deceive me.

Lord, I knowe that no man ought to be ashamed or
miscontent, that he is in a lowe estate in this world,
and lacketh the pleasures of this life; but rather to be
glad and rejoice thereat:

For so much as thou hast chosen the poore and meeke
persons, and such as are despised in the world, to be thy
servants and familiar friends.

Witnesse be thy blessed Apostles, whome thou madest
chiefe pastours and spirituall governours of thy
flocke, which departed from the counsel of the Jews,
rejoising that they were counted worthie to suffer rebuke
for thy name.

Even so (O Lord) grant that I thy servant may be
as well content to be taken as the least, as other be to
be greatest; and that I be as well pleased to be in the
lowest place, as in the highest; and as glad to be of no
reputation in the world for thy sake, as other are to be
noble and famous.

Lord, it is the worke of a perfect man, never to sequester
his mind from thee; and among manie worldlie
cares to go without care: not after the maner of
an idle or a dissolute person, but by the prerogative of a free L6r 87
free mind, alwaie minding heavenlie things, and not
cleaving by inordinate affection to anie creature.

I beseech thee therefore, my Lord Jesu, keepe me
from the superfluous cares of this world, that I be
not inquieted with bodilie necessities; ne that I be
not taken with the voluptuous pleasures of the
world, ne of the flesh.

Preserve me from all things, which hinder my soule
health, that I be not overthrowne with them.

O Lord God, which art sweetnesse unspeakable,
turne into bitternesse to me all worldlie and fleshlie
delights, which might drawe me from the love of eternall
things, to the love of short and vile pleasures.

Let not flesh and bloud overcome me, ne yet the
world with his vaine glorie deceive me, nor the feend
with his manifold crafts supplant me: but give me
ghostlie strength in resisting them, patience in suffering
them, and constancie in persevering to the end.

Give me for all worldlie delectations, the most sweet
consolation of thy holie spirit, and for all fleshlie love,
indue my soule with fervent love of thee.

Make me strong inwardlie in my soule, and cast out
therof all unprofitable cares of this world, that I be
not led by unstable desires of earthlie things: but that
I may repute all things in this world (as they be)
transitorie and soone vanishing awaie, and my selfe also
with them, drawing toward mine end.

For nothing under the sunne may long abide; but
all is vanitie, and affliction of spirit.

Give me (Lord) therefore heavenlie wisdome, that
I may learne to seeke and find thee, & above all things
to love thee.

Give me grace to withdrawe me from them, that
flatter me, and patientlie to suffer them that unjustlie
greeve me.

Lord, when temptation or tribulation commeth, vouchsafe L6v 88
vouchsafe to succour me, that all may turne to my
gh[Gap in transcription—2-3 charactersobscured]ie comfort, and patientlie to suffer, and alwaie
to saie, “Thy name be blessed.”

Lord, trouble is now at hand; I am not well, but I
am greatlie vexed with this present affliction. O most
glorious father, what shall I do? Anguish and trouble
are on everie side, helpe now, I beseech thee in this
houre: thou shalt be lauded and praised, when I am
perfectlie made meeke before thee, and when I am
cleerlie delivered by thee.

May it therefore please thee to deliver me. For what
may I most sinfull wretch do? Or whether may I go
for succour, but to thee?

Give mee patience now at this time in all my
troubles; helpe me, Lord God, and I shall not feare
ne dread, what trouble so ever fall upon me.

And now, what shall I saie, but that thy will be done
in me? I have deserved to be troubled and greeved;
and therefore it behooveth that I suffer, as long as it
pleaseth thee.

But would to God that I might suffer gladlie, till
the furious tempests were overpassed, and that quietnesse
of hart might come againe.

Thy mightie hand, Lord, is strong ynough to take
this trouble from me, & to asswage the cruell assaults
thereof with them, as thou hast oftentimes done before
this time; that when I am cleerlie delivered by
thee, I may with gladnesse saie, “The right hand of him
that is highest, hath made this change.”

The fourth Chapter,
To despise all things in the world, and yeeld our selves up to God,
that he may be all in all for our redemption in time of neede.

Lord grant me thy singular grace, that I may
come thither where no creature shall let me
ne keepe me from the perfect beholding of thee.

For L7r 89

For as long as anie transitorie thing keepeth me
backe, or hath rule in me, I may not freelie ascend to

O Lord, without thee nothing may long delight or
please: for if anie thing should be liking and favourie, it
must be through helpe of thy grace, seasoned with the
spice of thy wisedome.

O everlasting light, far passing all things, send
downe the beames of thy brightnesse from above, and
purifie and lighten the inward parts of my hart.

Quicken my soule, and all the powers thereof, that
it may cleave fast, and be joined to thee in joifull gladnesse,
and ghostlie ravishings.

O when shall that blessed houre come, that thou {Handwritten addition: cupio dissoluj
esse tu chris[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]} end of handwritten addition

shalt visit me, and glad me with thy blessed presence;
when thou shalt be to me all in all? Verelie untill that
time come, there can be no perfect joi in me.

But alas, mine old man, that is, my carnall affections
live still in me, and are not crucified nor perfectlie

For yet striveth the flesha against the spirit, and moveth
great battell inwardlie against me, and suffereth
not the kingdome of my soule to live in peace.

But thou good Lord, that hast the Lordship over all,
and power of the sea, to asswage the rages and surges
of the same, arise and helpe me; destroie the power of
mine enimies, which alwaies make battell against
me: shew foorth the greatnesse of thy goodnesse, and let
the power of thy right hand be glorified in me. For
there is to me none other helpe nor refuge, but in thee
onlie my Lord, my God: to thee be honour and gflorie everlasting.

O Lord grant me, that I may wholie resigne my
selfe to thee, and in all things to forsake my selfe, and
patientlie to beare my crosse, and to followe thee.

O Lord, what is man, that thou couchsafest to have mind L7v 90
mind of him, and to visit him?

Thou art alwaie one, alwaie good, alwaie righteous
and holie, justlie and blessedlie disposing all things after
thy wisdome.

But I am a wretch, and of my selfe alwaie readie
and prone to evill, and do never abide in one state, but
manie times doo varie and change.

Neverthelesse, it shall be better with me, when it
shall please thee. For thou O Lord onelie art he that
maiest helpe me; and thou maiest to confirme and stablish
me, that my hart shall not be changed from thee,
but be surelie fixed, and finallie rest and be quieted in

I am nothing else of my selfe, but vanitie before
thee, and unconstant creature, and a feeble. And therefore,
whereof may I rightrfullie glorie? Or why should
I looke to be magnified?

Who so pleaseth himselfe without thee, displeaseth
thee; and he that delighteth in mens praisings, looseth
the true praise before thee.

The true praise is to be praised of thee: and the true
joie is to rejoice in thee.

The true praise is to be praised of thee: and the true
joie is to rejoice in thee.

Wherefore, thy name O Lord, be praised, and not
mine; thy works be magnified, and not mine; and thy
goodnesse be alwaies lauded and blessed.

Thou art my glorie, and the joie of my hart, in thee
shall I glorie and rejoice, and not in my selfe, nor in anie
worldlie honor or dignitie, which to thine eternall
glorie compared, is but a shadowe, and a verie vanitie.

O Lord, we live here in great darknesse, and are soone
deceived with the vanities of this world, and are soone
greeved with a little trouble: yet id I could behold my
selfe well, I should plainelie see, that what trouble soever
I have suffered, it hath justlie come upon me, because
I have often sinned, & greevouslie offended thee.

To me therefore confusion, and despite is due; but to L8r 91
to thee laud, honour and glorie.

Lord send me helpe in my troubles; for mans helpe
is little woorth.

Now often have I beene disappointed, where I
thought I should have found friendship? And how often
have I found it, where as I least thought?

Wherefore it is a vaine thing to trust in man. For {Handwritten addition: Salus a Deo} end of handwritten addition
the true trust and helth of man is onlie in thee.

Blessed be thou Lord therefore in all things, that
happen unto us. For we be weake and unstable, soone
deceived, and soon changed from one thing to another.

O Lord God, most righteous Judge, strong and patient,
which knowest the frailtie and malice of man; be
thou my whole strength and comfort in all necessities.
For mine owne conscience Lord sufficeth not.

Wherefore to thy mercie I doo appeale, seeing no
man may be justified, ne appere righteous in thy sight,
if thou examine him after thy justice.

The fift Chapter,
Of the everlasting daie, and anguish of
this life.

Oblessed mansion of thy heavenlie Citie! O
most clearest daie of eternitie, whom the
might may never darken!

This is the daie alwaie cleare and merrie,
alwaie sure, and never changing his estate.

Would to God this daie might shortlie appeare, and
shine upon us, and that these worldlie fantasies were
at an end.

This daie shineth clearlie to thy Saints in heaven,
with everlasting brightnesse: but to us pilgrims in
earth it shineth obscurelie, and as through a mirrour
or glasse.

The heavenlie Citizens knowe how joious this day
is; but we outlawes, the children of Eve, weepe and waile L8v 92
waile the bitter tediousnes of our daie, that is of this
present life, short and evill, full of sorowe and anguish,

Where man is oftentimes defiled with sinne, incumbred
with affliction, inquieted with troubles,
wrapped in cares, busies with vanities, blinded with
errors, overcharged with labours, vexed with temptation,
overcome with vaine delights and pleasures
of the world, and grievouslie tormented with penurie
and neede.

O when shall the end come of all these miseries?

When shall I be clearelie delivered from the bondage
of sinne?

When shall I Lord have onelie mind on thee, and
fullie be glad and merrie in thee?

When shall I be free without letting, and be in perfect
libertie of bodie and soule?

When shall I have peace without trouble: peace
within and without, and on everie side stedfast & sure?

O Lord Jesu, when shall I stand and behold thee;
and have full sight and contemplation of thy glorie?

When shalt thou be to me all in all? And when shall
I be with thee in thy kingdome, that thou hast ordeined
for thine elect people from the beginning?

I am left here poore, and as an outlawe, in the land
of mine enimies; where dailie be battels, and great

Comfort mine exile, asswage my sorowe; for all my
desire is to be with thee.

It is to me an unpleasant burden, what pleasure
soever the world offereth me here.

I desire to have inward fruition in thee; but I can
not attaine thereto.

I covet to cleave fast to heavenlie things; but worldlie
affections plucke my mind downeward.

I would subdue all evill affections; but they dallie
rebell, and rise against me, and will not be subject unto my M1r 93
my spirit.

Thus I wretched creature sigh in my selfe, and am
grievous to my selfe, while my spirit desireth to be upward
and contrarie, my flesh draweth me downward.

O what suffer I inwardlie! I go about to mind
heavenly things, and streight a great rable of worldlie
things rush into my soule.

Therefore, Lord, be not long awaie; ne depart thou
in thy wrath from me.

Send me the light of thy grace; destroie in me all
carnall desires.

Send foorth the hot flames of thy love to burne and
consume the cloudie fantasies of my mind.

Gather, O Lord, my wits, and the powers of my
soule togither in thee; & make me to despise all worldlie
things, and by thy grace strongly to resist and overcome
all motions and occassions of sinne.

Helpe me thou everlasting truth, that no worldlie
guile nor vanitie hereafter have power to deceive me.

Come also thou heavenlie sweetnesse, and let all bitternesse
of sinne flie far from me. Pardon me, and forgive
me as oft as in my praier my mind is not surelie
fixed on thee.

For manie times I am not there, where I stand or
sit; but rather there wither my thoughts carie me.

For there I am, where my thoughts be, and where
as customablie is my thought, there is that that I

And that oftentimes commeth into my mind, that
y custome pleaseth me best; and that delighteth me
most to thinke upon.

Accordinglie as thou dost say in the gospell: “Where
as a mans treasure is, there is his hart.”

Wherefore, if I love heaven, I speake gladlie therof,
and of such things as be of God, and of that that
apperteineth to his honour, and to the glorie of his M.j. holie M1v 94
holie name.

And if I love the world, I love to talke of worldlie
things, and I joie anon in worldlie felicitie, and sorowe
and lament soone for worldlie adversitie.

If I love the flesh, I imagine oftentimes that, that
pleaseth the flesh.

If I love my soule, I delight much to speake and to
heare of things that be for my soules health.

And whatsoever I love, of that I gladlie heare, and
speake, and beare the images of them still in my mind.

Blessed is the man that for the love of the Lord, setteth
not by the pleasures of this world, and learneth
trulie to overcome himselfe, and with the fervour of
spirit crucifieth his flesh; so that in a cleane and a pure
conscience he may offer his praiers to thee, and be accepted
to have companie of thy blessed Angels, all
earthlie things excluded from his hart.

The sixt Chapter,
A sweet praier, wherein being pressed downe with troubles,
we humblie yeeld our selves under the mightie
hand of God our Creator.

Lord and holie Father, be thou blessed now
and ever. For as thou wilt, so it is done; and
that thou dooest is alwaie best.

Let me, thine humble and unwoorthie servant,
joie onelie in thee, and not in my selfe, ne in anie
thing else besides thee.

For thou Lord art my gladnes, my hope, my crowne,
and all mine honour.

What hath thy servant, but that she hath of thee,
and that without hir desert.

All things be thine; thou hast created and made

I am poore, and have beene in trouble and paine, ever
from my youth, and my soule hath beene in great heavinesseuinesse M2r 95
through manifold passions, that come of the
world, and of the flesh.

Wherefore Lord, I desire that I may have of thee
the joie of inward peace.

I aske of thee to come to that rest, which is ordeined
for thy chosen children, that be fed and nourished with
the light of heavenlie comforts. For without thy helpe
I can not come to thee.

Lord give me peace, give me inward joie, and then
my soule shall be full of heavenlie melodie, and be devout
and fervent in thy lauds and praises.

But if thou withdrawe thy selfe from me (as thou
hast sometime done) then may not thy servant runne
the waie of thy commandements, as I did before.

For it is not with me, as it was when the Lampe
of thy ghostlie presence did shine upon my head; and I
was defended under the shadowe of thy wings from
all perils and dangers.

O mercifull Lord Jesu, ever to be praised; the time
is come, that thou wilt proove thy servant; and rightfull
it is, that I shall now suffer somewhat for thee.

Now is the houre come, that thou hast knowne from
the beginning, that thy servant for a time should outwardlie
be set at naught, and inwardlie to leane unto

And that she should be despised in the sight of the
world, and be broken with affliction, that she may after
arise with thee in a new light, and be clarified, and
made glorious in the kingdome of heaven.

O holie father, thou hast ordeined it so to be; and it
is done as thou hast commanded.

This is thy grace (O Lord) to thy freend, to suffer
hir to be troubled in this world for thy love, how often
so ever it be, and of what person so ever it be, and in
what maner soever thou wilt suffer it to fall unto hir.
For without thy will or sufferance, what thing is done M.ij. vpon M2v 96
upon the earth?

It is good to me, O Lord, that thou hast meekened {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 characterflawed-reproduction]onū est mihj quod
[Gap in transcription—1 wordillegible-handwriting] me.} end of handwritten addition

me, that I may therby learne to knowe thy righteous
judgements, & to put from me all maner of presumption,
and statelinesse of hart.

It is verie profitable for me, that confusion hath covered
my face; that I may learne thereby rather to
seeke to thee for helpe and succour, than to man.

I have thereby learned to dread thy secret and terrible
judgements, which scourgest the righteous with
the sinner; but not without equitie and justice.

Lord, I yeeld thanks to thee, that thou hast not spared
my sinnes, but hast punished me with scourges of
love, and hast sent me affliction and anguish within
and without.

No creature under heaven may comfort me, but
thou Lord God, the heavenlie leach of mans soule,
which strikest and healest, which bringest a man nigh
unto death, and after restorest him to life againe, that
he may thereby learne to knowe his owne weaknesse
and imbecillitie, & the more fullie to trust in the Lord.

Thy discipline is laid upon me, and thy rod of correction
hath taught me, and under that rod I wholie
submit me.

Strike my backe and my bones as it shall please
thee; and make me to bow my crooked will to thy will.

Make me a meeke and an humble disciple, as thou
hast sometime done with me, that I may walke after
thy will.

To thee I commit my selfe to be corrected. For better
it is to be corrected by thee heere, than in time to

Thou knowest all things, and nothing is hid from
thee that is in mans conscience.

Thou knowest all things to come before they fell,
& it is not needfull that anie man teach thee, or warne thee M3r 97
thee of anie thing that is done upon the earth.

Thou knowest what is profitable for me, and how
much tribulations helpe to purge awaie the rust of
sinne in me.

Doo with me after thy pleasure. I am a sinfull
wretch, to none so well knowne as to thee.

Grant me (Lord) that to knowe, that is necessarie
to be knowne; that to love, that is to be loved; that
to desire, that pleaseth thee; that to regard, that is
pretious in thy sight; and that to refuse, that is vile
before thee.

Suffer me not to judge thy mysteries after mine outward
senses, ne to give sentence after the hearing of
the ignorant, but by true judgement to discerne things
spirituall; and above all things, alwaie to search and
followe thy will and pleasure.

O Lord Jesu, thou art all my riches, and all that I
have, I have it of thee.

But what am I (Lord) that dare speake to thee? I
am thy poore creature, and a worme most abject.

Behold Lord, I have naught, and of my selfe I am
naught worth. Thou art onlie God, righteous and
holie; thou orderest all things, thou givest all things,
and thou fulfillest all things with goodnesse.

I am a sinner, barren and void of godlie vertues.

Remember thy mercies, and fill my hart with plentie
of thy grace. For thou wilt not that thy works in
me should be made in vaine.

How many I beare the miserie of this life, except thy
grace annd mercie do comfort me?

Tuurn not thy face from me, deferre not the visiting
of me; ne withdrawe not thy comforts, least happilie
my soule be made as drie earth, without the water of

Teach me (Lord) to fulfill thy will, to live meeklie,
and worthilie before thee. For thou art all my wisdome M.iij. and M3v 98
and cunning, thou art he that knowest me as I am,
that knewest me before the world was made, & before
I was borne or brought into this life. To thee (O
Lord) be honour, glorie, and praise for ever
and ever: Amen.

A certaine effectuall praier, made by the
Ladie Jane Dudley, in the time of hir
trouble, a little before hir

Within the following dropped initial capital O, is a coat of arms surrounded by a latin phrase.

“Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense”[Gap in transcription—2-4 charactersobscured]

O Lord, thou God and father of my life,
heare mee poore and desolate Woman,
which flieth unto thee onelie in all my
troubles and miseries. Thou, O Lord,
art the onlie defender and deliverer of
those that put their trust in thee. And
therefore I, being defiled with sinne, incumbred with
affliction, unquieted with troubles, wrapped in cares,
overwhelmed with miseries, vexed with temptations,
and greevouslie tormented with the long imprionment
of this vile masse of claie, my sinfull bodie and
bloud, do come unto thee O merciefull Saviour, craving
thy mercie and helpe; without the which, so
little hope of deliverance is left, that I may utterlie
despaire of anie libertie. Albeit, it is expedient, that
seeing our life standeth upon trieng, we should be visited
sometime with some adversitie, wherby we might
both be tried, whether we be of thy flocke or no, and
also knowe thee, and our selves the better: yet thou
that saidst, that thou wouldst not suffer us to be temptedted M4r 99
above our power; be mercifull unto me now, a miPraier {Handwritten addition: not to be
tented above
our power} end of handwritten addition

serable wretch, I beseech thee: which with Salomon
do crie unto thee, humblie desiring thee, that I may
neither be too much puffed up with prosperitie; neither
too much pressed downe with adversitie, least I
being too full, should denie my God; or being too lowe
brought, should despaire, and blaspheme thee my Lord
and Saviour.

O mercifull God, consider my miserie best knowne
unto thee, and be thou now unto me a strong tower of
defence, I humblie require thee. Suffer me not to be
tempted above my strength and power, but either be {Handwritten addition: 1.} end of handwritten addition
thou a deliverer unto me out of this great miserie, either
else give me grace patientlie to beare thy heavie {Handwritten addition: 2.} end of handwritten addition
hand, and sharpe corection. It was thy right hand, O
God that delivered the people of Israel out of the hands {Handwritten addition: god delivered the
Israelites from
pharao, who kept
them 400 yeres[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
bondage.} end of handwritten addition

of Pharao, which for the space of four hundred yeares,
did oppresse them, and keepe them in bondage. Let it
therefore likewise seeme good to thy fatherlie goodnes,
to deliver me, sorowfull wretch (for whome thy sonne
Christ shed his pretious bloud on the Crosse) out of
this miserable captivitie and bondage, wherein I am

How long wilt thou be absent? For ever? Oh Lord,
hast thou forgotten to be gratious, and hast thou shut
up thy loving kindnesse in displeasure? Wilt thou be
no more intreated? Is thy mercie cleane gone for ever,
and thy promise come utterlie to an end for evermore?
Why doest thou make so long tarieng? Shall I despaire
of thy mercie oh God? Far be that from me. I {Handwritten addition: Desperate?} end of handwritten addition
am thy workemanship, created in Christ Jesu; give {Handwritten addition: Absia} end of handwritten addition
me grace therefore to tarie thy leasure, and patientlie
to beare thy works: assuredlie knowing, that as thou {Handwritten addition: god can & will
helpe} end of handwritten addition

canst, so thou wilt deliver me, when it shall please thee,
nothing doubting nor mistrusting thy goodnesse towards
me. For thou wotest better what is good for me, M.iiij. than M4v 100
than I doo.

Therefore doo with me in all things what thou wilt,
and plague me what waie thou wilt; onelie in the
meane time arme me, I beseech thee, with thine armour,
that I may stand fast, my loines being girded about
with veritie, having on the brestplate of righteousnes,
and shod with the shooes prepared by the Gospell of
peace: above all things taking to me the shield of faith,
where with I may be able to quench all the firie darts
of the wicked; and taking the helmet of salvation, and
the sword of the spirit, which is thy most holie word,
praieng alwaies with all maner of praier and supplication,
that I may referre my selfe wholie unto thy
will, abiding thy pleasure, and comforting my selfe in
those troubles that it shall please thee to send me; seeing
such troubles be profitable for me, and seeing I am
assuredlie persuaded, that it cannot be but well all
that thou doest. Heare me, oh mercifull father, for his
sake, whome thou wouldest should be a slaine sacrifice
for my sinnes, to whom with thee and the holie Ghost,
be all honour and glorie for ever: Amen.

An exhortation written by the Ladie Jane, the
night before she suffered, in the end of the new Testament
in Greeke, which she sent to hir sister
the Ladie Katherine.

Ihave here sent you, good sister Katherine,
a Booke, which although it be not
outwardlie trimmed with gold, yet inwardlie
it is more worth than pretious
stones. It is the booke (deere sister) of
the lawe of the Lord; it is his Testament
and last will, which he bequeathed unto us wretches,
which shall leade you to the path of eternall joie.
And if you, with a good mind reade it, and with an earnestnest M5r 101
desire folowe it, it shall bring you to an immortall
and everlasting life. It will teach you to live, and
learne you to die. It shall win you more than you
should have gained by the possessions of your wofull
fathers land. For as, if God had prospered him, you
should have inherited all his lands; so if you applie diligentlie
this booke, seeking to direct your life after it,
you shall be an inheritour of such riches, as neither the
covetous shall withdrawe from you, neither the theefe
shall steale, neither yet the moths corrupt. Desire with
David (good sister) to understand the lawe of the Lord
your God, live still to die, that you by death may obtaine
eternall life: or after your death enjoie the life
purchased you by Christes death. And trust not that
the tendernesse of your age shall lengthen your life.
For as soone, if God call, goeth the yong as the old. And
labour alwaie to learne to die, denie the world, defie
the divell, dispise the flesh, and delight your selfe onlie
in the Lord. Be penitent for your sins, and yet despair
not; be strong in faith, and yet presume not: and desire
with Saint Paule to be dissolved, and to be with
Christ, with whome in death there is life. Be like the
good servant, and even at midnight be waking, least
when death commeth, and stealeth upon you like a
theefe in the night, you be with the evill servant found
seeping: and least for lacke of oile in your lampe, ye be
found like to the five foolish virgins, and like him that
had not on the wedding garment; and then be cast out
from the mariage. Rejoice in Christ, as I trust you do.
And seeing you have the name of a Christian, as neere
as you can, folowe the steps of your maister Christ, and
take up your crosse; laie your sinnes on his backe, and
alwaies embrace him. And as touching my death, rejoice,
as I doo (good sister) that I shall be delivered of
this corruption, and put on incorruption. For I am assured,
that I shall for losing of a mortall life, win an immor- M5v 102
immortall life, the which I praie God grant you, and
send you of his grace, to live in his feare, and to die in
the true christian faith, from the which in Gods name
I exhort you that ye never swarve, neither for hope of
life, nor feare of death. For if ye will denie his truth to
lengthen your life, God will denie you, and yet shorten
your daies, to your comfort, and his glorie. To the
which glorie God bring me now, and you heereafter,
when it shall please God to call you. Farewell good
sister, and put your onlie trust in God, who onlie must
helpe you.

Your loving sister,
Jane Dudley.

Certaine verses written by the said Ladie
with a pinne.

Non aliena putes homini que obtingere possunt,

Sors hodierna mihi, cras erit illa tibi.

Jane Dudley.

Deo inuuante, nil nocet liuor malus:

Et non iuuante, nil iuuat labor grauis.

Post tenebras spero lucem.

Hir praier that she said at the time of hir death,
was the 51. Psalme of David hereafter following,
intituled, Miserere mei Deus, Have mercie
upon me O God
: which in most
devout manner she said to the verie
end: with these hir last words:

“Lord, into thy hands I commend
my spirit.”

M6r 103

Morning and Evening praiers, with
divers Psalmes, Hymnes, and Meditations,
made and set forth by the
Ladie Elizabeth

A Confession to be said before
Morning praier.

The dropped initial capital I is encased within a figure in which a horse-backed knight thrusts his sword into the top of the I. In the lower right is what looks like a Lion, watching the scene above.

Idoo acknowledge,
and confesse unto thee, O
most mercifull and heavenlie
father, mine often
and grievous offences
that I have committed
against thy divine Majestie,
from my youth hitherto,
in thought, word
and deed; leaving undone
those things, which I
ought and should have done; and dooing those things
which I ought not to have done: provoking thy wrath
and indignation against me. And now lamenting this
my wickednes, I appeale unto thy mercie, & saie with
the Publicane, “O Lord God be mercifull unto me
a most wretched sinner, forgive all that is past, save
and defend me from evill, and confirme me in good life,
to the glorie of thy name”

So be it.

A praier to be said at our uprising.

Idoo thanke thee, my most mercifull and heavenlie
father, by thy deerelie beloved sonne
Jesu Christ, that this night thou hast given
me sleepe and rest, preserving me from hurt and M6v 104
and perill. I crie thee mercie for mine offences, and
most humblie beseech thee, that thou wilt likewise this
daie keepe me from sinne and all evill, so that all my
thoughts, words and works may please thee. I doo
commit my selfe, both bodie and soule, and all things
that I go about into thy hands; beseeching thee that
thine holie spirit may abide with me, least my deadlie
adversarie the divell have power over me, Amen.

Another praier at our uprising.

{Handwritten addition: Note} end of handwritten addition

Oblessed Jesu, this daie I commend me and
all my proceedings into thy hands: this daie
I most humbly praie thee to helpe me, which
hast made me to thine owne image, and in
thy bloud hast clensed me, which art my hope in heavinesse,
my comfort in care, and trust in trouble. Although
sweete Lord, my conscience accuseth me, and
the lawe condemneth me; yet thy pretious death and
testament hath delivered me, with thee to reigne in
glorie, after death hath arrested me, & the earth consumed
me; yet good Lord, I trust in the resnurrection to
dwell with thee eternallie, through thy promise made
to me, and to all that doo beleeve in thee, and call upon
thy holie name. Thy kingdome come this daie to me,
from Sathan deliver me, with the bread of Angels
feede me, from fleshlie lusts purge me, from sudden
death and deadlie sinne, O Lord take me. Give me an
hart to beleeve in thee, and that all my senses may obey
thee, and of thy mercie accept my praiers this daie before
thee, which art one God in Trinite, to whom be
all honour and glorie, Amen.

The Hymne or praier to the sonne
of God.

The beamie sun large light doth give, & chase away the night:

So blesse us with thy benefits, endue us with thy spirit.

Sweet M7r 105

Swéet dews frōom heven to earth God grant, of peace & quiet mind,

That we may serve the living God, as his statutes doo bind.

O mightie Lord our helpe at néed, drive far awaie the féend:

That sinne nor hell doo us molest, when as our life shall éend.

Thou art the everlasting daie, which shinst in everie place:

And féedest everie living wight, with plentious gifts of grace.

Into thy heavenlie hands déer God, my spirit I doo commend:

This day from sin and Sathans power, thy servant me defend.

We laud thée Father for thy grace,

We praise the Sonne which made us frée:

We thanke the holie Spirit for our solace,

Which is one God and persons thrée.

An Antheme.

His deerlie beloved sonne God did not spare; but for
us all delivered him. How shall he not with him
give us all things also?

A praier to God the father to be used before
Morning praier.

Our mercifull father, which in teaching us to
praie, by thy sonne Christ, hast commanded
us to call thee father, and to beleeve that we
are thy beloved children, who stirrest up none
of thine to praie, but to the intent that thou wouldest
heare them, giving unto us also all things more effectuallie
and plentiouslie, than we can either aske or
thinke. We do beseech thee, for thy sonnes sake, to give
us grace to beleeve, and knowe assuredlie, that thy
sonne our Saviour Christ, is given of thee unto us to
be our Saviour, our righteousnesse, our wisdome, our
holines, our redemption, and our satisfaction. O Lord
suffer us not to trust in anie other salvation, but in thy
sonne our Saviour Jesus Christ: So be it.

The M7v 106

The Hymne of our redemption by

Praise we our father lovinglie, which gentlie us preserved:

When we forsooke him wretchedlie, & death by sinne deserved.

His mercie was so bountious, that though we from him fell:

Fréelie in Christ he pardoned us, and us redéemd from hell.

Glorie be to the Trinitie, the Father, Sonne, and spirit living:

Which art one God & persons thrée, to whom be praise without


A forme of private Morning

“Our father which art in heaven, &c.”

O Lord open thou my lips, that my mouth may
speake and shew foorth that which is to thy
glorie and praise. And shut my mouth from
speaking of anie thing, whereby I should offend
thy divine majestie, or be hurtfull to my neighbor.

O God make speede to save us.

O Lord make haste to helpe us.

Glorie be to the Father, and to the Sonne, and to the
holie Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall
be, world without end, Amen.

Praise ye the Lord.
Thanks be given to God.

The first Psalme at Morning

O Lord heare my woords, marke my crieng, O
my King and my God, for unto thee onelie
come I to praie: neither doo I looke for succour
anie where else than of thee

O M8r 107

O Lord, I beseech thee, that thou wilt gratiouslie
hearken to my petitions, that thy grace may spring in
my hart with the morowe light of thy comfort, the
night of care and perturbation being overpassed: suffer
me not to perish with the ungodlie folke whome
thou cursest.

I come running to thee, not trusting in mine owne
righteousnes; but to thy great and manifold mercies.

O Lord with the rule of thy justice will I be directed.
For thy name sake make plaine thy waie before
me, and my waie before thee; least the spirit of malice
doo turne me thence.

Let them rejoice that repose themselves and trust
alwaies in thy mercie; let them sing Hymnes and
Psalmes, which doo glorie and rejoice in thee, let them
triumph which love thy name.

Defend me, O Lord, with thy grace, as with a shield
in time of perill; to the intent that when I am assaulted
with them, I may yet with constant cheere growe
up unto my full perfection.

Glorie be to the father, &c.

As it was in the, &c.

The second Psalme.

Oh Lord God and father, I beseech thee by
Christ our Lord, that of thine infinite mercie
thou keepe me, so as at no time I followe the
counsell of the ungodlie, which knowe thee
not; or of Hypocrites, which with their harts seeke
thee not.

O Lord, suffer me not to enter into the waie of sinners,
with a mind to fulfill the desires and lusts of the

But whensoever through frailtie of my corupt nature
I shall chance to run astraie, then O Lord, staie
me, and plucke my foote backe againe.

Keepe me, that I sit not in the seate of pestilent scorners,ners, M8v 108
which cloaking their Pharisaicall and divelish
intents, condenme in other men thy veritie & Gospell.

Oh Lord, bring to passe that I may burne in the desire
of thy lawe, that upon the advancement of thy
word my mind may alwaies be occupied, that I may
evermore choose that which is most pleasant to thee,
and hate that both in my selfe and others, which to
thee is displeasant.

Make I praie thee that I may be a tree planted by
the sweet rivers of thy ghostlie waters, to the intent
I may bring foorth fruit to thy glorie, and to the profit
of my neighbour, as often as thou shalt minister time
and occasion thereunto.

Least my leaves, which are my words and works
should fade and fall awaie; but that all things may
prosper, whatsoever I shall doo in thy name.

Assist me, I beseech thee, and grant O most mercifull
father that for Jesu Christs sake I may take roote in
the ground of life; least with the ungodlie, like chaffe
and dust I be blowne abrode with the most pernicious
winds of this world.

And grant that I may stand in the assemblie of the
righteous, and that I may enter into judgment without
punishment; and escape everlasting damnation.

Glorie be to the father, &c.
As it was in the begin, &c.

The third Psalme.

To thee, O Lord, I lift up my mind, in thee I
trust, O Lord God; let me not be confounded,
least mine enimies make me a jesting
stocke, and a matter to laugh at.

O Lord make thy waies knowne unto me, and trade
me in thy paths.

Direct me in thy truth, and instruct me; for thou art
God my Saviour, I looke after thee everie daie.

O Lord thou art sweet and rightfull, and bringest againe N1r 109
againe into the waie them which went out.

Thou leadest strait into thy judgement, them that
be mild and tractable, and teachest them that be meeke
thy word and testimonies.

Thou healest them that be contrite in hart, and asswagest
their paines and griefe.

Thou holdest up all them which else should fall, and
all that are fallen thou liftest up againe.

Thou givest sight to the blind, and loosest them that
be bound.

Thou art nigh unto all them that call upon thee, so
that they call upon thee faithfullie.

Thou fulfillest the desire of them that doo feare thee,
and hearest their praier, and savest them.

Have mercie upon me, O God, have mercie upon me,
for in thee my soule trusteth.

Verelie my soule hath a speciall respect to thee. For
my health, my glorie, and all my strength cometh from

For thine owne sake, oh Lord God, laie not my sins
to my charge.

I understand not all mine errours, innumerable
troubles doo close me round about, my sinnes have taken
hold upon me, and I am not able to looke up.

Put to thy hand to helpe me, and leade me right in
all my works.

Make me to walke perfectlie in thy waies, that no
kind of sinne overcome me.

Set a watch before my mouth; and keepe the doore
of my lips.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of
my hart be ever pleasant and acceptable in thy sight.

Let the word of truth never go awaie from my
mouth, and suffer no malice to dwell in my hart.

O Lord deliver my soule from lieng lips, and save
me from the deceitfull tongue.

N.j. Put N1v 110

Put into my mouth thy true and holie word, and
take from me all idle and unfruitfull speech.

Deliver me from false surmises and accusations of
men: rule me even as thou thinkest good, after thy will
and pleasure.

Turne awaie mine eies, that they behold no vaine
things; fasten them in thy waie.

Take from me fornication and all uncleannesse, and
let not the love of the flesh beguile me.

Yea deliver my soule from pride, that it doo not reigne
in me, and then shall I be cleane from the greatest

Staie and keepe my feete from everie evill waie,
least my steps swarve from thy paths.

Mine eies looke ever unto thee, O Lord, bicause thou
art nigh at hand, and all thy waies be the truth.

Thy mercies be great and manie, O Lord, blessed
is he whosoever trusteth in thee.

For when I said unto thee, My feete be slipped, thy
mercie, O Lord, by and by did hold me up.

Teach me to doo thy will, and leade me by thy pathwaie,
for thou art my God.

Oh Lord, save my soule, and deliver me from the
power of darknesse.

Let the brightnesse of thy face shine upon thy servant,
for unto thee, O Lord God, I have fled ffor succor.

Looke unto me, and have mercie upon me; for I am
desolate and poore.

Keepe my soule and deliver me, that I be not confounded.
For I have trusted in thee.

O Lord God, forsake me not, although I have done
no good in thy sight.

For thy goodnesse grant me, that at the least-wise
now I may begin to live well.

O Lord shew thy servants thy works, and their children
thy glorie; and the gratious majestie of the Lord our N2r 111
our God be upon us. Oh prosper thou the works of
our hands, oh prosper thou our handie works.

Glorie be to the Father, the Sonne, and the holie Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world
without end, Amen.

A contemplation of Christes

Owhat love and mercie of man undeserved
from God the father, through his onlie sonne
Jesu Christ, by whose flesh and bloud we
have cleane remission of our offences; when
we call to mind this mysterie of our redemption, and
our sufficient sacrifice, whereby sinne, death and hell
be put to exile; and grace, mercie and peace be obteined!
For this we have not onlie occasion to lament our
selves, which were the verie causes why Jesus did lament
in care, and became poore in bodie, sweat water
and bloud against his death, praied in affliction, and
suffered for our redemption: but also to give gailie
thanks, and to rejoice to God the father, for this his
sonne, by whom we have felowship with Angels, and
are become Citizens of the saints, and of the houshold
of God, partakers of everlasting life for ever. O happie
be they which forget not this heavenlie Philosophie,
this giltlesse passion of Jesu Christ! To knowe &
beleeve this, is life everlasting, and the quietnesse of
conscience. This passion is our riches in povertie, and
helpe in adversitie, and onlie life in death. By this his
painefull affliction, were all the Patriarches, Prophets,
Martyrs, and everie beleeving bodie saved,
that ever was, or shall be; without which all flesh is
damned and accursed. Now sweet Christ, for this thy
blessed oblation, have mercie on me now and in the
houre of death; that in the dreadfull daie of judgment,
sinne, death and hell may not prevaile against me sinfullN.ij. full N2v 112
creature, but have mercie upon me, according to
thy greatest mercie, which is this thy death and passion,
for which be praise to the holie Trinitie for ever
and ever, Amen.

The Hymne of the passion
of Christ.

Jesus which is the livelie well of wisdome,

And the heavenlie truth of the father eternall,

Which from heaven to this world did come,

To deliver us thralles from paines infernall,

Of Judas was sold, and of the Jewes taken,

And of his Disciples at midnight was forsaken.

We laud thee father for thy grace,

We praise the sonne which made us free,

We thanke the holie spirit for our solace,

Which is one God and persons three.

In the dawning of the daie they did him fast bind,

And before Pilate he was then convented,

False witnesse against Jesus they did then find,

When the cruell Seniours in judgement him presented,

Beaten was his bodie, defiled was his face,

And yet God and man, the verie well of grace.

We laud thee father, &c.

When thrée houres were past, before Pilates throne,

All the people cried, “Kill Jesus the Jewes king,”

His crowne was thornes, in purple he made mone,

With a crosse over Cedron they did him bring,

And prepared his deadlie place on Galgatha hill,

To suffer pains for Adamn gilt, so was his fathers will.

We laud thee father, &c.

The sixt houre approched his painefull end,

When on the trée his bodie they nailed,

In heaven was his helpe, in earth he had no frend,

He died betwéene two théeves, on him the Elders rasled

Then N3r 113

Then he thirsted for his elect, which subject were to thrall,

Unthankefullie they offred him vinegre mingled with gall.

We laud thee father, &c.

This verie God, Gods onlie begotten child,

Said to his father, Why hast thou me forsaken?

Yet receive this sacrifice, and my spirit undefild:

The heavens were darkned, asunder the stones were shaken.

Bloud and water then sprang from this blessed lamb,

Then graves opened, the dead alive foorth came.

We laud thee father for thy grace, &c.

The second Meditation or praier of our
frailtie and misrerie.

Omiserable wretched woman that I am,
how may I be compared to any of thy saints
that shall dwell in thy Tabernacle or holie
hill? For they love to be in holie contemplation:
and I in the vaine multitude, forgetting thee: they
be meeke, and I unpatient: they do not forget thee, but
my good Lord, when do I remember thee, but when affliction
enforceth me; or the lamentable fall of my breethren
constraine me to thanke thee? Thou most mightie
and fearefull God of hosts, thy holie name be blessed
for ever, Amen. What shall I saie my God? Thou
art most good, and I evill; thou holie, and I miserable;
thou art light, and I am blind; thou art the
blessed joie, and I am carefull and full of sorowe. My
Lord, thou art the Physician, and I the miserable patient;
I am nothing but vanitie and corrupt, as everie
living man is. What shall I saie (O Creator) but
this, that I am thy creature, and shall I perish? Thy
hands have made me, and were wounded for me; thy
bloud was shed for me, and hath washed me; thy holie
Ghost hath sanctified me, and taught me: yet Lord, my
daies are nothing. What should I mortall creature N.iij. thus N3v 114
thus talke with my selfe, Lord God, but that need hath
no lawe? Sorowe hath compelled me to seeke comfort,
sicknesse enforceth me to folowe the Physician, conscience
pricketh me to crie to thee my Lord for a heavenlie
cordiall of comfort, which am in great discomfort,
borne of a woman, full of miserie and shortnesse of
time, and passe awaie like a shadowe, never content
with one estate, but in earth remaine for ever.

The Hymne to God the

O Creator, to thée thy creature I call,

Who made of mould do live in paine,

And sicke in soule, my flesh is thrall,

O wo is me, my daies be vaine:

Yet unto God I call for grace,

My soule in heaven to have a place.

A praier to the blessed

Let us praie.

Oholie, blessed, and glorious Trinitie, three equall,
and coeternall persons, but one God
almightie, have mercie upon me vile, abject,
abhominable, and sinfull wretch, meekelie acknowledging
before thy divine Majestie my long continued
life in sinne, even from my childhood hitherto.
Then good gratious Lord, as thou givest me the grace
to acknowledge them; so give me grace not in word
onlie, but in hart also, with sorowfull contrition to repent,
and utterlie to forsake them. Forgive me also
those sinnes, through which by mine owne fault, wicked
affection, and evill custome, my reason is with sensualitie
so blinded, as I cannot discerne them for sinne.
Illuminate my hart (good Lord) and give me grace to acknow- N4r 115
acknowledge them. Forgive me my sinnes negligentlie
forgotten, and bring them to my mind, with grace to
be throughlie repentant for them.

O mercifull God, grant me thy grace so to despise
sinne, and all worldlie vanities, that I may saie with
the blessed Apostle Saint Paule: The world is crucified
to me, and I to the world; Christ is to me life, and
to die is my gaine and advantage; I desire to be loosed,
and to be with Christ: Lord give me thy grace to amend
my life, and to have an eie to mine end, without
anie grudge, or feare of death, which to them that die
in thee, is the gate of eternall life.

Almightie God, teach me to doo thy will; take my
right hand, and leade me in the true waie from mine:
drawe me after thee, bind my mouth with snaffle and
bridle, when I will not drawe unto thee. Oh gratious
God, all sinfull feare, all sinfull sorowe and pensivenesse,
all sinfull hope, all sinfull mirth and gladnesse
take awaie from me. On the other side, concerning
such feare, such heavinesse, such comfort, consolation,
and gladnesse, as shall be profitable for my soule, doo
with me according to thy great goodnesse.

O Lord give me grace, in all my feare and agonie,
to have recourse to that great feare and wonderfull agonie
that thou my saviour hadst at the Mount of Olivet,
before thy most bitter passion; and in the meditation
thereof to conceive ghostlie comfort and consolation,
profitable for my soule. Almightie God, take
from me all vaine-glorious minds, all appetites of
mine owne praise, all envie, covetise, gluttonie, sloth
and lecherie, all wrathfull affection, all appetite of revenging,
all desire of delight of other mens harmes,
all pleasure in provoking anie person to wrath and
anger: all delight in taunting or mocking anie person
in their affliction or trouble. And give unto me, O
Lord, an humble, quiet, peaceable, patient, charitable, N.iiij. kind, N4v 116
kind, tender, and pitifull mind, in all my words, my
works, and thoughts, to have a tast of thy holie and
blessed spirit.

Give me good Lord a full faith, a firme hope, a fervent
charitie, a love to thee, good Lord, incomparable,
above the love of my selfe, that I may love nothing to
thy displeasure, but everie thing in a due order to thee.
Give me good Lord, a longing to be with thee, not for
the avoiding of the calamities of this wretched world,
nor so much for the avoiding of the paines of hell, neither
so much for the obteining of the kingdome of heaven,
in respect of mine owne commoditie: as even for
verie love of thee. And beare me good Lord, thy love &
favour, which thing my love to thee-ward (were it never
so gret) could not but of thy great goodnes deserve.
And pardon me good Lord, that am so bold to aske thee
so high petitions, being so vile and sinfull a wretch, and
so unworthie to attaine the lowest: but good Lord such
they be, as I am bound to desire and wish, and should
be much neerer the effectuall desire of them, if my manifold
sinnes were not the let, from which O glorious
Trinitie, vouchsafe of thy goodnesse to wash me, with
that blessed bloud that thou my sweet saviour Jesus
diddest shed out of thy bodie, in the divers torments
of thy most bitter passion, that by that same
greevous passion, glorious resurrection and ascension,
I may come to that unspeakable joie, the which thou
hast prepared for thy chosen and elect, through the same
Jesu Christ our savour, to whome with the Father,
and the holie Ghost, three persons and one God, be all
honour and glorie world without end:

So be it.

After praier, saie this conclusion,
or Collect.

O God, that art the strength of such as trust in
thee, mercifullie assist us that call upon thy
name; and for asmuch as mans infirmitie can do N5r 117
do nothing without thee, grant I most humblie beseech
thee, the help of thy spirit, that fulfilling thy comandements,
both in will and deed, I may please thee,
through Jesus Christ our Lord:

So be it.

The blessing.

Oh Lord blesse me and defend me, O Lord lift
up thy countenance over me, and be mercifull
unto me: O Lord lift up thy countenance
over me and give me thy peace, that in thy
peace, O Lord, I may depart, to amend my life, and
doo unto the poore as much as I can: give me grace to
be at unitie, in quietnesse, and in charitie with all thy
chosen and elect people, and that thy feare, oh Lord,
may ever rest in my hart: So be it.

Praise unto God the Father, and peace unto the living:

As they that depart in thy faith, in thée doo rest & have their being.

The end of Morning praier.

Evening Praier.

A Confession to be said before
Evening praier.

O Father of heaven, O sonne of God redeemer
of the world: O holie Ghost three persons
and one God; have mercie upon me
most wretched caitife, and miserable sinner.
I have offended both heaven & earth,
more than my tongue can expresse. My sinnes (alas)
are above all mens, both in number and greatnesse,
which I have committed. Wither then may I go?
Or whither should I flie? To heaven I may be ashamed
to lift up my face, and in earth I am not woorthie
to find a place of refuge or succour. To thee therefore,
O Lord, doo I run; to thee doo I humble my selfe, saieng,
“O Lord my God, my sinnes be great and innunumerable:numerable: N5v 118”
but yet have mercie upon me for thy great
mercie. The great mysterie that God became man,
was not wrought for little or few offences. Thou didst
not give thy sonne, O heavenlie Father, unto death for
small sinnes onlie, but for all the greatest sinnes in the
world: so that the sinner returne unto thee with his
whole hart, as I doo here at this present. Wherefore
have mercie upon me, O God, whose propertie is alwaie
to have mercie: wherefore have mercie upon me
O Lord, for thy great mercie. I crave nothing, O
Lord, for mine owne merits, but for thy name sake,
that it may be halowed therby, and for thy deere sonne
Jesus Christs sake, and now therefore:

Our father of
heaven halowed, &c.

A praier to be said in the

Most mercifull and heavenly father, I thanke
thee by thy sonne Jesus Christ, that this day
thou hast given me all things needfull both
for my soule and bodie, preserving me from
all hurt and perill. I aske thee mercie for mine offences,
and I most humblie beseech thee, that thou wilt
likewise this night keepe me from sinne and all evill, so
that all my thoughts, my words & works may please
thee. I doo commit my selfe both bodie and soule, and
all that I go about, into thy hands. I beseech thee that
thy holie spirit may be with me, least my deadlie adversarie
have anie power over me, Amen.

{Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1 wordillegible-handwriting] actio} end of handwritten addition

Another Evening praier.

Osovereigne, dreadfull, and most loving Lord
my God, who never ceasest to shew thy mercie
towards sinners, yea when they offend
and trespasse against thee, such is thine infinite
clemencie and love. As then thou forbearest not to N6r 119
to heape thy benefits upon them; I most sinfull and
wretched wretch, yeeld thee humble thanks, for thine
inestimable goodnesse shewed towards me, in creating
me to thine owne likenesse, and making me capable of
thine everlasting glorie: for the creation of so manie
other creatures for my behoofe and sustenance, for that
inestimable worke of my redemption, whereby thou
deliverest me from the slaverie of Sathan, and purchasest
mee free entrance into thy celestiall region:
for having singled me amongst so many millians that
knowe thee not, and lie drowned in ignorance, superstition,
and miserable errours, to be thy servant and a
true faithfull Christian: for both thy blessed Sacraments,
especiallie for that Sacrament above all Sacraments,
wherein thou thy selfe art spirituallie conteined.
Finallie, for having preserved me so manie
times from hell, wherein I had beene long since plunged,
hadst not thou of thine unspeakeable goodnesse susteined
and delivered me from my foes. For these and
all other thy benefits: namelie, for those thou hast this
daie most bountifullie bestowed upon me, O my sovereigne
Lord, I yeeld thee such sincere & dutifull thanks
as my poore hart can possiblie affoord thee: beseeching
thee to have mercie upon me, & in supplie of my wants
to accept the mediation and thankesgivings of Jesus
thy onelie sonne, and mine onelie Saviour and

And now mine onlie redeemer and Saviour I humblie
crave the light of thy grace, to knowe wherein I
have this daie anie waies offended thee by nature; and
that by sound discussion, and through examination of
my conscience, I may see mine owne sinnes with sorrowe
and detestation; and thine ineffable mercie with
a zealous & firme purpose of amendment of life. Thou
seest, O Lord, my lewdnesse, and wotest my miserie,
much better than I my selfe doo. Sorie I am with all my N6v 120
my hart, that I should still offend so loving a Lord, and
wish to God my sorowes were greatlie multliplied. I
purposed earst, to doo better by thy grace, which wanted
not, & yet have I transgressed in my former trespasses:
neither yet may I despaire, O Lord, but will continuallie
trust to thy mercies in all events, & purpose
firmelie, as I now doo, everie daie to amend my life.

Deliver me, my gratious God, from all mortall sinne
for ever, and give me grace to persecute my vices with
sorowe during life. And for the satisfaction of these and
all my former sinnes, as also for all thine ineffable benefits
bestowed upon me and all mankind; I offer unto
thee the merits of thy bitter passion, those mose pretious
drops of bloud thou sheddest for me; and that inflamed
charitie, wherewith thou wholie resignedst thy
selfe to all thy torments, for my sake: and in the union
of this thine oblation on the crosse, I offer up my selfe,
soule, bodie, and all I have of thine, within or without
me, to thine honour and everlasting glorie. I retaine
nothing to my selfe: but give all to thee, whose it is,
and make that thine by my will, which is thine of justice.
Give me thy grace, O my God, to live better herafter,
and to confesse my sinnes in due time unto thee.
Give me true humilitie, continuall repentance, and
grace both to knowe thee, and also my selfe. Give me
puritie of hart in all my dooings, patience, chastitie,
and perfect charitie. Give me a good life, and a good
death, and in the dangerous houre of my departure,
the assistance of thy blessed Saints and Angels, with
whom I may, through thy mercie, in another world
praise and glorifie thee everlastinglie, Amen.

The Hymne or praier to God the

Blessed be God father of heaven,

Which hath strengthned his féeble flocke:

With N7r 121

With stedfast faith, and boldnesse even,

To beare his crosse, burden and yocke.

These are the last daies perillous,

Fréelie Christs Gospell to professe:

Come downe Lord shortlie to judge us,

And take us from the heavinesse.

An Antheme.

Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved.

A praier to God the Father to be used before
Evening praier.

Omercifull Lord and loving Father, without {Handwritten addition: Pro Remission[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
peccatorum} end of handwritten addition

whose aid and motion, I am not able to stir
one member toward heavenlie service, the
burden of this sowe and sinfull flesh doth so
overcharge my weake soule. According to thy fatherlie
pitie looke upon me, O God, and quicken my dull spirit
with thy grace, to rise out of this mirie puddle, and
to come before thy presence in humble repentance,
craving thy mercie for my miserable sinnes and wickednesse,
that being released in the bloud and righteousnesse
of Jesus Christ, I may joifullie serve, honour,
and praise thine eternall Majestie, through thy deere
sonne my mercifull Lord and redeemer, to whom with
thee and the holie Ghost, be all glorie and thanks for
ever, Amen.

The Hymne of our redemption
by Christ.

Praised be God for his excéeding favour,

Wich hath given us his sonne to be our Saviour.

We are sinners, unrighteous, foolish, and fleshlie,

Christ is our mercie-stoole, righteousnesse, & wisdome verelie.

We N7v 122

We are uncleane, holden under the danger of deth & sins exaction,

Christ is our holines, our life, our redemption and satisfaction.

Glorie be to thée, O Lord, borne of the undefiled virgin,

Glorie be to the Father, and to the holie Ghost, our soules surgin:

So be it.

A forme of Private Evening

Our Father which art in heaven, &

Convert us our Saviour, and turne awaie
thy wrath from us.

O God make speede to save us.

O Lord make haste to helpe us.

Glorie be to the Father, &c.
As it was in the be, &c.
Praise ye the Lord.
Thanks be given unto God.

The first Psalme at Evening

Bow downe thine eare, O Lord, to my reFor {Handwritten addition: Remission
of synnes.} end of handwritten addition

quests, and suffer me to exhibit my supplication
up unto thee. For behold, night and daie
I trace and hunt after thee by all meanes I
can. To thee onelie earlie and late doo I still call and
crie for mercie, according as thou hast given mee in

For when I call to memorie the time of my life evill
dispent, I quake to thinke upon thee, yea and my spirit {Handwritten addition: Nota.} end of handwritten addition
faileth me, so sore am I afraid of thy judgements.

Yet well pondering the processe of thy grace & mercie
promised me in Christ, I cease to despaire, knowing
that thou, O God, hast not forgotten thy gifts of
grace, and that thy power to have compassion is not
waxen faint, but that both thou canst and wilt put
backe thy wrath most justlie conceived against me for
my sinne.

In N8r 123

In full trust whereof O Lord I come unto thee, beseeching
thee to hide my life with Christ within thee,
and under the shadowes of thy wings to defend me,
that thy grace & covenant may be with me evermore.

Turne not thy mercie from me, O Lord, nor bring
me downe to destruction as I have deserved: but shew
thy grace and favour unto me, that I may live, and
(being exalted through thy righteousnesse) praise thy
name most joifullie.

Remember my corrupt nature O Lord, how short
my life is, and that thou madest not man for nothing.
No man can deliver himselfe from death: no man can
save his owne soule from hell: thou onelie O Lord
must do it, namelie, to such as beleeve in thee.

This life passeth as doth a dreame, or grasse in the
field, which to daie is greene, and to morrow drie. If
thou be displeased, then we may be lost: if thou chafe, then
we shrinke for feare, for through sinnes we be dead unto
thee; with whome a thousand yeares be but as one
daie, yea as the least minute of an houre.

Certesse Lord, if thou have respect to our sins, who
shall continue? Shew me therefore how manie be the
daies of my life, that I may dispend them wiselie, to
the praise of thy name, least that I foolishlie trusting
upon long life, suddenlie might perish & come to death.

Come Lord now unto us, and comfort us. Come O
God, and hide not thy face from me, that I be not like
unto those that be hurled into the pit of perdition. And
after this night of calamitie overpassed, let the pleasant
morning of comfort luckilie shine upon me, that
betimes I may heare and feele thy goodnesse, for in thee
is all my trust.

Deliver me this night from the snare of Sathans
gard, which hunt in the darke how to plucke me from

Let me not stand in the feare of the night-evill of vnbeleefe, N8v 124
unbeleefe, and of thy strait judgement, neither let me
be afraid of the fleeing arrowe in the daie time.

Let me not be in feare of that horrible pestilence,
creeping in through darknesse, I meane, let me not be
ignorant how detestable my sins be, that I dissemble
them not, nor qualifie them.

Let me not dread that middaie divell, which abuseth
thy Church under a title and pretence of holinesse:
neither let Sathan, though he change himselfe into
an Angel of light, strike anie feare in me.

But both on the right side and on the left, as well in
the night as in the daie, that is, as well in adversitie
as prosperitie, and as well in spirituall businesse, as in
corporall, let thy holie Angels diligentlie wait upon
me, that I do not stumble: then shall I tread underfoot
that hellie dragon.

Yea so shall I of dutie be bound alwaie with couragious
spirit, to praise and hallowe thy name: not onlie
in the morrowe, when all things shall chance to my
harts desire, to ascribe all to thy goodnesse, without anie
deserving on my behalfe: but also in the night of
trouble and adversitie, when I shall call unto mind
thy most faithfull and trustie promises, that I despaire
not, thus to praise thy meere and speciall grace, and
blesse thee, saieng:

Blessed art thou O Lord God of our fathers, for
thou art praise and hounour-worthie, and to be magnified
for ever.

Blessed be the glorie of thy holie name, for it is worthie
to be praised, & above all to be magnified for ever.

Blessed art thou, O Father, O Sonne, and O holie
Ghost, for thou art worthie to be praised, and above all
to be magnified for ever.

Blessed be thou in the firmament of heaven, for thou
art praise-worthie for ever.

O give thanks unto the Lord all his creatures, for he O1r 125
he is kind-harted and mercifull: yea his mercie endureth
for ever.

Oh speake good of the Lord all ye works of his in all
places of his dominion: and let everie thing that hath
breath praise the Lord, and give him thanks: for his
mercie endureth for ever.

O that all men would therefore praise the Lord for
his goodnesse, and declare the wonders that he doth for
the children of men!

Praise thou the Lord O my soule, and forget not all
his benefits, yea and all that is within me praise his
holie name, for his loving mercie and for his truth,
which endureth for ever, & worlds without end, Amen.

Glorie be to the father, &c.
As it was in the begin, &

The second Psalme.

My God, my God remember me, forsake me
not, suffer me not to be lost, sith both night
and daie I crie to thee, heare me my Lord.

Our fathers trusted in thee, and thonu helpedst
them, whensoever they called upon thee, at no
time thou failedst them, but wast alwaies at hand to
assist them.

Come foorth father most deerelie beloved in my hart,
restore me from Sathans kingdome.

Thou drewest me foorth of my mothers wombe, and
hast preserved me unto this daie.

Of thy benignitie and mercie (which I beseech thee
denie me not at this my neede) go not awaie from me,
for anguish and pensivenesse of hart drawe nigh unto
me, and yet is there none that can helpe me, but thou

Let me escape from these dangers through thy Christ
my saviour, who for my sake hath suffered so spitefull
and bitter paines, who for me was sore vexed, cruellie O.j. scourged, O1v 126
scourged, wounded, nailed, and hanged on the crosse.

Let me escape I saie for his bloud sake, which he so
largelie shed for us, to cause us obteine forgivenesse of
our sinnes, and enjoie the new and everlasting covenant
made betwixt thee and us.

Stand not farre from me O Lord my refuge and
strength: come neere and helpe me, deliver my life from
the sword, and my soule from the wood dogs, from the
Lions jawes restore me, betweene the hornes of the
Unicornes heare thou me.

Then shall I blowe abroade thy name with all prases
unto my brethren, and in the assemblie of the holie
persons I shall commend thee.

Despise not the praiers of the poore, turne not awaie
thy face, heare my crie, for I will record this thy goodnesse
among the miserable, painefull, and troublesome
consciences, that they thereof may take hart of comfort,
growe in hope, cleave more ferventlie unto thee,
blowe abroade thy most glorious name, and give thee
everlasting thanks for their salvation, Amen.

Glorie be to the father, &c
As it was in the beginning, &c.

The third Psalme.

Oout of the furthest angles of the earth on
eurie side, thou shalt with a mightie voice
call men to judgement Lord God omnipotent,
to whome nothing is hid.

Open our eares that we may heare this thy promise:
“I shall be your God.”

In thee constantlie beleeve we, with thy foison we be

Prudentlie thou dost declare and testifie, that of our
goods and sacrifices thou hast no need, and doest not either
regard or measure them: for all be thine, and in
thee it lieth to make the things we now possesse to be ours, O2r 127
ours, or not ours.

Thou onlie requirest sacrifices of thankesgiving: let
us therefore disclose the bottome of our harts to thee:
let us knowledge thee to be our God.

Let us halowe thy name in all things, flowe in thy
word, render thanks both in weale and wo, require
thy succours in straits and necessities, in which time
thou hast promised to helpe us: then shall we, so delivered,
blase thy name.

Lord God most just, true of primuse, and deerest Father:
thee beseech I to send succours unto me even of
thine infinite goodnesse.

Fot thy renowmes sake, for Jesus Christs sake thy
beloved sonne, and for his pretious bloud largelie shed
for us on the crosse, have mercie upon me, so that once
purged I may come againe in favour with thee.

Pitie me; heare me out of the straits of this sinfull
flesh, wherewith on everie side I am hampered in.

Set me at large againe, rid me from mine enimies,
which seeke to drawe me awaie from thy true service.

In thy comfort let me rejoice, and be full of spirituall
joie: let me ever brute thy name, not unmindfull
of thy benefits.

Releeve me most pitifull God, according to thy word,
which is the truth.

Most tender father, shew me that thy joifull health.

Glorie be to the Father, &.
As it was in the begin, &c.

The fourth Psalme.

Thy clemencie and blessing most mightie God
we crave, and require of thee full instantlie.

Let thy countenance shine upon us, have
compassion upon us, that here in earth wee
may find out the waie which leadeth unto thee, and
may attaine thy salvation among the Gentils.

O that all people would confesse thee with loving O.ij. harts O2v 128
harts for thy manifold benefits and pleasures, which
they have received at thy hands, who dost with justice
governe men, and art their leader upon earth!

Powre downe Lord thy goodnesse, and continuall
blessings upon us, and then shall the earth yeeld unto
thee glorie and praise, and to us fruits for meate.

Thou God the father blesse us, thou God the sonne
blesse us, and thou God the holie Ghost blesse us: yea
thou holie, blessed, and glorious Trinitie, grant us thy
continuall blessing.

O that all the coasts of the earth (Lord God) would
feare and stand in awe of thee!

Would God that we also might studie to worke no
man either pleasure or displeasure that should be against
thy will; but that we may doo all things according
to thy commandements!

Glorie be to the father, &c.
As it was in the begin, &c.

A contemplation and praier exclaming of the
carefull passions of the soule
and bodie.

Wo is me carefull carcase and filthie defiled
flesh, conceived and borne in sinne, deprived
of originall justice, compared to a beast, in
Adam fallen as a rotten apple from a living
tree. What have I gotten by my fall? Darknes, care,
miserie, affliction, sicknesse, paine, anguish, and finallie
dreadfull death. And alas, what shall I be hereafter?
A stinking carion, woormes meate, foode for fire, dust
and claie, doong and forsaken, rotten & consumed, blind,
poore and naked, troden under the feete of my posteritie,
and forgotten of all men, not knowing where my
bodie is, which shall vanish like a shadowe, and my life
shall wither like a leafe, and fade as a flower.

O holie God, the more our bodies doo increase, the
neerer death doth approch, the clocke of our conscience doth O3r 129
doth ring everie minute, the houre of death to be at
hand. Death approacheth with his sharpe dart and
bloudie chariot: Awaie (saieth he) to evere living
wight. For what is he that shall not see death, and
come to nothing? Oh uncertaine life; but most assured
death! His net is cast over all flesh: now I doo rejoice,
then I lament: now am I whole, then sicknesse
doth come: now have I friends, then am I forsaken:
now at libertie, soone after in bondage: now yoong,
then age drawes neere. And thus I never remaine in
one state: made light and proud in prosperitie, desperate
in adversitie, withered and old with care, despised
in povertie, flattered when I am in health; and finally
uncertaine when or where I shall die. But yet I most
humblie praie thee deere father, for Jesu Christs sake,
which suffered a shamefull death for my sins, to have
mercie upon me, according to thy great mercie, and
take not thy holie Ghost from me, and lead me not into
temptation, but deliver me: for into thy hands I commend
my soule, O thou God of truth, Amen.

An Hymne of the state of all Adams

Iam the fruit of Adams hands, through sin lockt in satans bands,

Destined to deth, the child of ire, a flaming brand of infernall fire:

Borne I was naked & bare, and spend my time in sorowe & care,

And shall returne unto the dust, and be deprived of carnall lust.

Yet thou father didst Jesus send, to pardon them that did offend:

We laud him in the work of might, that we be blessed in his sight.

The second meditation of the dreadfull
daie of judgement.

Owhat feare and sorowe shall happen to the
reprobates, when they shall stand helpelesse
before the terrible & dreadfull throne of God,
to render accounts of all thoughts, words &
works, I saie, the acts of the flesh and bloud, in the extreameO.iij. treme O3v 130
day, when he shall come with fire; and then all
creatures in heaven, earth and hell, shall tremble at
his presence. Then shall all guiltie consciences be opened,
& evils endlesse punished, where that Judge will
not be corrupted. That daie doth come; that daie is at
hand, and where as pure harts shall be accepted, and
no bribes of vaine gifts shall be preferred, but justice
without mercie unto the ungodlie, infernall torments
to the wicked, endlesse care and affliction to the idolater,
fornicator, extortioner, persecutor, disobedient,
murtherer, blasphemer, theefe, false witnesse bearer,
usurer, heretikes, witches and malefactors, and to all
the vessels of reprobation. Where as shall be heard
wailing, crieng, lamenting and gnashing of teeth: then
they mourne that shall never die: hell fire never bee
quenched, nor the Judge intreated; but the wicked
still molested with dolor, agonie, dread, and in his paine
absent from God, present with divels & monsters infernall.
This is the second death when both bodie and
soule shall remaine in paine, as long as God is, which
is everlasting. This daie is at hand, when the relect
and all the Saints, Patriarchs, Prophets, Martyrs
and all the blessed shall receive their rewards, not of
themselves, but onlie of Jesu, before whom all the blessed
shall kneele and cast off their crownes, and give honour
to him that sits on the seate, whose holie name is
blessed of all tongues and kindreds: Amen, Amen. This
is the daie, when all teares shall be wiped from the
carefull eies of the servants of God, which shall never
be molested, nor of worldlings be afflicted, but everlastinglie
glorified, with the Father, the Sonne, and the
holie Ghost, three persons and one God, who of his
mercie defend us from damnation, and that unspeakeable
paine, which wee through sinne have deserved,
ever to be punished withall: but yet are through Jesus
preserved, by whome we are elected, redeemed, iustified, O4r 131
justified, and brought from sinne, death and hell: to
whom be laud and praise, in the world of worlds, of
Angels and men: Amen.

The Hymne of the daie of

Swéete Jesus of thy mercie, our pitifull praiers heare:

That we may be on thy right hand, when thou shalt appeare.

For thou shalt come with heavenlie power, and sit on the throne:

None shall judge the quicke and dead, but thou Christ alone.

O Christ cast us not awaie, in that daie of ire:

When thou shalt send before thée, a hot comsuming fire.

To purge all creatures, defild with Adams sinne:

Then a new heaven and earth, O Lord thou wilt beginne.

Then the elect shall be blessed, upon thy holie hill:

But the wicked shall be damned, that have withstood thy will.

Thy shéepe shall be safe, and defended in the fold:

The goats shall wander, in hunger, storme and cold.

Thy Saints shall behold thée, in thy throne of light:

The reprobates shall ever, have fearefull things in sight.

Wailing in wretchednesse, with everlasting paine:

Yet Lord be mercifull, our lives are but vaine.

Our flesh shall fade, death hath digd our grave:

Yet of thy mercie Lord, thy sinfull creature save.

And blesse us in the time of grace, before the daie of ire:

When the corrupt elements, shall be purgd with fire.

We laud thee Father, &c.

A generall praier, wherein we commend our selves,
and the whole state of Christs Church
unto God.

O God thou Father and God of my life, suffer
me neither to have a proud looke, nor a proud
thought; turne awaie all voluptuousnesse
from me: let not the intisements of the world O.iiij. beguile O4v 132
beguile me; let not the conupiscience of the eie deceive
me; let not the lusts of the flesh take hold upon me; let
not rancor and malice reigne in my hart. O Lord God,
for thy sonne our Saviour Jesu Christs sake, I beseech
thee, that thou wilt not give me over to an unshamefast
and obstinate mind: So be it.

Unto thee Lord almightie, the King of mercie, bee
now and ever eternall honour & glorie. Unto thee the
same Lord of mercie I doo commit my soule and bodie,
most humblie beseeching thee, for thine abundant mercie
sake, to take the cure of me, and to have mercie on
me. I doo commit also unto thy mercie my faithfull
friends and well-willers living, beseeching thee to forgive
us all, and to have mercie upon us, and give us
grace to live according to thy lawe, and to the glorie of
thy name, that we may doo that, which thou requirest
of us, that it will please thee of thy mercie, to save and
defend us from all perils, bodilie & ghostlie this night
and ever, and especiallie all things that shall turne to
thy displeasure. And with all my hart I thanke thee
most mercifull Lord, for the great benefits that thou
hast bestowed upon me largelie in this world, afore
manie creatures, which are more woorthie a thousand
times than I: but my most gratious Lord, I wot and
knowledge verelie, that all good gifts doo come freelie
from thee, of thine abundant mercie. Wherefore with
all my hart I thanke thee, and all worship, praises and
thanks be to thee and none other. Therefore I saie
with the Prophet David: “Not unto us, Lord, not unto
us: but unto thy name be given all honour & glorie.”

Also I commit to thy mercie mine enimies, persecutors
and slanderers, beseeching thee to turne their
harts, and to give us grace one to forgive another
from the verie botome of our harts, that from hencefoorth
we may live in love and charitie, to thy glorie,
and to the increase of thy kingdome.

I O5r 133

I doo commit to thy mercie our Queene Elizabeth,
and this Realme, beseeching thee to incline hir hart to
all godlinesse and vertue, that she may long reigne over
us in peace and tranquillitie, to live in thy feare,
and call upon thy holie name, and to be readie at all
times to set foorth thy blessed lawes and commandements:
and that thou O omnipotent God, with thy
mightie hand and stretched out arme, wilt confound
all Idolatrie and superstition, and set up thy true and
holie religion, that thy faithfull servants may triumph
and rejoice in thee with merie harts, and sing unto thy
praise, that this the mightie hand of God hath
brought to passe, and to thy name give the honour and
glorie, to whome all honour and glorie is due.

I doo commit unto thy mercie, all those that in this
transitorie life be in sorowe, sicknesse, neede, tripulation,
or anie other adversitie, and speciallie all those that
for the profession of thy Gospell, and the defence of the
same, doo put their lives unto the edge of the sword. O
Lord for thy mercies sake, forgive them and us our offences
past, comfort them in their greevous afflictions,
strengthen them in their weakenesse, send them
patience in their tribulations, abate the pride of their
and our enimies, asswage the malice of them, confound
their wicked devises, that we and they being armed
with thy mightie defence, may be preserved evermore
from perils, to glorifie thee, which art the onlie
giver of all victorie, through the merits of Christ: So be it.

I commit to thy mercie all those that doo faithfullie
professe thy holie Gospell, beseeching thee to give us
grace to live according to thy lawes, that by well dooing,
we may stop the mouthes of the ungodlie adversaries
of the Gospell, and thereby win them to the right
waie, that we may all with one hart, and one mouth,
glorifie thee, O Lord God in the daie of visitation, to
whome all honour and glorie is due.

And O5v 134

And now O my most mercifull Lord, and loving father,
I finallie commit unto thy mercie my wretched
soule and bodie, humblie beseeching thee to have mercie
upon me, according to thy great bountifull mercie:
and according to the multitude of thy tender compassions,
doo awaie I beseech thee my most greevous iniquities.

Unto God the father, the sonne and the holie Ghost,
be now and ever eternall honour and glorie, world
without end, Amen.

A praier at night going
to bed.

The God of Angels and men, the founder of
all creatures visible and invisible, in whose
hand is life and death, light and darknesse,
and all the motions of soule and bodie, without
whome there is no good gift, nor perfect quietnesse
of conscience, but onlie vanitie and vexation of mind,
and utter confusion of soule and bodie, and finall toements
in the horrible pit of darkenesse: now my Lord
God, darknesse doth approch, this daie hath lost his
beautie, I as unworthie of thy benefits, most humblie
praie thee this night to blesse me, and with thy holie
Angels assist me, thy holy spirit this night lighten me,
which hast of earth made me, and by thy creatures
doest nourish me, and with thy bloud hast consecrated
me with thee to dwell eternallie in glorie, when death
hath dissolved me, which am but vanitie, &c. And banish
Sathan from me, that neither mine owne conscience
now vexe me, nor mine old offences trouble me. I
most humblie beseech thee this night to pardon me,
which have sore offended thee, in thought, word and
deede, against thy divine majestie, which sore repenteth
me. Save me good Lord this night sleeping, from dread- O6r 135
dreadfull dreames, and painefull slumber deliver me,
that I may awake in Christ, and rest in peace: So be it.

The Hymne or praier
for night.

Praise ye the Lord his servants all, lift up to him your hands,

The night singers in Gods courts, in all Christian lands.

Praise we the Lord our God & king, which made the earth & heven,

His blessing be on us this night, which made the planets seven.

Into thy hands O Lord our God, our soules we do commend,

This night from sinne & Sathans power, thy mercie us defend.

We laud thee Father for thy grace,

We praise the Sonne which made us free:

We thanke the holie Spirit for our solace,

Which is one God and persons three:


Another Hymne or praier to be said
when ye go to bed.

Igo to bed, I hope to sléepe, God knoweth when I shall rise,

My soule, O Lord, defend and keep, from it turne not thine eies.

This daie I have committed sinne, a hundred times and more:

I was conceived and borne therein, forgive me Lord therefore.

To thée I will my soule betake, sinfull it is to see,

For I do knowe thou canst it make, as pure as neede to bée.

Forgive me mine offences all, my soule, Lord, do not kill,

To thée I will betake my soule, accept my zealous will.

Thy pardon Lord I trust to have, as David had and mo,

My soule I trust thou wilt now save, from death & damned wo.

In thée O God I put my trust, to guide and aide me still,

To keepe me alwaies true and just, according to thy will.

Thou God of might, & great renowme, I trust thou wilt me kéepe,

Lord with thy leave I will lie downe, to take my rest and sleépe.

So be it.


The O6v 136

The Antheme.

We looke for our saviour, ever the Lord Jesus
, which shall change our vile bodie,
that it may be like to his glorious bodie, according
to the power whereby he is able to
subdue all things unto himselfe. Amen.

Let us praie.
Lord have mercie upon us.
Christ have mercie upon us.
Lord have mercie upon us.
Our Father which art in heaven, &c.

Visit we beseech thee O Lord, this our dwelling,
and drive from it all the assaults of our
enimie: let thy holie Angels dwel in it, which
may keepe us all this night in thy peace, and
ever let thy blessing be upon us. Grant this O most
mercifull father, for thy sonnes sake, Jesus Christ, who
with thee, and the holie Ghost, liveth and reigneth one
God world without end, Amen.

Save us O good Lord waking, and keepe us
sleeping, and be so mercifull to us, that with
Christ we may wake, and quietlie to rest in
peace, So be it.

The conclusion after Evening

O Lord Jesu Christ- that art in heaven perfect
God and man, heare my praiers, have mercie
upon me, and praie unto thy father for
me. Be thou my mercifull mediator unto thy
father, that I might find mercie for my sinnes at all
times, and thy holie Angels to guide me this night,
and all the time and daies of my life, and at the generall
daie of judgement, that I may be partaker of that ioifull O7r 137
joifull voice of thine, saieng, “Come hither ye blessed,
and possesse everlasting life,”

The Blessing.

God, even our owne God blesse us: and
graunt unto us, and all our faithfull and
deere freends, his continuall benedictions and

Yea let thy mightie hand and outstretched arme, O
Lord, be still my defence; thy mercie and loving kindnesse
in Jesu Christ thy deere sonne my salvation; thy
true and holie word my instruction; thy grace and holie
spirit my comfort and consolation unto the end, and
in the end: So be it.

Certaine godlie sentences written
by the Ladie E.T.

  • Use invocation of Gods holie name.
  • Thinke upon the needie once a daie.
  • The life to come forget not.
  • Further the just sute of the poore.
  • Prefer Christ his kingdome.
  • Offend not in evill doing.
  • Set little by the judgement of man: but feare
    the judgement of God.
  • Be at peace with all men.
  • Use to be acquainted with the godlie.
  • Helpe to pacifie displeasure.
  • Hastilie judge not anie bodie.
  • Kill anger with patience.
  • With pitie rebuke.
  • Make O7v 138
  • Make much of modestie.
  • Harbour a harmelesse hart.
  • Let no good deed.
  • Speake in season.
  • He that keepeth his mouth, keepeth his life.
  • In being well occupied, thinke not long.
  • Lose as little time as ye may.
  • Be alwaies one.
  • Favour the friendlesse.
  • Be not unthankefull.
  • Trust not the world.
  • Deceive none.
  • Rather take hurt, than do anie.
  • Avenge not.
  • Let once be amended.
  • Favour not flatterie.
  • Looke cheeflie on your selfe.
  • Do not forget your charge.
  • Let your mind be occupied well.
  • Use pleasures after a meane.
  • Once you were not heere.
  • Awaie you must, and turne to dust.

Finis quoth


O8r 139

The Praiers made by the right Honourable
Ladie Frances Aburgavennie, and
committed at the houre of hir death, to the right
Worshipfull Ladie Marie Fane (hir onlie daughter)
as a Jewell of health for the soule, and a perfect
path to Paradise, verie profitable to be used
of everie faithfull Christian
man and woman.

A fruitfull praier to be said in the

Almightie God, and
most mercifull father, the
fountaine of all felicitie,
from whom onelie proceedeth
all good gifts, most
humblie I beseech thee of
thine abundant mercie &
exceeding kindnesse, so to
direct and govern me this
daie and ever with thy
good guiding Spirit, that
all my thoughts, words and deeds, may onelie be occupied
in thy service, faith, feare and love, and so assist
and strengthen me with thy grace, O most mercifull
and loving father, for thy sonne Jesus Christ his sake,
that neither sinne, death, hell, nor Sathan have the
domination and upper hand of me. Indue my hart with
the true understanding of thy true and livelie word,
that I may be readie and prone manfullie to fight under
the standard of my glorious captaine Jesus Christ against O8v 140
against the world, the flesh, and that cruell Serpent
the old Leviathan, which hunteth continuallie, like a
roring Lion, seeking the utter destruction of my soule.

Make me constant in time of temptation, that [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
or at what time my rebelling and sinfull flesh shall intise
me, to lust after the pompes and vanities of this
wicked world, I may by a strong, livelie, and unspeakable
faith, through the bitter torments that my saviour
Christ Jesus suffered for me, and all that faithfullie
beleeve and call upon him so mortifie and subdue
the old Adam, that I may be dead and buried from
sinne and all iniquitie; and the new man Christ Jesus
may continuallie dwell and reigne in me, by whose
meanes I shall be garnished and decked, by the means
of a fruitfull faith, with immortalitie, and heavenlie

Vouchsafe, O Lord, I beseech thee, according to the
multitude of thy mercies to looke upon me, and by thy
celestial providence, so illuminate the eies of my soule,
that I may continuallie watch for the glorious comming
of thine annointed son Jesus Christ. [Gap in transcription—2 wordsflawed-reproduction],
O Lord, in and from me the vile and corrupt b[Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsflawed-reproduction]s
of rapine, deciet, avarice, luxurie, concupiscence, and
all ungodlinesse, let the motions of my mind al[Gap in transcription—1-2 charactersflawed-reproduction]ther
depend upon thee, prepare my tongue to publish
thy praise; let my lips be locked up from all scur[Gap in transcription—2-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
and uncomlie talke: let mine eares loath and [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
heare thy glorious and blessed name blasphemed, and
thy truth to be by anie Sectarian ill spoken of, & slan;dered:
keepe and defend me under the wings of thy
comfortable protection, from all errours, schismes and
detestable heresies. Make me without faining, [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]lie
and constantlie to build upon the truth, wherein is
perfectlie set forth thy great mercie and divine justice.
Let the zeale of thy promises in all distres be my chieffest
joie and consolation, & give me grace from above, that P1r 141
that as I make my boast of thy mercies and loving
kindnesse, by vertue whereof I am by my Saviour
Christ Jesus quickened from death to life, and in his
veriest death and pretious bloud-shedding regenerated,
and borne anew, not of water, but of the spirit by

So Lord, I may with thine abundant love shewed
to me ward, and the whole posteritie of Adam, I may
be afraid wilfullie, or of a set purpose to transgresse thy
commandements, and so incur therby thy displeasure,
that the effects of thy justice in the day of thy comming
to judgement, be pronounced against me to the utter
destruction of bodie and soule. Make me alwaies willing,
good Lord, to heare thy word, by the power wherof
my faith is increased, and therewithall plant in me
perfect love and obedience, and so direct my footesteps
in this vale of miserie, that I may tread the path that
leadeth to thee, with whom my soule thirsteth to rest,
even as vehementlie as the Hart longeth after the
water brookes. Grant this, O mercifull God, for the
honour and glorie of thy name sake, Amen.

A fruitfull praier to be said at the going to bed of
everie Christian.

{Handwritten addition: grariarii actio, [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
rofessio peccato[Gap in transcription—1-4 charactersflawed-reproduction]} end of handwritten addition

Most mercifull Father, I most wretched and
unwoorthie sinner prostrate my selfe before
the throne of thy heavenlie grace, yeelding
unto thee most humble and hartie thanks,
that hast of thine exceeding love and favour preserved
me this daie from all perill and danger, humblie beseeching
thy divine Majestie, this night to preserve me,
for the love of thine onlie sonne, and my sweet Saviour
Jesus Christ, mediatour and advocate: who continuallie
pleadeth and maketh intercession to thee for
me, and all the rest of thy chosen children, presenting
his bloudie wounds, and his glorious bodie all to bee P.j. scourged P1v 142
scourged in thy divine presence, who thereby doth mitigate
thy wrath and indignation, justlie conceived against
me a miserable and wretched creature, and

Make me Lord still to confesse mine unwoorth[Gap in transcription—3-5 charactersflawed-reproduction]
and weaknesse to be such and so great, that of my selfe
I am not worthie to lift up mine eies to heaven [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]unlesse
to be called thy sonne, or handmaiden, such [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
great is the burden of my sinne & iniquitie, so [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
the meanes of my corruption & filthinesse, I acknowledge
my selfe to be the child of death and destruction,
yet build I still on thy promises, good Lord, and [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
great danger I come unto thee with teares, saieng:

O Father, I have sinned against heaven, & against
thee, and am no more woorthie to be called thy childe. Of
my selfe I have nothing; but by thee I have al[Gap in transcription—3-4 charactersflawed-reproduction]
of my selfe I acknowledge I have justlie deserved the
heavie sentence of thine ire; but by grace of thee, O
mightie Emanuel, I am regenerate, and borne againe
from death to life; from danger to joie; from peril to
peace; from bondage to libertie, and so in fine, from hell
and damnation, to blisse and salvation.

Such is the effect of thy mercie, so abundant is thy
love towards me, & all those that with contrite[Gap in transcription—2-4 charactersflawed-reproduction]s
present themselves unto thee. Increase my faith[Gap in transcription—2-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
that it may abound in good and fruitfull works: so [Gap in transcription—2 charactersflawed-reproduction]tifie
me, that I never swarve from thy veritie: give
me thy grace from above, O mercifull Jesu, thus I
may never shrinke from thy sacred testimonies.

And moreover, I with all humilitie and remission
of hart and mind, beseech thee this night, which thou
hast ordeined for man to rest in, that thou w[Gap in transcription—4-5 charactersflawed-reproduction]
and protect me with thy good guiding spirit. [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
it my sinfull flesh shall sleepe and slumber, yet grant,
good Lord, that my soule may continually kepe [Gap in transcription—3-4 charactersflawed-reproduction]
and ward: let not the enimie find me slumbering & sleeping,ping, P2r 143
as carelesse, in the cradle of sinfull securitie, least
that whilest I am vn[Gap in transcription—2-3 charactersobscured]med, that is, [Gap in transcription—1 wordobscured] and destitute
of thy grace and favour, he enter in and breake up
the house of my sinfull bodie, and make such havocke
and spoile, that mine infected and leporous soule, deformed
by meanes of mine iniquitie, and wounded with
the dangerous darts of transgression, be thrown with
the bodie of sinne into the lake of destruction, wherein
in continuall wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

Make me still, O good Lord, to consider, that the bed
is a plaine patterne and similitude of the grave, which
continuallie calleth for me, & all other thy creatures.
Make me to understand, that when I am laid, (of my
selfe) without thy heavenlie providence I can not bee
able to rise againe. Make me to acknowledge that
sleepe is the verie figure of death, to whose stroke, at
thine appointed pleasure, I must submit my selfe. Indue
me with love and charitie to all men, let my lampe
O Lord be garnished with oile, that whensoever, or at
what time soever thy messenger death shall drawe
me, & knocke at the gates of my house, I may at his
summons, in the daie of the resurrection of the dead, be
readie to attend on thee and thy bride, with my burning
lampe, that is, with a stedfast faith, when as by
thee I shall be cloathed anew. For my mortall bodie
shall then be covered with innnortalitie; the corruption
of my sinfull and rebelling flesh shall be changed to
incorruption and perfect puritie: thy righteousnesse
shall be mine; thy merits shall make me perfect and
holie, by vertue whereof, hell shall loose his victorie;
death shall loose his sting; my faith and hope shall have
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] reward, and I with thy Saints continuallie
dwell in love & charitie with thee, the heavenlie bridegroome,
Christ Jesus: to whom with the father, and
the holie Ghost, bee ascribed all laud, glorie, power,
praise and dominion, for ever: Amen.

A P2v 144

A praier for the remission of sinne, and to obteine
a vertuous life.

Forasmuch as (O bountifull Lord) it is [Gap in transcription—3-4 charactersflawed-reproduction]
meet, right, and just, that all flesh shuld praise,
magnifie, and worship thee, and should without
ceasing give thanks unto thee, who [Gap in transcription—2-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
art the Creator and maker of all things, as well visible
as invisible; who onlie art the treasure of all goodnesse,
and well of life, onlie God and Lord, whome the
heavens, and heaven of heavens, the sunne, the moone,
the starres, the earth, the sea, with all that move therin,
yea the heavenlie companie of Martyrs, the [Gap in transcription—2 charactersflawed-reproduction]ks
of the Prophets and Apostles, Angels, Arch[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]s,
togither with the soules of all just and righteous, persons
doo laud and glorifie.

It is most requisite, that ech mortall creature living
in this world, should also acknowledge thy magnificence.
Wherfore, most mercifull father, I wish my
hart and mouth doo acknowledge thee to be my King
and Lord, the giver of all goodnesse: I confesse thee to
be omnipotent, reverend, merciful, long suffering, and
of all consolation, comfort, mercie and pietie.

I knowe that of thine infinite goodnesse onelie thou
diddest make man after thy similitude and likenesse, {Handwritten addition: Repetitio
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]ej patris
[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] in nos} end of handwritten addition

placing him in the most delectable place of Paradise.
And although he did transgresse thy commandement,
and thereby deserved eternall death and damnation [Gap in transcription—flawed-reproductionone character]
yet thou, like a most loving and pitifull father, didest
not utterlie reject him, but gentlie correct him, and after
that thou hadst sent him into the earth, comman
fing him there to increase and multliplie, thou did instruct
his posteritie with thy lawe; thou didst teach
them by thy Prophets, and after that sentst downe
thine onlie begotten sonne to take upon him our nature,
and to suffer death for our sinnes, therby to make a P3r 145
a recompense for the offence which man had committed
against thee: and all this thou didst of thine exceeding
great mercie and kindnesse, without anie desert
of mankind, not being so much as by anie our praier,
or yet intreatie thereunto incited.

Therefore I being boldened with such inestimable
benefits, so freelie given and bestowed, doo without any
feare at this time, appere before thy devine Majestie,
prostrating my sleelfe before the seate of thy mercie, and
with all humblenesse of hart and mind doo make this
my praier unto thee.

Despise me not (O Lord God) being defiled with sin
and iniquitie. For behold, I present my selfe before
thee, not presuming upon mine owne woorthinesse, but
[Gap in transcription—flawed-reproduction3-4 characters]ing in thy goodnesse.

Be mercifull unto me a sinner: light thou the dull
sighted eies of my mind, open thou the stopped eares
of mine hart, that I may both see, heare, perceive and
understand that, which thou teachest, and alwaies doo
that, which thou commandest. Make me not onelie a
hearer of thy heavenlie doctrine; but also a perfect folower
of the same: direct, sanctifie and governe my life:
be thou alwaies present and readie, both to heare, and
to helpe me. Save and defend me from all shame and
reproch: be thou my shield & buckler against all temptations,
clense my mind and thought from all uncleannesse;
keepe and preserve me from all danger both of
bodie and soule. This fraile life is nothing else but a
continuall warfare in this world: our sinnes most
like to cruell enimies, assault us on everie side: againe
our daies are but few in number.

Guide me therefore with thy grace, so to spend my
small, short and transitorie time in this world, the verie
fountaine, welspring, and vale of all miserie, that I
may be made a member of Christ, & partaker of thine
eternall felicitie. To the which, seeing that through P.iij. mine P3v 146
mine owne desert, I shall never be able to aspire, (for
sinne trulie so aboundeth in me, that ech deed and act of
mine, is not onelie infected, but altogither polluted
therwith) none other remedie have I to ease my selfe:
none other salve to heale my sore, but onelie to take
hold of that promise of thine wheras thou saiest: “Come
unto me all ye that labour, and be overladen, and I {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]nite ad me, &
[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]go reficia bos.} end of handwritten addition

will refresh you.”

This is my hold-fast; this is mine anchor and sure
staie. For verelie (sweet Saviour) when I looke upon
mine owne frailnesse, and behold how readie I am to
offend thee; then I quake for feare, then I am almost
in utter despaire: but as soone as I call to mind thy
great love and kindnesse, and how that thou wilt not
the death of a sinner, but rather that he should repent
and live, and that in what daie soever he doth hartilie
repent and call unto thee, thou wilt heare him: then I
am releeved; then I am not a little comforted, knowing
surelie that thou wilt performe that which thou
hast promised, in faithfull assurance whereof, I now
saie unto thee:
Turne thou me, O my God, and I shall be turned:
from all my wickednesse deliver me. Heale my soule,
which is wounded with sinne: for I doo acknowledge
mine iniquitie, and am hartilie sorie for mine offences:
correct me, O Lord, but yet not in thy furie, looke not
upon my weaknesse; but thinke upon thine owne worthinesse:
remember thy loving kindnesse, and in the
abundance and multitude of thy mercies, wipe cleane
awaie, pardon and forget all my sinnes, through which
I have either in word, deede or thought, or anie other
kind of way offended thee, blot them out of thy remembrance,
and let the bloud of that immaculate lambe
Jesus Christ, wash them awaie: let mine old offences
so decaie and die in me, that I never commit them any
more or by anie meanes renew them in thy sight.

And P4r 147

And in the meane time doo not withdrawe thy grace
from me, but cause me to doo all that which good is. O
father, remove thy wrath awaie from me, and restore
unto me thy favour: turne thou thy loving countenance
unto me, and plentifullie powre foorth thy mercie
upon me. Incline my hart to doo that onelie, which
is acceptable in thy sight: guide thou my footesteps in
thy paths, and suffer me not at any time to straie from
thy waies: let me alwaies have the feare of thee in my
hart, and the remembrance of thy benefits fresh in my
memorie: and if at anie time through weakenesse and
frailtie, I doo transgresse thy commandments, yet doo
not therefore reject and cast me out of thy sight; but be
thou that good Samaritane, and powre the oile and
wine of mercie and forgivenesse into those wounds,
which sinne shall make in me. Disdaine me not for my
revolting; but have mercie upon me, according to thy
great goodnesse, and according to the multitude of thy
mercies wipe awaie mine iniquitie. Hide me under
the shadowe of thy wings and protection: lighten mee
with thy holie spirit. Make me thy servant: so indue
me with thy grace, that I may unfeinedlie, with hart
and voice, serve, honour, and praise thee all the daies of
my life: Amen.

Another praier for the obteining of grace
and mercie.

Omost mercifull Lord God, whose Majestie
is incomprehensible, & power infinite, whose
magnificence is exalted above the heavens:
vouchsafe, I beseech thee, frō thy high throne
to behold the worke of thy hands: have pitie on the
unhappie and desolate condition of thy creature. I am {Handwritten addition: cōonfessio-
peccator[Gap in transcription—obscured1 character]} end of handwritten addition

a sinner, conceived in sinne, and of my selfe I have no
good thing: wherefore, O Lord, I cleave to the altar
of thy mercie. Thou art my anchor, my hope, my refuge P.iiij. and P4v 148
and staie. Therefore O Lord, have mercie upon me, for
no flesh can be justified in thy sight. Thou knowest the
frailtie and weakenesse of men. We are taught by the
fall of Peter, that we can doo nothing without thee.
Graunt us therefore good Lord thy grace, without
which in this world, we are like by the waves of temptations
to be swallowed in the gulph and whirlepoole
of sinne: to be drowned as the ship without anchor
and Pilote in everie tempest, to runne on the rocke
and perish. Guide us therefore by thy grace good Lord,
through the flouds of this carefull world, that we may
rest for ever in the pleasant port, and happie haven of
everlasting joie, with thine elected, through our blessed
Saviour Jesus Christ: to whome with thee and
the holie Ghost, be all honour and glorie, in all worlds,

A Confession to be said of the penitent

Omost mercifull Lord God, I have offended
against the throne of thy Majestie; my sinnes
are ever before mine eies: I am not worthie
to live or enjoie the fruits wherewith thou
hast blessed the earth. Mine owne conscience is my
tormenter, bringing testimonie and witnesse against
me. The Sunne doth hide his light aginst me, and the
place is the woorsse wherein I become. O Lord what
shall I doo? Shall I despaire? No, thou art mercifull,
and more readie to forgive, than we to aske. I will confesse
my sinnes to thee. I am wearie of my sinfull life. I
am sorie in my soule for mine offences. Wherefore good
Lord, thou which dooest ease them that are laden, and
refresh them that travell: thou which hast promised
mercie to the penitent, looke on me thy servant with
thy cheerefull countenance: behold me with those pitifull
eies, with which thou didst Marie Magdalen, and the P5r 149
the woman taken in adulterie. Thou which hast shed
the bloud oun the altar of the Crosse, offering thy most
pretious bodie an eternall sacrifice for our sinnes: despise
not that which thou hast redeemed. Thou which
cammest into the world to call sinners to repentance,
and to save the lost sheepe of Israel, have mercie upon
me, and leade me by thy grace to the fold, among thy
sheepe, for they go in sweet pasture, and are not in danger
of Wolves, for thou art their shepheard, and keepest
good accompt of everie one of them. Though I
have gone astraie, wandring from thy flocke, and borne
the marks of the world: yet good Lord disclaime not
the right, I beseech thee; but take me unto thee, that I
may be safe under the shadowe of thy wings. He may
sleepe soundlie whome thou dooest keepe. Thou art the
watchman of Israel. All honour and glorie be unto
thee for ever, Amen.

Another godlie Confession and meditation
of the penitent.

Ialtogether unhappie and comfortlesse, have {Handwritten addition: jufœliy ego o[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]} end of handwritten addition
greevouslie offended my Lord God. What
shall I do? Whether shall I go? I can not
hide me from his sight. How oft have I trespassed
against him? How oft have I deserved his displeasure?
And yet how seldome hath he punished me?
How oft have I promised and vowed amendment, and
how little and seldome have I performed it? This is a
wofull case. Who will have pitie on me, I dare not lift
up mine eies towards heaven, because I have sinned
against it: and in earth I can looke for no refuge, because
I have beene a slander and shame unto it. What
then? Should I despaire? No, God is mercifull, and a
good Saviour: he doth visit them that live in darknes,
and is a cheerfull light to them that sit in the shadowe of P5v 150
of death. He willeth us to forgive our brother, though
he offend seventie times, yea infinitelie. And God is
more mercifull than anie man can be, and he must be
the onlie refuge and comfort: he will not despise his
creature, the image of himselfe.

Returne thee therefore O my soule unto thy Lord
God, praie to him, humblie on thy knees for grace, and
continue to bewaile thy sinnes past, because that he
which loveth thee, provoketh thee dailie with his gratious
gifts and blessings to love him, and will not
leave thee, untill he have made perfect his worke begunne,
and brought his mercie to full effect in thee.
What naturall cause beginneth his worke, and leaveth
it in the halfe waie inperfect? The vertue of seed
sowne, doth not cease till the fruit be brought to perfection,
yet that nature worketh not at once, but first
prepareth the matter, and then disposeth and makes
it fit to receive the shape, which is the perfection and
end thereof. And as by naturall order, and right course
things do proceede and increase by little and little,
from the lesse to the more, even so doth God first dispose
us to his mercie, and then increasing his goodnesse
dailie, destoweth on us in the end, the treasure of his
grace and inheritance of everlasting joies. What
bird forsaketh hir yong, till they be able to live of
themselves, and yet no availe for their paine commeth
to them. Verie love worketh in naturall causes,
to bring foorth their affects to perfection. If it be so in
creatures, what will the Creator doo; which is love it
selfe, and infinite goodnesse? He will withdrawe thee
from thy sinnes, make thee cleane and pure, and finallie
blesse thee with eternall life, which he hath prepared
for thee. O Lord, I come to thee sad and mourning,
I sit at thy feete, humblie waiting for thy mercie.
Thou art my hope and helper, according to the great
mercies, have mercie upon me, Amen.

A P6r 151

A praier to be purged from sinne
and uncleannesse.

Take awaie from me, O Lord, the burden of
my corruption, which by the continuall exercise
of my sinne and wickednesse, hath wounded
my soule wofullie, with the dangerous
darts of transgression; so that I feele my putrifaction
abounding, and my festered conscience overladen with
uncleannesse; so that I have no other meane nor remedie,
but to prostrate my selfe before the throne of thy
glorious majestie beseeching thee intirelie, of thy gatious
goodnesse, to salve my sores with the comfortable
oile of thy mercie.

Thou onlie (O Jesu) art the sweete Physician of my
soule, sprinkle upon me hysope, and I shall be made
whiter than snowe. If thou of thine exceeding bountie
and favour good Lord, wilt vouchsafe to wash awaie
the spots of my sinne and wickednesse, that heapeth
thine indignation and furie against me, I shall then
excell the gold that hath beene purified in the fornace
seven fold.

Let it therefore good Lord and mercifull father, seeme
pleasant unto thy divine majestie, to touch my corrupted
and uncleane hart, with the heavenlie finger of
thy grace, that I may bring foorth the fruits of true
repentance, which are more acceptable to thy glorious
and divine presence, than the offering of calves,
bullockes, sheepe, goates, or anie other burnt offerings,
or sacrifice of peace. A contrite and sorowfull
soule is the thing that thou doest most delight in. An
humble and a lowlie spirit is the oblation that thou
dooest desire. A cleane and pure hart, O Lord my God,
I knowe thou dooest love and favour.

Wherefore I beseech thee, to purge me from my
sinne and iniquitie, of thy great mercie. Let the bitter deplora- P6v 152
deploration of mine offences, and hartie contrition,
through thy glorious merits and painefull passion, O
Jesu, be the onlie meane and waie to set me free from
the powers of hell, death and damnation. And sith I
am by thy goodnes begotten and borne anew, strengthen
me good Lord, that I never slide nor fall from
thee, but that I may continuallie beare in my remembrance,
the state whereunto I am called by thee.
Through thine aboundant love and kindnesse wipe awaie,
good Lord, all my sins out of thy remembrance.
Cleanse me in the bloud of thy spotlesse Lambe Jesus
, and I shall be made cleane, pure and safe.
Graunt this most mercifull God, for the honour and
glorie of thy name sake, through the bitter death of thy
sonne Jesus Christ my onlie mediatour and advocate,
to whome with thee and the holie Ghost, be given all
laud, glorie, power, and praise for ever and ever, Amen.

Another praier of the penitent for

O Lord I am a sinner, my sinnes are heavie
upon me, the burden of them is intollerable,
refresh me with thy grace, wash awaie mine
offences, and I shall be whiter than the
snowe. Let the cheerefull beames of thy countenance
shine upon me, and give light to the darkenesse of my
life. We can looke for nothing as deserved, but punishment
due to our offences. Wherefore good Lord, not
according to thy justice, but in the multitude of thy
mercies, deale with thy servant. Remember not the
sinnes of my forefathers: thinke not on the misdemeanour
of my youth passed: have pitie on thy creature,
which according to the likenesse of thy selfe thou hast
made and shaped of earth. How long wilt thou turne
thy face awaie from me? Forsake me not, O my God,
but renew in me thy holie spirit. Plucke awaie from me P7r 153
me all that withdraweth me from thee. Graffe in my
hart thy grace, that I may love thee, and feare thee,
and so finallie rejoice in thy goodnesse with the elected,
and praise thee in thy woonderous works for ever.
Graunt this most mightie God, for our Saviour Jesus
his sake, to whome with thee and the holie
Ghost, be all honor and glorie for ever and ever, Amen.

Another praier to be said of the sinfull

My sinfull life increasing, and my sinnes still abounding,
good Lord, to whome shall I flee, or
to whome shall I resort for succour? From
offending thee I can not cease, neither daie
nor night; and my sinnes are heavie upon me, pressing
me downe even to hell, such is the weight thereof.

Moreover, when I prepare my selfe to amendment
of life, and thinke stedfastlie to serve and please thee, even
soone after doth my corrupt and infected nature offend
and displease thy divine Majestie: so that I am
prone and readie to run headlong into all kind of wickednesse
and sin, such is my strength, such is my force,
(or rather weakenesse) in perfourming those things,
which thou requirest at my hands. So that good Lord,
I am readie utterlie to despaire, and forsake thee, unlesse
thou of thy great mercie and pitie, send thine aide
from above, and powre into me thy most healthfull
grace, that I may make hast to flee unto thee with
most bitter-teares, a sorowfull hart, and bowing
knees, lamenting my sinfull life, and greevous offences
commited against thee, trusting most assuredlie and
faithfullie, in the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ,
that by his most bitter death & bloud-shedding, which
is of far greater force, vertue and effect in preserving
me, than all my sinnes and offences are in condemning
and casting me awaie; for whose sake I most assuredlielie P7v 154
beleeve all my sinnes and offences are cleerlie forgiven,
and shall never be laid to my charge, but that I
shall endor with [Gap in transcription—flawed-reproductionone word] in the last daie into thine everlasting
kingdome, there[Gap in transcription—flawed-reproductiontwo characters] be with thee for evermore, to
whome [Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsobscured], praise and glorie, for ever and ever,

A praier to God the father.

Almightie God the father of our Lord Jesus
, whome no desert, merit, or worthinesse
of ours; but thine owne great clemencie,
mercie and pitie caused to send down
thine onlie begotten sonne into this world, to beato[Gap in transcription—3-5 charactersflawed-reproduction]
burden of our sinnes, with the which we most miserable
sinners were overladen, and that he should snuffer
most cruell torments, yea and also most bitter and
shamefull death, and sanctifie the reprochfull name of
the crosse, with the renting of his blessed bodie, and
shedding his most pretious bloud thereon; thereby to
make attonement betweene thee and us, thereby to
paie the raunsome for our soules, thereby to counsummate
and finish the perfection of our redemption, and
salvation. Which thing it was thy good will that he
should doo, not onelie to asswage thy wrath & indigna {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]uorsum, [Gap in transcription—obscuredthree characters]
crucifixus?} end of handwritten addition

tion, but also to bring us againe into thy grace and savour;
and that we being delivered out of the bondage
of sinne and hell, might serve thee in righteousnesse and
holinesse, all the daies of our life, and by the free gift
and benefite of his death and passion, be made partakers
of his resurrection, and of thine endlesse and unspeakable

Wherefore my God, my maker, my Lord, my King,
seeing thou hast so aboundantlie bestowed thy heavenlie
gifts upon me, and all mankind, and hast so plentifullie
powred out thy grace and favour on us, that for
our sakes thou wouldest not spare thine owne sonne:
how shall we escape thine indignation, which for this care P8r 155
care and kindnesse of thine, are most carelesse and unkind?
And among all other, which waie shall I poore
creature turne me? How shall I, who have been most
unthankefull for thy benefits, and most unmindfull of
them, be so bold as to lift up my hart or hands unto the
heavens, and to call upon thee? Thou of thy singular
goodnesse didst so provide, that the wickednesse of old {Handwritten addition: the wickednes of Adam
is purged, [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
bloud of christ} end of handwritten addition

Adam should be purged and washed awaie with the
bloud of Jesus Christ; but I have wilfullie fallen into
sinne againe. Thou madest me the child of light, but I
have made my selfe an inheritour of darkenesse. Thou
madest me thine by creation, I have made my selfe the
child of perdition.

What shall I now therefore do? Shall I doubt of {Handwritten addition: against distr[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
in gods mercy} end of handwritten addition

anie further mercie and forgivenesse? No no, sweete
Lord, so great is thy mercie, which surmounteth all
thy workes, so large are thy promises; so sure is the {Handwritten addition: Nota} end of handwritten addition
performance of them to all such as take hold thereof;
so deere in thy sight are the merits of thy sonne Jesus;
so [Gap in transcription—flawed-reproduction5 characters]table unto thee is the hartie repentance of a
sinner, that with the remembrance thereof, I am provoked
to crie unto thee, saieng: “Father, I have sinned
against heaven, and against thee, I am no more worthie
to be called thy child.”
Neverthelesse, behold thou
me, not as I am, a greevous offender, but as thy creature.
Have now no respect to mine offences, but behold
my repentance: thinke not upon my wickednesse, but
upon the wounds of my Saviour Jesus. Looke not
upon my false hart, which hath wavered from thy
lawes, but behold the bleeding hart of thy sonne Jesus
, which was pierced to release me, and set me
free. My sinnes I cast upon thy backe, beseeching thee
that his merits may beare them, and thy mercie pardon

Heare me O Lord my God, heare me: for I knowe,
the more earnestlie that I seeke for, and desire thine aide P8v 156
aide, the readier thou art to [Gap in transcription—3-4 charactersobscured]ch foorth thine hand
to helpe me. Heare me therefore, O Lord; bow downe
and incline thine eare unto my praier: inspire my soule
with thy holie spirit, that I may love thee above all
things, and that I never faile to put my hope and
trust of salvation in him, whome thou wouldest to be
my redeemer and saviour.

Make me, by the forsaking of all wickednesse, so to
rise from falling into sinne, that I may obtaine the
true serving of thee with innocencie, and purenesse of
life. Graunt this O Lord, for Jesus Christs sake, to
whome with thee and the holie Ghost be all honour
and glorie, Amen.

A praier unto God the sonne.

Omost sweet saviour, O most merrifull redeemer;
O bountifull Jesu, the sonne of God:
who although thou art high, yet thou art {Handwritten addition: high, yet humble
potet yet meeke
mighty, yet mercifull} end of handwritten addition

most humble; although thou art omnipotent,
thou art also most meeke: and as thou art most
mightie, so art thou most mercifull. To thee, O Christ,
the guide of all felicitie, the father of heaven hath gien
all power, both in heaven and in earth.

Thou art the true pastor of our soules, thou art our
Messias. Thou castest off none that sue unto thee, but
as thou hast taken awaie the hand-writing that was
against us, and hast fastened it to thy crosse, so art thou
readie to impart the merits of thy passions unto all
such, as with true repentance of their sins call upon
thee faithfullie.

Wherefore my sweet Jesus, I most faithfullie and
unfeinedlie acknowledge the benefits that thou hast {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]tōfessio} end of handwritten addition
bestowed upon me, and stedfastlie beleeve, that thou being
an immaculate lambe, in whose mouth was never
found guile, didst suffer most cruell torments at the
hands of sinners, for the love of us most wretched sinners.ners. Q1r 157
For the which cause, I most hartilie beseech thee,
and most humblie praie thee, to accept me into the
number of them, whom thou wilt make coinheritours
of thy bitter paines. And although I of my selfe, be {Handwritten addition: though we be not
worthy, yet m[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
& merites of [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]
tan make us wor[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]} end of handwritten addition

most unwoorthie thereof, yet thy merits can make me
woorthie: to them do I flie, craving that I may be so
armed and defended by them, that I may subdue the
world, the flesh and the divell, even as thou hast glori-
[Gap in transcription—1-2 charactersflawed-reproduction]lie conquered sinne, death and hell.

Thou seest, O my saviour, how I am dailie and hourlie
beset with these three enimies, and so hardilie beseethe {Handwritten addition: world,
the flesh,
the dyvell} end of handwritten addition

ged of them, that without thy helpe, I can by no
meanes escape, but that I must needs be a praie unto
one of them. Strengthen me therefore O Lord, that
neither the one with carnall lusts, neither the other
with delectable pleasures, nor Sathan himselfe with
all his craftie and subtile devises get the dominion over

Thou hast bought me, thou hast paid for me; take
thou me, save, keepe and defend me, be alwaies readie
at the [Gap in transcription—flawed-reproductionone word] of my crieng; powre into me thy grace, patiantly
to abide thy divine will and pleasure in all
things. Make me both at this present, and all the
daies of my life, to have in mind, and profoundlie to
take in my hart, the mysteries of thy painefull passion,
and so to be filled with the remembrance thereof, that
sin may no more enter into me, and that Sathan mine
old enimie may well perceive, that he hath neither
pact nor fellowship in me, but that I am both bodie
and soule altogether thine, to whome be all praises
world without end, Amen.

A praier unto God the holie Ghost.

Oholie Ghost, O blessed and holie spirit, comforter
of them that be afflicted: thou proceeding
from the Father and the Sonne, art the true Q.j. instructor Q1v 158
instructor and teacher of the divine and heavenlie veritie.
Wherefore, I with all humilitie praie thee to
renew and make in me a cleane hart, to graffe a right
spirit in me, to guide and governe me, that I may
thinke nothing, speake nothing, doo nothing, but that
onlie which shall please thee.

And whereas I have not ceased to offend my Lord
God and maker, and most greevouslie to transgresse against
Jesus my redeemer and saviour; I praie thee
that I may have inward sorowe, repentance, and {Handwritten addition: petitio} end of handwritten addition
shame thereof; and that ever hereafter I may performe
my dutie, as I ought to doo, and so bring forth
the fruits of repentance, that the passion of Jesus
may defend me from all sinne and wickednesse,
and bring me to the joies of paradise: So be it.

A godlie praier for the true worshipping of God, which may
be used in the Church before common praier.

Stablish our harts and minds, O most gratious
God, in the true woorshipping of thy
divine majestie; make us to beleeve thy holie
and sacred Gospell, wherein we are dailie
and hourelie instructed to love, feare, honour, and obeie
thee: to hate sinne and iniquitie, to renounce all
superstitious ceremonies, whereby thy worship is defaced,
thy glorie prophaned, and thine honour greatlie
diminished. Give us the grace to hate sinne and iniquitie,
to renounce and forsake the vanities and wanton
pleasures of this wicked and sinfull world. Arme us,
we beseech thee, to mortifie and bring under the rebellious
appetites and straieng lusts of the flesh. And finallie
give us power from above, to withstand Sathan
the prince of darknesse, and all his damnable ministers,
who by divers temptations provoke and allure
us from godlie puritie, and perfect integritie,
which passeth onlie from Christ Jesus unto us, who is Q2r 159
is the fulnesse of our perfection and holinesse, to all
kinds of evill, impietie and uncleannesse; by meanes
whereof thy worship is greatlie prophaned, and of a
set purpose contemned.

Make us constant to skirmish against the world,
sinne, death, and hell; and by the power of a fruitefull
faith, give us grace to resist and bridle the concupiscence
of our flesh, in such sort, that our soules may triumph
with victorie, and continue constant in woorshipping
thee; from whom passeth the fulnesse of our joie.
Prepare our harts and minds (good Lord) now and ever
to spread foorth the glorie of thy name. Keepe our
tongues from all filthie talke, and uncomelie gesture,
least by the exercise of such sinne, we contemne thy
worship, and provoke thee to displeasure and indignation.
Set thou a watch before the gates of my mouth,
that my lips by thy grace may be alwaies made open
to sound foorth thy praise and everlasting glorie. Be
mercifull to our offences, thinke thou not on our unrighteousnesse;
but upon thy clemencie. Forgive them
freelie, and pardon gratiouslie our sinnes, make us
faithfull in Christ Jesus. Shorten the dangerous
daies of iniquitie, increase the number of thy chosen
and peculiar Saincts. Hasten thy commming, O saviour
Christ, that we with the felowship of the Saints, heavenlie
Angels, and the blessed companie of Martyrs,
may celebrate thy praise, and worship thee in thy glorious
kingdome, before the father our God, and the holie
Ghost, to whome be praise for ever, Amen.

Another praier that we may live so uprightlie in this life, that
at the last we may dwell in the everlasting tabernacle.

O Lord, seeing that the rightoeus shall dwell in
thy tabernacle, graunt me I beseech thee, a
poure and undefiled soule. O what is the
shape of the earth, wherein Gods enimies Q.ij. haue Q2v 160
have abiding; in comparison of the woonderfull beautie
of heaven, wherein righteousnesse doth dwell; in
comparison of that place, wherein Angels, Archangels,
all good men, yea and God himselfe is abiding!
What are the pleasures of the world, wealth, honour,
companie of our parents and friends, wherein all our
pleasure and sweetenesse is mixed with sowrenesse and
sorowe; wherein everie perfection hath his imperfecetion?
What is all this to the unspeakable joie in the
kingdome of God? What is the companie of friends
heere, in comparison to the companie of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, the Patriarches and Prophets, and
all the Saints of God?

Oh the felicitie of everlasting life, which is without
all discommodities; perpetuall, without all perill
and molestation! Oh the glorious majestie, the singular
mirth, and passing joies of the life to come! The eie
hath not seene, nor the hart of man is able to conceive
in anie part, the happie estate of the blessed soules in
heaven. Oh how amiable are thy tabernacles! My
soule hath a desire to enter into the courts of the
Lord. My hart and my soule rejoice in the living God;
blessed be they that dwell in thy house, they may be alwaies
praising thee. One daie in thy courts, is better
than a thousand elsewhere. I had rather be a dore-keeper
in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents
of ungodlinesse. The Lord God is a light and defence.
My soule is athirst for God, even for the living God.
When shall I come before the presence of my God?
My flesh longeth after thee in a barren and drie land, where no water is. Good Lord remember me, and
graunt that I may weare the white garments
of innocencie with thine elected,
in thine everlasting
kingdome, Amen.

A Q3r 161

A praier against the felowship of the

Protect and defend me, O heavenlie Father,
and most mercifull God, from the felowship
of the ungodlie men, which dailie imagine
mischiefe in their harts to harme the innocent.
Keepe me from the counsels of the foolish and ungodlie,
which speake proud things against the glorie of
thy blessed name. Defend me from faithlesse and deceiptfull
ones, whose guiltie stomaches are gorged
with grudge, envie, malice, hatred, disdaine, and all
uncharitablenesse. For their throtes are like unto an
open sepulchre, or swallowing grave: their tongs are
given to slander and backbite their neighbours: the
poison of Adders lieth hidden under their lips; and in
fine, they as thine enimies blaspheme thy holie and
blssed name, and contemne thy testimonies.

O Lord give me thy grace, to be conversant with
good and godlie men; such as favour thy glorious Gospell,
and doo their indevour to practise thy precepts, to
the glorie of thy holie and blessed name. Make me, by
their example, to exercise my selfe in the heavenlie veritie;
that thereby I may be instructed in the livelie
knowledge of thy commandements, and obtaine such
wisdome from above, that by faith I may cleave to
thee, and the felowship of those that feare thy holie
name; and so avoide the companie of the wicked and
ungodlie worldlings, which have laid snares to intrap
mee. Graunt this, O most mercifull Father, for
thy sonne Jesus Christs sake, who ever liveth
and reigneth with thee, and the holie
Ghost, to whome be all laude,
glorie, power and praise,
for ever and ever,

A Q3v 162

A praier to be said before or after the

Most mightie God, which by thy word hast
made all things, whose voice the flouds and
hils doo knowe, whose heast both quicke and
dead, heaven and hell obey, at whose displeasure
the divels in hell doo tremble: let thy word so lighten
our harts, that by our good works we may testifie
our profession, seeing that the tree which beareth not
fruit shall be cut downe, & throwne into the fire. Grant
that I may not onelie be a hearer, but also a dooer of
thy holie word, that so finallie I may be partaker of
thine everlasting joie and blisse.

O Lord grant me wisdome to knowe thee, and grace
to followe thee in true humilitie: that as thou didst suffer
to be spitted at, and smitten of thine enimies; so we
may beare the displeasures of the world, and rage of
our enimies with patience. Thou hast blessed the little
ones, and revealed unto them the things hidden
from the wise. For thou wilt have mercie where it
pleaseth thee. O set thy feare alwaies before mine
eies, make me to understand wisdome secretlie; and
graffe thy faith so in my hart, that I may both knowe
thee, and love thee, and glorifie thy holie name for ever:

A praier for faith.

Oblessed Saviour Jesus, sonne of the everliving
God, the unspeakable joie of thy servants,
most present cōfort to sinners, which
camest into the world to save offenders,
which so lovedst the world, that thou sparedst not thy
most pretious bloud to redeeme the losse of our first father
Adam, and to make us coheires of the forfeited
inheritance with thy selfe; that all which beleeve in
thee might be saved. Good Lord, which hast promised to Q4r 163
to them that knocke, it shall be opened; and that they
which seek shall find: grant I beseech thee, that I may
search thy holie lawes, and find the truth of thy holie
word; that I may alwaies constantlie confesse and
shew thee and thy goodnesse, as well in my words as living.
Inspire me with thy holie spirit, that I may
knowe thee stedfastlie, trust in thee, and serve thee in
praiers and well-dooing, all the time of my life. O most
mercifull Lord and Saviour of the world, for the glorie
of thy name sake, I beseech thee to heare my praiers.
My soule rejoice in God my saving health, for hee
hath been good to thee, he hath kept thee from the snare
of the hunter, and blessed thee. The Lord is a mercifull
God, let all the earth feare him: let the mouths of all
men sound praises unto him. God is a good Lord, and
dailie increaseth his good gifts to his servants; the
Lord will increase my faith in him, and I shall be saved:
So be it.

A praier to be said before the receiving of the
Lords Supper.

Omnipotent God and father everlasting,
whose mercie is infinite, and whose kingdom
hath none end; vouchsafe I beseech thee, of
thine exceeding goodnes, to increse our faith,
that as thy ghests repaire to the table of thy sonne
Jesus Christ, who hath left unto us, before he gave
his bodie to be crucified, and his bloud to be shed largelie
on the crosse for our redemption, as a pledge of his
great love and abundant kindnesse, the celebration of
his glorious supper, wherein as it were in a looking
glasse, the death of our great maister, the high shepheard
of our soules Jesus Christ, is most livelie set
foorth unto us. Give us grace therefore from above,
rightlie to understand the divine mysteries offered
unto us thereby, and not to wrest or wring the same Q.iiij. con- Q4v 164
contrarie to thy will.

Let it be far from our thoughts, good Lord, to leave
thine eternall veritie; and to build on the doctrine of
men, who following their owne imaginations, run
headlong to the gaping gulph of danger and destruction.
Plucke the scales of ignorance from our eies, that
we may cleerlie descerne and behold, by the light of thy
glorious Gospell, how we may truelie communicate
and participate the fruits of thy grace, represented
unto us in this comfortable Sacrament. Indue us
plentifullie with such pure knowledge, that we may
not once thinke or saie after anie grosse forme or carnall
maner, we feede upon, or eate thy flesh reallie, or
carnallie; but make us alwaies constantlie to beleeve,
that thy glorious bodie is ascended up into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of thy Father, concerning
thy humanitie; and cannot be thence remooved,
till the time that thou shalt come with legions of Angels,
to judge the quicke and the dead, before whose
presence shall run a consuming fire.

And moreover, wee doo most humblie beseech thee so
to confirme us in the truth of thy blessed testament,
that we may confesse thy divine nature to be equall
with the Father and the holie Ghost; and to beleeve
that thy power is not a power particular, but a power
generall; and such as doth and shall governe in heaven
and earth, in the deepe and lowe waters: yea and
in the nethermost parts of hell. Strengthen us therefore
good Lord, that stand; least that in falling from the
true knowledge of thee, we perish everlastinglie.

And sith thou hast called us by thy word, as thy
ghests to this blessed banket, wherein the mouths of our
carnall bodies are fostered & fed with bread and wine:
so Lord confirme our faith in thee, that the mouths of
our soules may feed spirituallie upon thy sweetest flesh,
and drinke thy deerest blood, and so be nourished to everlastinglasting Q5r 165
life the heavenlie blessednesse: Which reward
as a dowre due, thou hast promised to all those that
faithfullie build upon thee, which art the rocke and
strong piller of our salvation.

And as these most holie mysteries must set foorth unto
us most livelie thy death and passion; so make us
thankefull to thee for the same: and thereby give us
grace, to print in our harts thy great love and exceeding
clemencie, that spearedst not to give thy bodie to
the most vile, shamefull and slanderous death of the
Crosse; and thy bloud to be shed for our offences.

Indue us with love and charitie to all men; make
us readie to forgive, to love, and pardon our enimies,
persecutors and slanderers. Turne our harts & minds
from all impietie, covetousnesse, blashphemie, pride,
gluttonie, fornication, and all other detestable evils.
And if at anie time we have defeated the fatherlesse of
his right, the widowe of hir dowrie, or gathered togither
our goods wrongfullie, by violence, oppression,
fraud, collusion, or deceit: give us grace to make restitution,
and to aske with sorowfull plaints and fluds
of teares, from the bottome of our harts, pardon and
free forgivenesse of thee, for such and all other our offences
whatsoever wee have done, or committed in
thought, word, will and deed, against thy divine Majestie,
or anie other our brethren and sisters.

Take awaie from us all bitternes, cursed speaking
and backbiting. Give us grace to come woorthilie, by
the vertue of a true and fruitfull faith, to this holie
and blessed supper, that our soules feeding faithfullie
on thy sweetest flesh, and drinking thy deerest bloud, wee
may both in bodie and soule be nourished by thee to
everlasting and endlesse glorie in heaven; where with
thee and the felowship of thy chosen Saints, we shall
enjoie the fruition of the everlasting kingdome, which
thou hast ordeined for all those that ounelie and alone, without Q5v 166
without wavering doo build upon th[Gap in transcription—2-4 wordsobscured]

Sanctifie and make cleane our harts and minds, by
the power of thy holie Ghost, the verie comforter of
thy chosen. Purge thou our cankred consciences, infected
with sinne, by the working of thy good grace, least
that by the presuming to this thy table, O Lord, we incur
thy displeasure; and being unrepentant for our offences,
we be found unmeet ghests to come to thy holie
banket, and so we eate and drinke to the utter confusion
of our soules and bodies. Give us grace therefore
good Lord, to convert us wholie unto thee, and we shall
be turned from all our sinne and iniquitie. Give us
grace to rest onlie upon thee, and we shall be made safe.
Give us thine aid from above, we beseech thee, by faith
to strive with the man of sinne, and so to vanquish him,
that he may die to us, and we may live to thee, which
art the giver of life. Grant this, O most gratious
God, for Jesus Christ his sake, to whom with thee and
the holie Ghost be given all praise, honour and glorie,
for ever and ever: Amen.

A praier or thankesgiving to be said after the receiving
of the Communion.

We give thee most hartie thanks, O heavenlie
Father, that hast at this present fed us,
and refreshed our hungrie soules with the
flesh and bloud of our Saviour Christ; not
carnallie, but spirituallie. Give us grace therefore
continuallie, by the meanes of an increasing and fruitfull
faith, to beleeve that thy flesh is meate indeed, and
thy bloud is drinke indeed: and that unneths we eate
thy flesh, and drinke thy bloud, we can not enter into
thy kingdome, nor be saved in the daie of thy comming.
Give us grace therefore, being unprofitable servants,
and unwoorthilie called, by the reason of the multitude
of our sinnes, to banket at thy table, whereas the celebrationbration Q6r 167
of thy the[Gap in transcription—1 letterflawed-reproduction]er hath beene [Gap in transcription—3-4 charactersobscured], and thy death by
the visible elements of bread and wine represented unto
us, to offer up unto thee continuallie the fruits of
true, repentant, and sorowfull harts, that thy name
may be glorified, we by thy grace comforted, thy displeasure
turned to love, thy wrath to compassion, our
sinnes pardoned and forgotten, and our names written
in the booke of life.

And as it hath pleased thee at this present to account
us for thy ghests, and not onlie to feede us with visible
creatures, namelie bread and wine: but also in soule,
which is thine owne similitude, to cherish us with thy
flesh and bloud, wheron by the vertue of a livelie faith
we have to our great comforts most plentifullie fed:
so now, O Lord, we beseech thee of thine abundant
goodnesse, to increase our faith, that it may wax strong
in thee, and fruitfull to exercise the works of charitie
and love to all men; that therby as we have now been
at the celebration of thy glorious and blessed supper, so
we may, whensoever it shall please thee to call us to
thine heavenly banket, be found furnished: not emptie,
not naked, but armed and covered with fruitfull faith
and truth, and so as thy ghests or vessels of honour
enjoie the participation of thy heavenlie and rich palace,
whereas joies never vade, but continuallie endure.
Take from us the burden of our corruption; set
us free from the cursed clog of sinne; deliver us from
the snares of death and destruction. Give us willing
minds to obeie and heare thy commandements, clense
thou our harts from all iniquitie, and give us grace
henceforth to walke in newnesse of life, and godlie conversation,
that thy name may be glorified, and we saved
in the daie of thy comming to judgement.
Grant this for Jesus Christ his sake
our mediatour and advocate:

A Q6v 168

A godlie praier[Gap in transcription—1-2 wordsdamaged]d of everie Christian, espe
[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsdamaged]t burials.

Good Lord, which with thy hands doest staie
the [Gap in transcription—damagedone word] & [Gap in transcription—damagedtwo or three letters]gin of the earth, and rulest the
course of the swift heavens, disposing and ordering
all things by thy divine providence,
which hast apointed bounds to our life, which we can
not pas: I besech thee that by my living, I learning to
die, mortifieng by thy spirit the affections of the flesh,
though not expelling them, yet subduing the rage of
them, it may at the last, by the haven of death, land in
the most glorious citie of everlasting life; where our
bodies which are now darke, miserable and corruptible,
shall be most bright, glorious and incorruptible,
like to the immortall and shining bodie of our Lord
Jesus Christ. We shall be like to Christ our Saviour;
even as he is, so shall we be. And as we have borne the
image of the earthlie, so shall we beare the image of
the heavenlie, and shine like to the sunne, as the face
of Christ did in his transfiguration.

Oh Lord Jesus, blessed Saviour, which by thy
death hast triumphed over sinne and death; thou hast
troden on the sting of the monster, our hidious enimie;
the gates of hel have not prevailed against thee: grant
to me a true and livelie faith, by which men passe from
earth to heaven, from death to eternall life. This can
we not doo without thee, thou must be our mediatour.
For a child of a nights birth is not pure in thy sight.
In sinne were we borne, and by nature we are the
children of perdition, and firebrands of hell: but thou,
O blessed Saviour, art the perfection of the lawe to
them that beleeve. As death came by sinnes; so by thy
death and pretious bloudshedding is death conquered
and exiled; and we that beleeve washed and clensed of
our sinnes. All the Prophets beare witnesse, that they which Q7r 169
which beleeve in thy name shall receive remission of
their sinnes. If we confesse our sinnes thou art righteous
to forgive us our iniquities. Whosoever calleth
on thy name shall be saved. Thou hast no pleasure
in the death of a sinner, but rather desirest that they
should live, and be converted. Thou hast so loved the
world, that thou not onlie didst become man, and tooke
our nature upon thee, but wert content also to suffer
most cruell death on the Crosse, to purge our nature
from mortall sinne and corruption, and adorne it with
immortalitie and eternall glorie; not onelie in thine
owne person, but in us also, to satisfie the justice of the
father for our sinnes.

Oh blessed shepheard, thou doubtedst not to spend
thy most pretious blood to save thy beloved sheepe from
ravine and spoile. Good Lord, so increase thy grace in
me, that thy holie word may take roote, and flourish in
me, that the good seed may not be choked with thornes.
So order my living, that when by course of nature I
shall be dissolved from the prison of my bodie, I may
come to thee, that when thou more bright than the sun
shalt come in the midst of the legions of Angels, in thy
shining glorie and Majestie to judge the quicke & the
dead, I may be in the number of the blessed ones,
whom thou shalt call to possesse the kingdome prepared
for them, by thy Father, saieng: “Come ye blessed
children of my Father, receive the kingdome prepared
for you before the beginning of the world.”
Thou which
didst die and rise againe, wilt raise and bring to life all
those that are dead beleeving in thy faith: So be it.

A praier to live well.

Good Lord so rule the eies of my hart, that
they being kept simple and pure, my bodie
may be a cleere and shining temple of thy holie
spirit. So kindle in us the love of thy gloriousrious Q7v 170
sonne, that we following his steps, may doo that
which is good, and decline from the evill; so that our
light shining before men, we may glorifie thee by our
good works, with thy blessed sonne our Saviour, and
the holie Ghost: to whose infinite Majestie, in trinitie
and unitie be all honour and glorie for ever, Amen.

A praier for humilitie.

O Lord I am a sinner, and sorie for mine offences:
I can not make satisfaction for my defaults.
If I have anie good thing, it commeth
of thee. The mostr acceptable sacrifice
to thee is a contrite and humble hart. O God let mee
not be oppressed with the waves of sinne, let mee not
sinke into the whirlepoole and gulph of despaire. Thou
which liftest up the fallen, and raisest the humble and
meeke, clothing them with purple, and settest them up
with princes in the seates of honour; thou which despisest
the imaginations of the proud, and resistest
their enterprises; blesse me in all my dooings, send mee
happie successe in all mine affaires, that I may rejoice
in thy goodnesse, with thine elected for ever and ever.
Accept my humble suite, good Lord, I beseech thee, for
the glorie of thy name sake, Amen.

A praier for the obteining of
Gods grace.

Oalmightie and mercifull God, shine we beseech
thee, through the power of our Lord
Jesus Christ, and the comfortable working
of thy sacred spirit, the heavenlie comforter,
upon our minds and harts, with the glorious beames
of thy heavenlie grace. Give us such plentie of wisedome
and understanding from above, that through the
knowledge of thee, the man of sinne, that is, our fraile
and feeble flesh, with the wicked lusts and desire of concupiscencecupis- Q8r 171
may lie dead and buried in us. Give us, good
Lord, the feeling of thy grace, that by the vertue and
divine operation of thy word, the eies of our soules
may be illumined, and made so light, that the Prince of
darkenesse, with all his unrighteous ministers, may
be expulsed and banished from our memories. So establish
us in thy truth, that our harts, minds, and
thoughts, may continuallie be occupied in thy testimonies:
that thereby thou good Lord effectuallie shining
in our harts, by the vertue of thy good spirit, we may
learne to knowe and understand, what is the fulnesse
of our calling, and how rich thou art in the glorie of
thy celestiall and heavenlie heritage of thy Saincts,
and that excellent greatnesse of thy power and loving
kindnesse towards us, which beleeve without faining
thy holie Gospell, according to the might and force of
thy strength, which thou shewedst in Christ Jesus,
when thou didst raise him from the dead, and didst set
him on thy right hand, far above all empire, power,
authoritie and dominion, and everie name that is named,
not onlie in this world, but in the world to come.
By whose pretious death, and deerest bloud-shedding,
we are assured, that sinne, death and hell are vanquished,
overcome, and utterlie destroied. And if we beleeve
without wavering, we shall in him be able to resist
all the power of hell, and in Christ as conquerors,
to triumph with victorie over sinne, death, and Sathan,
and at the last to have and enjoie the fruition of
his rich and glorious kingdome, which he by most
painefull agonie, bloudie stripes, greevous and bloudie
wounds, and lastlie by his most painefull death,
purchased for his chosen and elect. To whome for our
sanctification, justification, redemption, and our salvation
be rendred, with his celestiall Father, and the holie
Ghost, all laud, glorie, power, honour and dominion
for ever and ever, Amen.

A Q8v 172

A praier against presumptuous pride and

We heare, O heavenlie Father, and are dailie
taught and instructed out of thine eternall
word, how greatlie the greevous sinne of
presumption, pride, and vaine-glorie displeaseth
thy divine majestie. We are learned, that for the
practise of this pestilent and heinous evill, thou hast
not spared the verie Angels, but hast throwne them in
thy displeasure, for their pride, vaine-glorie, and presumption,
from beatitude, to miserie: from joie without
end, to perdurable paine: from brightnesse of thy
glorious presence, to utter extreame and palpable
darkenesse: from the glorious fruition, and participation
of thine everlasting kingdome, to the bottomlesse
pit of hell, death, damnation, and endlesse flames of
fire. Besides this, we are taught that by the transgression
of Adam, whose haughtie presuming, through
the entisement of the subtile and perilous allurement
of the Serpent, thought to be as thy selfe, but in fine,
thy justice condemned him, and all his posteritie.

This pestiferous sinne of pride drowned him in the
flouds of all dangerous evils, as gluttonie, luxurie,
and such other perils; that had not thy mercie taken
effect, to keepe and hold plea for his and our safegard;
and thy sonne Christ embased the glorie and power of
his divine essence, and taken upon him our flesh and
fraile nature, sinne onlie except, who freelie offered his
innocent bodie to the death of the crosse, we had perished
everlastinglie, and beene utterlie confounded.
Print therefore good Lord, and write these examples
in my memorie, that I fall not from thy favour, by the
exercise of this detestable sinne. Make me still to consider,
that the proud and disdainefull are alwaies abhored
in thy sight. And sith it is thy good will, and gratioustious R1r 173
pleasure, to regard the humble and lowlie man,
give me such meekenesse from above, that I may continuallie
present thee with the sacrifice of a gentle,
meeke, and contrite spirit: that I may avoide the
plagues and punishments which thou hast prepared
for the proud and haughtie minded. Graunt this good
Lord, for Jesus Christ his sake, mine onlie mediator &
advocate, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the
holie Ghost, in glorie permanent & everlasting, Amen.

A praier against covetousnesse, or too much
care of the world.

Good Lord, seeing that it is thy pleasure, that
we shall not be carefull for worldlie things:
if a sparowe falleth not on the ground without
thy fore-sight, how much more care doest
thou take for us thy children? Good Lord, thou feedest
the birds of the aire, and cloathest the lillies of the
field, which take no care. Wherefore good Lord, so provide
for our necessitie and sicknesse, we beseech thee,
that we casting all our care upon thee, may cheeflie studie
to please thee, and serve thee, which livest and reignest
king of all kings for ever, Amen.

A praier against lieng and evill imaginations.

O Lord cleanse my hart, I beseech thee, from all
unpure & wicked cogitations and thoughts,
and give me a cleere conscience, shamefast
eies, innocent hands, and a tongue to tell the
truth; seeing that there is nothing hid, that shall not
be discovered. Good Lord I beseech thee to search my
thoughts, and renew in me thy holie spirit. Direct my
feete in thy waies, that walking after thee, in the path
of the righteous, I may passe through this vale of miserie,
bearing thy banner stoutelie in my warfare, and
obtaine everlasting joie; the promised hire to such as R.j. here R1v 174
here have patientlie borne thy crosse, and valiantlie
fought with the armour of faith, against temptations
and all evils. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to graunt my petitions,
I most humblie beseech thee, for thy onlie begotten
sonne, our Saviour Jesus Christ his sake, Amen.

A necessarie praier in Meeter against

O Lord my God, make thou my hart repentant for to be,

The spirit of contrition, do thou ingraffe in me.

Unto mine eies let there be given aboundant teares of wéeping,

And let my hands be occupied with often almes giving.

O thou my King quench out of me all foule fleshlie desire,

And with the love of thée alone set thou my hart on fire.

O my redéemer drive awaie the spirit of pride from me,

And graunt to me that great treasure of méeke humilitie.

Take from me O my Saviour, the furious rage of ire,

The shield of patience give to me, the which I do desire.

O Creator roote out of me all spitefulnesse of mind,

And graunt in stead thereof againe méekenes that I may find.

O bountifull father give me a faith that shall endure,

With hope agréeing thereunto, and charitie most sure.

O thou my guide kéepe from my lips all lieng vanitie,

And from my mind drive far awaie all vaine unconstancie.

All wavering take thou from my hart, & from my mouth scoffing,

With all proud lookes and gluttonie, backbiting & slandering.

Covetousnes wipe cleane awaie, with curiousitie,

The fond desire of vaine-glorie, with all hypocrisie.

Let me never the poore despise, nor yet the weake oppresse,

And let me not blaspheme, for then I die remedilesse.

O thou which didst me forme & make, take all rashnesse from mée

And leave me not such a mind as, will not with peace agrée.

Take from me ydlenesse and sloth, and heavie lumpishnesse,

Take from me disobedience, and eke all stubbornesse.

O my God, for thy déere sonnes sake, I humblie beséech thée,

To graunt me the works of mercie, with aboundance of pitie.

That R2r 175

That I may thée both love and feare, and eke pitie the poore,

Make me good men alwaies to love, and wicked to abhor.

Make me so little to estéeme those things that worldlie bée,

With hart & voice that I may crave in heaven to be with thée:


A thankesgiving for benefits received at
Gods hand.

Omost mercifull Father, I yeeld thee most
humble thanks, for thy great benefits bestowed
upon me a sinner, of thy free mercie onlie.
Thou hast of thy fatherlie love brought
me up tenderlie, and instructed me in thy holie lawe.
Thou hast given me knowledge and understanding.
Thou hast preserved me from manie dangers and evils,
which divers men have felt. Thou hast blessed me
with health, quietnesse, joie, plentie and wealth, which
a number doo want. Thou hast taken care of me, and
done all things for me. Lord, though I can deserve nothing
but punishment by thy just displeasure, yet good {Handwritten addition: petitio miser[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]
vice nōon instit[Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]} end of handwritten addition

Lord, I trust to thy goodnesse, craving mercie, and not
justice. And for thy mercie sake, I beseech thee to continue
thy grace, and to increase thy good gifts towards
me, and have me in thy protection till my lives end.
Good Lord blesse me, that I may enjoie the fruits of
the earth, and use them to thy honour and glorie. Good
Lord be thou mine aid, and guide in all my dooings:
my buckler and defence in all dangers, that I may
freelie and joifullie sing praises to thee, which livest and
reignest one God almightie and incomprehensible,
worlds without end, Amen.

Another thankesgiving for the goodnesse
of God to us.

Oalmightie God, and ever-ruling King, whose
infinite power and majestie our wits can not
comprehend, whose glorious brightnesse with R.ij. our R2v 176
our mortall eies, we can not behold; whose woonderous
works and manifold mercies the tongs of men
can not sufficientlie declare. Good Lord I yeeld thee
most humble thanks, for thy singular great gifts and
benefits bestowed upon me a sinner. Good Lord thou
hast blessed me with knowledge, with increase and
plentie of all things; thou hast given mee friends,
health, and rest, that I should eate my meate with joie,
and praise thee in all thy gifts and works. I knowe
that I have no good thing, but it commeth from thee, {Handwritten addition: of my self} end of handwritten addition
and onlie for thy mercies sake, thou hast so regarded
me thy servant. Wherefore good Lord, I beseech thee {Handwritten addition: petitio,} end of handwritten addition
to graunt me thy grace withall, that I may use these
thy gifts to thy honour and glorie, and the comfort of
them that neede; that using the talent which thou
hast lent me, I may become a good servant, and obtaine
eternall blisse, the promised hire to such as doo well.
Vouchsafe good Lord, for thy sonne our Saviour Jesus
his sake, to heare my praiers.

Almightie God, refresh me with thy grace, I beseech
thee; comfort me with thy mercie, and blesse me; that
safe from all evils, free from feare of all dangers, in
peace and quietnesse, I may sing praises to thy holie
name, and rejoice in thee with thine elected for ever
and ever, Amen.

A praier to be said in time of quietnesse
and prosperitie.

Give us good Lord, the comfortable & healthfull
spirit of thy grace and aboundant favour,
that we may without ceasing make
our continuall boast of thy praise. We know,
and from the bottome of our harts confesse, that thou
hast dealt more lovinglie with us, than thou hast done
with our next neighbours, whose painefull miseries,
and bloudie broiles may be a sufficient warning unto vs, R3r 177
us, to hate our sin and iniquitie, least the like calamitie
or ever we be aware, do compasse and hedge us
round about. Give us grace therefore in time of peace
and happie prosperitie, so to walke, that thy fatherlie
blessings be not withdrawne nor taken from us, and
the rod of thy sharpe correction laid upon our neckes,
even in such sort as thou hast visited our brethren in other
countries, whose bodies, by the meanes of civill
dissention, have beene made a praie to the sword.

We heare and understand, that not far off, but even
hard at the gates of our borders, the father is readie
in armes to seeke the destruction of his sonne: the sonne
is as greedie to gape for the bloud of his father. We
heare how violentlie the brother thirsteth after the
bloud of his brother, friend is against friend, neighbour
against neighbour, yong men are murthered, old
men are suddenlie slaine, manie a wife is husbandlesse,
manie a child is desolate and fatherlesse. The cruell
harted enimie spareth none, he maketh havocke, no
teares can staie him from his affectioned tyrannie. The
tender infants are haled from the earnefull paps of
their weeping mothers, and torne to peece-meale before
the sorowfull eies of their carefull parents. Old
age is contemned, godlie matrones are abused, virgins
are defloured and ravished by violence; a spectacle
of extreame crueltie for us to behold, and a glasse
of great carefulnesse for us to looke upon, that have
worthilie deserved like or far greater punishments.

Yet with-holdest thou from us thy scourge, although
our offences are so great and divers, that might heape
up the sentence of thine exceeding justice against us.
In place of war and bloudie battel, thou hast given
unto us prosperitie, and perfect peace. In place of penurie,
dearth and scarsitie, thou hast given us increase,
fulnesse, and great plentie. In stead of discord and dissention,
thou hast sent us unitie and concord: and by thy R.iij. celestiall R3v 178
celestiall providence we are defended from the cruell
enimie, and from the domesticall and civill war. And
besides these thy gratious gifts, to heape up our consolation
and joie, thou hast given us thy true and livelie
word, as a lanterne to direct us, and guide our footesteps
from vanitie to vertue; from wickednes to godlie
wisdome; from licentious libertie to newnesse of
life, and godlie conversation. Besides all these thine
inestimable graces, freelie bestowed upon us, thou hast
given us godlie and zealous Preachers, which plentiouslie
breake unto us, out of thine eternall testament,
the bread of life; whereon good Lord give our soules
such power to feede by faith, that they may be nourished
to eternall joie; and we by the diligent observing
and obeieng of thy commandements, may be preserved
from all kind of dissention; and peaceablie enjoie
the fruits of pure peace & trustie tranquilitie. Grant
this, O mercifull Father, for thy son Christs sake, our
onelie Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus, Amen.

A godlie and fruitfull praier to be said in time
of bloudie battell.

O Lord our heavenlie Father, and everliving
God, we thy wretched and most miserable
creatures confesse and acknowledge, wee
have woorthilie deserved the rod of thy correction
and punishment: and doo merit manie sharpe
and bitter stripes, that knowing thy blessed and glorious
will, have of set purpose contemned thy divine and
heavenlie precepts; for which cause the sentence of
thy wrath is sharpelie kindled against us, even as it
hath beene against thy chosen people Israel, in the
daies of our forefathers, who glorieng in their wickednesse,
were plagued in the fulnesse of thine indignation.
The sword of their enimies beset them round
about, and hemmed them in on everie side. The Jebusites,sites, R4r 179
the Ammonites, the Philistines and the Amorites
oppressed them diverselie: their strong holds
were rased, their cities were beseiged, their houses
were ransacked, their goods and their riches were caried
awaie by force of the bloud-thirstie enimie: their
young men were led awaie captive, their virgins were
wofullie defloured. But in fine, when thou Lord God
didst behold their hartie and earnest contrition, thou
didst withdrawe thy frowning countenance, & sentest
them speedie and safe deliverance.

One while thou Lord sentest them Moses, to bring
them out of the servitude of Pharao, the stonie and
stubborne-harted king of the Aegyptians: another
while Jephthah set them free from the sword of the
Ammonites, wherewith they were greevouslie afflicted:
and to make thy power and excellent glorie fullie
knowne, thou gavest Samson much fortitude to bridle
the proud Philistines. Over & besides these, thou of
thy love and miraculous goodnes hast made feeble women
mightie and victorious conquerors. Debora was
a shield to thy people: Judith comforted the distressed
Bethulians, & cut off the head of proud Holophernes:
that thy selfe good Lord, when thou beholdest their
teares, and hartie sorowe for their offences, didst prepare
thy selfe to go foorth with their hoasts. Thou thy
selfe, I saie, with the breath of thy nostrils, didst confound
and overthrowe their enimies.

So good Lord, be thou now present with us in the
fulnesse of thy divine power: looke upon us with the
eies of thy favourable pitie. Forget our corrupt and
most filthie offences: let our contrite and sorowfull
harts be a meane to vanquish thy displeasure conceived
against us: be thou present with us in this time
of necessitie and trouble: set thy hand to helpe and assist
us against the enimie: be thou present with us in
this time of perill and danger: go thou foorth with our R.iiij. hosts: R4v 180
hosts: then shall we be assured to prevaile: let not the
multitudes of furious foes dismaie us. For victorie we
doo knowe consisteth not in the power nor strength
of manie men, horses, armour nor weapons; but it is
thou, O mercifull Father, that givest the conquest,
where and to whom thou pleasest. To thee therefore
in this great extremitie we flie and appeale; beseeching
thee of thine inestimable love and kindnesse, for the
love of our Saviour Jesus Christ, to looke upon our
true repentant harts, and in the fulnesse of thy miserations
and pities, to set us free from the power of the
raging enimie, and to pardon our sinnes and greevous
offences, that hencefoorth we may vow and dedicate
our harts and minds wholie to walke in integritie
and newnesse of life: which grant good Lord, to whom
with thy sonne Christ Jesus, and the holie Ghost, be
praise and glorie attributed for ever and ever, world
without end, Amen.

A godlie praier to be said in time of anie common plague,
private affliction or trouble.

Oeternall and everliving God, the Father of
all consolation & comfort, vouchsafe of thine
infinite love and kindenesse to strengthen mee
with thy heavenlie grace, patiently to beare
and with meekenesse to suffer this crosse of affliction
and trouble, which thou hast laid upon me for the use of
sinne and iniquitie. I knowe, O gratious and loving
Father, that my deserts are such as woorthilie have
provoked thee to displeasure. The burden of my sinnes
are intollerable, for the which I must acknowledge,
and earnestlie from the bottome of my hart confesse,
that justlie thou hast corrected and visited me; yet not
in the fulnesse of thy furie, but according to thy fatherlie
love and kindnesse. And albeit thy rod lie heavie upon
my shoulders; yet in this time of thy correction I am R5r 181
am comforted greatlie, knowing assuredlie that thou
correctest and smitest where thou lovest: thou woundest,
and healest againe: thou throwest downe to hell,
and liftest up againe to heaven: such and so great is
thine omnipotencie, that thou rulest above the firmament,
in earth, flouds, and the lowermost parts of hell.

In heaven the Angels, Archangels, the soules of
thy Saints, the blessed companie of Martyrs give
thee praise, glorie and veneration. The sun, the moone,
and glittering stars, ech one of them in their course and
qualitie shew themselves obedient unto thy will. In
earth the beasts of the field, and the seelie feathered
soule of the aire in their order seeme to set foorth thy
glorie and praise. In the deepe waters the fishes of the
sea are readie to observe thy will, and in their maner
they as thy creatures give thee due honour and reverence.
But among these, man, whom thou by thy divine
will and pleasure hast indued with reason, and in
his creation, concerning the inward man, hadst fashioned
him to thy similitude and likenesse, is now most
prone and willing to be (by the ministers of darknesse)
seduced and carried awaie from vertue to vice; from
godlinesse to all impietie; from obedience to wilfull
breach and contempt of thy precepts: so that diligence
is banished by negligence. And such is the power of
our flesh, that our eies, which should have their chiefest
contemplation and delight in perusing and reading
thy glorious and sacred Gospel (wherein we may
behold thee crucified and slaine, O sweetest Saviour
Christ Jesus, perfect God and perfect man, by whose
innocent death & bloudie passion, attonement is made
betwixt thy Father and us) are so dazeled with the
dimmie and darke mists of Sathan, that they are occupied
in the beholding of mundane and transitorie
pleasures; all which in effect vanish and weare awaie,
even as the flower that either is parched by the force of R5v 182
of Phoebus radiant beames, or by Winters stormes
and horie frosts consumed.

Our eares, which thou hast given to us to heare,
and understand the sacred and divine myseties conteined
in thy holie lawe, are made deafe of purpose; so
that they glorie more in fables and lothsome leasings,
than they conceive delight in the zealous predication
of thine Evangelicall and heavenlie doctrine. Our
harts are hardened like the Adamant; so that for the
greatest part they can not brooke thy testimonies: they
continuallie lust and desire to be satisfied with worldlie
wealth, honour and dignitie. And who beholdeth not
in these daies, what cruell conflict and bloudie fight
there is betwixt good conscience and filthie avarice,
the roote of all mischiefe and evill? Naie, who seeth
not in this age, plaine dealing murthered by deceit
and faithlesse fraud? Who now beholdeth not true
meaning strangled by forged flatterie and loathsome
leasings? The bowels of compassion and pitie are shut
up by violent oppression and tyrannie.

Our feete are willing to tread the paths of pride,
fornication and uncleannesse. Our hands are readie
to offer wrong and injurie to the innocent: yea and in
fine, whatsoever thou hast given unto us to spread and
set foorth thy glorie and honour, is by sinne so corrupted,
that we make the members of our bodies (which
by grace and of pure love are ingraffed in the bodie of
Christ, the rich and great shepheard of our soules) the
verie members of Sathan. So that of set purpose
our transgression abounding, we flie from Christ the
rocke and strong piller of our salvation; and run headlong
to death and utter destruction of bodie and soule.
Yet like a loving God and mercifull Father, thou callest
us home againe by thy word, wherin not onlie thy
mercies, but also thy terrible threats are thundered
foorth against us, for our impenitencie. But when neitherther R6r 183
thy manifold mercies, freelie of thine abundant
goodnesse offered unto us in Jesus Christ, can moove
nor stir us to handfast contrition; neither yet thy terrible
comminations and thretnings can reclame nor
call us backe from the dangerous puddle of our sins:
then thou sendest forth thy plagues and punishments;
as pestilence, famine & bloudie sword, intending thereby
to drive us to amendment of life, and to acknowledge
thine omnipotencie.

But when thou beholdest our true repentant harts,
our sobs and sighing teares powred foorth before the
throne of thy divine Majestie; thou withdrawest from
us the terror of thine indignation and vengeance; the
rod of thy correction is laid aside; thy displeasure justlie
concerned against us for the continuall exercise of
sinne, is utterlie forgotten; and by the intercession of
thy sonne Jesus Christ, that sitteth on thy right hand,
in glorie permanent and everlasting, like a loving Father,
and most mercifull God; the silvered scepter of
peace is offered unto us, with all other thy gratious
benefits; that thine anger is converted to clemencie;
thy displeasure is turned to loving kindnesse; and in
fine, thine indignation is so calmed by thine abundant
grace and mercie; that like a loving and gentle Father,
thine armes are stretched foorth, joifullie to embrace
and receive us to thy favour againe. All this I
knowe to be most certaine and true. For when, or at
what time soeyer we shall appeare before the gates
of mercie, and by the meanes and power of a constant
and livelie faith knocke therat; thou art redie to open
unto us; not for anie of our deserts; but for the merits
of Jesus Christ, the fulnesse of thy divine miseration,
compassion and pitie. And whensoever we shall call
upon thee, with lowlinesse and meekenesse of our harts
and minds, bewailing wofullie our heinous offences
committed against thee; thine eares are most attentivetiue R6v 184
to heare, & willinglie doest grant us our petitions.

Wherefore, O most gratious and loving father, we
come unto thee with sorowfull and contrite harts, beseeching
thee for the love of thine annointed sonne Jesus
our Messias, Saviour, and Redeemer, to
behold and looke upon us with the eies of compassion
and pitie. And albeit we have worthilie deserved this
thy plague and punishment, yet respect thou not our
deservings, least in thy furie and indignation we be
confounded & perish. Have an eie rather to thy sonne
Jesus Christ, behold his bloudie wounds, which yet
are fresh and greene, and never stint bleeding. Thinke
upon the bitter and painefull torments that he suffered
for us upon the crosse, in whose name we beseech
thee favourablie to looke upon our infirmities, mercifullie
to heare our praiers and petitions offered unto
thee, and gratiouslie for the glorie of thy name sake, to
take and withdrawe from us this thy heavie rod of
correction, which our sinfull lives, and contempt of thy
precepts have heaped heavilie on our neckes.

Give us patience to suffer whatsoever it shall please
thee to laie upon us. Give us grace alwaie to call and
crie upon thy holie and blessed name, and faithfullie
with teares to saie unto thee continuallie: Spare us
good Lord, spare thy people, whom thou hast redeemed
with thy pretious bloud, neither yet good Lord be thou
angrie with us for ever. Graunt this O mercifull father,
for the love of thy onlie sonne Jesus Christ, to
whome with thee and the holie Ghost, be all honour,
glorie and praise ascribed for ever, Amen.

A praier for patience in trouble, and meekelie
to suffer adversitie.

Gratious Lord, and omnipotent God, whose
mercie is everlasting and infinite, bowe
downe thine eare, and harken unto this my
praier, which I make before thy divine Majestie,iestie, R7r 185
most humblie beseeching thee, of thine accustomed
goodnesse, to indue me with the works of mercie,
and deedes of charitie; and above all things to give
me patience in adversitie, meekelie to suffer, and patientlie
in adversitie, meekelie to suffer, and patientlie
to take, whatsoever it shall please thee to laie
upon me, and never to murmer or to grudge thereat,
but alwaies to thinke thy loving and gentle correction
to be much lesse, than the deserts of my great and manifold

Againe, if I be not under correction, then am I not
thy child. For what father is he, who correcteth not his
children, whome he most intirelie loveth? This then is
an evident token that thou lovest us, when as thou
correctest us. For as the scripture saith, “Whome God
loveth, him he chasteneth.”
Thou seest all things, thou
understandest and knowest all things; so that not so
much as one little sparowe lighteth upon the ground,
without thy knowledge: yea our verie thoughts are
foreknowne unto thee. Thou disposeth and orderest all
things, as seemeth best to thy holie will and pleasure.
By thy helpe I may doo all things; without thee I can
doo nothing. When thou powrest upon us thy creatures,
thy good gifts and benefits: when thou bestowest
upon us prosperitie, health, wealth, and such like,
thou dooest it to this intent, that we acknowledging
the same, should thereby be incouraged to serve, honour,
and humblie obeie thee, and alwaies praise and
magnifie thy glorious name. Contrariwise, when thou
strikest us with thy rod of correction, as plaging us
with great mortalitie; suffering our enimies to invade
us; robbers for to spoile us; povertie to oppresse
us; or fire to consume those things which thou hast
lent us, for the maintenance of our bodies in this mortall
life: thou doest it to put us in mind, that we have
transgressed thy commandements, that we have not
harkened unto thee, neither done that which is acceptabletable R7v 186
in thy sight, but willinglie falling into the puddle
of sin, and following our owne appetites, have provoked
thy just wrath and indignation against us.

Thus thou dealest with us, O Lord, to the intent
that we suffering bodilie punishment, and feeling the
smart of the same, may thereby be admonished of our
dutie, and with true compunction of hart, desire to be
released from thy scourges, which we have deserved,
and worthilie receive: and then acknowledge our
selves to be lost children, and straieng sheepe, may both
see and be ashamed of our unbrideled affections and
wilfulnesse, which have brought us to calamitie and
miserie, and with the true penitent to saie:

We are not worthie (most mercifull Father) to lift
up our eies or voice unto thee, for our manifold sins
and wickednesse. Neverthelesse, presuming upon thine
aboundant mercie (who refusest none that doo call uppon
thee) most lamentablie we doo crie, “Have mercie
upon us O Lord, have mercie upon us miserable sinners,
being now greevouslie afflicted with the burden
of punishment and affliction, which thou hast laid upon
Put thou therefore awaie displeasure conceived
against us thy poore creatures, and grant us, that
beeing warned by this, we may ever heereafter serve
thee in newnesse of life, and never commit anie thing
which shall displease or offend thee.

This O heavenlie father, I acknowledge to be our
dutie. But though I, for my part, have not performed
the same, as I ought to doo; yet I beseech thine inestimable
goodnesse, not to execute the rigour of thy justice
upon me: but to staie thine hand, and before thou
give me anie greater wound, to behold my humilitie
and repentance, which being not able to recompense
and satisfie the trespasses, which I against thee have
committed; doo offer unto thee (according as the poore
widowe did) all that which I am able to give, that is, R8r 187
is, a sorowfull contrition of hart for my former offences
done and passed.

Thy justice, as it is right; so is it rigorous to sinners.
Thou art so gealous, and so much doest detest sin,
that thou sparest not to punish thy verie elect and chosen
servants, when as they fall into it. Who was
more acceptable in thy sight, than that holie Prophet
King David, of whome thou thy selfe didst saie, “I have
found a man according to mine owne hart, even David
my servant”
: yet neverthelesse, divers and sundrie
waies didst thou punish him, when that he had swarved
from thy testimonies. Thou sufferedst him to be
molested with the insurrection of his owne sonne; thou
didst send the prophet unto him, to offer him the choice
of plagues which thou wouldest send upon him, for his
wicked living: but when he with sorowfull sighes, and
trickling teares turned unto thee, confessing his fault,
craving pardon, and promising amendment of life,
thou forgatest thine anger, and forgavest his offence.

Other of thy chosen vessels thou hast permitted to
be greevouslie tormented, & vexed by sundrie troubles
and adversities, onlie to trie their faith and stedfastnesse
towards thee. As thou didst suffer that patient
man Job, to be most cruellie intreated by that enimie
of all mankind, to have his houses burned and spoiled,
his cattell taken awaie, his servants driven into
bondage, his children to be slaine, his owne bodie to
be afflicted with most loathsome diseases, plagues
and sores. And all this thou didst not for anie evill
deede of his, but to shewe thine omnipotencie and power.
For when thou hadst tried him to the utmost,
and found that his enimie the divell could not prevaile
against him, or by anie paine and greefe cause
him to blaspheame and speake evill of thee, thou
diddest reduce him to health, thou diddest enrich him
againe, thou diddest restore unto him againe his children, R8v 188
children, friends, familie, and all his goods, with much
more than ever he before possessed: shewing most manifestlie,
that thou wilt reward them most plentiouslie,
which do love thee, folowe and observe thy commandements.

Wherefore I beseech thee to give me grace, that
whatsoever waie it shall please thee to visit me with
thy punishment, I may take it patientlie, and saie
with patient Job; “Naked came I into this world,
and naked shall I returne to the earth againe”
: the
Lord giveth, the Lord taketh awaie, even as it pleaseth
the Lord, so be it. Suffer me not to despaire, or to
thinke that thou dealest unjustlie with me, but to saie;
“Shall I receive prosperitie at the Lords hand, and
not to be content with adversitie?”
And alwaie so
thinke upon this, Happie are they whome thou [Gap in transcription—flawed-reproductionone word]
punish. For though thou make a wound, thou also givest
a plaister: though thou smitest, thy hand maketh
whole againe. Mine iniquitie is great, but be thou
merciful unto my wickednes. O deliver me from thine
anger, and presse me not further than I shall be able
to beare. But now that I acknowledge that whatsoever
trouble thou hast sent me, or wilt laie upon me, is
either for the punishment of mine iniquitie, or for the
triall of my constancie, I may with repentant David
find remission of my sins, and with patient Job, releafe
of mine adversitie, and obtaine such favour in thy
sight, that thou never againe so greevouslie punish
me; but that I may so passe this life, that I may afterward
live with thee, to whome be honour and glorie
for ever and ever, Amen.

Another praier in trouble and adversitie.

Have mercie upon me, O Lord, have mercie
upon me most miserable creature, which doo
that which I ought not, & feare that which
I have most justlie deserved. If I weigh with S1r 189
with my selfe the wickednesse that I have done; the
punishment thereby deserved is not halfe so great, as
the sinne that I have committed. But thou art a mercifull
God, and thy judgements are right, neither dooest
thou at anie time punish us unjustly. Thou almightie
God madest us, when as we were not; and when as
we were lost and damned, thou didst miraculouslie restore
us. I knowe and I am sure, that our life is not
led by sudden and uncertaine motions; but is disposed
and directed by thee; thou hast a fatherlie care of us
all, but especiallie of such as doo put their whole trust
and confidence in thy mercie.

Therefore I humblie praie and beseech thee, that
thou wouldest not deale with me after my deservings;
but according to thy great mercie, which doth exceede
the sinnes of the whole world. And as often as thou
doest punish me outwardlie, give me grace inwardlie
with patience to beare the same, and that thy praise
never depart out of my mouth. Order my dooings, even
as shall be most necessarie both for my bodie and soule.
Thou onlie hast power over all things, thou knowest
all things, to thee be all honour for ever, Amen.

Another praier in trouble, for the obteining
of mercie.

Behold, out from the bottome of my hart doo
I crie unto thee, O Lord, beseeching thee that
thou wouldest save me from the bottomlesse
pit of hell. I knowe that there is mercie
with thee; doo not therefore marke what I have done
amisse. Enter not into judgment with thy servant, for
then can I by no meanes be justified in thy sight. The
remembrance of mine offences is greevous unto mee,
and therefore I right humblie crave pardon thereof.
My hart is troubled, my soule is vexed, there is no
health in my flesh. Forsake me not mine onlie staie and S.j. comfort: S1v 190
comfort: despise not my contrite hart, open the bes[Gap in transcription—1-2 charactersflawed-reproduction]
of thy mercie: take cleane awaie mine iniquitie, [Gap in transcription—flawed-reproductionone word]
my soule out of tribulation, turne the extr[Gap in transcription—3-5 charactersflawed-reproduction]
thy justice, into thy tender mercie. And when thou
shalt come to judge the quicke and the dead, be not revenged
on me by eternall damnation; but to take me
amongst thine elect, into the blessed state of salvation.
Grant this, O Father, for Christ his sake, our mediator
and advocate, Amen.


O Lord my God, although I have committed
that, whereby I am an offender, can I make
my selfe not to bee thy creature? Though
through sinne I have lost my cleannesse and
puritie; have I also taken awaie thy goodnesse and
mercie? Though I have committed that, wherefore
thou maiest condemne me; hast thou not done that,
whereby thou maiest save me? True it is, O Lord,
that my conscience doth shew me, that I have deserved
damnation; by thy mercie exceedeth all off[Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction]on.
Spare me, O God, bicause it is not unpossible for
thy power; it is not unmeete for thy mercie; it is not
unaccustomed, or yet contrarie to thine infinite goodnesse.
Wherefore thou which hast created me, doo not
destroie me. Thou, O Jesu, which hast redeemed me,
doo not condemne me. Thou which hast made mee, let
not thy worke be cast awaie by my wickednesse. Wipe
awaie all that is mine, and draweth me from thee, and
knowledge all that is thine in me, and may bring me
unto thee, which livest and reignest one God in persons
three, to whom be all honour, now and ever, Amen.

Another praier, wherein the penitent longeth for comfort.

How long, O Lord, wilt thou turne awaie
thy face from me? How long wilt thou be
angrie with thy servant? How long shall I
abide mourning and solitarie, as the bird that S2r 191
that hath lost hir yong? O Lord thinke on me in thy
mercies, and doo not correct me in thy wrath: for then
shall I become as the dust and smoke in the wind. O
Lord forsake not thy servant Israel, whom thou hast
chosen. My hart being comforted in thy mercies shall
rejoice, and I will sing unto thee, and praise thee in thy
good works and miracles, which thou hast done in our
fathers time: So be it.

Being tempted by the ghostlie enimie (as all that feare God are) to
doubt in anie article of the Catholike faith, to despaire in Gods
mercie, to yeeld to melancholie fansies, to be vexed with unkindnes
of friends, or the malice of enimies, to be troubled with
sicknesse, or anie other waies oppressed with griefe of bodie and
mind: saie devoutlie as followeth.

Ihumblie accept most mercifull Jesus, this
heavie temptation, which now I suffer at
the hands of thy divine providence; and
would a greater if thou please to laie it on
me for thy sake, who hast ordeined this from the beginning,
for the tender love thou bearest to the health of
my sinfull soule: and I most hartilie thanke thee for it.
I confesse I have deserved woorse for my sinne and unkindnesse
towards thee, and am not woorthie to receive
anie comfort or consolation at thy hands. Therfore
to the honour of the passion, and death, which
thou willinglie sufferedst on the crosse, I offer my selfe
to sustaine this, or anie other adversitie, with all my
hart, not seeking otherwise ease or reliefe, than in and
by thee, O Lord, and as thy good will and pleasure shall
appoint. Yet this one thing I crave and beseech thee,
for the tender love thou bearest to me, and all mankind,
(for in me is no vertue, or ought that good is) to {Handwritten addition: assistance of the holie
spirite, not to be
tēempted above his
power.} end of handwritten addition

helpe and assist me with thy holie spirit, as my trust is
thou wilt, who promisest that no man shall be tempted
more than he shall be able to beare. And give me all S.ij. what S2v 192
what ever shall be necessarie, to sustaine with patience
this crosse and temptation, which thy divine wisdome
hath appointed for me; to the intent that, I bearing
the same willinglie with thee here in this world,
may conceive assured hope to be partaker of thy glorie
in the world to come. Grant this my request, most
mercifull Saviour, not for my merit or deserving, but
onlie for the merits of thy death and bitter passion, I
humblie beseech thee, Amen.

A praier against the feare of worldlie

Omost bountifull and loving Father, mine
onlie guider and comforter, the well of mercie,
the true light of the world, take awaie
the darknesse of my mind, lighten my hart
& senses, indue me with thy grace, arme me so stronglie
with sure hope, confidence and trust in thee, that I never
be driven into feare, either by the subtile invasions
of our ghostlie enimie Sathan, or by the craftie
wilinesse of the world, neither yet by losse damage,
hurt or hinderance of anie of those vaine and transitorie
things, which we in this world doo possesse: but alwaies
whatsoever shall becom of them, to thinke that
they are but things lent, and not our owne, and that
we shall make a streight account of the use or abuse of
them; whereby the more we possesse thereof, the greater
shall be our paine, if we abuse them.

Wherefore take from mee all inward heavinesse,
thought and care, for anie losse or discommoditie received
by worldlie goods; and alwaies to thinke, that as
well povertie as riches, needinesse as abundance; sicknesse
as health; adversitie as prosperitie; come from
thee: and that it is knowne to thine inscrutable judgement
onlie, why and wherefore thou sendest either of
these upon us. And therefore let not my mind be troubledbled S3r 193
with anie feare of things to chance, (saving onlie
to feare to displease thee:) but alwaies to be merrie
in thee with sobernes, and to cast all my care of worldlie
affaires upon thee; forasmuch as thou hast commanded
that we should not be carefull what to eate, or
what to drinke, or with what raiment we shall be closhed.
For thou wilt not see the righteous forsaken, or
their children begging their bread; and that thou turnest
all things to the best to them that serve thee, and
flie unto thee for succour, in the time of their distresse.

Let this, O Lord, be evermore fresh in my memorie,
graven in my hart; and readie in my mouth: so that I
leaving all needlesse feare, may alwaies give thanks
unto thee, and praise thy holie name, Amen.

A praier to be delivered from enimies
and dangers.

Omost mightie Lord God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, which didst leade the children of
Israel through the red sea, and madest the
streames of Jordan runne backe into their
springs againe, that thy people might passe through
the midst thereof. Good Lord, whose heasts the flouds
obeied; at whose voice the hils doo leape, and the earth
doth tremble. O most mightie Lord, which canst destroie
the proudest kings with verie flies and ants:
which madest little David to triumph on the giant
Goliah, which deliveredst his enimie king Saule into
his hands: gavest Gedeon thy servant, with his few
souldiours, victorie of so manie legions of strong men.
Thou which hast subdued so manie mightie kings, and
sundrie nations, unto thy people Israel. O God, which
[Gap in transcription—1-2 charactersflawed-reproduction]est all in all things, which givest victorie alwaies
as seemeth best to thine unsearchable wisdome: defend
me alwaies, I beseech thee, against mine enimies, and
all evils; that my ship tossed and beaten in the waves S.iij. of S3v 194
of this world, may rest in thy happie haven of everlasting
joie for ever.

My soule cleaveth unto thy mercie, as to an holie
sanctuarie. O God, if thou shouldest not be mercifull,
who could abide the heat of thy displeasure? But thou
O Lord, art good to thy servants: and I hope to see thy
goodnesse in the land of the living. All glorie be to the
most high and mercifull God, for ever and ever, Amen.

A praier for righteous judgement, in matters
of controversie.

O Lord God of all justice, which in equall ballance
dooest weigh the cause of the Prince
and of the poorest man, which despisest not
the suites of the simple, which deliverest the
captive, and comfortest the desolate and carefull. O
Lord, which hast blessed them that are poore in spirit:
releeve thy servant oppressed with griefe, remove
from me the clouds of my sorowes. O Lord, stretch
forth thy mightie hand, and helpe me. Let me not sinke
in the seas of slander and shame. Thou knowest the secrets
of my hart: defend me in thine innocencie, pleade
thou my cause against the ungodlie, which have laid
their net for me. O God, thou which hast delivered
Joseph, Daniel, Mardocheus & Susanna, from captivitie
and instant death; and didst cloth them with honour:
good Lord strengthen me, and be my defender
against all evils: and let not the posoned arrowes of
malicious tongues doo me anie harme. Grant these
my praiers, good Lord, I beseech thee, for our Saviour
Jesus Christ his sake, Amen.

A Psalme to be said after trouble escaped.

My soule rejoice in God, for he is my light, and
my defence, my helpe, the lanterne to my face.
He hath heard my praier, when I called on
him, he hath holpen me in my neede, he hath deliuered S4r 195
delivered me in my dangers. The Lord is the keeper
of my life, from whome shall I shrinke; whome shall I
feare? Lieng prostrate at the feete of my Lord, I bewasiled
my case, and he heard my plaint; he forsaketh
not his servants. Wherefore, if armies of men stood up
against me, I should not feare. For if God be on my
side, who can prevaile against me? He is happie and
safe, whome God, the mightie God of Israel keepeth.
The Sun shall not burne him by daie, nor the Moone
by night. Thrise blessed is he that feareth the Lord,
for he shall see happie daies. As the Hart thisteth after
the water-springs, so my soule hath longed for my
Lord, the living God. When shall I come to appeare
before thy presence, to see thee in thy glorious majestie,
face to face? O Lord let thy kingdome come. Come
Lord Jesus, that I may see the daie of my redemption.
Good Lord make hast to helpe me. All glorie, majestie,
and empire, be unto God the Creator, God the Redeemer,
and God the holie Comforter, for ever and ever,

Comfortable exhortations against the manifold
assaults of Sathan.

If thou perceive that the storme of temptation
doth verie often and greevouslie assault
thee, dismaie not therefore thy selfe, neither
be displeased with thy selfe, as though almightie
God nothing regarded thee; but rather thank
him that he instructeth and teacheth thee, as one to be
his heire; that he punisheth and correcteth thee, as his
most deere sonne; that he prooveth and assaieth thee as
his welbeloved freend. It is a manifest and great token,
that man is reject from the mercie and favour of
God, when he is troubled with no temptation.

In thy temptation remember the holie Apostle
S. Paule, which being rapt to the mysteries of the
third heaven, was vexed with the Angel of Sathan. S.iiij. Remem- S4v 196
Remember the temptation of the holie man Job, and
other which were greevouslie troubled with their offences.
O happie and fortunate man, in whome this
earthlie Adam is so mortified and subdued, that it in
no wise resisteth the spirit! But whether this perfect
quietnesse may be in anie, I will not affirme, peradventure
it is not necessarie to be. For Paule in this
life, notwithstanding his high perfection and grace,
had a motion of the flesh to vexe and trouble him. And
when he thrise desired God to be delivered from the
said motion, he onelie had this answere: “Paule, my
grace is sufficient, for vertue is made perfect by vexation.”
Paule was vexed by pride, that he should not be
proud: to be perfect and strong in God, he was caused
to be weake and feeble. For he caried the treasure of
heavenlie revelation in a fraile and brittle vessell, that
the honour and victorie should onlie be in God, not in
himsefe. This one example of Paule, is erudition and
learning in manie things, when that we be entised
and moved to sinne, that we diligentlie call to almightie
God by praier.

Remember that David the Prophet, King Salomon,
and Peter the Apostle, notwithstanding they
were great lights and examples of holinesse, yet they
fell into greevous and great sinnes, whome almightie
God peradventure suffered to fall for this cause, speciallie
that thou shouldst not despaire. Lift up thy selfe
therefore upon thy feete, and with high courage, and
bold stomach returne againe into battell against thy
enimies, not onlie more fierce and bold, but also more
ware and diligent. And thinke with thy selfe what mintollerable
and invincible temptations Christ suffered
for thee; wherein there appeared no helpe, comfort,
aide, nor defence anie where; wherein God and the
whole world seemed to be his most cruell and malicious
enimies, when that he cried alowd, “My God, my S5r 197
my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
Trulie this
was a most greevous, painefull, and bitter temptation,
which Christ suffered for us, that he might make
the waie of the crosse easie for us.

Therefore prepare thy selfe patientlie to drinke of
that cup, which Christ Jesu thy head hath so willinglie
dronke on, for the salvation of all mankind. And seeing
therefore that Christ so willinglie put himselfe in
subjection, and dipped himselfe in those so horrible and
intollerable sorowes and calamities (our most loving
and heavenlie father willing the same out of doubt,)
he also understandeth and knoweth our infirmitie: out
of doubt he taking compassion on us, will not extremelie
deale with us; but will rather beare with our imbecillitie
and weakenesse. Doth not he himselfe calling
all men unto him saie? “Come unto me all yee that labour
and are heavie laden, and I will refresh you.”

What greater comfort I praie you can be given us?
How could Christ speake more mercifullie unto us?

There be manie things that greevouslie vexe and
trouble man, but what thing can more cruellie vexe
and torment his conscience overwhelmed with sinne,
than when he doubteth of the mercie of God? When
he dreadeth least God be his adversarie, and will reject
him? When he is not able to conceive this faith of his
mercie? and doth imagine himselfe to be cast awaie, as
a drie member that is cut off?

Be present heere, O Jesus Christ with thine aide
and helpe; heere we have neede of thy comfort: let not
this blacke, violent and horrible tempest of troubles
overthrowe and drowne wretched man.

But there is no cause why we should doubt. Christ
is true, he will make his promise to appeare, he will
helpe us and refresh us. Therefore, whereas thy faith
is not strong ynough; whereas thou feelest thy selfe
to doubt of Gods mercie; and hast well neere no faith at S5v 198
at all; steightwaies call upon God; bewaile thy miserie
and lacke of beleefe before him; seeke for his aide
and succour by fervent praier, and he will both helpe
and refresh thee; he hath taken upon him thus to doo,
and he will bring it to passe.

But take heede thou cease not to call upon God; beseech
thou, without ceasing, the father of all consolation
and comfort, with sighes from the bottome of thine
heart, that he turne not his face from thee: laie thy
weakenesse upon him, and powre out into his bosome
all things which trouble and torment thee. Crie out
with his disciples; O Lord increase my faith. Likewise
saie thou with the father of the lunatike childe;
“Lord, I beleeve, helpe thou mine unbeleefe, make haste
O Lord to helpe me, before that I oppressed with this
weight be drowned. O most loving and most mercifull
father; Lord God of my health, our onlie helpe and
refuge: enter not into judgement with thy servants.
Christ is my righteousnesse, redemption and innocencie,
which suffered most bitter and cruell death for my
sake. Let those things move thee O father of all compassion;
have mercie upon me for thy sonnes sake;
confirme and strengthen my hart by faith in Christ;
comfort me with the consolations of the holie Ghost,
that I may enjoie the true joies of everlasting life,
through the merits of my Lord and Saviour Jesus
: to whom with the Father and the holie Ghost,
be all praise and glorie for ever and ever, Amen.”

A godlie meditation of the unspeakable joies of heaven,
and the intollerable paines of hell, verie often to
be remembred.

O God, my Lord, my harts delight, with whom
my soule longeth to dwell in that heavenlie
Jerusalem; wherein is continuall health,
eternall felicite, happie libertie, and perfect blessednesse; S6r 199
blessednesse; where men shall be like unto the Angels
of God, and just men shall shine as the Sunne, in the
everlasting kingdome, wherein is no heavinesse, no
sorrowe, no greefe, no feare, no labour, no death, no disease,
no lacke, no hunger, no thirst, no cold, nor heate;
no wearinesse of fasting, nor temptation of the enimie,
no will to sinne, nor power to doo evill, no old age, no
lame or deformed person, no feare of povertie, or weaknesse
by disease, but a quiet harbour of all joie, and everlasting
happinesse, where men in the societie of
Angels, shall continuallie dwell without anie infirmitie
of the flesh. For there is infinite joie, and eternall
blisse, from whence none shall be removed, that once
by thy providence shall enter therein.

There is rest from labours, peace from the enimie,
a new kind of joie and delight, such as no hart can conceive,
save onlie by taking a marvellous delight, and
exceeding pleasure in the beholding of thee my Lord
God, my glorious redeemer, and the heavenlie comforter,
which proceedeth from the Father and the Sonnne.
O heavenlie Jerusalem, thou art sweet and beautifull
in all thy joies and delights! There are no such miseries
in thee, as we feele and suffer in this poore and miserable
life. There is in thee no darkenesse, nor change
of time: the shining of the Moone; the twinkling
brightnesse of the Stars giveth not light in thee: but
onlie the God of all power, glorie & majestie, the light
of lights. For in thee the Sun of justice giveth light to
those that are adopted in his bloud to ever-during

The bright and immaculate Lambe, a most beautifull
light is thy light, that doth illuminate his chosen
children. The King of kings is in the middest of thee,
environed on ech side with his beloved Saints, and
redie to crowne them with everlasting glorie. In thee
are legions of Angels, singing of sweet Hymnes and songs, S6v 200
songs, that set foorth the praise and honor of thy name:
in thee are the felowship of heavenlie citizens: in thee
resteth the sweete solemnitie of all such as returne
from this miserable pilgrimage unto thy glorie, the
companie of the Prophets, Apostles, and victorious
armie of Martyrs; holie men and women, which have
vanquished the pleasures of the world, have their abiding
with thee. There are yoong children and maidens,
which have passed over their daies in holinesse of life,
publishing thy praise in all puritie and pietie. Everie
one rejoiceth in his degree, though not equall in glorie,
yet like in joies and gladnesse. For there reigneth perfect
charitie, & God is all in all, whose Majestie without
end they see continuallie, and still in beholding him
their love increaseth.

Of this eternall blessednesse the holie Apostle Peter
had as it were a shadowe, or a tast, upon the mount
, at the transfiguration of Christ, from whence
he desired he might not depart. Paule also had a proofe
of it, when he was rapt or taken up into the third
heaven, where he heard words, and sawe things so
marvellous and secret, as far passeth all mans understanding,
and such as were not to be told or revealed
unto men. Moses his face became so bright, through
the conversation that he had with the divine glorie
upon mount Sinai; that the Isaelites could not
abide it. What then shall become of us, when perpetuallie
with thee (which art the Lord of all glorie) we
shall be conversant, after the maner of thy children and
familiar friends? Who is he then, that will not seeke
and desire by all meanes possible, to be a dweller there;
both for the desire of peace, joie and eternitie; and for
the perfect sight of God?

Contrariwise, who is able to expresse the torments
appointed for the ungodlie and unrepentant livers;
in that deadlie place called Hell, which Sathan himselfeselfe S7r 201
abhoreth? What other thing can be there, but
continuall paines, eternall tribulation, and infinite
calamitie, repleat with all evils? There dwell wicked
and ouglie Angels, whose horrible lookes bring
sudden feare, greevous paines, and fearefull death,
with continuall coulds of ever-during darknes. There
is nothing but howling, wailing, lamentation and
mourning without all end; fearfull scriches, & confused
cries are there in all places suddenlie raised. There
the woorme of conscience never dieth: in that damnable
dungeon, there is fire unquenchable, and perpetuall
gnashing of teeth. The miserable soule findeth
there no rest, but is afflicted with all kind of torments,
and such as can never be expressed; all which endure
for ever.

Alas, little availeth it those that are subjected as
firebrans of hell, to crie unto the Lord: for he will not
heare them. Then shall they knowe, that all things
which they had in this life are vaine; and such things
as they thought to be pleasant, to be found more bitter
than gall or poison. Then where is the pleasure of
the flesh, so termed falslie? For there is none other
pleasure, but to feare the Lord. Then shall they confesse
and saie, that the judgement of God is true and
righteous, saieng: “Did we not heare of this, and yet
would not be converted from our wicked deeds?”
then shall nothing prevaile. No sorowe can find comfort;
no complaints, anie remorse; no torments, ease;
nor painfull passions an end: such and so exceeding are
the vexations of the second death, wherewith all the
bodies and soules of the unrighteous shall for ever be

Sith therefore, O heavenlie Father, and most gratious
God, it seemeth good to thine eternall wisdome,
by the knowledge of thine everlasting truth, to give
me knowledge of thine inestimable mercie offered freelielie S7v 202
unto me in Jesus Christ my mercifull Saviour, in
whose bloudie death and painfull passion I am assured
of eternall life and blessednesse. Give me grace to
print in my remembrance thy manifold mercies, that
feeding my soule by faith in thee, I may attaine unto
those endlesse joies, that thou hast prepared for thine
adopted sonnes and chosen children, in the kingdome
of everlasting righteousnesse: and so escape those everlasting
torments, which thou hast prepared for the divell
and his Angels. From the which place of wofull
vexation and endlesse miserie, deliver me O heavenlie
Father, for the love of Jesus Christ his sake, to whom
with thee and the holie Ghost, be all laud and praise for
ever, Amen.

A praier to be said of the sicke, at the
houre of death.

Most mightie art thou, O Lord, in all thy
deeds, and most holie in all thy waies. Blessed
be the name of my father, my God, and
glorious Creator; who by his divine power,
and celestiall providence, of nothing made all things,
fish, flesh, foules, fruites, trees, hearbes, and all other
things, whatsoever are conteined both in heaven,
earth, seas, and the nethermost parts thereof. Man,
concerning the outward parts, thou by thy celestiall
providence and fatherlie bountie, framedst and createdst
of claie; but concerning the inward substance of
thy creature man, thou didst fashion and make him
even according to thine owne similitude and likenesse.
Moreover, such and so great was thy love and good
will towards him, that all the creatures, or works of
thy creation served to this use. In earth thou madest
him lord and king over the fruits thereof: the beasts
of the field, the foules of the aire, and the fishes of the
little flouds and great waters. In the firmament thou S8r 203
thou hast placed the glistering Sunne, with his orient
beames to give him light by daie, and therewith thou
hast given him the Moone and the starres to governe
him by night. For the which cause, above all other the
works of thy creation, man should and ought of right
to give thee that glorie, that to thee belongeth.

But alas, such and so great is the corruption of our
fraile and sinfull flesh, that for all these thy graces wee
are carried awaie from thee, and enter into contempt
of thy precepts. For which cause thou oftentimes doost
correct and punish us, to the intent we might thereby
(feeling thy rod of correction) be driven to imbrace hartie
and true repentance. But when thy threats, and
the stripes of thy displeasure laid upon us, can not take
place amongst us: thou oftentimes givest us up to folowe
our lusts and affections: but at last, when thou
dooest behold our enormities, thou in a moment, by the
power of thy divine justice, restrainest the rope of our
disordered libertie, and cuttest in sunder the bridle of
our voluptuousnes, either by sudden death, sword, fire,
famine, sicknesse, or other the divine sentences of thy
conceived ire; to the intent that other thy creatures
might, by the terrour of thy justice, avoid sinne, and
learne to amend their lives; least they fall into the like
calamitie or danger.

True, and most true it is, good Lord, that by the exercise
of sinne we are the children of death and destruction:
but by grace of the almightie and victorious
conquerour sweete Jesus Christ, we are the adopted
sonnes of thy Father, and made fellowe-heires with
thee our perfect Emanuel. In whose name with all
humilitie and lowlinesse of hart and mind, I come unto
thee in this great extremitie of sicknesse and danger
of death; beseeching thee to be present with me, to forget
mine offences, to thinke upon thy mercies. And although
I have not deserved so much as the least drop of S8v 204
of thy favour, by meanes of the great burden of my
sinnes, which are in the presence of thy divine Majestie,
most ouglie and loathsome to behold: yet respect
thou not, O Father, mine iniquitie; but have an eie, I
beseech thee, to the merits of my Saviour Christ Jesus,
to whom as my Mediator, Saviour and Refeemer,
I appeale: who hath promised comfort and sweete
consolation to all those, that in his name flie unto thee
for releefe.

I confesse that woorthilie thou hast visited me with
this sicknesse and disease, and yet not according to the
multitude of my sinnes, but in the fulnesse of miseration
and fatherlie pitie. Give me grace therefore in
these bitter brunts of death, who vehementlie at this
present beginneth to combat with fainting and feeble
life, constantlie to cleave unto thee. Let not the pleasures
of this wicked world be a let or impediment for
me to come unto thee: let not my fraile and feeble flesh
subject to sinne, which hath through my transgression
made me a bondman to death, moove me to despaire in
thy great mercie: neither yet let the caveling adversarie,
the enimie of mankind, at my last end, triumph over
me. Give me patience to suffer, and gladlie to
beare and abide this thy scourge and visitation; and
so fortifie me in soule and bodie, that so long as life
shall endure in me, I may never cease to call upon thy
holie and blessed name. Yea and when death is most
busiest, make thou me most constant: yea when he seeketh
most stronglie to assaile my feeble bodie; give me
thy grace, good Lord, that I may in spirit, hart, mind,
and all the powers of my soule, give praises unto thee,
that of thy grace and inestimable kindnesse, hast sent
thy sonne Christ Jesus to ransome me, by his bloudie
death and passion, from the power of hell.

Give me grace therfore, now that thou hast appointed
thy messenger death to finish the daies of my pilgrimage,grimage, T1r 205
and to call me by his summons from out of
this vale of miserie and wretchednesse, to build stedfastlie
upon him, and faithfullie to hope for life and salvation,
in & alone through him. Let the remembrance
of my former wickednesse be no more thought upon: let
mine offences be blotted out of thy glorious sight. Behold
my sorowfull & true repentant hart, which come
into thee with teares, not building on my merits; but
upon thy mercies. Though I be sinfull; thy sonne my
Saviour is righteous: though I be wicked; yet he is
most holie: though I be full of impietie; yet he is full
of all goodnesse: though I have greevouslie offended
thee; yet he hath fullie contented thee: though I have
transgressed thy lawe; yet he hath fulfilled the same,
and hath promised in his bloud, to wash awaie their
sinnes, that by faith continue in him constant to the
end. I therefore, in this my great and painfull agonie,
beholding death to be at the gates of my bodie, come
unto thee, by the vertue of a fruitfull faith; beseeching
thee, when thou shalt see it meete and convenient, that
he shall dissolve the bands of this vading life, which
endureth but a while (for a thousand yeeres are as yesterdaie
in thy sight) to take my soule into thy glorious
and blessed hands; and so to confirme me in thy
truth, that at the last, when it shall please thee, by the
sound of a trumpe, to raise my bodie from the grave,
when and in which time bodie and soule shall unite and
come before thy presence, I may by faith in thee passe
over the mount of my corruption, shake off the bands
of sinne, be set free from death and destruction; and being
by the vertue of thy righteousnesse made holie, I
may triumph with happie victorie over sinne, death,
and all the powers of hell, and enter with thee, and the
felowship of thy chosen Saints, into everlasting rest.
Grant this, most loving Father, for Christ Jesus sake,
to whom with thee and the holie Ghost, be rendred all T.j. laud, T1v 206
laud, glorie, honour and praise for ever, Amen.

The Lord God be mercifull to me, pardon and forgive
me my sinnes, looke upon me with his gratious
and blessed countenance: preserve me from the second
death, and everlasting destruction of bodie and soule.
The Lord God justifie me in his death and bloud;
cloath me with his everlasting righteousnesse, and
register my name in the booke of life. The Lord God
comfort my guiltie conscience with the everlasting
light of his bountifull favour; and lot my place among
his Saints in his heavenlie kingdome. The Lord God
for his mercies sake, after this my bodilie death, give
me the fruition of his presence, in his rich palace of
endlesse glorie, to whose mercifull protection I commend
with all humilitie and reverence my soule. Lord
Jesus preserve me, Lord Jesus comfort me, Lord Jesus
refresh me, Lord Jesus praie for me. For onlie into
thy hands that hast redeemed mee, O Lord God of
truth, I commend my soule, Amen.

A devout meditation to be used after

Remember not, O Lord God, thine anger against
me an offender, but be mindfull of thy
mercie towards me a true penitent. Forget
that through pride I have provoked thee to
ire; and favourablie harken unto my praier. What
is Jesus, but a Saviour? Therefore O bountifull Jesu,
be thou my Saviour, rise up in thine owne strength
to helpe me. Saie unto my soule, “I am thy safegard.”
In thy goodnesse doo I trust, in thee is my helpe. And
forasmuch as thou hast willed, that we should without
ceasing seeke and sue unto thee; behold, I beeing
counselled and foretold by thy commandements, doo
now both aske, seeke, and knocke. But thou which commandest
me to aske; graunt that I may receive: thou biddest T2r 207
biddest me seeke; make me to find: thou hast taught
me to knocke; open unto me that stand knocking:
strengthen me that am weake; restore me that am
lost; revive me that am dead by sinne; make me to
serve thee, to live to thee, to give my selfe wholie to
thee. I knowe my God, that because thou madest me, I
owe my selfe unto thee: and for that thou hast redeemed
me, I should owe thee more than my selfe. But behold,
I have no more to give, neither can I give my selfe
unto thee, unlesse thou make me willing thereunto.
Take thou me, draw me unto thee, that as I am thine
by creation, so I may be thine by following of thee,
which livest and reignest for ever and ever, Amen.

A Praier deciphering in Alphabet forme, the
name of the right Woorshipfull Ladie
Mary Fane.


Most mightie art thou Lord in all thy deedes,
and holie in all thy works. Have mercie upon
me, and give me understanding therefore
from above, to consider the substance whereof
thou hast framed me; and by the knowledge thereof,
make me to consider mine owne weakenesse and infirmitie
to be such, that unlesse thou set to thy hand speedilie
to helpe me that am oppressed with sinne, I shall
perish in my wickednesse.


As my sins are innumerable, and redder than scarlet,
so give me grace to acknowledge thy greate
mercies, which are surmounting the sands of the seas;
and that thou by thy grace, at thy good pleasure canst
wash awaie my deformitie, and make me to excell the
snowe of Libanus. I beseech thee, O mercifull father,
let it be far from my thought, wilfullie, or of a set purpose,T.ij. pose, T2v 208
to fall into the danger of sinne, or to commit anie
heinous sinne, or greevous wickednes against thine eternall
majestie. For by the exercise of such and so great
evill, I by meanes of my presumption provoke thee to
displeasure. Give me grace therefore to stand in awe
of thy justice, least that thy mercie be with-held and
kept from me, and thou give me over, as thou didst
proud Pharao, to the lust and affections of mine owne
hart, and so I be drowned in the dangerous gulph of


Readie art thou Lord at all times to heare, and
give eare unto the petitions of thy people: but
more readier are we to run astraie from thy will, and
to transgresse thy sacred lawes and divine statutes,
than we are to leave the lusts of carnalitie, the pleasures
of this vaine and wicked world; so greatlie are
we affected to licentious libertie, and all other kind of
notorious evill. But yet O mercifull father, of thine
abundant love, favour, and exceeding kindnesse, give
me grace to renounce sinne, to hate this transitorie
and vading world, to mortifie my fraile and feeble flesh,
which rebelleth against the spirit, and by faith in
Christ, in this my dangerous pilgrimage, so give me
strength, that mine enimies may be overthrowne, and
I being delivered from the snares of hell, may by thee,
which art the author of mans felicitie, have the fruition
of thy kingdome, and celestiall mansion of endlesse
and sempiternall glorie.


Ydlenesse is the nurse and roote of all infectious evils.
Give me thine aid therefore, O Lord, to loath
and detest this deadlie and dangerous sinne, least therby
I run headlong into thy heavie displeasure. Make
me alwaies and ever to be occupied (good Lord) in thy holie T3r 209
holie lawe, that with all the powers of my soule, hart,
mind and understanding, I may give thee continuall
praise, honor and glorie. Yeeld plentiouslie unto me also,
good Lord, thy grace from above, that I may continuallie
make my boast of thine everlasting name, & by
hartie contrition, and bitter deploration of my sinnes
and wickednesse, obtaine thy favourable pardon, and
by thee being sanctified, and made cleane from all mine
uncleannesse and ungodlinesse, I may enter with thee
at the last daie into the celestiall and glorious kingdome,
purchased in the bloudie death of my Saviour
Jesus Christ. Yea, illuminate mine eies (I saie) O good
Lord, that I sleepe not in darkenes, but give me grace
good Lord, continuallie to keepe watch and ward, least
that the enimie find me slumbering in the cradle of
carelesnesse, the gates of my bodie be broken up, and in
the daie of thy comming to judgement, the sentence of
thy displeasure be pronounced against me, to the utter
confusion of my bodie and soule.


Faith is to be embraced of all those that hope
for felicitie and blessednesse in Jesus Christ.
Give me therefore such wisdome from above,
that I may be dailie desirous to learne thy sacred precepts,
and walke in the path-waie of thy glorious statutes,
that by the exercise of thy will, sinfull vice and
iniquitie may be vanquished, and vertue may have the
dominion and sovereigntie in me.


Abstinence coupled with constant and faithfull
praier, is a thing that much pleaseth thy majestie,
and withdraweth from us the force of thy heavie indignation.
Give me grace then with praier, to exercise
such fasting, as may hold downe the man of sinne, that
he swell not in pride, excesse, gluttonie, or superfluous T.iij. eating, T3v 210
eating or drinking. Make me alwaies to use thy gifts
so moderatelie, that thy name may be glorified; and I
fasting from sinne with hartie praier faithfullie, may
beate at the gates of thy grace, and so obtaine the full
effects of thy fatherlie love and favourable kindnesse.
Finallie, abate I beseech thee, the pride of the ungodlie
that trouble me. Confound in thy justice the imaginations
of the foolish, which sticke not to saie in their
harts, “There is no God.” Breake the jawe bones of
those in sunder, that consult and take counsell togither
how they may harme the innocent and weake. From
the bloud-thirstie and deceiptfull man, deliver me O
Lord my God. Looke favourablie upon me, glad thou
my hart with the cheerefull lookes of thy gratious and
loving countenance. Saie unto my soule, “I am thy
Be thou ever with me, then shall I not need
to feare the power of my subtile and cruell enimies;
but at thine appointed will and heavenlie pleasure, I
shall be made safe, and with the felowship of thy chosen
Saints, enjoie the fruition of thine everlasting kingdome.


Nothing O Lord I brought into this world, and
nothing shall I carie hence with mee. Give mee
grace and power therefore to consider that all worldlie
things are vaine, and shall vanish awaie like smoke.
Make me to understand that I am a stranger heere,
and far from my countrie, the new Citie of Jerusalem,
which thou hast in the fulnesse of thy great mercie
ordeined for those, that continue faithfull in thee to the
end. And sith that all earthlie things are subjected to
consuming, as meere vanities, endue me with such understanding,
that I may laie my treasure plentifullie
in heaven, with Jesus Christ; to whome in the water
of baptisme by grace in spirit, I am coupled and knit.
Withdrawe me therefore from the delight of worldlie pleasures, T4r 211
pleasures, and give me strength to offer my selfe up
wholie into his blessed and heavenlie hands, that my
hart, my mind, the powers of my soule, and all that I
have, may depend on him, with whome my treasure
resteth, that being under the comfortable gard of his
defence, I may be delivered from all danger of bodie
and soule. Naked was I borne, and naked to the grave
shall I returne againe; the Lord giveth, and the Lord
taketh awaie, even as it pleaseth his majestie, all
things are brought to passe, whose glorious name be
praised for ever. No man can escape the sting of death,
all flesh must bow unto the grave. Give me a fervent
faith therefore, O Lord, to continue faithfull in Jesus
, that whensoever it shall please thee to send thy
messenger death to arrest me, I may be readie at his
summons, joifullie to beare his stroke, and by the power
of a livelie faith, so to withstand sinne and Sathan,
that death may with the enimies of mans felicitie,
be vanquished and subdued, and I by him may live
in Jesus Christ.


Expell and roote out in and from my remembrance,
the detestable branches of wrath, pride, concupiscence,
vaine-glorie, and all other horrible vices and
noisome evils, that heape up thy greevous displeasure
against me. Take from me all abuse, let me never blaspheme
thy blessed and glorious name, let my tong be
purged by thee from all corrupt and uncomelie talke,
let all my thoughts be occupied in thy service, faith,
feare and love. Make me good Lord alwaies obedient
to doo thy will, and to walke in the waies of thy commandements,
and to delight in thy blessed testimonies.
And graunt me thy grace, that by the hearing of thy
Evangelicall and heavenlie doctrine, my faith may be
increased, made strong and fruitfull, to exercise the
works of charitie and love to all men; and chieflie to T.iiij. those T4v 212
those that constantlie favour thy Gospell, and continue
faithfull in Christ Jesus. Evermore (I saie) good
Lord, give me thy blessings from above, and let my
hart, my soule and tong, be ever readie, for thy gratious
benefits received, to publish and set foorth thy glorie
and praise in weale and wo, in povertie, and prosperitie,
in time of peace and in time of danger. Stretch
foorth thy hand to protect me; and I by thee delivered
from all perils, shall make my boast of thy mercies
freelie showne unto me without my deserts; and with
the felowship of thy Saints, give such honour, praise,
and reverence unto thee, as of right and bounden dutie
I ought to doo.

And forasmuch as not everie one that saith Lord,
Lord, shall enter into the kingdome of God and Christ,
make me not then a professor of thy word with my lips,
but an earnest lover of the same, & a faithfull folower
of thy commandements, least at the comming of the
great and rich Bridegroome Jesus Christ, I be refused,
as were the five undiscreet and foolish virgins, that
wanted oyle to garnish their Lamps. For if thou O
Lord passe by, and finde me unprovided, the gates of
thy grace being fast shut up, and locked close, I shall
then stand knocking and calling the Lord all in vaine.
For thou wilt give answere, thou knowest me not, and
being forsaken of thee, I shall perish everlastinglie.
Give me grace therefore O good Lord, to be readie prepared
with my wedding garment, and oyle in my
Lampe, that I may continuallie watch thy
comming, and so enter with thee as thy
ghest, to the rich banqueting house
of everlasting glorie,

From T5r 213


From sinfulnesse preserve me Lord,


Renew thy spirit in my hart,


And let my tongue therewith accord,


Uttering all goodnesse for his part.


No thought let there arise in me,


Contrarie to thy statutes ten,


Ever let me most mindfull be,


Still for to praise thy name: Amen.


As of my soule, so of my bodie,


Be thou my guider, O my God:


Unto thee onlie I do crie,


Remove from me thy furious rod.


Graunt that my head may still devise,


All things that pleasing be to thee,

Unto mine eares, and to mine eies,


Ever let there a watch set bee,


Nbone ill that they may heare and see,


No wicked deede let my hands do,


Yn thy good paths let my feete go.


T5v 214

Certaine praiers made by godlie
women Martyrs.

The praier of Agnes the Martyr at
hir death.

Oeternall Governour, vouchsafe to open
the gates of heaven once sut up against
all the inhabitants of the earth: and receive
my soule, oh Christ that seeketh

The song of Eulalia the Martyr at
hir death.

Behold, O Lord, I wil not forget thee. What
a pleasure is it for them, O Christ, that remember
thy triumphant victories, to attaine
unto those high dignities?

The praier of Anne Askue the Martyr,
before hir death.

O Lord, I have mo enimies now than there be
heares on my head: yet Lord, let them never
overcome me with vaine words, but fight
thou Lord on my side. For on thee cast I my
care. With all the spite they can imagine they fall upon
me, which am thy poore creature; yet sweete Lord,
let me not set by them, which are against me: for in
thee is my whole delight. And Lord, I hartilie desire of
thee, that thou wilt of thy most mercifull goodnesse forgive
them that violence which they doo, and have done
unto me. Open also thou their blind harts, that they
may hereafter doo that thing in thy sight, which is onlie
acceptable before thee; and to set foorth thy veritie
aright, without all vaine phantasies of sinfull man:
So be it, O Lord, So be it.

The T6r 215

The praier that maister Bradfords mother said and
offered unto God in his behalfe, a little before
his martyrdome.

Ah good Father, which dooest vouchsafe that
my sonne John Bradford, being a greevous
sinner in thy sight, should find this favour
with thee, to be one of thy sonne Christ his
captaines and men of war, to fight and suffer for his
Gospels sake, I thanke thee: and praie thee in the same
thy deere sonne Christs name, that thou wouldest forgive
him his sinnes and unthankfulnesse; and make
perfect in him that good which thou hast begun in him.
Yea Lord, I praie thee make him worthie to suffer, not
only imprisonment, but even verie death for thy truth,
religion, and Gospell sake. As Hanna did applie, dedicate,
and give hir first child and sonne Samuel unto
thee: even so doo I deere Father; beseeching thee, for
Christs sake, to accept this my gift; and give my
sonne John Bradford grace alwaies trulie
to serve thee, and thy people, as
Samuel did; Amen:

Other godlie praiers taken out of the Psalmes,
written by a godlie harted Gentlewoman.

Surrounding the dropped initial capital P there is a drawn scene in which long object is exchanged between a perhaps-winged humanoid figure and a man in stocks.

Poonder my words, O Lord, consider
my meditation: O harken thou unto
the voice of my wofull mourning, my
King and my God: for unto thee will
I make my praier. Heare my voice, O
Lord betimes: earlie in the morning
will I direct my praier unto thee, for
thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wickednesse: neither T6v 2106
neither shall anie evill dwell with thee. Thou hatest all
them that worke vanitie: leade me therefore in thy
righteousnesse, O Lord; for I am weake, and without
thee I have no strength at all: therfore, O Lord God,
rebuke me not in thine indignation, neither chasten
me in thy heavie displeasure. Have mercie upon me, O
Lord, and deliver my soule. Oh save me, for thy mercie
sake. I am almost wearie of my groning. Everie night
wash I my bed, and water my couch with my teares.
O Lord my God, in thee have I put my trust: save me
from all them that persecute me, and deliver me. O
Lord my God, if I have done anie such thing, as is
laid to my charge; or if there be anie such wickednesse
in me; then let mine enimie persecute my soule, and
take me captive. Hast not thou, O Lord my God, defended
me from such ungodlinesse? Oh how long wilt
thou hide thy selfe from me thy poore afflicted servant?
Oh how long shall I seeke comfort in my soule, and be
so vexed in my hart? Yea how long shall mine enimies
triumph over me? Consider and heare me, O Lord my
God, lighten mine eies that I sleepe not in death: least
mine enimies saie, “I have prevailed against him.” For
if I be cast downe, then they that trouble me will rejoice
at it. But my trust is in thy mercie, O Lord, and
my hart is joifull in thy salvation. For after a storme
thou makest the weather faire, and still after weeping
and heavinesse thou givest great joie. Thy name, O
most mightie God, be praised for ever and ever, Amen.

Another praier.

O Lord consider my meditation, and complaining.
Oh harken thou unto my praiers that
go not out of fained lips. Let my sentence
come foorth from thy presence, and let thine
eies looke upon the thing that is equall. O hold thou
up my goings in thy waies, that my footseps slip not. I T7r 217
I have called upon thee, O God, for thou shalt heare
me: incline thine eare to me, and hearken unto my
words. Shew thy marvellous loving kindnesse, thou
that art the Saviour of all them that put their trust
in thee. Keepe me as the apple of an eie: hide me under
the shadowe of thy wings, from the ungodlie that
trouble me. Mine enimies compasse me round about
to take away my soule. Up Lord, let not man have the
upper hand: let the heathen be judged in thy sight,
that they may knowe themselves to be but men? Yet
of thy mercie, O Lord, forgive all mine enimies, and
turne the harts of such as hate me. Who can tell how
oft he offendeth? Oh clense thou me from all my secret
offences. Keepe thy servant also from presumptuous
sinnes, least they get the dominion over me: so shall I
be undefiled and innocent from the great offence. Let
my mourning teares, and the sorowfull sighing of my
hart, come before thy presence, and be alwaies accepted
in thy sight.

O Lord my strength and my redeemer, let it be thy
good pleasure to rid and deliver me out of all my troubles,
I most humblie beseech thee: and shew some token
of thy favor to me poore wretched sinner, which am as
a baunished woman. Looke upon me, O Lord, I beseech
thee, as thou didst looke upon Susanna, and Sarai
the daughter of Raguel. Those holie women trusted
in thee, and thou didst deliver them; they hoped in thee,
and were not forsaken. I knowe Lord, thy strength is
not weakened, neither is thy power abated: so that if
it be thy good pleasure, O Lord, thou wilt helpe, and
make thy power to be knowne. In the meane time, O
mercifull and most gratious Lord God, give me grace
thankfullie and patientlie to take all, whatsoever it
shall be thy good will and pleasure to laie upon me. O
Lord grant me those things, which I hartilie have
praied for ever, for Jesus Christs sake my Lord and my redeemer. T7v 218
redeemer. To whom with thee and the holie Ghost, be
all honour, glorie and praise, Amen.

When God hath delivered thee out of thy troubles, sing these
Psalmes: the 9, 30, 33, 34, 116, 145, 146.
And ever be giving thanks to God the almightie Lord
and King, saieng as followeth.

A thankesgiving after trouble.

The Lord is my strong rocke and my defence,
my Saviour, my God, and my might, in
whom I will trust, the horne also of my salvation,
and my refuge. Yea the Lord is my
shepheard, therefore can I lacke nothing. He hath comforted
my soule, and brought it out of trouble, even for
his mercies sake. Though I walke through the vale
of the shadowe of death, I will feare none evill: for
thou art with me, thy rod and thy staffe comforteth
me. For in thee, O Lord, have I put my trust, and I
feare not what flesh and bloud can doo unto me. I have
waited long, and with weeping teares have I taried
the Lords leasure, and now he hath of his great goodnesse
delivered me out of all my trouble. Most mightie
God, of thine accustomed mercie, preserve me from all
sinne and wickednesse. O Lord, I feele mine owne infirmitie
and weakenesse. O most mercifull Lord, keepe
me in (as it were) with a bit or bridle, that in this my
joifulnesse I doo not forget my dutie to thee, and my
neighbours. For when we have althings at our owne
pleasure, and nothing to trouble us, then is our dailie
enimie readie to puffe us up with pride and unthankfulnesse:
yea and with forgetfulnesse of thy lawes.
Wherefore most mightie Lord, looke downe from thy
holie heavens, even with thy fatherlie eies of pitie,
and strengthen my trembling soule with thy holie spirit.
Guide me that I swarve not frō thy truth taught
in holie Scripture: but that all my thoughts, words and T8r 219
and deeds may redound to the glorie, honour, and woorthie
praise of thy most holie name. This with teares
I most humblie beseech thee to grant, even for Jesus
sake, in whose name I come to thee, and in
none other, saieng: “O our Father, &c.”

Another thankesgiving after trouble.

O Lord, I most humblie render lauds, thanks,
and praises unto thee. For thou hast set me
up, and not made my foes to triumph over
me. O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and
thou hast heard me: yea thou broughtest my soule out
of trouble, and girded me with joie and gladnes. Sing
praises unto the Lord with me, O ye Saints of his,
& let us all give thanks unto him, for a remembrance
of his holinesse. For his wrath indureth but the twinkling
of an eie, and in his pleasure is life everlasting.
Heavinesse may endure for a night, but joie commeth
in the morning. Thou didst turne thy face from me, O
Lord; and lo, I was sore troubled: then cried I unto
thee, O Lord, and praied unto my God right humblie,
saieng: “Heare, O Lord, and have mercie on me. Lord
be thou my helpe in all my trouble: bow downe thine
eare to me, and make haste to deliver me: for thou art
my strong rocke and deliverer. Into thy hands, Lord,
I commit my spirit, for thou hast redeemed me, O
Lord, thou God most high.”

Oh what reward should I give unto the Lord for all
the marvellous benefits, that he hath done unto mee:
which I can not woorthilie expresse? For in my trouble
I called upon the Lord, and he heard me at large; and
in my temptation, with his holie spirit he mightilie
preserved me. Therefore I knowe that the Lord is on
my side, and I will not feare what man can doo unto
me. For it is better to trust in the Lord, than to put
anie confidence in Princes; for with the Lord there is mercie, T8v 220
mercie, and with him there is plentious redemption.
The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercie, therefore
will I talke of thy praise all the daie long, and
sing Psalmes of thankesgiving unto thee. It is
good for me that I have beene in trouble, else should
I not have learned thy statutes. If my delight had
not beene in thy lawes, I should surelie have perished
in my trouble. The lawe of my God is more deerer
unto me than thousands of silver and gold, yea all the
riches in the world is nothing woorth in comparison
of thy word. For it is more comfortable, than the most
costliest and pretious restorative that anie Physician
can make. For it comforteth, nourisheth and preserveth
the soule, leading it unto life everlasting. Oh Lord
God of hosts, who is like unto thee? Thy truth most
mightie God endureth for evermore. I will alwaies
give thanks unto thee for the great benefits that thou
hast bestowed on me. The righteous shall heare thereof
and rejoice with me; yea, and the unrighteous shall
feare the Lord, and saie, “Doubtlesse there is a God
that defendeth his servants; and he also doth punish
the wrong dooers.”
Thou art the God that dooest woonderous
things: O Lord, who may be compared unto
thee? For thou deliverest me thy poore oppressed servant
from the hand of my strong enimie; yea from such a
one as was too mightie for me to deale withall. Thou
hast (I saie) mightilie defended me, and now, O
Lord, be mindfull of me: and command my
spirit to be received in grace, when
it is thy good pleasure,

U1r 221

An instruction for Christians, conteining
a fruitfull and godlie exercise, as well in
wholsome and fruitfull praiers, as in reverend discerning
of Gods holie Commandements and Sacraments:
translated out of French into English
by a right vertuous and godlie Matrone
and Gentlewoman named
Mistresse Dorcas

Psalme, 119. verses 37, 133.

From vaine desires and worldlie lusts,

Turne backe mine eies and sight:

Give me the spirit of life and power,

To walke thy waies aright.

Direct my footesteps by thy word,

That I thy will may knowe:

And never let iniquitie,

Thy servant overthrowe.

The Lords praier.

Our Father which art in heaven, halowed
be thy name. Thy kingdome
come. Thy will be done in earth, as
it is in heaven. Give us this daie our
dailie bread. And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespasse
against us. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evill: for thine is
the kingdome, the power, and the glorie for ever and
ever, Amen.

The U1v 222

The Articles of the Christian faith.

Ibeleeve in God the father Almightie, maker
of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ,
his onlie sonne, our Lord, which was conceived
by the holie Ghost. Borne of the virgin
Marie. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
dead, and buried. He decended into hell. The
third daie, he rose againe from the dead. He ascend
into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the
father almightie. From thence shall he come to judge
the quicke and the dead. I beleeve in the holie Ghost.
The holie Catholike Church. The communion of
Saints. The forgivenesse of sinnes. The resurrection
of the bodie. And the life everlasting, Amen.

The ten Commandements of Almightie
God, Exod. 20.

The Preface.

Hearken O Israel. I am the Lord thy God, which
have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of
the house of bondage.

The first Table.

  • 1

    Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
  • 2

    Thou shalt make thee no graven image,
    neither anie similitude of things that are
    in heaven above, neither that are in the
    earth beneath, nor that are in the waters under the
    earth. Thou shalt not bow downe to them, nor woorship
    them. For I am the Lord thy God, a gealous God,
    visiting the iniquitie of the fathers upon the children,
    upon the third generation, and upon the fourth of
    them that hate me: and shewing mercie unto thousands
    in them that love me, and keepe my commandements.
  • 3 Thou U2r 223
  • 3

    Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God
    in vaine; for the Lord will not hold him giltlesse that
    taketh his name in vaine.
  • 4

    Remember the Sabboth daie, to keepe it holie.
    Sixe daies shalt thou labour and doo all thy workes:
    but the seaventh daie is the Sabboth of the Lord thy
    God. In it thou shalt not doo anie worke, thou, nor thy
    sonne, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy
    maide-servant, nor the stranger that is within thy
    gates. For in sixe daies the Lord made the heaven and
    the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the
    seventh daie: therfore the Lord blessed the Sabboth
    daie, and halowed it.

The second Table.

  • 5

    Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy
    daies may bee prolonged upon the land
    which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
  • 6

    Thou shalt not kill.
  • 7

    Thou shalt not commit adulterie.
  • 8

    Thou shalt not steale.
  • 9

    Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy
  • 10

    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house, neither
    shalt thou covet thy neighbours wife, nor his servant,
    nor his maide, nor his oxe, nor his asse, neither anie
    thing that is thy neighbours.

The Summe.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all
thine hart, with all thy soule, and with all
thy mind: This is the first and the greatest
commandement. And the second is like unto
this. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy selfe.

On these two commandements hangeth the whole
Lawe and the Prophets.

What- U2v 224 Matth, 7. verse, 12.

“Whatsoever ye would that men should doo to you,
even so doo ye to them. For this is the Lawe and the

John, 15. verse, 12.

“This is my commandement, that ye love one another,
as I have loved you.”

John, 13. verse, 35.

“Heereby shall all men knowe that you are my disciples,
if ye love one another.”

A praier to be said in the Morning when
one awaketh.

Our helpe be in the name of the Lord, who hath
made heaven and earth.

Omy God and father, I most humblie praise
and thanke thee for this, that of thine infinite
goodnesse and mercie, it hath pleased thee to
watch for me this night whiles I slept, preserving
me from so manie kinds of dangers, whereunto
this miserable life is subject. O Lord I beseech thee
bring into my memorie thy other great and innumerable
benefits also, according as I may be able to comprehend
them, to the end that I may likewise render
thanks for the same, least I be ungratefull towards
thy majestie, as thou hast done me this good, not to forget
that thou alone hast preserved me from all inconvenience.
And herewithall I beseech thee most gratious
father, through thy mercie, to continue this thy
fatherlie care, which thou hast for me, untill such time
as I shall rest in that happie sleepe, whereof they rejoice
which sleepe in peace, through our Lord Jesus
thy sonne, who in the unitie of the holie Ghost,
liveth and reigneth God with thee eternallie: So be it.

The U3r 225

The exercise of an housholder with his familie to
praie in the Morning.

Oour God, Father & Saviour, seeing it hath
pleased thee to give us grace to passe this
night, to come unto this daie present; vouchsafe
now also to bestowe this goodnesse upon
us, that we may emploie our selves altogether to thy
service, in such wise, that we neither thinke, saie, or doo
anie thing, but onlie to please thee, and to obey thy good
will: to the end that by this means, all our works may
be to the praise of thy name, and to the edifieng of our
neighbours. And as it hath pleased thee to cause thy
Sunne to shine upon the earth, to lighten us corporallie;
vouchsafe also by the cleerenesse of thy spirit, to illuminate
our understandings, and our hearts, to direct
us unto the streight waie of righteousnesse. Even so, to
what thing soever we may applie our selves, let our
chiefe end & purpose be alwaies to walke in thy feare,
to serve and honour thee: looking for all our wealth and
prosperitie, from out of thy holie blessing, to the end
we enterprise nothing which shall not be agreeable unto
thee. Moreover, let us so travell for our bodie, and
for the life present, that we alwaie have a further regard;
namelie, to the life of heaven, which thou hast
promised unto thy children. Neverthelesse, let it please
thee to be our protector, both touching the bodie, and
touching the soule, strengthening us against all temptations
of the divell, and delivering us from all the
dangers that may come unto us. And because there is
nothing well begun, which doth not continue, vouchsafe
to receive us into thy holie governance, not onlie
for this present daie; but for our whole life, continuing
and increasing dailie thy grace in us, till thou hast
brought us unto the full conjunction of thy sonne Jesus
our Lord, who is the true Sun-light of our U.iij. soules, U3v 226
soules, shining daie and night without end perpetuallie.
And to the intent that we may obteine these graces
of thee, O vouchsafe to forget all our faults past, pardoning
us them through thine infinite mercie, as thou
hast promised unto all them that seeke thee with a good
heart. Heare us O father of mercie, for thy sonne our
Lord Jesus Christ his sake: So be it.

Out of the 143 Psalme.


Let us heare thy loving kindnesse in the morning,
for in thee is our trust. O shew us the waie that we
should walke in, for we have lift up our hart unto thee.


Deliver us O Lord, from our enimies, for we have
cried unto thee.


Teach us to doo thy will, for thou art our God.

A praier to saie before one begin
his worke.

The Lord God and Father vouchsafe to assist
us through his holie spirit, and by him to
governe and guide us in such sort, as all that
we shall doo, saie, or thinke, may be to his glorie,
in the name of his sonne Jesus Christ our Lord:
So be it.

Another praier to the same purpose.

Oour God, Father and Saviour, seeing it
hath pleased thee to command us to travell
for the sustentation of our necessitie; vouchsafe
through thy grace so to blesse our labour,
that thy blessing may extend unto us, without
the which also we are not able to continue. And let
such favour of thine serve us for a testimounie of thy
bountifulnesse and assistance: and that we by the same
may knowe the fatherlie care, which thou hast for us.
Moreover, let it please thee, O Lord, to assist us by thy
holie spirit, to the end that we may be faithfullie exercisedcised U4r 227
in our estate and vocation, without anie guile or
deceit: but that we rather regard to followe thine ordinance,
than to satisfie our owne desire of gaine. And
if it please thee to prosper our labor, give us also a willing
mind to succour those that are in necessitie, according
to the abilitie which thou hast granted us: so yet
that we mind not to lift up our selves above those,
which have not received of thee such liberalitie. And
when thou wilt handle us with greater povertie and
necessitie than our flesh shall desire: let it please thee,
O Lord, to shew us this grace, even to knowe that
thou through thy bountifulnes wilt continuallie nourish
us, least we be tempted with mistrust: but that we
patientlie abide, untill thou replenish us, not onelie
with thy corporall gifts; but also with thy spirituall
graces; that we may still have more ample matter and
occasion to thanke thee, & sincerelie to staie our selves
upon thine onlie goodnesse. Heare us, O Father of all
mercie, through thy sonne Jesus Christ our Lord: So
be it.

A praier to saie afore one begin to studie his lesson.
Out of the 199 Psalme. verses, 9, 18, 34.

Wherewithall shall a yoong man redresse his
waie? Even in taking heede thereunto according
to thy word.

Open thou mine eies, that I may see the
marvellous works of thy lawe.

O give me understanding, and I shall keepe thy
lawe; yea, I shall keepe it with my whole hart.

O Lord, which art the fountaine of all wisdome and
knowledge, seeing it hath pleased thee to give mee
the meanes to be instructed in the age of mine infancie,
to make mee knowe how to governe the whole
course of my life holilie and honestlie: vouchsafe also to
illuminate mine understanding, (which of it selfe is U.iiij. blind) U4v 228
blind) that it may comprehend the learning which
shall be taught me. O vouchsafe to confirme my memorie
for to keepe it well. O let it be thy pleasure to dispose
my hart to receive it willinglie, and with such [Gap in transcription—flawed-reproductionone to two characters]
desire as is convenient, that through mine ingratitude
the occasion that thou offerest me be not lost. For
to doo this, vouchsafe to powre upon me thy holie spirit,
the spirit (I saie) of all understanding, veritie, judgment,
prudence and learning, which may make me
able to profit well, to the end that the travell, which
shall be taken to teach me be not lost. And to what studie
soever I applie my selfe, make me to reduce it unto
the true end; namelie, to knowe thee in our Lord Jesus
, to have full affiance of salvation and life in
thy grace, and to serve thee uprightlie & purelie, according
to thy good pleasure: so as all that I shall learne,
may be as an instrument to aid me unto the same.

And seeing thou promisest to give wisdome unto
babes, and to the humble, and to confound the proud in
the vanitie of their owne minds: likewise to shew thy
selfe unto those that are of a right hart; and contrarilie
to blind the wicked & perverse: vouchsafe to bring
me unto true humilitie, whereby I may yeeld my selfe
apt to learne; and obedient, first unto thee, secondlie to
my superiours, whom thou hast ordeined to rule and
to teach me. Furthermore, vouchsafe to dispose my
hart to seeke thee without feinednesse, renouncing all
carnall and evil affections, and that in such sort I may
prepare my selfe now to serve thee once, in that estate
& vocation, to the which it shall please thee to ordeine
me when I shall come to age. Heare me, O Father of
mercie, through our Lord Jesus Christ: So be it.

Psalme, 25. verse, 13.

The Lord sheweth his secrets unto them that feare
him, and maketh them to knowe his covenant.

A U5r 229

A praier or grace to saie afore meate.

All things wait upon thee, O Lord, and thou
givest them meate in due season: when thou
givest it them, they gather it, and when thou
openest thy hand, they are satisfied with good
things. O Lord, in whom consisteth the fulnesse of all
good things, vouchsafe to extend thy blessing upon us
thy poore servants, & sanctifie unto us thy gifts, which
we receive of thy liberalitie, that we may use them soberlie
and purelie, according to thy good will: and by
this meanes to knowledge thee to be the Father and
author of all goodnesse, still seeking principallie the spirituall
bread of thy word, whereby our soules may bee
nourished eternallie, through Jesus Christ thy sonne
our Lord: So be it.

Matthew, 4. verse, 4.

Man liveth not by bread onlie: but by everie word
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Grace after meate.

Let all nations praise the Lord, let all people
sing praise unto him.

For his mercie is multiplied upon us, and
his truth endureth for ever.

We render thanks unto thee, O Lord God, for all
the benefits that we receive continuallie at thy hand;
for that it pleaseth thee to sustaine us in this corporall
life, ministring unto us all our necessities: and speciallie,
for that it hath pleased thee to regenerate us into
the hope of a better life, which thou hast revealed unto
us by thy holie Gospell. We beseech thee not to suffer
our affections to be here rooted in these corruptible
things, but that we alwaies have an higher respect,
waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ, untill he appeere
in our redemption: So be it.

A U5v 230

A praier to be said before sleepe.


Let us all fall downe, humbling our selves before
the high and soevereigne Majestie of
our good God and Father, acknowledging
us to be as we are; namelie, poore and miserable
sinners, praieng hartilie unto him, as followeth.

O Lord God, Father eternall, we beseech thee, that
it will please thee to cast the eie of thy fatherlie mercie
upon us thy poore servants, not laieng to our charge
so manie faults and offences, whereby we are worthie
to be brought unto thy judgement, and whereby wee
cease not to provoke thy wrath against us. And forasmuch
as we are too unwoorthie to appeare before thy
holie Majestie; vouchsafe to receive us in the name of
thy welbeloved sonne our Lord Jesus Christ, accepting
the merits of his death and passion for a recompense
of all our faults: regarding rather the obedience
which he hath rendred unto thee, and not the manifold
faults that we dailie commmit against thy Majestie. O
Lord God, seeing it hath pleased thee to create the
night for mans rest, so as thou hast ordeined him the
daie to travell; grant us grace so to take our bodilie
rest this night, that our soules may alwaie watch unto
thee, that our harts be lift up in thy love; and that
we so renounce all earthlie cares, that we succour our
selves according as our infirmitie requireth. Let us
never forget thee, but let the remembrance of thy goodnesse
and grace continue alwaie printed in our memorie;
and by this meanes our consciences also shall have
their spirituall rest, as our bodies take theirs.

Furthermore, let not our sleepe be excessive; to accomplish
the ease of our flesh beyond measure, but onelie
to satisfie the frailtie of our nature; that we may
be disposed to serve thee. Moreover, let it please thee to preserue U6r 231
preserve us undefiled, both in our bodies, and in our
spirits, and to keepe us against all dangers, that our
verie sleepe may be to the glorie of thy name. And seeing
the daie is not so passed, but that we have offended
thee manie waies (according as we are poore sinners)
so that all is now hid through the darknesse that thou
sendest upon earth; vouchsafe also to burie all our
faults through thy mercie, least we thereby bee taken
from thy presence. Let it please thee also, O Lord God,
to illuminate us by thy holie spirit, in the true understanding
of thy holie will: and bring to passe also, that
we may yeeld unto thee the love and feare that true
and faithfull servants doo owe unto their masters, and
children unto their parents, seeing it hath pleased thee
to shew us such grace, as to receive us into the number
of thy servants and children, Amen.

The praier of the Church of the faithfull, to speake
the word of God with all boldnesse.
Acts, 4. verse, 24, &c.

O Lord thou hast made the heaven & the earth,
the sea, & all things that be in them. Which
through thine holie spirit hast said by the
mouth of David thy servāant: “Wherfore have
the nations raged, & the people have imagined vaine
The kings of the earth have assembled, and
the princes are come togither against the Lord, and
against his Christ. For trulie Herod and Pontius Pilate,
with the Gentils, and the people of Israel, have
gathered themselves together in this citie, against
the holie child Jesus, (whom thou hast annointed) to
doo those things, which thy hand and thy counsell hath
determined to be done. And now Lord, behold their
threatnings, & give unto thy servants that they may
speake thy word with all boldnesse: so that thou stretch
foorth thine hand, that healing, & signes, and woonders
be done by the name of thy holie child Jesus, Amen.

The U6v 232

The maner how to examine such yong persons
as be willing to receive the Supper of our Lord
Jesus Christ.


In whome beleeve you?


In God the Father, and in Jesus Christ, and
in the holie Ghost.


The Father, the Sonne, and the holie Ghost, are
they more than one God?




Must God be served after his owne commandements,
or after the traditions of men?


He must be served according to his owne commandements,
and not according to the commandements
of men.


May you accomplish Gods commandements of
your selfe?




Who is it then that accomplisheth them in you?


The holie spirit.


And when God giveth you his holie spirit, can
you perfectlie accomplish them?




And yet notwithstāanding God cursseth & rejecteth
all such, as do not sincerelie fulfill his cōommandements.


It is true.


By what meanes then shall you be saved and delivered
from the cursse of God?


By the death & passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.


How is that?


Because that by his death he hath restored life
unto us, and reconciled us unto God his father.


And whome praie you unto?

C To U7r 233


To God.


In whose name praie you?


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is
our advocate and intercessor.


How manie Sacraments are in the Christian




Which be they?


Baptisme, and the Lords Supper.


What is the signification of Baptisme?


It hath two parts. For our Saviour doth therein
represent unto us the remission of our sinnes, & then
our regeneration or spirituall renovation.


And the Supper, what signifieth it unto us?


It signifieth unto us, that by the communion of
the bodie and bloud of our Lord Jesus Christ, our
soules are nourished in hope of the life everlasting.


What is it that the bread and wine (which are
given us in the Supper) doo represent unto us?


They represent unto us, that the bodie and bloud
of Jesus Christ have such vertue towards our soules,
as the bread and wine have towards our bodies.


Understand you, that the bodie of Jesus Christ
may be inclosed in the bread, and his bloud in the wine?




Where then must we seeke Jesus Christ to enjoie


In heaven, in the glorie of his father.


What is the meanes to come unto heaven, there
as Jesus Christ is?


It is faith.


It behooveth us then to have true faith, before
we can well use this holie Sacrament.


It is so.


And how may we have this faith?


We have it by the holie spirit that dwelleth in our U7v 234
our harts, and [Gap in transcription—2-4 charactersdamaged]eth us of Gods promises, which
are made unto us in the Gospell.

Unto God the Father, of whom, and by whom, and
in whome are all things. And unto Jesus Christ our
Lord and Redeemer of the world. And unto the holie
Ghost be honour and glorie for ever, So be it.

The true summe of all Christian Religion.


My child, art thou a Christian?


Yea, by the grace of God, whereas of
nature I was a child of wrath as well as others.


Art thou certaine that thou art a Christian?


Yea, through faith, and the holie spirit, who giveth
witnesse unto my spirit, that I am the child and
heire of God.


What is it to saie a Christian?


It is the same which by faith in Jesus Christ,
hath received the holie spirit, as a child of God, dooing
his dutie in time and place.


What is the dutie of a Christian?


It is for to knowe God, for to serve him in spirit
and truth, according to the doctrine of Jesus Christ.


In how manie points consisteth the true Christian
adoration, and the true service of God?


It is faith, which is the onelie foundation of


The faith, commeth it of us?


No, for it is the gift of God.


Where lieth this faith?


In the hart, for with the hart we beleeve to righteousnesse,
& with the mouth we confesse to salvation.


Be we then bound to render a reason of our faith
and hope?


Yea, to all men that demand it of us, so that it be
done with wisedome, gentlenes, reverence, and gratiousous U8r 1235


And he that confesseth not Jesus Christ in time
and place, doth he not renounce him?


Yea: for he that is not with him, is against him:
& he that gathereth not with him, scattereth abroade.


Give me then a reason of thy faith, and first what
confession makest thou of the Christian faith?


The same that the Church holdeth, being founded
upon the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles,
which is brieflie comprehended in our Creede.


Canst thou make confession in the common language?


Yea, I thanke God.


Saie it with an high voice, and pronounce it


I beleeve in God the Father almightie, &c.


Beleevest thou that thou art saved by this faith
of the Church?


Yea well, if I have it in my selfe, as the first word
sheweth (I beleeve in God.) for the just shall live by
his owne faith.


What is it to beleeve in God?


It is a full assurance and hope to trust and commit
all to him, according to his promises in Jesus


Can we have this faith in perfection, whiles we
be in this world?


No. For we have neede with the Apostles to require
augmentation of faith. The Lord increase it in
us, and make us persevere in it unto the end.

Of Invocation.


What is the second part of Christian adoration,
and service of God?


It is invocation, whereby we have all our U8v 236
our refuge unto [Gap in transcription—2-4 charactersdamaged] father, through faith in the name
of Jesus Christ.


Why puttest thou invocation after faith?


Because it is one of the greatest and principall
fruite of the same. For whosoever calleth upon the
name of the Lord in faith, shall be saved.


Have we commandement to call upon God onlie,
and not upon others?


Yea, even as we are commanded, neither to beleeve
nor worship anie other, but him alone.


Should we not praie to the father in the name
of other, but of Jesus Christ?


No. For the father hath given us none other advocate
but him, who onlie is verie God and verie man:
and we have no promise to be heard in the name of anie
other, but in his name onlie.


Yea, but we knowe not what we ought to praie
as apperteineth.


Jesus Christ teacheth us by his holie spirit, according
to the forme that he hath given us.


Rehearse it in the common language, to the end
that we all may understand it, and be edified.


Our father which art in heaven, &c.


Wherefore will he that we call him father?


To declare the love that he beareth toward us
in Jesus Christ, to the end that in full assurance and
boldnesse we may come to him onlie, and not to be afraid
of him, no more than a child is of his father.


What doth this word (“our”)shew?


The unitie and charitable brotherhood which
ought to be heere well practised among us, according
as the communion of Saints requireth.


Seeing that God is everie where, and filleth heaven
and earth, ought not we to seeke and worship him
in all his creatures?


No. For he is a spirit, and incomprehensible: where- X1r 237
wherfore he willeth that in Jesus Christ we seeke and
worship him in spirit and truth, lifting up our hearts
above all corruptible things.


What conteine the sixe petitions comprehended
in this praier?


The three first, all that which makes for the advancement
of the honor and glorie of God, which we ought
to desire with our whole hart, and before all things.


And the three last, what doo they conteine?


Our entertainement and salvation, which is also
the glorie of God.


Why addeth he to the end: For thine is the kingdome,
the power, and the glorie, for ever?


To shew that the dignitie & efficacie of our praiers
consisteth not is us, but altogether in that good father
by Jesus Christ, working in us by the holie spirit.


Then is it to saie, that we all will live and die in
his obedience, subjection and glorie?


Yea, acknowledging him to be the author of all
goodnesse; and unto whome onelie apperteineth the
true majestie roiall, with all power and glorie for ever.


What is the conclusion of this praier?


It is, that all our desires, requests, and actions of
grace be addressed unto God alone, through Jesus
, confirming us throughlie in substance unto
that which it conteineth, as unto the perfect rule of all
true godlinesse.


Why is this word added to the end “Amen”, or “So
be it”


To assure us that our praier made thus in truth,
and according to his will, is trulie heard.

Of Obedience.


What is the third point of Christian adoration,
and service of God?


It is to obeie the lawe of God, in true charitie, X.j. out X1v
out of a pure hart[Gap in transcription—2-3 charactersdamaged]d out of a pure conscience, and of
faith unfained.


What is this charitie here required?


It is to love God with all our hart, soule, understanding
and power: and our neighbour as our selfe.


This true obedience and charitie, proceedeth it
not of faith?


Yea, & all the good works here commanded, which
God hath prepared that wee should walke in them.


Faith then, it is not an opinion vaine and fleshlie,
to entise us to sinne more boldlie, and to live in all
carnall libertie.


No. For if we by faith be trulie graffed in Jesus
, and call upon God to salvation, we will no more
bring foorth the works of the flesh, but the fruits of the


Which are the works of the flesh?


Adulterie, fornication, filthinesse, outragiousnes,
idolatrie, enimitie, strife, emulation, anger, altercation,
sedition, sects, envie, murther, dronkennesse, gluttonie,
and things like unto the same.


And which are the fruits of the spirit?


Love, joie, peace, patience, benignitie, goodnesse,
faith, courtesie, temperance.


Seeing we are all carnall, evill, and servants of
sinne, have we power of our selves to doo good, and to
keepe us from evill?


No, not so much as to thinke anie good thing. For
it is God that worketh in us both the will and the
deed, according to his good will.


We must not then doo everie one of us, what seemeth
unto him good and right; what good nature, inclination,
or free will soever he alledge.


No. For of us can come nothing but perdition, but
all our goodnes, aid & salvation commeth of God onlie.


Our reason, wisdome, and intent, can the same be the X2r 239
the rule to knowe and discerne of our works, whether
they be good or evill?


No. For we have all but one Lawe-giver, who
hath given us the true and perfect rule out of the ten
commandements of the lawe.


What conteine the foure commandements of
the first table?


How God declareth himselfe to be our God, and
therefore by good right he requireth of us faith, homage,
adoration, obedience and dutie.


And the six commandements in the second table,
what doo they conteine?


Our office and dutie towards our neighbour;
which is to doo unto him, as we would be done unto
our selves: and not to doo unto him that, which wee
would not to be done unto our selves.


Go to, recite now this holie lawe.


“Harken, O Israel; I am the Lord thy God, which
have brought thee out of the land of Aegypt, &c.”
Exodus. 20.


And how is it, that Jesus Christ accomplished in
us this lawe so perfectlie?


In giving us his holie spirit, who ingendreth in
us a continuall desire and mind, to doo all that the
lawe commandeth us, as neere as we can.


And this obedience so unperfect, doth it please


Yea, by this, that our imperfection is not imputed
unto us, bicause of Jesus Christ, whose justice and
perfect obedience is ours through faith.


Alas, who shall give us the hart and the power to
doo the will of God, which he here hath declared unto
us by his holie ordinances?


It shall be even he himselfe by his spirit, in the
name of Jesus Christ his sonne, whom he hath given
unto the death, to deliver us from the condemnation X.ij. of X2v 240
of [Gap in transcription—1 worddamaged] his [Gap in transcription—2-3 charactersdamaged] the bondage of sinne, that is to
saie from eternall death.

Of Confession.


What is the fourth point of Christian adoration
and service of God?


It is the solemne confession or acknowledging
that we make in the Church, through the use
of the Sacraments.


What confession?


Of all good things, both generall and particular,
which we receive in the Church, through the communion
that we have with Jesus, and togither among
our selves one with another.


Doo we not dailie make such a confession unto
God, in hearing his word, and calling upon him, seeking
to obeie him, according to the benefits which hee
hath given unto us?



Yea certainlie. But we make it also through the exercise
of the Sacraments in greater force and edifieng.


Shew the reason.


Bicause they are annexed to the preaching and
promises of the Gospell, to moove our soules and bodies
to praise God with greater confirmation of our
faith and love.


Understandest thou not, that there is one like salvation
by preaching, and by the Sacraments offered
unto all, as well to the faithfull, as to the unfaithfull?


Yea: but the unfaithfull, in respecting this salvation,
receive nothing but the word & outward signes
to their condemnation.


Neverthelesse, the Sacraments doo not signifie
and represent lesse to one than to the other.

C It X3r 2 4 1


It is certaine. For God is alwa[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsdamaged]eth
not to teach lies.


The Lord then hath joined the Sacraments
with the preaching and promises of the Gospell, as
the seales are joined with the letters and instruments
which they confirme.


Yea, to print & seale them the more in our soules &
bodies, & to moove all our senses unto this confession.


The Sacraments then are unto us great succor
and comfort.


Yea, in our infirmities, disquietnesse, and temptations,
which come daile unto us, as well from the divell
and the world, as from our owne flesh.


Which are the Sacraments that the Lord Jesus
hath instituted in his Church?


Baptisme and the Supper, putting end unto Circumcision,
and to the Paschal Lambe.


How is it that he himselfe hath authorised and
sanctified them?


In that he would receive Baptisme in his owne
bodie, and to be the first administrator of the Supper.


Where is it that the Lord commandeth Baptisme?


In S. Matthew the last Chapter: “And Jesus
came and spake unto them, saieng: ‘All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and
teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the
father, and of the Sonne, and of the holie Ghost, teahing
them to keepe all those things that I have commanded


Is Baptisme a washing of bodilie filthinesse?


No. For so little water can doo nothing to us.


From what filthinesse then are we there washed?


From spirituall filthinesse, which are our sinnes.


We come then into the world all filthie and corrupt.


If we were not conceived in sinne, and borne in X.iij. iniqui- X3v 242
iniqui[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsdamaged]not have to doo with baptisme.


In whose name be we baptised?


In the name of the Father, and of the Sonne,
and of the holie Ghost, who is our onlie and verie true
God in three persons.


And with what water are we washed and regenerated?


With the water of life, which is the holie spirit,
in the bloud of Jesus Christ.


Baptisme then representeth unto us, & assureth
us of the full remission of our sinnes, and exchanging
of our wicked nature.


Yea, and by the same both we and our children are
received into the Church, as partakers of the covenant
of the Lord, as well as Abraham and his seed by


Seeing that by baptisme we are borne, clothed,
washed, and regenerated in the house of God, which is
the Church: with what meat, and with what drinke
are we nourished and fed?


Even with himselfe, who hath begotten us. For
as he is our washing and clothing: so is he unto us
meate and drinke.


Is this bicause he is the word of God, which is
the true food of our soules?


Yea, and we must go further: seeing that his word
became flesh, whereof it commeth that we are nourished
with his flesh, & with his bloud into life eternall.

{Handwritten addition: How the body was made
meate, & the bloude
drinke.} end of handwritten addition


And how is it that his bodie was made meate or
heavenlie bread, and his bloud drinke unto us?


By his death and passion, as he declareth in his
holie Supper.


Where shall we find the institution of the holie


In three Evangelists, and verie largelie declared
in the first to the Corinthians the xi. Chapter.

M Reade X4r 243


Reade the place.


I received of the Lord, that which I have given
unto you; namelie, that the Lord Jesus, in the same
night that he was betraied, tooke bread; and when he
had given thanks, hee brake it, and said: “Take, eate,
this is my bodie, which is broken for you: doo this in
remembrance of me.”
Likewise, after supper he tooke
the cup, saieng: “This cup is the new testament in my
bloud: doo this as often as you shall drinke it in the remembrance
of me. For as often as out shall eat of this
bread, and drink of this cup, ye shall declare the Lords
death untill he come. Wherefore, whosoever shall eate
of this bread, or drinke of this cup unwoorthilie, shall
be guiltie of the bodie and bloud of the Lord. But let a
man examine himselfe, and so let him eat of this bread,
and drinke of this cup. For whosoever eateth and drinketh
unwoorthilie, eateth and drinketh his owne damnation,
making no difference of the Lords bodie,”
not discerning the bodie of the Lord.)


Did not the Lord then minister unto all equallie,
one bread and one wine in his Supper?


Yea, as indifferentlie as he died for all, and commanded
to take, eate, and drinke.


What signifieth then the bread of the Supper?


The pretious bodie of Jesus, which he gave unto
the death of the Crosse for us.


And what signifieth the wine?


His pretious bloud, which he shed upon the Crosse
for us.


This bread and wine being called the bodie and
bloud of the Lord, doo they change their substance and


No: but as we corporallie eate the bread, & drinke
the wine; so spirituallie we eate the bodie, and drinke
the bloud of the Lord.


And how may we ascend up to heaven (where he X.iiij. is) X4v 244
is) to e[Gap in transcription—1-3 wordsdamaged]and to drinke his bloud?


By love, and livelie faith; seeing that alreadie we
have there our conversation, and that the words of
the Lord are spirit and life.


And he being in heaven, how is it that he communicateth
unto us his bodie and his bloud; we being
heere belowe upon the earth?


By the vertue of his holie spirit, by whome he joineth
us unto himselfe, and maketh us partakers of
himselfe in true holinesse of soule and bodie.


The Infidels, may they eate the bodie, and drinke
the bloude of the Lord?


Naie: for through their infidelitie, they receive it
to their condemnation, as did Judas.


How much we prepare our selves, before we come
to this holie Table?


Everie one must prove himselfe, whether he come
with true faith and repentance, and with Christian
charitie, as he witnesseth.


The true preparation then, and worthinesse consisteth
not in this, that our faith & charitie be so great
as it ought to be.


No: for though we ought continuallie to tend
thereunto, yet shall we never be able to come at it.


How is it then, that our faith, so little and unperfect,
saveth us, and maketh us worthie to receive that
which is offered unto us by the Gospell, and the Sacraments?


In that, that it soundeth us, and maketh us wholie
to rest in the righteousnesse, dignitie, and perfection
of Jesus, unto whome onlie the father hath regard.


Must all they be received, that present themselves
to the Supper?


Yea, all those whom we knowe to be disciples, and
members of Jesus, willing to live and die in this faith
and doctrine thereof.

A X5r 245

A collection of the principall points, which[Gap in transcription—1-3 wordsdamaged]ight
to knowe, that will communicate at the holie Supper
of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is one onlie God, on whome all things

The first point to honor God well, consisteth
in this, that we have all our confidence
in him, and that we perceive the meanes to knowe
him, and that we perceive the meanes to knowe
him; namelie, in Jesus Christ. Heereunto serveth the
confession of faith before recited. The said confession
conteineth foure parts.

The first is of God the father, who is the beginning
and principall cause of all things.

The second of his sonne Jesus Christ, who is the eternall
wisdome of God. And in this part is comprehended
the whole historie of our redemption, to know,
that by Jesus Christ alone we obteine salvation, and
the meanes whereby he hath purchased it for us.

The third of the holie spirit, who is the vertue and
power of God, which he powreth upon his creatures,
and neverthelesse is resident still in himselfe.

The fourth of the Church, and of the graces of God
towards the same.

The second point to honour God aright, consisteth
in this, that we obey his will. The rule to obey him, is
given us in the ten commandements of the lawe.

The foure first commandements conteine the dutie
that we owe unto God.

The sixe following conteine the dutie that we owe
unto our neighbours.

The third point to honor God aright, consisteth in
this, that in all our necessities we call upon him alone.

The instruction to call rightlie upon God, is given
us in the praier of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The three first petitions of the same praier, concerne
the glorie of God.

The X5v 246

The [Gap in transcription—damagedone to three words] concerne our owne welfare & profit.

The fourth point to honour God aright, lieth in
this, that we looke for all good things at his hand, as it
is he onlie from whom all good things proceede.

The promises of this free goodnesse that God useth
towards his owne, are conteined in the Gospell.

The same promises are comprehended by faith.

{Handwritten addition: Fides quid?} end of handwritten addition

Faith is an assured knowledge of the good will of
God towards us, grounded upon the free promises,
which is given unto us in Jesus Christ, and confirmed
in our hearts by his holie spirit.

Because of the weakenesse of our faith, our Lord {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—obscuredthree lines]faith.} end of handwritten addition
hath given us the Sacraments.

A Sacrament is an outward testimonie, which by
a visible signe representeth unto us the promises of {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1-3 charactersflawed-reproduction]arraweth, quid?} end of handwritten addition
God, spirituallie accomplished in us.

Baptisme is unto us as an entrance into the Church {Handwritten addition: baptisme.} end of handwritten addition
of God, and representeth unto us the remisson of our
sinnes, and our renovation of life.

The water, as the propertie thereof is to wash, doth
signifie the washing of our soules, which is done for us
through the bloud of Jesus Christ, in the forgivenes of
our sins.

The water also is put upon the head, in signe of
death: neverthelesse, in that it is done but for a little
time, it is a figure of our resurrection.

The Supper was instituted of our Lord, to assure {Handwritten addition: [Gap in transcription—1 wordflawed-reproduction] supper.} end of handwritten addition
us, that by the communion of his bodie, & of his bloud,
our soules are nourished in hope of life everlasting.

The bread and the wine signifie unto us the bodie &
bloud of Jess Christ, which have the same propertie
towards our soules, that the bread and wine have towards
our bodies; namelie, to nourish & strengthen.

The right use of cōommunicating at the supper, is chieflie,
a man to prove himselfe, whether he have true faith
with repentance & charitie towards his neighbours.



X6r 247

A godlie exhortation to mortification o[Gap in transcription—flawed-reproductionone character] our sinfull
affections, and to holinesse of life: written
by a vertuous Gentlewoman.

“If yee live after the flesh you shall die:
but if ye through the spirit doo mortifie
the deeds of the bodie, ye shall live. For
as many as are led by the spirit of God
they are the sonnes of God.”
Rom. 8.

“This also, we knowe the season that
we should now awake out of sleepe. For now is our salvation
neere: the night is passed, the daie is come nie:
let us put on the armor of light, let us walke honestlie,
as it were in the day light, not in eating and drinking,
neither in chambering and wantonnesse, neither in
strife and envieng: but put yee on the Lord Jesus
, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the
lusts of it.”
Rom. 13.

“The reward of sinne is death: but eternall life is
the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Rom. 6.

“Deerlie beloved, abstaine from fleshlie lusts, which
fight against the soule: and see that ye have honest conversation
among the Gentils, that wheras they backbite
you as evill dooers, they may see your good works,
and glorifie God in the daie of visitation.”
1. Peter. 2.

“I saie walke in the spirit, and fulfill not the lusts of
the flesh. For the flesh lusteth contrarie to the spirit,
and the spirit contrarie to the flesh. These are contrarie
one to the other, so that ye can not doo whatsoever
ye would: but and if ye be led of the spirit, then are ye
not under the lawe. The deeds of the flesh are manifest,
which are these: adulterie, fornication, uncleannesse,
wantonnes, worshipping of images, witchcraft,
hatred, variance, zeale, wrath, strife, seditions, sects,
envieng, murther, dronkennesse, gluttonie, & such like.
Of the which I tell yee before, as I have told you in times X6v 248
times[Gap in transcription—2-3 wordsdamaged]hey which commit such things, shall
not be inheritours of the kingdome of God. They trulie
that are Christs, have crucified the flesh with the
affections and lusts thereof.”
Galat. 5.

“Let no filthie communication proceed out of your
mouth, but that which is good to edifie withall: as oft
as neede is, that it may minister grace unto the hearers,
and grieve not the holie spirit of God.”
Phil. 4.

“Followe not thy lusts, but turne thee frōom thine owne
will. For if thou givest thy soule hir desires, it shall
make thine enimies to laugh thee to scorne.”
Sirac. 18.

“An adulterous woman shall be troden under foot as
mire of everie one that goeth by the waie.”
Sirac. 9.

“Ye adulterers, and women that breake matrimonie,
knowe ye not how that the friendship of the world is
enimitie to God-ward. Whosoever will be a friend of
the world, is made enimie of God. Submit your selves
to God, and resist the divell, and he will flie from you:
drawe nie to God, and he will drawe nie to you. Clense
your hands ye sinners, and purge your harts ye wavering
minded: suffer afflictions, sorrowe ye, and weepe,
let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joie
to heavinesse. Cast downe your selves before the Lord,
and he shall lift you up.”
James. 4.

“For the children of adulterers, they shall come to an
end, and the seed of an unrighteous bed shall be rooted
out. And though they live long, yet shall they be nothing
regarded, and their last age shall be without honour.
If they die hastilie they have no hope, neither
shall they be spoken to in the daie of knowledge. For
horrible is the death & end of the unrighteonus.”
Wisd. 3.

“The children of the ungodlie are abhominable children,
and so are all they that accompanie with the ungodlie.
The inheritance of ungodlie children shall come
to naught, and their posteritie shall have a perpetuall
shame and confusion. Wo be unto you ye ungodlie, which X7r 249
which have forsaken the lawe of the highest. If ye doo
live, ye shall be cursed: if ye die, the curse shall be your
portion. Labour to get thee a good name, for it shall
continue surer by thee, than a thousand great treasures
of gold.”
Sirac. 41.

“The Lord alloweth the righteous, but the ungodlie
and him that delighteth in wickednesse, doth his soule
abhor. Upon the ungodlie he shall raine snares, fire
and brimstone, storme and tempest, this shall be their
portion to drinke. For the righteous Lord loveth righteousnesse.”
Psal. 11.

“As for sinners, they shall be confounded out of the
earth, and the ungodlie shall come to an end.”
Psal. 103.

Another godlie exhortation to move us to praier, and to
cause us to be in a continuall readinesse to waite on
our Maister Christ, when he shall come againe
to judge both the quicke and dead: written
by the same godlie Gentlewoman.

“Rejoice in the Lord alwaies, and againe I
saie rejoice: let your softnesse be knowne
to all men. The Lord is even nie at hand,
be carefull for nothing: but in all praier
and supplication, let your petitions bee
manifest unto God with giving of thanks. Be fervent
in spirit: applie your selves to the time: rejoice in hope:
be patient in tribulation: continue in praier.”
Rom. 22.

“Take heed therefore how ye walke: circumspectlie,
not as unwise, but as wise men redeeming the time,
bicause the daies are evil. Wherfore be ye not unwise,
but understand what the will of the Lord is. And be
not dronken with wine, wherin is excesse: but be filled
with the spirit, speaking unto your selves in Psalmes
and Hymnes, and in spirituall songs, singing and making
melodie to the Lord in your harts: giving thanks
alwaies for all things unto God the Father, in the name X7v 250
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting your
selves one to another in the feare of God.”
Epes. 5.

“Praie alwaies with all maner of praiers and supplications
in the spirit, and watch thereunto with all
instance and supplication.”
Ephes. 6.

Verelie verelie I saie unto you saith Christ, Whatsoever
yee aske the father in my name, he will give it
you. Aske, and yee shall receive, that your joie may be
full. And when thou praiest, thou shalt not be as the
hypocrites are, for they love to praie standing in the
Synagogues, and in the corners of the streetes, because
they would be seene of men: verelie I saie unto
you, they have their reward. But when thou praiest,
enter into thy Chamber, and when thou hast shut the
dore, praie thou to thy father which is in secret, and
thy father which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openlie.
And when thou praiest, babble not much as the
heathen do, for they thinke, that they shall be heard for
their much babbling sake. Be yee not like them therefore,
for your father knoweth whereof yee have neede,
before yee aske of him. After this maner therfore praie
yee. Our father which art in heaven, halowed be thy
name, &c.”
Matth. 6.

“Watch and praie, for you knowe neither the daie,
nor yet the houre when the sonne of man commeth in
his glorie, & all the holie Angels with him. Then shall
he sit upon the seate of his glorie, and before him shall
be gathered all nations; and he shall separate them
one from another, as a shepheard divideth the sheepe
from the goates: and then he shall set the sheepe on his
right hand, and the goates on the left. Then shall the
King saie to them on his right hand, ‘Come yee blessed
children of my father, inherit the kingdome prepared
for you from the beginning of the world, for I was an
hungred, and ye gave me meate.’
Then shall the King
saie unto them that shall be on the left hand, ‘Depart from X8r 251
from me ye curssed, into everlasting fire, which is prepared
for the divell and his Angels. For I was an
hungred, and yee gave me no meate, I was thirstie,
and ye gave me no drinke.’
Then shall they answer him
saieng: ‘Lord; when sawe we thee an hungred, or a
thirst, or naked, or sicke, or in prison, and did not minister
unto thee.’
Then shall he answere them saieng: Verelie,
I saie unto you, in asmuch as you did it not to
one of the least of these, ye did it not unto me.’
And these
shall go awaie into everlasting paine, but the righteous
to life eternall.”
Matth. 25.

“As Jesus sate in mount Olivet, his disciples came
unto him secretlie, saieng: ‘Tell us when these things
shall be, and what signe shall be of thy comming, and of
the end of the world.’
And Jesus answered, and said unto
them: ‘Take heed that no man deceive you, for manie
shall come in my name, saieng, “I am Christ,” and
shall deceive manie. Yee shall heare of warres, and of
the fame of warres, but see that you be not troubled,
for alil these things must come to passe, but the end is
not yet.’”
Matth. 24.

“And there shall be signes in the Sunne, and in the
Moone, and in the Stars, and in the Earth: the Sea,
and the waters shall roare, and mens harts shall faile
them for feare, and for looking for those things which
shall come on the earth. Behold the figge tree, and all
other trees, when they shoote foorth their buds; ye see
and knowe of your owne selves that Summer is then
nigh at hand. So likewise yee, when ye see these things
come to passe, understand that the kingdome of God is
then nigh at hand.”
Luke. 21.

“But of that daie and houre no man knoweth, no not
the Angels of heaven, but my father onlie. As the time
of Noah was, so shall likewise the comming of the
sonne of man be. For as in the daies before the floud,
they did eate and drinke, marie and were maried, even vnto X8v 252
unto the daie that Noah entered into the ship, and
knew of nothing till the floud came, and tooke them all
awaie, so shall also the comming of the sonne of man
Matth. 23.

“Take heed to your selves, least your hearts be overcome
with surfeting and dronkennesse, and cares
of this world, and that daie come on you unwares. For
as a snare shall it come upon all them that sit on the
face of the earth. Watch therefore continuallie, and
praie, that ye may obtaine grace, and flie all this that
shall come, and that ye stand before the sonne of God.”

Luke 21.

“Take heed, watch and praie, for ye knowe not when
the time is. As a man which is gone into a strange
Countrie, and hath left his house, and given authoritie
to his servants, and to everie man his worke, and
commanded the porter to watch. Watch therefore, for
yee knowe not when the maister of the house will
come, whether at even, or at midnight, whether at the
cocke-crowing, or in the dawning, least if he come suddenlie,
he should find you sleeping, and that I saie unto
you, I saie unto all men, ‘Watch and praie.’”
Matth. 13.

Be sober and watch, for your adversarie the divell,
as a roring Lion, walketh about seeking whome hee
may devoure, whome resist yee stedfastlie in faith.

Finallie, let us in all our praiers remember to praie
for the Queenes most excellent Majestie, that it will
please the almightie God to prosper hir in all hir affaires,
and send hir a long and triumphant reigne over
us, that she may overcome all hir enimies, and
that after this painefull life ended, she may
reigne with Christ in his heavenlie kingdome,
there to receive a glorious
crowne that never shall perish:
So be it.
